
I Like You, I Love You


02-04-2016, 09:55 AM

Thanatos would awake that morning to find Shiki curled up beside him. Redbud Nook had become their base of operations, their home. Whether it would be temporary or much longer term Thany had yet to figure out. Since finding Shiki in that sorry state he had been with him. Together they had overcome winter with Poe. Thanatos was incredibly grateful for both the raven’s company and the company of his wolfen friend. He found himself growing more fond of Shiki by the day. He knew it was no longer a mere friendship, at least on his end. He legitimately enjoyed taking care of the other. One that he felt needed him.

Poe had discovered yesterday the most curious things. It was late, so Thanatos hadn’t much light by which to examine them. But now he would slide from the den, careful not to wake his friend, and move to where he stashed the items.

They were round... Sort of. But they had holes in them. Like you could put them on your body. There were shiny bits on them too. Too small and one larger... They looked nice. Thanatos would glance back towards the den. Would... Shiki like them? He’d shuffle on his paws before moving to the mouth of the den. “” Thanatos would call inside. Would his friend wake?

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Lolaf