



5 Years
01-31-2016, 01:08 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

As much as she cherished her role as mother, Anais could tell that her children were growing independent enough not to need her constant care and supervision. Donostrea was a huge bunch, and even when she was not there the girls were always surrounded by aunts and uncles that kept an eye on them and made sure they stayed out of mischief - at the least the dangerous kind. It was all a good sign, really - she liked that they were so adventurous and excited about the world around them - but it meant also that she had no further excuses to keep her from her duties as lead hunter - PraeVilendis - any longer.

Feeling oddly free not needing to worry about her little girls, the golden brown hunter trotted her way across the prairie, surveying the grassy expanse as she went. Her family moving in to this side certainly spooked a lot of the animals that used to call the place home, and with the beach still flooded their resources were running a bit slim. What remained here she did not want to deplete to the point it became an issue, but if she did not hunt here than where else could she possibly go?

Her gait slowing, she cast a questing glance toward the territory's edge. Maybe if she tiptoed over the border she could find a few meals to bring back. There was no rule saying she could not do that to keep her pack and family fed. With renewed purpose, she turned and trotted for the border - only to freeze the second she came upon it and realized the scent was not as expected. She stepped in closer, nose extended forward, as she more closely inspected it. There was the Donostrea scent, one she was very familiar with, but there was also another, distinctly like a pack that butted up against their own.

Staring past the border into the Gulley, Anais suddenly thought of her brother's family. His daughters, as well as the woman that had birthed them, lived there the last she knew. Were they still there? Was this their pack? Or had someone else taken over and moved them out? Her ears tipped in worry as she shifted her weight restlessly from one side to the other, feeling suddenly concerned for the family that she had not seen in some time.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.