
Gypsy Babes



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-02-2016, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2016, 08:32 AM by Mithras.)
You know, I bring it upon myself and I accept that burden.

So here's the gist. First, I'll give this a fancy table later. Maybe. I propose a group of gypsy-like wolves, a roguish band of tricksters and minstrels and bandits and thieves. A merry band, if you will!! These wolves would be well versed in a druidic sort of spirituality, believing spirits roamed the earth and inhabited the world around them, and could be asked for favors if given gifts and trinkets. They are at their hearts free spirits and live life on a whim. The traveling troupe is interested in trade and bartering, no matter what it is that comes their way. As a whole they tend to be a very superstitious lot, and believe both luck and karma dictate the whims of fate, which has led them to favor trinkets, omens, and talismans.

I expect these characters to be friendly with one another and active on site, posting at least once a week. New wolves from the original group would be preferred, but if you have a pre-existing character you'd like to have join I'm not opposed, just shoot me a PM or grab me on skype! Designs are available below:

#2 Open
#4 Open
#5 Open

Possible names:

Female: Acantha Adara Aleta Chavali Chavi Czigany Esmerelda Flora Gitany Kali Kirvi Llesenia MalinaMireli Morjianna Nadiya Nuri Pesha Philana Rasia Rawnie Risa Sadira Shalaye Shebari Shey Shimza Sirena Sinfi Syeira Tawni Taletha Tzigane Vita Yesenia Zinobia

Male: Abisai Besnik Boiko Brishen Casamir Cato Danior Durril Garridan Gillie Lensar Nicu Pov Radu Ramon Rye Stiggur Tamas Tas Tawno Tem Theron Tobar Wen Wesh Zale Zindelo
(Please note, you are not in any way limited to these, I just liked the sound of them!!! <3)


[b]Design:[/b] Either a # above or a design of your own, either is fine!

[b]Personality:[/b] At least 150 words.
[b]Background:[/b] How long they've been in the group, short history
[b]Plans:[/b] What are your immediate and long term plans?

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



9 Years
Dragon Mod
02-02-2016, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2016, 10:58 PM by Quake.)
Name: Tawni
Gender: Female
Age: 1yr
Design: #6


Tawni is a girl who has a very child-like and innocent personality. She is a sweetheart down to a fault, and her too-sweet  personality can bring others to their knees with a dose of "aww." So innocent is the girl that there is the possibility of her being easily manipulated without her realizing it, but her personality is also due to an accident she had as a pup which caused her to lose her memory, which wiped her mind clean. Because of this, she is learning some things for the first time as if she were a baby all over again, to a certain extent. She knows how to hunt and do some things others are capable of. However, when it comes to discerning whose good and bad is completely out the window. She is easily influenced by the world around her and the company she keeps, often asking lots of questions and trying to understand why others are the way they are. She is very interested in the way the world works, and is an extremely curious girl. Sometimes Tawni is easily distracted and forgetful, often starting a task and if she see's something that diverts her, she will forget what she was doing and instead focus on the pretty flower or the interesting creature she has found. Tawni is also very playful and sometimes shy, but all around a good girl.

-will add more/refine/clean up personality etc if i get her-

Background: Tawni lost her memory at around 6 months old from an accident. She has no memory of her parents or her life prior to the gypsies. It is believed that someone from the gypsy band found her at the base of a tree, nursed her back to health, and she lives with the memory that she was born into the gypsy band. Unable to even remember her old name, the one who found her named her Tawni, and she has been with the band or "family" since.
Plans: Most likely explore the lands, stick around with someone from the group since she doesn't know anyone outside of her assumed family, make friends and stuff. I also plan on buying her some nice jewelry, feathers, etc.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



1 Year
02-02-2016, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2016, 10:45 PM by Wyndelin1.)
I can't really afford a new char but I'm definitely interested in one of my loners joining up.  Skælingr in particular needs friends if you're up for a gypsy tiger!!

I'd also love for Duvká to meet them, maybe join for awhile. He's a spiritual wanderer as well from a shamanistic culture.



13+ Years

Easter 2022Toys for Tots
02-02-2016, 11:32 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2016, 11:33 AM by Tealah.)
-edit- Well I guess I'm going for this after all.

Name: Finn or Fionn (Fionn being the name of the hunter-warrior from Irish mythology, Finn being the anglicized version of the name) probably Finn
Gender: male
Age: 2-3
Design: -counts- #3

Personality: Finn is an unrepentant scoundrel, a rapscallious rascal of the highest degree. This shameless reprobate doesn't just attract trouble, he creates chaos and discord where e'er he roams for the sheer amusement of it. Well, not entirely for amusement - he's a clever boy, this one, and he uses said chaos as a cover for fleecing the unsuspecting, for swindling and for thievery. That's right, he's a con artist and a thief, an inveterate ne'er-do-well. He also has something of a weakness for pretty women, but he's far from the sort to be tied down and he's just as likely to use sex as a con as he is recreationally though he certainly does enjoy him some recreational womanizing. He isn't at all interested in the procreation part of the act, though perhaps some day he'll find himself a gypsy wife and raise a passel of hellions to be just like him. This rakehell gypsy boy doesn't have a soft spot for kids in particular - oh don't get me wrong, he likes them well enough. Kids are easy marks, particularly yearlings who think they're invincible and know everything but don't have the experience to back it up. He's just not a big cuddly marshmallow around kids like a lot of folk are. They're just miniature, naive adults, and he's not really all that interested in them on a personal level.

One of the keys to running a con is to know enough about a subject for your lie to ring true - to that end Finn has dabbled in a little of everything from healing to languages to major religions to hunting and fighting. Now he's not as much a fan of fighting and hunting - they're a lot of physical labor and potential pain for little reward in his opinion, but he keeps himself physically fit and trained because let's face it, eventually even the best con goes sour and you need to save yourself. And hey, it just makes sense to learn to foretell the weather if you're going to set yourself up as a magic-man, or herbals if you're going to pose as a healer, or enough words in a foreign language to impress idiots with some gobbledygook when you're trying to come across as some sort of foreign royalty. He's truly a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none sort and never turns down the opportunity to learn something new, because you never know when it will come useful.

So that's the bad, what's the good? There's a smidgen of light to redeem this wicked degenerate, and some of it's even genuine. He doesn't really go out of his way to bring lasting harm to a person, which is to say he's not really into murder or torture. He's a charmer, not a killer. He'll probably rob you blind, but he isn't going to maim you. He'll use you, but he doesn't do the abuse thing. Rape? Absolutely not. If he can't convince you peacefully to have sex with him, he's just not going to have sex with you. So he does have a code of honor, even if it's a bit loose and grey. He's also intelligent and methodical, though he's not at all opposed to whimsy on occasion. Plus he totally shares what he gets with the rest of the troupe of gypsies. He never runs a con on a fellow gypsy, he never steals from them, and he always has their back. See, he's not such a bad guy! Of course he's also not entirely above kidnapping promising young wolves, manipulating them into running away with the gypsies of their own free will to add to their numbers if they'd be useful, and his trade goods are more often than not stolen or conned from some previous mark rather than earned in a more socially pleasing manner, but hey! Everyone's got their faults.

He's also, surprisingly, one of the most superstitious and pious wolves around. His success in his illicit activities comes at a price - a constant vigilance to the spirits and omens in the world around him. Oh, the spirits are very, very real my friend, and they often don't approve of the darker activities he indulges in, but a great deal of judicious bribery often seems to convince them to turn a blind eye or even lend a helpful hand.

Background: Oh, you think the gypsy life is your destiny? You merely adopted it - I was born in it, moulded by it. I did not see another way until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but boring!

Yes, dear Finn here was born to the gypsy life of gypsy parents and spent his childhood immersed in it and allowed to run wild throughout his childhood, as long as he pulled his own weight. Of course when your dad's a thief and your mother's a con artist, pulling your own weight as a pup generally means learning to be the bait, the distraction, and he was brilliant at it. Heck, the kid could summon great big crocodile tears on cue before he could even talk. Of course his parents didn't neglect his education in the spiritual aspects of their life either, and like all gypsies he grew up knowing to stay on the spirits' good side no matter what, even if he skirted the line of their displeasure at times he was careful to make sure to bribe the hell out of them before, during, and after, and it seemed to work because he's been fairly successful in his life. By the time he started running his own scams and lining his own metaphorical pockets alone, he realized that not everyone in the world believed as they did, not everyone had the same colorful, flamboyant lifestyle they did - and he found normal wolves to be rather drab and boring in their staid, routine lives. It was fun to shake up their dull little worlds and sow chaos, as well as being useful to him.

Plans: Immediately, I plan to buy him ridiculous amounts of bling good luck charms and talismans. Bangles, piercings, silky scarves and bright feathers and beads. Every time you see him he'll probably have added a new item to his overall look. He will be a nightmare to manip but he'll look gypsy as hell yo. Long term plans would be to keep him out of packs and to con the hell out of the poor unsuspecting Alacratians but stay at least two steps ahead of the "law". Don't worry, he'll share the wealth with his gypsy clan.


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
02-03-2016, 03:16 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2016, 11:54 AM by Evelyn.)
I'm breaking down.

Name: Jaelle
Gender: Female
Age: Three
Design: #10 Left eye blue, right eye brown. I might buy her some bell bangles for her legs and tail, not sure just yet. Maybe a scarf to gypsy her up.

Cautious of strangers, can be hyper and childish, playful with those she knows, storyteller, believes in fate and karma, dancer, singer, general merriment. Likes to tease others, very dramatic. A but clumsy.

Cautious : Even though she had been raised with strangers, she is a bit wary of those that she doesn't know. When meeting someone knew she can be seen as closed off and distant until she knows that they are a good being. She thinks herself a good judge of character, and thst after a few moments she can really know the other. It often doesn't take her long to warm up to others, her stony face only lasting a few minutes before she cracks.

Childish : Often hyper and full of energy, she can come off as quite childish at times. While she isn't whiny, she is often bounding around and dancing, looking to play games to pass the time. Her energy seems endless, and she feels like she can run for ages. She is giggly and easy to please, enjoying jokes and riddles. Always looking for ways to make people laugh, she can be quite the crowd pleaser, and is great at cheering others up.

Storyteller : Since she was a child, the stories that she was told about how the world came to be stuck with her. She enjoyed the tales of karma and spirits, so much so that now as an adult she shares them whenever she can. One of her favorite past times is spreading the lore of her people, making she that it gets passed down to the later generation, as well as informing strangers of it as well. She is a vivid storyteller, it's very easy to picture the events that she explains.

Believer : She believes in both karma and fate, like most of the traveling band. She is a string believer that if you do bad things, it will come back to get you. She tries to see the best in everyone though, and likes to believe that if she informs more wolves about karma and fate, that the will be saved from ultimate doom. She also believes in past lives and reincarnation, although she herself has no memories of any past lives. Everything happens for a reason to her, and there is no such thing as a coincidence.

Festive : This girl is big on song and dance. She adores to sing, and loves dancing almost just as much. She is hardly ever still, some part of the girl a moving at all times.

Tease : To go with her childish actions, she is a bit of a tease. This is not in a sexual manner, more in the making fun of others. While she is not mean or rude about it, there is some times when she has no filter, a ND just says what comes to mind. She can end up accidently offending others when she really means no harm. A bit of a trickster as well, when she gets bored she loves to play pranks on other members of the group, as well as any friend she may of made in her travels.

Clumsy : Even though she is a very good dancer, when she's not dancing she is not very well coordinated. She is often tripping over her own paws or stumbling over rocks, sticks, and sometimes even air. While she has a graceful, slender look to her, she is always losing her balance. She is a terrible fighter because of this, and pretty much tries to avoid it at all costs. She dislikes being seen falling, and often tries to cover it up.

Nomad : A true nomad, she finds it hard to stay in place for too long. While she loves to travel, she has a hard time doing it alone. In fact she rather hates to be alone, and sticks close to at least one or more members of the troup. If she ever does find herself alone, she is often singing to herself or telling herself a story to fill in the silence. This is one of the only times that she will go out of her way to find a stranger, if she is alone for too long.

Well Spoken : She has an obsession with language, and from a young age she was fascinated by the way others spoke. Whenever she can she is trying to learn more languages, and knows a little bit of a few types. When running into a wolf who speaks a new language, she tries to convince them to teach her, at least enough that she can get by. At the moment she knows French, a touch of Italian, but her favorite by far is Dutch. This is the language she usually talks to herself in, and knows the most of.

Background: Since birth, she's been with the group. She doesn't remember much of her pup years, and is often told that she was simply meant to find them. At a young age she was dropped off with the Troup, her parents unable to raise her themselves. They thought that they were giving her the best life possible, that she would be taken well care of. Possible raised by someone in the troup? Often called the 'little sister' of the group.

Plans: She will have a hard time being on her own, and will probably try to stick with others of the group. Into trading her trinkets, she will try to connect with other loners as well as packs to set up a good trading relationship. She is also big into stories, and will go around to spread her tales. Obsessed with other languages, she sets out to learn as many as possible.

My focus needs more focus.



3 Years
Extra large
02-03-2016, 03:29 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2016, 09:58 PM by Yoshiko.)
huge wip here
Name: Rozalia
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Design: #8

Personality: At least 150 words.
Background: Rozalia was to be born into a Hungarian empire that believed gypsies were a plague. They were considered peasants in the pack with little freedom or say and treated unfairly by the rest of the populace. The rulers had implemented strict laws on the marriages of these wolves and the law that all offspring would be taken away and potentially slaughtered. This did not bother Rozalia's mother so much, until she discovered that she was pregnant. She didn't want her little miracle of life to be taken away from her and have its life ended so soon. Because of this, she tried to hide her pregnant state for as many weeks as she could, trying to keep it a secret from the rest of the pack. She would purposefully roll in the mud to disguise her scent - anything to keep the high-ranking officers at bay. One night, when she knew she couldn't hide for much longer, she managed to escape the guarded borders, though in her weakened state, she knew it was only a matter of time before the pack's warriors tracked her down. She managed to keep herself away from harm for a few days, always on the run, never letting her guard down. Finally she managed to deliver the pup, though her energy was easily diminished with her lack of nourishment. With all the energy she had left, she left the child deep within the forest, disguising her scent with mud and wrapping the tiny body in a silken, red cloth that the woman had always worn. She stumbled away, only to collapse in dehydration. The pack's search party soon tracked down the woman, though never managed to find the child. Eventually, a wandering group of gypsies passed through the area and found the wailing girl, taking her under their wings and adopting them into the life her mother always wanted to have.
Plans: Sticking with the group, causing some mischief and mayhem and being an absolute hoarder and collecting little accessories as she goes along (her main accessory will be her red cloth that she wraps around her head like a hood).

Absinthe 1

02-04-2016, 08:27 PM
Name: Corva
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Design: #2

Greedy: She likes to have things, which is in part due to her history. Material possessions aren't something she's been able to keep for the majority of her life. When the band stops for a while, she amasses a horde of collected items that she either stole, bargained for, or found somewhere along the way. It makes her happy to see all of the things she's collected, and each one has its own meaning. She's picky, and doesn't acquire things at random or without thought. Careful thought, weighing the benefits, and recognizing the downsides are all taken into consideration before she makes a decision. Usually, she will have a good reason for getting her hands on something, or she won't bother. When she moves on, she takes her favourites with her and leaves the rest behind to be discovered. Part of her enjoys thinking of those who might stumble upon her abandoned hoarde, and how they might react.
Flighty: Confrontation isn't her forte, and she would rather ignore a problem than face it. She'll keep on walking, even with something serious dogging her heels. It's her belief that if you pick up the pace, you'll eventually lose it. When conflict arises, she tends to head for the hills without looking back. Nothing exists currently that will make her face the music, and there's a chance nothing ever will.
Vulgar and Rude: The gilded femme is far from a decent lady. She has an affinity for crude language and harsh jokes. She has the vocabulary of a well educated sailor, and uses it well. Most sentences are punctuated by mostly unnecessary expletives, and her sense of humor is both dark and morbid. Conversations with her are not for the faint of heart, generally. She laughs at inappropriate times and taunts mercilessly. She's brutally sarcastic, and prone to calling others out for their transgressions. Essentially, she's an asshole.
Wary: When given the option of fight or flight, the charcoal dame will choose the latter. She's cautious to the point of it being absurd, and doesn't like new situations being thrust upon her when she doesn't get the chance to think everything through. New things are something she is open to experiencing, as long as she has enough time to decide whether its worthwhile or excessively pointless. More often than not, she walks with her head low between her shoulders and surveys her surroundings. Mistrust is her initial response to anyone approaching her, due to past experience and common sense.
Cynical and Aggressive: A definite pessimist, Corva finds it difficult to see the silver lining of every dark cloud. She prefers to take the easy route and just glare at the dark cloud. Snide comments are her usual response to negative situations, and she usually gets annoyed when nothing is going right. The weight of the world and her own sins hangs heavy upon her shoulders, and it has made her rather cranky when she has nothing better to focus on. Corva has a tendency to be rather angry when she has her bad days, and will snap at anyone who so much as breathes wrong. Everything has the propensity to get on her nerves, and she runs the risk of breaking bones when provoked.
Daydreamer: Schemes and plots are Corva's specialty, and she spends a lot of time lost in thought. Staring off into space all the time makes her a little unnerving, but its easy to ignore. Something will tug at her mind one minute, and the next she's standing stock still looking straight through a tree, or a stranger who happened upon her. Dazed and lost in her own head, she sometimes doesn't notice people talking to her, or coming closer, and it leads to some interesting conversations. Ideas assault her constantly, leaving her to sift through the cacophony on a regular basis to get rid of the pointless ones.
Aloof: Her general state if that of cool indifference, and she can be apathetic at times. She wanders around doing her own thing, and doesn't really care about others. Meeting others is interesting, sure, but she doesn't think about everyone she meets after they part. Learning about the opinions of others, and gleaning a view of how someone else's world is always fascinating, but that's about it. Sometimes she seems oblivious and cold, but that isn't the case. Her encounters are casual, despite her aversion to social situations. She greets everyone with nonchalance, and tends to be somewhat polite until she figures out what kind of personality she's dealing with. Those close to her are important, but she isn't the affectionate type. At least, not in the conventional manner. She shows affection in teasing barbs said with a smile, light shoves punctuated by laughter. Emotional closeness isn't her specialty by any stretch.
Promiscuous and Accidentally Flirtatious: Corva is a very sexual creature, and welcomes anyone into her bed she sees to be fit. It's hard to tell from her prickly exterior, but she's open sleeping with anyone she finds attractive. She was born that way, but her freedom in her youth allowed her to explore her interests, and discover her sexuality. The gilded woman knows when to back down, however. She doesn't make a move until one is made, since determining these things can always be a little tricky. She feels no need to embarrass herself by making advances on someone who isn't interested. Corva flirts without being aware of it, and it seems to be her natural reaction to meeting certain others. She doesn't notice it, but its been pointed out to her on several occasions. Devious grins and soft laughter are her specialty, and there isn't a conversation she's had where one of these things hasn't been used.
Background: Corva joined the group when she was young, a short time before she turned a year old. By some freak of nature, she looked so much like the majority of the residents of the gypsy band. It appeared to be a sign from the otherworld. Her family had been lost to her, and she was scared without them. Someone wanted her to find them, and she would fit in with them well, it seemed. They took her in, and taught her their ways. She found herself a new home, but never forgot the old one. She grew up, and found herself enjoying her new family, and learning new things every day. She became a sly thief, smart as the bird her name brings to mind, and an unlikely babysitter when the situation calls for it. Not that she likes children. The very idea of having her own makes her sick to her stomach, and tightens her chest.
Making friends was difficult, and she doesn't have any, really, to this day. It doesn't bother her, it means she has freedom to roam and disappear for as long as she wants without having to worry about something happening to someone she cares about. The ability to explore is a precious thing, in her mind. Sharing a bond with a like-minded group means the world to her.
Plans: Well, she's going to be settling into a nice rhythm of wandering and coming back to the band at somewhat regular intervals. Keeping up her connections with the group. I hope she can make a friend or two, and get into some awkward situations. There needs to be some sexytimes for her, for sure. No babies. None. Ever. She'll be fine with billions of nieces and nephews, she'll welcome it, but she is not having babies under any circumstances.
I don't know what she's going to do, long-term. Maybe take over ala?

Also: I will be buying her 3" of height and some accessories if I get her, so she might take a little bit to get up and running!



6 Years
02-07-2016, 05:11 PM
Name: Nadiya
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Design: 8

Personality: This girl is anything but timid. She says what she means with no sugar coating and no filter either. Ninety percent of the time what ever pops into her head is what comes out. The other ten percent is when she tries with all of her being to keep her mouth shut, simply because if she doesn't she's liable to get maimed or worse. Nadiya is sarcastic, funny, smart and quite viscous when angry. Her family and her trinkets are what matter to her most stealing from her or harming her family is asking for trouble. She cant trust anyone not born a gypsy.

Background: Nadiya was born into a small family of Gypsies, her father, an outsider her mother had been warned against, had disappeared shortly before she and her sisters were born. During labor her mother had passed away, leaving her and her two sisters to be taken care of their aunts and uncle. The runt of the litter, Nadiya, they decided was to be a warrior and a healer as she grew. She had always beat her two larger sisters while they were wrestling and she always found plants fascinating while her sisters were social butterflies who liked to stare at the stars.

On their first birthday Nadiya's sisters were taken to a navigator so they could be properly trained and she stayed with her uncle where he taught her to fight and his mate taught her about hurbs. She had wanted to become deadly and together thats what they taught her. A warrior who can poison another with the scratch of a claw was just that, dangerous and deadly. During theses lessons she would also be told of the spirit world and of the spirits that lingered here with the living.

Her training didnt end there though. She got good at stealing, and got even better at knowing a theif when she saw one. Deals however became a speciality and she very rarely entered a deal where she didnt end up on top. She had even kidnapped a pup from a kidnapper without ever having been detected.

Just when her life had gotten perfect her uncle passed away and his mate dumped her here. The poisoner became the poisoned. The woman had placed a hurb in her dinner that put her to sleep and then drugg her here. This would be the second time in her life an outsider turned gypsy had betrayed her. The last lesson given was that ypu cant trust anyone who isnt a gypsy.

Plans: im not entirely sure what i have in mind for her yet...its still a bit unknown to me



2 Years
02-09-2016, 08:51 PM
Name: Abisai
Gender: Male
Age: Two
Design: #7

Personality: Abisai, to say the least, is terrified of being separated from the others. Just the thought of it could make the male panic, and send him into a trembling ball of fur. Because of this, he will likely be clingy to the others, refusing to leave their side. If they do leave, it is as if some unknown force grabs ahold of the male and refuses to let him move. The cause of this fear isn't even known by Abisai himself.

Another thing about the male is that he has nightmares. Violent nightmares that are terrifying enough to wake the male up from a sound sleep. His actions during this may seem a little odd to those who did not know him.

Abisai is a superstitious male, like the others. He is a firm believer in the spirits, and not a day will pass without him trying to do something for them. At the moment, he is looking for any trinkets he can wear, having not found any just yet.

The male is an awkward one when it comes to conversation, having been cast into his world of silence with no ability to hear or talk. He has not heard any speech from when he was born, and therefore has not been able to learn anything. That doesn't stop him, though, as he can show his emotions as clearly as anyone else.

Abisai doesn't know his true name, or what the others may call him. His given name was one he came up with. It may have meant to be something else, but it stuck with him somehow, and is the one he would introduce himself with if it were possible.

Background: Deaf since birth, Abisai was kind of an outcast in his birth family. While some could talk amongst themselves and argue, Abisai couldn't. Never did he feel like he wasn't alone. The male felt like his family didn't understand. And maybe they didn't. They never came around him, never played games with him. He didn't even know his real name! At a year old, the male was the first to leave the family, guided only by the moonlight and anything that could help him. Abisai didn't know where he was going. He just wanted away. On his journey, he came across a group of similar marked wolves. After a while, he seemingly locked all his memories away. The male joined their group, and although he is not able to speak his mind or hear, he feels more at home.

Plans: Have him be awkward and be around his 'family'. Maybe annoy someone to death while he's at it.

(I'm sorry ;-;)


02-09-2016, 09:11 PM
To be honest, i think we all have bad self control.

Name: Rawnie
Gender: Female
Age: 1.5 years (Winter kid)
Design: #6!

Personality: At least 150 words.
Background: How long they've been in the group, short history
Plans: What are your immediate and long term plans?



4 Years
02-16-2016, 05:32 PM
Name: Yesenia
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Design: #9

Personality: Yesenia is a free spirit, she is a fickle as the wind; she drifts as though she is a leaf. She cannot be tied down, nor does she wish to be. Yesenia’s home is on the road and not in a set place or with set people. Her music is her family and friends, in truth all she’ll ever need to be happy is the open sky above her and a song.

Still she is a woman of wants and needs. Words to not trouble her and so she finds it easy to interact with others to get what she wants; and she does get what she wants. There are many things another wolf can offer her and all are of value but none is more sought out than physical intimacy. She does not devote herself to a single lover instead collecting both males and females to satisfy her.

When all is said and done one might assume this makes her insensitive but nothing could be further from the truth as she is capable of great empathy, she simply values her freedom above all else which may come at the expense of those whom she cares about or who care about her.

Background: Since her very conception those wolves for whom there was no place to go have been her family, she was born into the nomadic life and it suited her just fine. For her first year or so of life she kept close to her parents as they taught her the bardic arts and she developed her own voice. Then once she was on the cusp of young adult hood she set out on her own, sometimes traveling with other bands and other times making her own way in the world, with nothing but her whims and her natural explorative nature to drive her.

Plans: Yesenia will wander the lands, exploring new lands and learning new things. I’d be interested her having contact with a few different wolves who all act as lovers as well as seeing if she could organize a get together for others in the group as well as some of ala’s more free spirited wolves for a bonfire type gathering with music and dance and games.

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png]



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-17-2016, 08:25 AM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2016, 08:30 AM by Mithras.)

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



8 Years
02-20-2016, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2016, 05:26 PM by Solveiga.)
— withdrawing my application, but I LOVE the designs, Fox :D