
Its not a purse



5 Years
01-30-2016, 05:20 PM
Well, he had never been here before. Blue eyes took in the pretty area, the gorgeous falls and foliage. The sun played with the water to paint rainbows around him. It was all gorgeous, really, but he had work to do. Taking the moment he took in the sights with a sigh before continueing on. He was busy doing his job and restocking his stores, but perhaps that wasn't entirely the only reason he was here. He was busy, yes, and it was a good way to keep him distracted. His mind was so full of such...terrifying things that he couldn't help but run from them. Every time he closed his eyes he saw her, convulsing and panicking, seeing things that scared her even now. He was terrified he had taken too long and now it was all permanent...

With a shake of his head he tried to dislodge the thought that never wanted to leave, his brows furrowing as he sighed again. Stella was back at home, watching over his little sister so he would know in a second if something were wrong. But he couldn't help but...panic. He worried, and worried, and it was really distracting him. He shook his head again and tried to focus, searching through this new territory for something he could use, something valuable...something that might help Finch rid of her demons. Maybe, perhaps one day.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



7 Years

01-30-2016, 06:01 PM
A paw dangled off the edge of the little cliff, a litle cliff that held one of the many small pools of the sunset falls. She had been here quite recently, and saw Bacc again, introducing him to Farrym. It was... interesting. To say the least. Relaxing, though, and so Lillie returned alone, enjoying the time with her eyes closed, and just not thinking about the present. Farrym actually slept against her, his little fluffy butt tucked into the curvature of her own body, using her tail as... essentially a furnace, since he liked the heat so much. Lillianna just laid there with her eeyes closed in slits, not wanting t think about, well, anything. Especially Finch. Nope, didn't want to tthink of the injured girl at all, because all she could think about were the screams, the cries. Oh wait , she was thinking about it. Cringing slightly, she shook her head and sighed, laying her head down on the rough stone.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



5 Years
01-31-2016, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2016, 06:05 PM by Starling.)
Starling sighed as he stared around, seeing herbs he had but didn't yet need. There had to be something here, something he could take home, something that would help his sister feel better. But there didn't seem to be anything of note, not just yet, so he decided to move closer to the water. Sometimes the things he needed grew beneath waters embrace, and he wouldn't be surprised if he found something useful there.

What he did find, however, he wasn't much expecting. Blue eyes settled on the very familiar form of his…packmate, laying on a perch with her little cat. He almost wanted to back away, to leave her to her rest, but had that worked the last time? Not really. Instead, he took a deep breath. "Lillianna" He called in an even tone, no stutter insight. It was almost a cold word, but not entirely unfriendly. He didn't much know where they stood anymore. She had been angry with him, for good reason, and had given him his first scar. Though it was nothing like the scars that raked her face, his was hidden in fur. But she had also been there when they were helping Finch, offering a gentle form of 'I told you so' when he managed to handle her symptoms. But still, they hadn't talked much outside of that, not that Starling had really tried to patch things up…at all. So he looked at her now, his large eyes watching her and his paws fidgetting, waiting for her response...if she was even awake.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



7 Years

01-31-2016, 05:52 PM
She remained oblivious to his presence. He could have stepped right by her, and she wouldn't have noticed. Well, not until she went to leave, that is. Then she would have scented his presence, and have been conflicted, and would have ignored the issues. But no. He spoke, and the voice sounded cold to her. It was not hostile, but neither was it friendly; it was cold and neutral. Her head would raise, but she wsa looking away from the male, and it would main so as she contemplated answering... or ignoring. Slowly, almost a regretful movement, she would turn her upper body slightly, so she could look at him. Green eyes would appear dark as she turned away from the setting sun. "Starling." Her voice would be strong, though with a sad undercurrent. The neutral look on her face would falter for an instant. "Your shoulder?" This would be quieter, though still loud - it had to be loud enough to reach his ears, after all. If it did, or not, though, she wasn't entirely certain.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



5 Years
01-31-2016, 06:39 PM
Ah, it would seem that things went from firey and just...awkward. He watched her with a frown on his lips and his ears falling back. She didn't say a word, just lifted her head and stared at the sunset. For a moment he was scared. Not that she would attack him again, for some reason he was never really scared of that. They had some semblance of...something, and it made him feel safe. Perhaps it was only their pack connections now, but at least it was something. He was scared, though, that he had lost his one and only real friend. The girl who, despite it all, seemed to see the world in a way that he didn't. Seemed to have a confidence he lacked and...really seemed to believe in him when he couldn't. And he was utterly terrified he had lost all that...

When she spoke his name, he sighed and lowered his gaze to the grass beneath his feet, shifting almost anxiously. He didn't like this, and he almost wanted to go home. If he was supposed to be alone...he might aswell. Oh, he would miss travelling with her. Then she commented -- or was that a question? -- on his shoulder, he had to look up at her in surprise. Was that concern he heard? "O-oh.." He said softly, rolling his shoulder slightly. "It's u-uh..m-much better...F-father and L-lark help me t-tend to it." His voice was soft, unaccusing. Really, he knew that he had deserved it, in a way.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



7 Years

01-31-2016, 07:56 PM
It was then he looked down, and she nodded silently to his answer. "Good." Idly, she wondered if Lark and Bass knew - but then it was dismissed. No, they didn't. If they did then Lark would have said somethng, or Bass. So they can't have known the source was her. The silence would grow, and it would be utterly unlike the comfortable silence that her and Lark shared not that long ago. It was awkward, and she wasn't fond of it. She would resist shifting to just sort of... fidgit, because Farrym was asleep. "What are you doing here?" she finally asked, looking back up at the brown and white healer.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



5 Years
01-31-2016, 08:23 PM
Starling sighed again, staring down at the grass. He didn't like this. He didn't like this at all. No, not at all. He almost wanted to cry, but he just took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Well, guess that's it. He moved to take a step back, lifting his gaze back to her. Just packmates, huh? Well, he might be able to live with that. Right? He stared at her for a long second, just watching as she looked away from him. "I d-didn't tell.." He whispered almost childishly, his brows pinched. He didn't want anyone to know Lillianna had hurt him, for her sake. He knew that Bass wouldn't have taken kindly to it, not to even mention Lark. And besides, he deserved it. "S-so you don't...have t-to worry." He whispered then, his head lowering and his eyes shifting away again before he began to turn to leave her to her rest.

And then she spoke again, and he looked back at her, meeting her gaze with his own. He just looked absolutely defeated. "H-herb h-hunting...t-trying to f-find s-som-mething e-else th-that might help F-finch..." He murmured softly, glancing to the pool near them. "N-no luck though. S-so I'll...go back to the p-packlands, s-so you c-can rest." He said softly, taking another step back. He didn't like this, at all..

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



7 Years

01-31-2016, 11:20 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2016, 12:00 AM by Lillianna.)
He looked... so sad, and his tone, also so sad. But again, Lillianna wouldn't move. A whisper, and her ears were straining to hear it, and she caught the words barely. Well, okay, only like... three words. But she caught the gist. Didn't tell, don't worry. Four words, okay. But she knew, knew he meant not telling anyone about the cause of the wound... her. She nodded. "I know." And she did, she did know. She knew him, even if she didn't... really get him. Understand him. She'd watch him begin to turn away, but her question stopped him. He would turn back, blue eyes meeting her green ones, and she'd flinch, ever so slightly, at the look in his eyes. Great. Ugh. She didn't like that, not at all. That look in his eyes shouldn't be one that existed, and it hurt her to think that she was the cause of it.

She'd listen quietly as he spoke, flinching again when he made to leave - and, no. He couldn't leave, not like this. "I... can help, if you'd like?" It wouldn't be too much trouble to climb up back to the top of the falls; she was only at the first pool. She was ignoring the fact that she was afraid he'd say no, then leave.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



5 Years
02-02-2016, 12:37 AM
Starling stared down at his feet, rather ready to go back to the pack and leave all this behind him. They could function just fine without needing to be friends, right? They wouldn't let this get in the way of teamwork and what not. Slowly he took in a small breath, ready to speak again when she did, and he looked at her again. She knew he wouldn't tell? "How?" He said over the distance, just looking at her with his sad eyes, his brows furrowed and a frown on his lips. Surely she would have assumed her would have told someone, especially if he was mad at her, right? Or did she really have that amount of faith in him, in their friendship. He just watched her, seeing her flinch and he felt his breath caught in his throat.

He never really understood his relationship with Lillianna, or the girl herself for that matter. They fought a lot, and seemed to look down on each other from time to time. He often felt like she spoke down to him, like she knew more than him, and he often found himself with thoughts that he knew more than her. But they were really just children, two young wolves in a pack, trying to get their footing. They supported each other, held each other up, even as they metaphorically bit at each others noses. He didn't know what he would do without her. When she offered her help, his eyes grew slightly wider before he quickly nodded. Catching himself, he cleared his throat slightly and looked away. "I...I-I'd like th-that." His soft voice called over the distance as he shifted on his paws. He wanted to talk with her, after all...

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



7 Years

02-02-2016, 01:32 AM
He looked so sad, and it truly did break her heat. And yet she'd speak and she'd bring that spark of hope back, and he'd look at her. She'd meet his eyes as he uttered a small question, a small question that immediately brought amusement to her eyes. "Because I know you, Starling, even if I don't understand you half the time," she answered him gently, honestly. Then she paused for a second,a thoughful and contemplative look appearing on her face. "Well, most of the time," she amended, a small smile peeking out from under the serious facade.

He'd then answer her offer with an affirmative, and she'd nod silently, reachin g back around to nudge at Farrym. A soft, gentle murr would happen when she grapsed his scruff gently, with him danlging. She found the steps that brought her down and leapt up easier, only a few feet from Starling.

It was then she noticed the bag, that she didn't see while she was still at there. It was a small bag, draped across his back with... flowers. A gasp wold emerge rom her. "Ooh, what is that?" she asked somewjat excitedly. "It has flowers on it. That's so you," ehs etold im
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



5 Years
02-02-2016, 10:20 PM
Starling would smile so softly as she admitted she didn't understand him. Well, at least he wasn't the only one. They had the strangest friendship, and he honestly wouldn't trade it for the world. His eyes seemed to almost lighten as she stood up, picking up her cat and moving to come stand with him. He would shift back, allowing her enough room without standing on the very edge of the falls so they could talk. He had so much in him that he wanted to talk about, but he was almost...nervous that maybe his anxiety was just getting the best of him again.

The first thing she commented on, when distance wasn't a factor, was his new fashionable bag, and instantly he felt heat swelling along his cheeks. "O-oh, umh.." He said softly, shifting slightly and turning so he was facing her more. "I-I f-found it. Wh-when we f-found Finch, a-and I didn't h-have my h-herbs I...w-well, I d-don't want to b-be caught wi-without them a-again." He said softly, anxiously before he looking at Lillianna steadily, his brows furrowed just slightly. Now that they were close, and not yelling over the distance, he felt it all flood over him. Everything that had happened. "Sh-she's going to b-be okay, y-you know..." He murmured, perhaps more for himself than for Lillie. And then he sighed, looking at the ground. "L-lillie, can I ask y--you can you g-give me an h-honest answer?" He whispered, his voice soft and pained as he stared at the ground. "D-do you think...I-I a-am a good h-healer? Th-that I will b-be as...r-respected and a-asked for as A-aunt Harmony?" He voice had grown tight, the tears once again reaching his eyes as he looked away. He was only as useful as his knowledge was, and he was only as good as he was a healer, its what he truley thought. Without healing...he was nothing. "I j-just...w-want to be g-good enough...b-but I always f-feel l-like e-everyone...l-like Sp-Sparrow and D-dad and A-aunt I'm not g-good enough..." Well, this all spilled out, but he couldn't help it. It had threatened for so long, and he just couldn't take it. He had managed to help Finch enough to bring her home, but as soon as they got home...well, he felt...unneeded. Felt like he hadn't done enough, or any of it correctly...

Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



7 Years

02-02-2016, 11:23 PM
She smiled gently as he turned and faced her, stammering a reply. That smile would stay, though it would turn sad as he explained. She nodded. "Makes sense." Oh, perhaps it was her place, but she was so proud of Starling. He... learned. Well. As would she; she was determined to never fall apart in a serious situation such as that again.  His eyes were focused on her, and she watched him in turn... though when he softly spoke those words, she broke. She froze first, absolutely frozen, before the words processed. Tears would well in her eyes. "S-she's going to be o-okay?" Utter relief was in her tone as a few of those tears spilled over. She blinked rapidly, in an attempt to stop them any further. She'd step forward, pressing her muzzle into his neck. "Thank you," she murmured into his fur, sniffling as she couldn't stop the tears. They'd drip into his fur as she felt so thankful towards Starling; if it weren't for him, Finch would be dead.

She pulled away when he started speaking again, and she'd look at him with her watery green eyes. She nodded briefly - she would answer, and honestly. Surprise would flicker through her eyes at the question. But then she realized - the thing with Finch. Where Sparrow took control, ignoring Starling's authority and just barreling ahead and making Star feel like shit. Her eyes darkened at the memory. "You," she began, her voice low, "are the best healer I know." She was firm, and there was a hint of anger - clearly not directed at him, though. He'd elaborate, and she felt more than heard the low rumbling growl in her throat at the mention of Sparrow. "Sparrow shouldn't have done what she did. She is a trainee. She is nothing compared to you, Starling. You're the healer. She's... not." It was no mistake that Sparrow's name was growled. "You will one day make lead healer. You are growing as skilled as Harmony. All you're lacking is knowledge in poisons - which you'll learn, I believe in you - and experience. And experience comes with time. Sparrow isn't even qualified as a healer." The little bitch had taken control more times than she ought to and got scotch-free because she was Bass' daughter. And on top of that, she was acting as if she was better than all non-Destructions. Lillianna took a deep breath, eyes closing. Now was not the time to get rage-y. Now was the time for Starling. She released the breath and forced her anger down. When she opened her eyes, there was not so much of the stormy emotion swirling around. "You're the one who saved her, Starling. And... Kakashi, I think his name was, in the meeting. Before I left too, he said you handled it amazingly. He didn't let Sparrow take that from you and make you seem unimportant. He made certain they knew that you saved her." Perhaps, in a way, it sounded shallow to make it sound like 'credit' was important in such a dangerous situation. But in reality, it was. Starling had been used and tossed away, discarded as useless when he was the only reason that Finch was alive. And no one appreciated that. "Even if no one else appreciates you, I do," she'd whisper then, stepping forward again to nuzzle him affectionately. And damnit, she will try her damned best to make certain everyone else does too.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



5 Years
02-02-2016, 11:45 PM
He'd nod slowly as she questioned him, his lips drawing in a line and his jaw clenching to try and keep the tears at bay. When she moved to nuzzle him, he stood still, just letting her lean against him and cry her needed tears. "Sh-she will be just fine." He assured, his voice tender but strong. He believed it entirely, fully. Finch would be just fine, and they would all help her through it. Right till the end. "Thank you." He murmured softly by her ear as she pulled away from him. He'd lean forward to gently swipe away a tear, pressing his nose into her cheek in comfort, as he would his sisters. She really was special to him, in her own strange way, ever since the first day they had met.

His breath caught in his chest, holding tightly as she began to speak. Blue eyes searched her lively green eyes for the answers as she spoke them. If one thing were true about Lillianna, is that she was entirely honest when she needed to be. And he needed her to be. He felt his brows furrow slightly as he tried to hold the tears back again. His emotions held him tight by the throat, nearly choking him as she spoke, and he finally had to look away. He lived his entire life with this strong and overwhelming anxiety, unable to handle it as she spoke. Sparrow wasn't an enemy to him, he never disliked her, but he couldn't handle the way he felt in response to her. The sadness that had filled him up when she disreguarded him, and he had felt that he had done nothing right. Finch would be okay, and that was what was important to him, above getting any sort of credit. But for the first time in his life, Starling had felt like he had done it right. He had felt strong, in control. For once, he wasn't being controlled by his anxiety, and she had stolen that all away in that moment.

Finch would be okay, and that's what was important.

He let her words wash over him, and his eyes snapped closed so tightly. When she spoke of what Kakashi said, he let out a little half-sob half-sigh, tilting his nose towards the ground before he stepped forward. This time, he was the one to bury himself into her neck fur, just leaning against her. They held each other up, all the time, they supported each other. When she finished, ending with her words of appeciation, he felt himself spill over with emotion. The tears that fell down his cheeks landed into her fur and on the ground. He was childish at times, yes, he had absolutely no confidence but he was working on that. He just needed support, and at times he felt like there was none. He and Lillianna fought all the time, Bass and Lark knew nothing of healing and Finch was out of commission for the moment....and Sparrow, he didn't know what to do about his sister. Slowly he let out a small sigh, trying to collect himself as he rested against her. "Th-thank you." He whimpered.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"