
Pennywhistle, Whistle Me a Tune



2 Years
02-03-2016, 01:47 PM

The Rock Garden was wreathed in a thick fog. Boulders loomed, pale and fuzzy, just on the edge of her vision. Sinfi breathed in deeply through her nostrils, allowing the cool moisture of the air to fill her lungs. It was cool and sweet and she imagined a wave of water washing through her veins. She imagined her paws growing roots into the earth, just like her Mamma had taught her. Everything was calm, eerily quiet as muffled by the fog. She privately wished that the moment would never end. If her brothers were here, one of them would probably have tried to convince her this was a cairn haunted by a wraith, but she was too old for that nonsense. Still... She cracked open an eye and cast a quick glance over her shoulder.

This place felt strong to her. She hummed to herself and wished she could know it's history in the thousands of years priors. She wanted to know the names of the heroes and the deeds done, battles faught, loves lost. Instead, she gave a sad sigh. Wishing and moping would do her no good. But perhaps she could stay for a few days and get familiar with the area. She could put together a small shrine perhaps, and ask the spirits for a favor or a dream perhaps. She stood with a smile, and began to gather piles of moss, thinking on what way would be just right to do this.

"Talk" "You" Think
WARNING: This lil lady is prone to rude, crude, and downright inappropriate behavior. You have been warned.



6 Years

02-04-2016, 08:05 PM

The sound of chiming bells could be heard as the young woman moved through the fog, bangles clattering together on her front legs. As her tail swished behind her, the sweet chorus of chimes grew stronger. Monotone paws quickly ate up the ground as she followed her scent trail, gray scarf almost dragging on the earth as her head dipped downwards. She was going to find her, there was no way she was going to hide from her! Jay wasn't really going for the sneaky effect, she would have had to remove her bangles if she wanted to do that. Otherwise her approach was pretty much a dead giveaway, only strangers would be confused by the chime of her bells. But Sinfi, she probably dreaded hearing them. A smile cracked on her black lips, duo-tone gaze trying to spot the chestnut female. It was a bit hard in all of this fog, but she wasn't going to give up, oh no! Trying to use height to her advantage, Jaelle jumped on top of one of the rocks. For a moment she was taken away by the beauty of this place, her gaze eating up the strange formations that made up this land. What kind of spirit would have set up a place like this? Curiosity filled the girl, but before she could act on it further, she finally spotted the woman she had been tracking. Letting out a soft squeal, she jumped to another rock before leaping onto the ground, her bells clanging loudly as she did so.

Jaelle approached Sinfi on her left side, bending down and trying to use her gray body to her advantage. Hopefully the fog would eat up her form, and the other wolf would have no idea that she was hear. Her rump wiggled, and she strained to keep her tail still. Once she had eyeballed her landing spot, she jumped into the air, hoping to land only a few feet away from the other. "Sunfish!" she squealed, about to make her landing. Except the ground was a little closer than she thought... Eyes grew wide as she realized that she had tripped on her paws upon landing, and the ground was coming up to meet her face -- fast. She quickly pulled her head towards her chest, the earth hitting her shoulders as she rolled across the ground, and pretty much slammed right into Sinfi's hindquarters -- if she hadn't moved. Her bell bangles sang a loud song as she did so, putting more emphasis on her fall. Slightly dazed, the girl looked up from where her body lay in a heap on the ground, a sheepish grin on her lips. "Oops..." Jay wasn't the most graceful of wolves, that was for sure.


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.



2 Years
02-06-2016, 07:54 AM

Sinf had been minding her own business, listening for whispers in the wind, when she'd heard that dreadful tinkle. Oh no, she thought, but fought not to show she'd heard. It wouldn't be much good to open her eyes either, the fog would be too thick to see her pale friend anyways. Well, there went the peaceful morning! She opened her mouth to let out a sigh and call out to Jae when all of the sudden a flurry of motion exploded on her left. She let out a startled yelp as something bashed into her hindquarters, and she sprang away.

Flustered, the fae gathered herself and sent a glare at the other girl. "That better have been an assassination attempt or I'm never looting with someone this graceless again." Sinfi forced her hackles to smooth and to warm the angry flecks of ice in her eyes. It was only Jaelle, she hadn't meant any harm by it. "I was waiting for something you dope. Come sit with me." Sinfi wasn't positive there was anything spooky going on here but the fog just felt heavier. She had spent the majority of her morning trying to figure out why. Maybe Jaelle would figure it out before she did, or at least she hoped, because it was driving her crazy!

"Talk" "You" Think
WARNING: This lil lady is prone to rude, crude, and downright inappropriate behavior. You have been warned.



6 Years

02-06-2016, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2016, 12:25 PM by Evelyn.)

It would seem like Sinfi didn't have time to move, and the gray female rimmed right into her rump. She growled and jumped, leaving Jaelle scrambling to get back to her paws. Bells sang out as she shifted and stretched until she was up at last. A sheepish smile was offered to the strawberry woman, ears pulling back slightly at her gruff words. "I'm sorry..." she murmured, stepping forward to lick the area that she had run into. She didn't want to stop looting with her, so she desperatly looked for an explanation. Her mind spun, but she couldn't seem to come up with anything good. "There um, was a spider on you! But I got it, so we're good, right?" she explained, dual toned gaze searching her white marked face.

Sinfi told her that she was waiting for something, and she cracked a smile when the other called her a dope. The invitation to sit brought her spirits back up, and she took a few dancing steps until she was at her side. Pulling herself to her rump, she looked around the foggy land. Now that she thought about it, it was kind of spooky. The fog seemed thicker now than when she fist arrived, and the monotone girl shivered. "Whatever spirit dwells here doesn't seem to be too happy,""Maybe they feel forgotten, and are trying to make themselves noticed." Already her storytellers mind was working, coming up with extravagant tales of those who rested here. "They must have been giants, if they moved borders here of that size."


Unless otherwise stated, Giet (Goat the stoat) is always with Jaelle. He is grumpy and mean, and may not always say nice things.