
It's about time!



2 Years
Extra large

02-06-2016, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2016, 07:27 PM by Seraphiel.)

Ray had been getting into just about every corner of trouble she could find. Of course, there was one angle/rule she hadn't yet crossed. Which said a lot – she had talked to strangers, crossed the pack border into rogue lands! Sneaked out the den at night, slipped the arms of her babysitters to escape into the Prairie. Really, there was very little she hadn't done yet.

Bothering the young wolf recuperating in a den on the Prairie was one of them. She had been told to leave the slightly older pup alone, he was tired all the time and needed to rest and heal and she was simply to boisterous, too loud and too active to go anywhere near him! Or so she had been told. Of course, rules where made to be broken, and it was well past time she sneaked in to find this mysterious wolf denning in her lands.

She knew very little about this wolf past his name, she knew he needed quiet and food and was keeping to himself, the less she knew the more her mind created stories. He was a mystery, he was mysterious and intriguing and she would not be kept from this puzzle a moment longer!

She crept up to the den and tossed her head back and forth, catching no hide or hair of anyone out there to stop here. Knowing she would be getting away with this she stopped her crouched pose, tossed her head up high and strolled right on in like she owned the place. “Mister Mortar? Mister Mortar, are you in here?” she asked as her blinking eyes began to adjust to the shadows.


html by castlegraphics; image by Nereiix



4 Years
Extra large
02-06-2016, 08:28 PM

All Mortar felt like he'd done was sleep since he'd gotten here.

It wasn't that he didn't like it here, Glacier and Anais had been wonderful, but it made him miss his family. It was just a reminder that he wasn't at home with his own parents and siblings in his own den. He was grateful of course, though for the sake of him they'd decided to give him his own space in the Prairie for the time being to help integrate them into their pack. They brought him food and made sure he was well off and other than that he was left alone to his own devices. He didn't often leave his den and when he did he didn't wander far. He still had no idea where he was and getting lost wasn't on his agenda of things to do either.

So he mostly just slept.

Thankfully the food provided to him had been helpful so he'd filled out quite a bit since he'd gotten here. He was no longer the skinny little fur ball he'd been and it was hard to believe he was already six months old. It was quite obvious he'd grow to be quite large if his ginormous paws were anything to judge by. Other than the way he looked though, there certainly wasn't much else pup-like about him. Since he hadn't left his den he knew nothing of Glacier's children nor had he wandered off to play on his own. He certainly didn't know about the visitor he'd soon be having.

He was asleep when the voice rang out through his den. Mister Mortar? Mister Mortar, are you in here? That definitely didn't sound like Glacier or Anais. His eyes snapped open and he raised his head from his paws to gaze at the female pup who'd already allowed herself into his den. Mortar scrambled to his paws and just took a minute to gape at his visitor. She definitely looked a lot like Glacier, but with less blue and a much lighter shade. Was she his family too? And how did she know his name?

"I'm here." he said softly, lowering his head some as he just stared at her. "Who are you?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-06-2016, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2016, 02:35 AM by Glacier.)

Her eyes adjusted as she heard the sound of paws against the hard earth, and she knew where to look. She would find the form of the older pup on his paws surveying her. She blinked, and took him in herself for a moment. Of course that barely lasted a few seconds before a bright grin overtook her expression. "Hello!" She said companionably as she strolled further into the cave and towards him. She was almost a month old now but she was still a tiny creature with a huge amount of growing set before her. It was a wonder someone so tiny and bright eyed could find the sheer amount of trouble she stumbled into on a daily bases.

"You don't look sick" she complained, stopping a few feet away from him where she boldly studied him, tilting her head this way and that in her efforts. "I'm Ray. I'm a princess here" she explained, the bold lie holding a few rays of truth. After all, Ren the alpha next door had been called a prince as the title of the child of the alpha (before he had become alpha himself) and he had called her a princess. It didn't matter to her if that wasn't the official Donostrea title and it certainly didn't matter if her place her held no authority whatsoever. She had learned, from very early on, that if you could act the part it was believed. Ray could act the very image of a haughty and spoiled princess with no effort at all...

She took another step forward, craning her head upwards at the taller, 6 times older, wolf. "And your my next best friend. Mortar." She explained, it was a statement and nothing close to a question. Her every tone said 'this is how it is now. Deal with it' she turned back towards the den exit. "Come on, I've got to show you all the interesting parts of Donostrea" she said, keeping her voice unhurried. But she did need to speed this along quickly, the longer she was here the easier it would be to get caught, once they where out there it would be much harder to catch them...


html by castlegraphics; image by Nereiix



4 Years
Extra large
02-06-2016, 09:14 PM

He couldn't help but flick his ears back nervously as she moved closer. No one had told him there were other pups here. She seemed friendly enough as the smile overtook her face and she said hello. She seemed about a season younger than himself though she was still pretty large for her age, or so he thought. He attempted a half smile for her, doing his best to be friendly although he wasn't very good at it. He honestly didn't know what to make of the situation. He'd never exactly had to deal with a new visitor before.

"You don't look sick" His ears moved forward curiously as she grumbled about it. A confused look overcame him. Is that what she'd been told, that he was sick? What if he'd actually been sick and she came here and he got her sick? That certainly would have been terrible. He tried to shove the worried thought away. He wasn't sick after all so what was there to worry about, although why was she angry about that? He didn't understand. He didn't get the option to worry about it for long though as she swiftly introduced herself instead.

So she was a princess? He'd never met a princess before. Sure their old Alphas had a litter of children but he didn't recall them being considered royalty before. They were more militaristic from what he cold remember. Was there supposed to be a certain way he treated a princess? He knew they were supposed to be important and all that. He wished Glacier had told him. He felt completely unprepared now.

"I've never met a princess before..." He was about to comment on her name, about how Ray sounded more like a boy's name, but he thought better of it and bit his tongue instead. Maybe it was short for something?

"And your my next best friend. Mortar."

He couldn't help but cock his head at that. That certainly wasn't a question. How was he supposed to respond to that? He'd never had a best friend before. It certainly would be rude to say no to a princess though. Wouldn't it? He thought so at least, so he didn't complain. "Okay then." He stated. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Or at least that was his thought process until she turned towards the exit. "Come on, I've got to show you all the interesting parts of donostrea" His brows knit together as he thought about that. He'd barely left his den for the entire time he'd been here. Were they even allowed to run around without any adults?

"Are we allowed to do that?" He asked, feeling slightly nervous about it as he shifted on his paws.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-06-2016, 10:38 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2016, 02:37 AM by Glacier.)

Ray knew she was going to be huge. She had ginormous paws that where near perfectly designed for tripping over. For this fact alone she had been told all her life that she would be nearly as large as her titan father. Even so, she was still very young and the wolf before was twice her age. He had dark fur, something she would notice more easily with her eyes fully adjusted to the gloom. His coat kind of reminded her of Selini but no one else in pack really boosted such a fully dark coat.

Her thoughts where a rambling mess of observations but she still noticed that he gave no reply to her comments to about being sick. She supposed her father hadn't actually said 'sick' in so many words but it had been implied, right? Why else would a companionable young wolf be off limits?

"Well, now you can tell everyone that you've met a princess!" she boasted. She had already started the partial lie, she might as well push it now for all it was worth.
He easily agreed to be her best friend (not that he had a choice) and she rewarded him with a brilliant smile. Her entire face lit up, and blue eyes glinted in the dull light.
He would question the rules in regards to wondering the territory she sighed dramatically. "I'm a princess she reminded him. She winked then, her entire face showing nothing but her youthful radiance. She was an extremely skilled lier (to the despair of her parents), so long as her initial words where plausible and believable. Certainly her delivery was said with utter confidence.
Besides, she really was allowed to wonder the territory, if only because her father had given up trying to stop her. Really the only rule she was breaking so far was barging on on this off limits wolf.
"Come on, it'll be fun"


html by castlegraphics; image by Nereiix



4 Years
Extra large
02-06-2016, 10:51 PM

"Well, now you can tell everyone that you've met a princess!"

He couldn't argue with that logic. He almost got excited by that fact. His siblings and parents would love to know he'd met a princess! His face fell though as he thought about that. Too bad he wouldn't ever be able to tell them... and who knew where his siblings were. He might never get to tell them again either. Were they even alive? Well he guess he wouldn't have everyone to tell. Obviously Glacier and Anais already knew she was a princess. He didn't know anyone else... so he supposed he'd just have to wait till there was someone.

It made him happier when she flashed him another big smile. He returned it, after all he now had a best friend. He didn't really know her, but she was almost his age so he couldn't complain. At least maybe he'd have some company. He liked Glacier and Anais, but it was nice to know there was another pup around. He couldn't stay cooped away in his den forever. He was now at the age where, in his old pack at least, he'd be training in a field he was interested in. This was a new pack but the same rules applied to him. He'd have to get out and start learning something and that excited him a little bit.

"I'm a princess" She reminded him rather bluntly.

He thought about that for a minute and nodded hurriedly. She had a point. She was a princess so surely she was allowed to do what she wanted, right? Or at least most things so long as it wasn't too reckless. It wasn't like they were going to go off hunting bears or something... right? He hoped not at least. He didn't feel like being lunch for some angry behemoth.

"Come on, it'll be fun"

"Okay then." He resigned. "So long as it isn't too dangerous." He added for good measure. He didn't need his first trip out with a friend going horribly wrong. If something happened to her he didn't want to make Glacier upset. That wouldn't be a good idea. So he followed her to the mouth of the den ready to head off on her adventure. "Where are we going anyways?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-06-2016, 11:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2016, 02:42 AM by Glacier.)

He would be in agreement about leaving the den (again, not like he had a choice) and she grinned broadly, almost dancing on her paws as she pranced about him. She needed new people to play with, to make the ordinary every day stuff seem new again. She moved to the exit of the den and stuck her nose back into the fresh open air and looked about the prairie, the land she rightly claimed as hers.

As she exited the den she turned back to mortar, her grin as radiant as it ever was. "Oh... nowhere too dangerous" she promised him.

With those cheery and reassuring words she was out of that den before he could change his mind. She already knew exactly where she was heading and what story she would entertain him with. As she chose her direction and settled into it, keeping a close eye on mortar so he couldn't back out of this at any point, she would start to speak. "A season ago, before I was born the pack use to live peacefully on another pack lands called the beach. I don't know if you've seen that land but it's a wondrous place full of many places to explore and wonderful things - like caves!" She had never actually been on the beach outside of her den so most of what she was saying was an exaggeration of things she had heard herself.

"One say the sea got greedy and it began to rise up the beach, eating up all the sand. Only the quick actions of my uncle, voltage, saved the wolves of this pack” this was said with much pride and emphasis on the word "my'
"He shouted out and woke everyone from their sleeps and they began to swim through the hungry water. Me and my sister where still very tiny and had to be held high above the water to keep it from eating us. As the pack seam and swam the water rose and rose until at last they reached the Prairie. Realizing they had no where else to go the pack stopped and stood together, me and my sister included and we told the water 'no!' And it was scared of our combined force and it stopped. Now there's a rocky truce between us, the water has the beach and we have the Prairie. But every day we watch the water to make sure it never gets greedy again." She finished her tale as she moved through the forest. They didn't have much further left to walk, the beach had never been far away. "That's where we are going" she explained proudly "there's this wonderful watch point called the cliff where we can watch over the wager and prairie both and you can see the swallowed up beach... or what's left of it." She said dramatically


html by castlegraphics; image by Nereiix



4 Years
Extra large
02-06-2016, 11:40 PM

Nowhere too dangerous... He didn't know how to feel about that. Did that imply that it was sort of dangerous? Or did it just mean she was picking on him? He honestly couldn't tell which bothered him a little bit. Still there was the added word of "too" in there so perhaps it wasn't that bad. It couldn't be, right? She promised after all. So he decided to trust her on it as he followed her out of his den. He couldn't help but peer back at it wondering if he'd just been better off sleeping. He was unsure about all of this but something told him Ray wouldn't be taking no as an answer any time soon so he followed her anyways.

As he followed her he noticed she kept glancing back at him every so often as if he was suddenly going to disappear. It was a little late to turn around and go home, not that he'd be able to find the way back on his own anyways, so she was stuck with him. She soon started speaking though so his mind didn't linger on her looks for long. He listened intently as she spoke of a beach that they used to live on it and he couldn't help but wonder what it looked like. He'd never actually seen a beach before, but he'd heard of them. It must be nice though if wolves lived on it. The way she described it it must have been wonderful, especially if it had pretty places like caves. He'd heard those were fun to explore, even if he'd never been in one himself. His parents had said it was like a very large den.

Course she kept talking and his idea of the beach slowly turned into something not so wonderful. The sea eating the beach wasn't exactly a comforting thought and he began to worry that she was taking him to the place where the water had actually eaten it. She spoke of her Uncle saving everyone and he noted the pride in her voice as she said that. He couldn't help but wonder what Voltage looked like, but if he was anything like Glacier he already had a pretty good picture in his mind. For him to have saved everyone he must have been ginormous too. And brave. Definitely very brave.

He found amusement in her story, after she told him that they'd been carried to safety, as he imagined her and her sister (he was surprised to hear she had a sister, which meant there was a princess he hadn't met yet) telling the water no. He didn't see how water could get scared, but if it had stopped eating everything then they must have been scary enough to make it stop. Ray was pretty intimidating after all. He could only imagine how scary her sister was.

She didn't quite answer his question as to where exactly they were going though. She'd just told him this grand tale of the truce between the water and the wolves. It wasn't until she mentioned the cliff that he felt better. He'd wanted to see what an actual beach looked like, but if the water ate it then he didn't feel comfortable being near it. At least a cliff was a nice distance to look at it and still be safe.

"Do you think the pack can scare the water away so it's not eating the beach anymore?" He asked curiously. He really wanted to see what a beach looked like without all the water. Those caves sounded kind of fun too...

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 12:44 AM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2016, 02:43 AM by Glacier.)

He wouldn't offer any protest at going to the cliff, and he accepted her story at face value. It made her feel big and powerful how he ate up her story so easily. Of course, to her it was more of a story. She had lived it, days before she was old enough to leave the den and her eyes had barely opened to the world. She had known nothing but her den, and then suddenly it was ripped from her. It had been a terrifying experience, and it was easier for her to understand put into her version then it was in her parents. She didn't understand the forces of nature, not huge and powerful they could be. So the water was a real thing to her, as real as a squirrel in the trees.

They reached the end of the Prairie but where slightly off from the cliff. They had to walk beside the swollen wager to get there. She puffed out her chest and danced along the line between land and water, her paws flicking up a light spray of sea from the gently lapping tide as she did so. She wanted to show him she was fearless. Of course, even as she did so her heart hammered in her chest and she remembered her father's fear, how he reacted every time she was near the water. His responses only added to the power of her tale, she had no idea it was the memory of Illume and current that brought that reaction from him. She did know that if he caught her, she would be in trouble.

Just when her own imagination was about to give her goosebumps they reached the start of the cliff and she was able to move away from the waters edge without losing face in front of mortar. She climbed the cliff with ease - this was another place she was banned to go without a parental figure with her, so naturally, she knew this place like back of her paw.
It was a slightly winding process up the cliff top and once again she kept to the edge, admiring the drop into the water before her. She didn't do anything normally, she had to prove every minute of every day that there was nothing she could do,that she was brave and fearless and powerful.

At last they reached the top and she moved to the highest point, her paws upon slightly crumbled earth as she raised her head high into the gently whispering wind and let it flick her fur back behind her. She hoped she posed a figure every bit as powerful as glacier and voltage appeared to her. "This is the cliff" she said, dutifully playing guide. "You can see the tops of some of the hidden caves beneath the water. Voltage said the hide is starting to recede and it will be gone by the end of the season" she explained in answer to his question "I think it's secretly scared more of voltage then anyone else"


html by castlegraphics; image by Nereiix



4 Years
Extra large
02-07-2016, 12:55 PM

It wasn't long before they reached the Prairie's end and Mortar stared at the water with horrified curiosity. He was surprised to see that the water wasn't like a river at all. Instead of all moving in one general direction it was moving back and forth as if it was deciding to face the wolves' wrath and continue eating the pack lands. Much to his own dismay, Ray carelessly walked the line of the water and the earth and had no qualms about getting wet whatsoever. Mortar on the other hand had no desire to somehow make the water angry so he gave it a foot of space, some times more, as he padded quickly after Ray intending to stay as close to her as possible.

It wasn't until they reached the beginning of the cliff that he calmed down a bit. At least on higher ground they'd be away from the ever-hungry demon water. He watched her every step as she climbed the cliff easily and Mortar couldn't help but wonder how she did it. Every so often he'd find himself tripping over a loose rock or he'd stumble over a hole. Eventually he started to pay more attention to his footing than Ray that he almost ran into her when she stopped.

It seemed they were finally here though. He moved up beside her to stare at how far they were up. It was a bit daunting to think about, one false step and he could plunge into the waters below, but he was excited at the same time. This was the highest he'd ever been in all of his life and boy was it absolutely gorgeous. Once you got past the scary height it really was wonderful to look at. He strained his eyes to see the tops of the caves she mentioned and to his delight he finally managed to spot one.

"I'm glad it won't stay forever. I'd really like to see those caves some time." He said softly, still gazing about him in awe. "Will I get to meet Voltage?" he asked curiously. How many wolves were even in this pack?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 03:06 PM
Mortar didn't dare tread by the waters edge, and it amused her when she noticed. Perhaps, being related to voltage, she had more protection from its wrath. Regardless, she tested every boundary and the water was only one aspect of her rule breaking.
Once on the cliff she would hear him tripping about on the uneven ground and her grin grew more broad. It really showed how far she had come and how well she had mastered her over sized paws. Of course when she got too excited or moved too quickly she would be reminded - forcefully - of the dangers of big feet.

Here at last mortar came close to the edge and she shifted her weight to lean towards him with wide open eyes "isn't the ocean the biggest thing you've ever seen?" She asked him. It was certainly true for her. Her dad was the largest wolf she knew but he was but a speck, a single star in the huge night sky when you compared him to the ocean.

"Me too! I never really got a chance to explore I was too tiny. All my life I've heard about the wonderful beach, I can't wait to see it" she said dreamily, before shaking her head and putting on her most innocent, sweetest smile. "You've never met voltage before? Well, that's OK, he has this super power that let's him know where everyone in the pack is. Since where not actually allowed on the cliff... you'll probably meet him soon" her smile was just... a little too wide to be innocent.



4 Years
Extra large
02-07-2016, 03:19 PM

"isn't the ocean the biggest thing you've ever seen?"

She asked as she leaned towards him. He nodded vigorously at her question and then let his mind wander as he stared at the ocean. It honestly was the biggest thing he'd ever seen other than the sky. The sky certainly was pretty but the ocean certainly was more breathtaking as it glittered in the sunlight. He couldn't wait till the water receded and they could go closer so he could explore a bit. What were all the things he could find down there? Surely there had to be lots of interesting stuff to look at and find.

"Me too! I never really got a chance to explore I was too tiny. All my life I've heard about the wonderful beach, I can't wait to see it"

"Well we should definitely go at the end of the season. I bet its great down there."

His happy mood took a drastic turn though as she stared at him innocently and he eyed her a bit warily. "You've never met voltage before? Well, that's OK, he has this super power that let's him know where everyone in the pack is. Since where not actually allowed on the cliff... you'll probably meet him soon" His eyes widened at this. She had failed to mention they weren't allowed to be here. His ears flattened on his skull as he thought about this. He didn't want to meet Voltage and get in trouble for the first time meeting him. That would just be awful! And she was just grinning about it! How could she be so calm and happy about getting in trouble? Even worse though was that this Voltage wolf had powers to know they were already here so it was too late to escape!

"I suppose it's too late to leave now..." He pouted. "How much trouble are we gonna be in?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



6 Years
02-07-2016, 03:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2016, 03:47 PM by Voltage.)
"Don't worry, you wont." His deep voice interrupted their little conversation, and his gaze was locked on hard on his little niece. He had been doing his little ocean-watching that he seemed to do daily when he had heard their youthful voices. And instantly, he knew exactly what was happening. Voltage had a lot of pratice with rule breaking girls, which was unlucky for Seraphiel and Mortar. Seraphiel must have dragged the older pup out here, and as it seemed hadn't even told Mortar that it was breaking the rules. The cliffs were dangerous alone, and while the celestial triplets were generally there, it still wasn't safe. Seraphiel and Aurora knew this, he knew they knew this, and yet here she was.

He stood tall, staring down at the children. "Seraphiel! You know the rules. Or should we get your head checked for some damage?" He asked in his deep voice, almost tired sounding as he stared down at the young ones. He wasn't really that mad, but his paternal instincts were still so strong. What if one of them fell into the raging ocean? They wouldn't survive, and he couldn't allow that to happen. He had already lost one to the ocean, he wouldn't be able to survive if he lost another. Even if they weren't his blood children, they were his family. Mortar because Ani was his newest sister, and he loved her dearly. "So, as punishment, the two of you will help me set up my den for my children. I need help making it bigger and we gotta make it comfy. It'll be a lot of work." He said in a deep voice before he sighed. With the breath, he seemed to almost lose his alphaness and a grin cracked on his lips before he flopped down beside them. Without a word he pulled Seraphiel into his arms and plopped his chin heavily on her, as if she were a pillow. "Is it story time?" He said with a bright grin, looking at the young Mortar he had yet to meet.

(As alpha I have come a'crashin! Don't break the rules, or Volt will crash your party. XDD)



2 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2016, 05:52 PM by Glacier.)

She loved the use of 'we' it implied that he had accepted her presence in his life, she has waltzed in and claimed him and he had as good as said he accepted that claim.
"I know it is! And we are going to have so much fun exploring it." She agreed, rewarding him with another dazzling smile.

Of course, the moment she spoke of trouble he was quick to lose his charming curiosity.
"Oh, it's ok" she reassured him. "Voltage is the fun uncle. It's glacier you have to watch out for, my dad thinks anything fun is instantly going to kill you" she rolled her eyes dramatically to show Mortar what she thought of that.

"Voltage is there when you need him and he shows up sometimes to be the required parental figure so glacier doesn't get mad. He might tell us off, but you don't need to be afraid" she promised him.

Ray squeaked when a voice spoke behind them and she whirled around to come face to face with the very man she spoke of. Oops. She thought, would he be mad that she was talking about him behind his back? She also didn't want him to know she thought he always let her off easy - he might increase his punishments!

She tucked her ears to her skull and dipped her head,through she was afraid she had put her mouth in it this time! Her own words told voltage she didn't really think much of his scolding.

Naturally, she forgot to look reproached a second later when he spoke of getting a den ready.
"Babies?" She squeaked, she had never seen a newborn before!
"Uncle will I get to play with them? When will they get here?" She paused, titled her head, and her joy became more serious.
"Where do babies come from?" Another pause, this time well she wiggled and got comfortable after Volt had drawn her into his arms and decided she made a good pillow. She squirmed a little – she wasn't as keen for space invaders as most pups her age where. All the same, she didn't fight him – if being used as a pillow meant she would get into any further trouble then building a den.
"Oh! Voltage! This is mortar, he wanted to meet you. He's my new best friend. So he's mine. He doesn't need to get punished but he'll love to help us. Right?"she nudged the wolf she was speaking for, expecting him to agree and actually understand the torrent of words bursting out of her like a broken dam.
“its always story time Uncle” she told him seriously, squirming for another inch of personal space as she waited for him to tell a story.


html by castlegraphics; image by Nereiix



4 Years
Extra large
02-07-2016, 06:08 PM

Honestly Mortar was ab it confused by Ray's statement that Voltage was the fun one and Glacier was the one to look out for. Glacier seemed fine to him, but then again he hadn't exactly been around long enough to see so, just like he had been previously, he took her word for it. He hadn't known Glacier was her dad though. He felt like a bit of an idiot for not figuring it out sooner, but it made sense now that he thought about it. She had said she was a princess after all, and even though she wasn't completely blue, she did look a lot like him. Now he couldn't help but wonder what her sister looked like. Was she blue too?

Uh oh.

His ears flattened against his head again as he heard the voice behind him. "Don't worry, you wont." So much for their future trip to the beach. He slowly turned his head to what he expected to be another giant. He was surprised to see that, who he presumed to be Voltage, was considerably shorter than Glacier. So he wasn't as big as he'd imagined, that certainly was interesting. The other eye-catching thing to him was the yellow, he'd never seen yellow on a wolf before. Were all the wolves in this pack as colorful as Ray and her family? He was starting to feel a bit out of place now. Course he didn't dwell on the Alpha's appearances for long. It was kind of hard to do that when you were being scolded.

Well... Ray was getting most of the scolding.

Mortar's ears remained plastered to his skull as he stared at his paws and avoided eye contact with the older male. Even though he'd had no idea they were supposed to be up here until just minutes ago he still felt rather guilty. He wasn't mad at Ray though, the trip certainly had been rather fun, even if she'd failed to mention certain things.

"So, as punishment, the two of you will help me set up my den for my children. I need help making it bigger and we gotta make it comfy. It'll be a lot of work."

He looked up at Voltage for this part at least and was instantly curious. So he was going to have babies? He'd never helped dig a den before, but it couldn't be that bad, right? He opened his mouth to speak, but Ray beat him to it instantly spewing out about a thousand words a second (not really) but she sure could talk fast! He tried to hide his grin as Voltage used Ray as a pillow, seemingly to her own discomfort about it, and he giggle softly as she squirmed underneath him. Voltage at least didn't seem so angry anymore, so that was good, right?

"Oh! Voltage! This is mortar, he wanted to meet you. He's my new best friend. So he's mine. He doesn't need to get punished but he'll love to help us. Right?"

It felt weird to be referred to as Ray's, but she was determined to be his best friend and he'd already accepted so it was too late to go back now. They'd already traveled all the way up here and had gotten caught too so he wasn't exactly expecting to get out of this without some sort of punishment, so even if Ray thought she could get him to not help he still felt like he didn't have a choice so he nodded as he spoke.

"Of course I'll help."

The mention of story time made him feel better. His ears pricked forward as Voltage asked the question and he nodded eagerly. Since Ray was up for it, and she was an amazing story teller, he could only imagine how good Voltage would be at telling a story. He wagged his tail softly and laid down on his belly to get comfortable.

"A story sounds great!"

Walk, "Talk" Think

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