
Dust in a hailstorm



2 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 07:58 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2016, 07:42 PM by Ren.)

Ray had known Mortar for a week already, and the fact that she had only gotten him into trouble once was a mystery to her. She supposed it helped that she had been kept busy by her father and Uncle, but still... Mortar needed to experience the world like she did, it was certainly a more fun way to live life! She could not believe he had been holed up in that den alone for so long. What kind of life was that? She would make it her life's mission to show him a world that would make him never want to go home again. He would want to explore and see and experience – just like she did! Of course, everything was twice as fun when she dragged him along too.

Today, she already knew exactly where she would be going, what trouble she would be dragging him into. She even had another story to tell him! She made her way to his den, thumping her feet loudly on the earth at the entrance was the only warning he would get before she poked her head in and strolled on inside, once again with the authority of one who owned the place.

“Mortar?” she said as she blinked her eyes to adjust them. She was only a few steps into his den and she was already stopping. “Where going on an adventure” she told him, and once again it was a statement, a fact of life. They would be adventuring together again today, fun, and trouble, the whole package deal. “I know exactly where we can go, and I have another story to tell you!” she promised him.


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4 Years
Extra large
02-07-2016, 08:11 PM

Mortar was sleeping (big surprise) when he heard the thumping of familiar paw steps outside of his den. Before he even opened his eyes he knew exactly who they belonged to and his tail thumped against the ground eagerly. At first he'd been a bit apprehensive about having a best friend, he'd never had one before, but it was turning out to be kind of fun. Granted their first encounter had gotten him stuck digging out a den, but he didn't mind. She had failed to mention their little adventure would get them in trouble, but in all honesty helping Voltage prepare a new den for his soon-to-be children wasn't that bad. He'd actually enjoyed helping out and it felt good to be useful in some way since he hadn't started any training of any sort.

It also explained why he had been sleeping when he arrived. Even though digging hadn't been that bad he'd definitely been sore afterwards since his muscles weren't used to moving in such a manner for so long. It definitely had been a work out for him which had left him tired after wards, even though it was a week later since their trek up the cliff to see the beach.

"Mortar." There was barely a pause before she continued. “Where going on an adventure” The boy rose to his paws and shook himself to wake himself up from his groggy slumber. At the mention of an adventure he perked up, wondering what on earth she had planned this time. Course he was convinced they'd be going on an adventure that wouldn't get them in trouble this time. “I know exactly where we can go, and I have another story to tell you!”

"Well, you don't give me a choice, so okay. Where are we going this time?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 08:39 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2016, 02:46 PM by Glacier.)

The soft thump of his tail greeted her and she beamed at him, her own tail giving a little twirl behind her in her excitement. She had been cooking up this plan for maybe an entire hour and she knew it was going to be wonderful and fun! His words where pretty matter of fact and she laughed gently. "Look at that, your learning already" she teased him. When he asked where they where going she would stall. "Somewhere new of course. You do know how to swim right? If you don't well need to train you so where ready when the beach is finally free" she Pointed out logically.

She moved out of the den and started to stroll through the pack lands. Honestly, she knew the Prairie shockingly well in both day and night after the level of sneaking she had committed to so far.
As they trekked she began to entertain him with a story. "When my father was young he and voltage where on their own in the wild, facing all the scary things of the world alone. One day voltage returns to their call and there was no glacier in sight. He got scared and he called out for his brother and glacier didn't come. He wondered through the camp, calling out. As be did so he got a funny feeling in the back of his neck and he just knew someone was watching him. He turned around. .. and no one was there. He moved again but this time he didn't call out, he knew something was very wrong. The whole forest seemed different, darker. He moved out of the camp, searching for glacier but there wasn't even a scent. He moved further... and further.... and further.
And then something rose above the ground in front of him! It was huge, and murky, and oozing with darkness! 'Roar!' The thing cried, and he thought his heart might burst in fright. He turned and he ran, and the creature ran with him. It was calling out, yelling something, his name? He was gaining ground on the monster but he hesitated, and turned around... and realized that all along it had been glacier covered in mud!"
she was becoming quite the expert I'm pitching her voice in all the right places. Lowering it for suspense, and she cried out loud and sharp when she said 'roar' hoping to frighten mortar.

They where almost at the border when she paused, thinking she better give him something otherwise he might not want to cross out of dono. "My friends pack is right next door to ours, we share a scent mark line that's how close it. He's a really good friend tho, i was playing with the mud and pretended to do what my dad did and i scared him real good. Then he taught me to swim and he looks out for me. We won't get into any trouble crossing over" she promised him. Oh yes, she was fantastic at lies.


html by castlegraphics Art by mempsis



4 Years
Extra large
02-07-2016, 09:02 PM

"Look at that, your learning already" She teased him with a laugh and he couldn't refrain from grinning back at her. "Yeah, I suppose I am." he chuckled. "Somewhere new of course. You do know how to swim right? If you don't well need to train you so where ready when the beach is finally free" He had to think about that for a minute. If they were going swimming in the ocean he probably would need some practice, though he didn't feel like that's where they were going so he nodded. "yeah, I know how to swim a bit. Me and my siblings used to go swimming in the stream some times." It hadn't been often but they'd learned a little bit. He could at least not drown.

When she began walking out of the den he trotted to catch up and then fell into a good spot next to/somewhat behind her as he let her lead. She'd failed to mention exactly where they were going so he concluded that it must be a surprise. So he gave her the benefit of the doubt and followed her eagerly, so ready to believe that this adventure would be far better and wouldn't get them in trouble this time. One incident wasn't enough to make him doubt her and he was quite gullible. At least when it came to her he was. She was also very persuasive.

She of course began with one of her famous stories (she was rather good at telling them after all) and he listened intently soaking up ever word like a sponge. This story wasn't a nice as the other one though and Mortar felt his fur bristle of how she told him the forest felt dark to Voltage. Obviously the yellow Alpha was okay... but what on earth had he encountered? It must have been something super scary. As she told her tale he could feel the suspense building up inside his chest that he felt like he was going to burst as he waited for her to tell him what it was.

When she finally said what it was he jumped backwards almost tripping over his own paws as she roared. He definitely hadn't been expecting that. Was mud supposed to be considered a monster now too?! To his relief she told him it'd been Glacier all along and he grinned softly. She really was great at telling stories. What he couldn't get was why Glacier would want to cover himself completely with mud. That sounded a bit gross.

he could smell a pack border now and he opened his mouth to say something, eyeing Ray warily now as he did expect an explanation. Glacier hadn't told him of another pack and he was positive trespassing would certainly get them in trouble. "My friends pack is right next door to ours, we share a scent mark line that's how close it. He's a really good friend tho, i was playing with the mud and pretended to do what my dad did and i scared him real good. Then he taught me to swim and he looks out for me. We won't get into any trouble crossing over" Her story definitely explained a lot more now. His wary look dissipated and he wagged his tail with a smile this time. If this was a friend of hers then surely it would be okay, especially if she'd already been here before.

"Alright then, lead the way Ray!"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-07-2016, 09:38 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2016, 02:47 PM by Glacier.)

This was the first time mortar had mentioned siblings and she cast a curious eye his way. How many did he have? Would they come to Dono and play too?she was afraid that by the time they got here mortar would know not to listen to her when she said they where allowed and he would warn them. Mortar. .. it really was a mouthful. Her thoughts bounced about the place so quickly it was hard to keep track, but she clung on to this one. "Can I call you tar? Then it's as short as mine. I never use my long name it's so long to say I'm bored before I'm finished" she explained.

As she told her story it was super rewarding to watch him wrapped up in the tale. When it came to the part where she roared he jumped and almost tripped. It was enough to set her off into a stitch of laughter. She had to pause and lean forward she ended up laughing so hard. When she looked back up at him and snuffed and controlled her laughter her expression was an odd Mix, there was fondness and amusement and something odd that looked remarkably possessive.

Then they where at the border and he easily believed her when she said they where allowed. He told her to lead the way and she out her head high in the air and stepped over that scent marker like she did it every day of her life. She went instantly towards the small stream Ren had showed her on her first visit. After all that was the only place on this territory that she actually knew. She reached the water in quick time and strolled into its cool embrace. "Let's swim then, I wanna see if we swim the same way!" She said curiously.


html by castlegraphics Art by mempsis



4 Years
Extra large
02-08-2016, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2016, 02:53 PM by Mortar.)

The young male happened to catch the curious glance Ray shot in his direction at the mention of his siblings and Mortar clamped his mouth shut. Despite feeling a bit better about living in Donostrea he still wasn't willing to go into the details about what had happened to his family. Besides what was the point of talking about his siblings with her if he didn't even know where they were? Were they even alive? If so he felt the chances of them ever coming here with him were slim to none. Of course that was just him being more than just a little pessimistic.

"Can I call you tar? Then it's as short as mine. I never use my long name it's so long to say I'm bored before I'm finished"

His face took on a more thoughtful look as he thought about it. Technically Mortar was already his nickname, though he supposed it still was a little long. Tar sounded okay though. His coat was rather dark after all so it fit rather well. Finally he nodded.

"You can call me Tar so long as you tell me your full name." That seemed pretty fair to him, since he was now aware that Ray wasn't actually her name. He'd been under the impression it was, but it made sense why she had a boy's name. What was Ray short for?

She crossed over the scent marker easily and he paused at it briefly to sniff it before following her. He still felt a little out of place crossing into a pack he'd never seen before, but if Ray came here all the time then it had to be okay. She seemed to know exactly where she wanted to go so he trotted after her his head swinging wildly as he tried to look at everything at once. It certainly was pretty here. She instantly headed for the water and invited him in. He didn't need to be told twice so Mortar took off at a sprint and with a grin and jumped into the water intending the make the biggest splash of his life. Maybe he'd get Ray all soaking wet!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-08-2016, 03:04 PM

He would nod, and she beamed at him, though the smile fell short a moment later when he compromised. She hesitated, thinking about it for a moment. She wasn't that fond of her full name after all, and she didn't want Mortar getting it into his head to use it. But then, he was likely to find it out eventually anyway – he could ask any single wolf in the pack and they could tell him. “Alright then, deal. My full name is Seraphiel Elementas, I am of the Filli rank of Donostrea, also known as princess, and daughter of Glacier Elementas, of the Ferax rank, also known as Alpha and Anais Carlier of the PraeVilendis rank, also known as lead hunter” she told him proudly, smothering her full name in a full burst of information. If she had to say it, she might as well say it in full force and with pride.

“But I like Ray, and Tar, there much easier to say” she told him, beaming at the older pup. The fact that she was smaller then him was often and easily forgotten by the girl. Certainly her pride and confidence made her ten times larger then life.

As they neared the water and she stepped easily into its embrace, Mortar would take a different approach. He leaped forward, and fell into the river with a mighty splash. Ray squealed, and ducked her head but it wasn't enough to save her. She was soaking wet! With water dripping down her nose and across her eyes she paddled forward towards him, before turning and kicking away, each kick bringing her back paws above the water and throwing a spray of water of her friend.


html by castlegraphics Art by mempsis



2 Years
02-08-2016, 04:35 PM
Borealis was dead, or so it seemed. He was often found on the borders of Borealis, since he could not seem to trust his pack - they were not active, hardly, but they had not been even under his mother's rule. It was disappointing, truly, but what could be done? Lose any more members, and Borealis would simply cease to be, and what then? He didn't want to let things... die. Even if his attempts at more members simply ended in failure.

He was returning from his loop around, heading towards his den by the river when... a foreign scent filled his nose. Well, foreign until he identified it. It was quite easy t follow and identify, that scent of Donostrea... and Ray. Ren groaned aloud. He should have known he'd have repercussions for having the girl cross her border that one time. He should have taught her then... but then he was heir, not alpha.

He loped quickly towards the river, slinking through the undergrowth and towards what he knew now was a pair - so she had brought a trouble-buddy, hmm? He debated scaring her - it might work, anyways, and he'd peer at the two before charging out from the underbrush. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he roared, fur fluffing up to make him look all big and imposing, not that he didn't already since the two were quite young. He glowered down at them, awaiting a response as his tail curled dominantly over his back.



4 Years
Extra large
02-11-2016, 06:37 PM

Her burst of information was more than he'd expected. When he'd wanted to compromise for her name he'd literally only meant her name. Instead she spouted out her name, her rank, her parents names and ranks, and by the end of it Mortar could imagine himself being dizzy. It was too many names and ranks to take in all at once so he just nodded reminding himself to try to avoid asking her questions like that ever again. At least he'd gotten her name though. Seraphiel was definitely a much more girly name than Ray, though he could see why she preferred her nickname. He actually kinda liked the name Tar.

At least they were having fun now though and he didn't have to worry about ranks or names or anything like that. He noticed her coming towards him and he grinned doing his best to paddle away from her (which wasn't very fast) but she ended up turning away and kicking a whole monsoon of water at him anyways. He let out a laugh before turning and going towards her fully intent on trying to use his size to dunk her under the water for a moment.

With all the giggling and fun they were having Mortar didn't hear the older wolf approaching. Even if he had he probably wouldn't have thought much of it as Ray had already assured him they were allowed to do this. So as the blue male let out a roar of WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Mortar certainly wasn't expecting it. Had he been on dry land he probably would have fallen over in surprise. Instead his eyes widened and he snapped his head to look at the creature that screamed at them. Ears flattened against his head and he let out a whine trying to swim backwards away from Ren. Maybe if he tried really hard he could hide himself in the water. Or at least that was what he was silently hoping. So he just tried his best to submerge most of himself which just left his nose and the upper portion of his head as he peered at Ren waiting for him and Ray to die.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-11-2016, 11:48 PM

She got Tar really good with her splashing, and she squealed when she saw him coming for her, knowing it would be retribution of some kind. She didn't have to worry about Tar's revenge in the end, because someone would appear with a much more serious looking grudge a moment later. She squeaked and forgot to paddle, her head slipped beneath the water for a full 3 seconds before she kicked free again and spluttered and choked as she frantically made her way to the edge of the stream. This was only her second time swimming and the fright Ren gave her made her long for secure land to hold her trembling paws.

She had thought they would get a way with more time then this, maybe even sneak back into Dono lands before Ren even knew they where there. Of course, she should never have misjudged an Alpha on is own turf. She reached the shore and draped her head against the earth, her feet still in the water and looked about her. Tar was trying his best impression of a log or some other inconspicuous item that might be found in a stream. She sighed, and pulled herself fully from the water and made her way over to Ren, head dropped. Was he as angry as he sounded? She had kinda, a little bit, believed her own story. She and Ren where friends, he had brought her across to his territory once already, she had kinda convinced herself that he would be okay with her crossing over. Of course, she had also not been taught the rules of introducing oneself at a border, and other such pack etiquette.

“Hi... Ren. Umm. Funny seeing you here” she said sheepishly, as she tilted her head to the side, her ears perking up slightly, hopefully, from where they had hug her skull as she looked up at him with her intense blue eyes. “Has it been really hard being Alpha? I haven't seen you since the mud incident. I thought we where friends, and would get to play more” her words had started out as a distraction, but they became more accusing as she spoke, she pouted a little, forgetting her wish to look sweet and innocent as she let her feelings get the better of her.

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