
Without a Sound



3 Years
02-07-2016, 07:32 PM
    It's dark. Eerily so, the moon in the sky was not full enough to provide any sufficient light for this hour of the eve, barely even gracing the waters below with a reflection. Almost as if hiding, though there were no clouds, the moons' shyness getting the better of it, refusing to bless the land below for that which would seek comfort in its light. A mild breeze accompanied the poorly lit night, blowing in tandem with the gentle waves of the ocean, at least by the perspective of someone who hadn't seen an ocean before. The high tide brought about slightly less gentle waves, restricting the availability of the beach to outsiders, selfishly trying to devour the land and drown it in salt water. Fortunately enough, a decent amount of sandy earth was still accessible to strangers, allowing just enough room to enjoy the night in the comfort of the oceanic breeze. If not for the seasonal temperature, it would almost be too cool to enjoy, but the night had blessed her inhabitants with temperatures almost too fair to be believable.

    A particular soul made himself present to enjoy this night, and the musings about the setting originated from someone who had shrouded himself near the edge of the water. A small figure almost undetectable, save for a glint or barely visible silver, strolled along the waters edge, playfully judging where each wave would end, wondering if the next wave would wash over his paws, or if he would remain just out of reach yet again. Normally, in the presence of daylight, or other living beings, acting in such a way would be completely out of the question, far too composed to be seen playing with water. But something about the darkness of this particular night, and the enjoyment of solitude had Seishin in more of a fair mood than usual. It was still baffling to him to be finding enjoyment in something so childish, and the further thoughts distracted him long enough to keep him from noticing a stray wave washing over his paws.

    Slightly disgusted by both the facts he enjoyed his little game, and that he'd lost slowly washed the mood away from him, instead taking a few more steps up the beach to ensure the rest of him would remain dry, rather than continue dodging the waves. He seated himself facing the ocean, his brightly colored eyes fixated on the dark, barely visible waters rolling towards him at first, and then on the sky above. He squinted slightly, trying to spot out the tiny sliver of moon in the sky, dimly lit similarly to the stars it shared the sky with. Silently thanking it for not being brighter, and for allowing him a night of peace, while he took a break from familiarizing himself with the land of Alacritis. At this point, he was unsure if he had merely been sneaky, not encountering any other wolves, or if the land itself just wasn't inhabited. Either way, he was alone, and glad of the fact.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
02-28-2016, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2016, 05:36 PM by Quake.)

Since the disappearance of her parents and her brother, Quake had been focusing on her studies with Starling. It helped to keep her mind off everything, and the girl was devoted to her studies so that one day, she might be useful. Tonight though, she was restless and unable to sleep. Now a year old, she was confident enough to venture out on her own beyond the pack lands. Her uncle Kakashi had given her permission to go beyond the lands, as long as she told him where she was going. Tonight, however, she didn't tell him. He was asleep, and she didn't want to wake him up.

The girl ventured towards the lands that always smelled different then the river in her territory. She was curious as to what was beyond the pack lands, the only other territory she had been to was the nook with Starling, but this would be different. The night was cool and cloudy, the girls dark form blending with the night time shadows. Crimson eyes reflected the small show of light from the moon, the only part of her visible to anyone around.

Upon approaching the Sands of the bay, her eyes grew wide at the sight of the water. Never before had she seen so much water, let alone a beach. She took in the scene before her, and step by step she slowly stepped upon the Sands. It felt cool beneath her paws, and as she walked she noticed it shifted and moved beneath her weight. She was so taken by the water and the view, that when she approached the edge of the water, she didn't notice the other who had also come out to enjoy the night.

It was only after a wave touched her paws that she shivered and stepped back, and it was then she noticed she wasn't alone. Gasping with surprise, she stepped back as her eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't know s-someone else was out h-here.."



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