
Ignorance is Fatal



3 Years
02-07-2016, 09:39 PM
    Gloomy. That was the only word Seishin could use to describe this day. The skies held nothing but the darkness of clouds, engulfing the sunlight the earth longed for after the unforgiving chill that is winter. While the temperature remained fair, almost warm even, this too was contrasted by a light rain. "insult to injury, huh..?", Sei mused aloud, tilting his head towards the sky briefly before continuing to scan for a dry place to rest. Seeking shelter in such an oddly shaped landscape was most likely not the brightest idea he'd ever had, but alas, he did not control the weather, nor could he recall how exactly he'd wound up here to begin with.

    It took Sei a long time before realizing how... disheveled this part of Alacritis was. It was only now he really started taking in his surroundings. The land had small signs of changing constantly, noticing the small cracks in the earth he passed over, before being washed away with the rain, the felled trees that littered the hills, in all manners of disarray. The lack of presence of any life whatsoever gave little comfort as he continued to wonder, maybe there wasn't any threat from another dangerous animal, but that left very few options to the imagination. Storms, or earthquakes? Both of these possibilities were not thoughts Sei wanted to expand on, the rain was enough of an issue.

    More downed trees. Trying to find one intact enough to hide from the weather from was becoming more and more of a chore, not only that, the rain was intensifying, leaving Sei's fur plastered to his scrawny body, adding weight that was completely unnecessary for already having to climb over hills. Eventually his miracle tree was spotted, it had only fallen halfway, before propping itself sturdily up against another tree. To anyone else, taking shelter under it would've been out of the question, as though it seemed sturdy, it didn't hold the appearance of a particularly safe place to be under, and would've been a little unnerving to Sei otherwise. He approached the tree hastily, stumbling in his hurry to be out of the wretched weather, giving his body a violent shake to rid his fur of as much moisture as he could before finally taking shelter.

    Under normal circumstances, this day would've been ruined in his eyes, however the rain and peculiar land offered him sanctuary, believing that both the landscape and the weather would dissuade anyone overly curious, and leave him alone. His patience allowed him to find himself content with having to wait for the rain to subside to keep moving, and actually didn't mind it, so long as he can spectate it, rather than participate in being wet. A soft sigh escaped from him as he settled under his hiding spot. How long would this rain last?



6 Years

02-08-2016, 03:17 PM

Okay so it was really gross outside.

In her defense it'd been rather pretty when she'd decided to temporarily leave home. This time she'd made sure to tell her mother she was making a little adventure. Ever since her first disappearance, she knew Surreal wouldn't take too kindly to any of her family just up and leaving without saying a word. She didn't want to worry the new Alpha so she'd made sure to tell her which direction she was going and when she'd be back. Not that she intended to be gone too long. While she enjoyed being at home for her family she was still young and the itch to explore and go on adventures hadn't yet subsided. She certainly intended on seeing new faces and possibly even make a few friends.

Judging by the weather though that wasn't going to happen any time soon. Other than herself who else would want to be out in this mess? With Winter having been rather harsh, and then Spring melting it all away into a muddy mess it certainly was disgusting outside. The rain wasn't too bad though. It was a light rain that insisted on clinging to the top of her coat before slowly seeping further below. While she didn't mind the rain she knew there were many others who definitely would. So much for making friends.

She supposed coming to an earth quake ridden place wasn't exactly the best place for meeting new faces either. Trees were knocked down everywhere and it looked like nature had taken a good toll on the land. She had a keen sense for adventure though and clearly had no regard for the amount of danger she had the potential to put herself in so everything about this place had screamed "this is perfect!"

It wasn't until the rain began to pick up that Faite finally started to get annoyed with it. With a sigh she decided it was probably in her best interests to find shelter until the storm passed. So she set off to find a nice tree to take refuge under. With all the rain that had soaked into the ground it clogged her senses so she certainly didn't smell the other wolf around at all. Her pace was a quiet one as she never really made too much noise unless she was running.

Finally she spotted a fallen tree rested up against another one. That one did seem sturdy enough and would keep her mostly dry until the majority of the storm had passed. She approached quickly, her feet finally making a bit of noise, and it took her all of a few lengths to reach the log. However when she peered inside she was surprised to see someone was already there. Her eyes widened in surprised and she took a quick step backwards to give him some distance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize someone was already here. I didn't smell you." That actually kind of irritated her. Stupid Rain.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
02-08-2016, 04:59 PM
    The rain was still picking up, much to Sei's distaste, reaching an almost monsoon worthy shower. "This is ridiculous.." he mused aloud, though he loved the opportunity to not have to sneak around at night to keep his company limited to himself, he was not however, fond of his movement being restricted by any means. He supposed he could brave the rain, but if it turned into a thunderstorm he'd be a lot less secure, not to mention running the risk of becoming ill. Granted he had enough knowledge from what little time he spent with his family to handle himself getting sick, it didn't come across as an even remotely desirable situation, at least, at that particular moment.

    A gentle flick of his ears broke his trance-like state, wrenching him from his thoughts momentarily to focus on what he had thought sounded like movement on the ground. Surely there wasn't someone else out here in this crazy shower, was there? Then again, the more he thought about it, the more it seemed likely that it was merely the rain hitting the ground he was hearing, and dismissed the thought, only momentarily. Normally he would've dismissed the suspicion altogether, only the source of what he thought he'd heard made itself rather apparent only seconds later. Another wolf,  just what Sei had tried so hard to avoid constantly. Contact, with anyone but himself, only brought about confusing thoughts and mannerisms, fears of starting a fight he couldn't win, let's face it, Sei's size would definitely make him an easy target for anyone he managed to provoke.

    It only took a quick glance to notice the figure in front of him was female, her small, no, narrow frame was a dead giveaway, exaggerated even further by the rain. His first thought, or worry depending on your point of view, was that she was a high maintenance sort of female, taking pride in her appearance, and grooming herself accordingly. Of course this was only a thought, and not a confirmation, though he could definitely not blame her if that were the case. "Was that a compliment..?" Sei thought silently, humoring himself into an awkward grin, before letting it fade, since being seen grinning for no apparent reason was likely to be unsettling to someone who happened to catch a glance of it.

    He blinked as he was addressed by her, her cautious stance surprising him even, surely he wasn't that threatening, or perhaps she was just being courteous by allowing him his space. He tilted his head slightly, meeting her gaze with his own. "Different colored eyes? Interesting.."  He thought to himself, he couldn't remember the last time he'd encountered a wolf with multicolored eyes, it certainly was a rarity. She didn't smell him, and for that matter, he didn't smell her in turn, but it was hardly surprising, the downpour from the heavens was no slouch, and had masked both of their scents respectively, the issue here was how to respond to her. He could send her away, and regain his time alone, that he valued more than anything. He dismissed this idea hastily, being rude would provoke hostility, and given how hard it was for him to find his own shelter from the rain, there was no telling how long she would be cast back into this weather.

    He closed his eyes briefly, gesturing to what little room was left under the tree, open for his company to seek refuge under. Little room as it may have been, he was thankful that they were both relatively small, allowing both of them to fit comfortably under the half felled tree. He opened his eyes to meet hers once more before replying calmly.
"You'll catch your death out here in this weather"
He tried to keep the sound of annoyance out of his tone, keeping his voice calm and inviting. It was hard to shake the fact that he disliked company, but was allowing himself to be hospitable. The fact remained, that if he had allowed her to suffer more than a few seconds in this weather, it would linger on what little of a conscience he could try to claim he had, and nothing irritated him more than company, than to be responsible for company.



6 Years

02-11-2016, 06:13 PM

There was a good bit of silence after she'd spoken to him and she just stared and waited for a good minute. She was more than worried that she'd intruded on his personal space and that he was going to be upset with her. She easily could have turned around and left if he so desired as she didn't expect him to welcome her, a stranger, to come sit with him until the rain let up. Of course judging by the down pour she had a feeling that it was going to take a while for that to happen any time soon. She had no fear of the rain though, only the lightning that it typically brought with it. After all, who wished to be electrocuted? She certainly didn't.

He seemed to be thinking something over and Faite waited patiently (which was very hard considering patience wasn't something that came naturally to her.) Finally he gestured her into his makeshift shelter and she didn't fail to notice him closing his eyes and opening them again when he spoke. She highly doubted she'd catch her death, though getting sick certainly was an option, but she nodded anyways grateful for the opportunity to get out of the rain. She offered him a smile.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." She said, moving her dripping wet body in next to him resisting the urge to shake herself off.

She was thankful she was a fairly small creature with a lean build. She noticed he was only slightly smaller than she was so they both fit in the space quite nicely. Others probably would have been a bit put off by the close proximity of a stranger, but Faite had been alone so long in the past year that she enjoyed almost any company, even if it was of a wolf she'd never met before.

With nothing but time to spare now she took a brief moment to look her company over. He was much darker than she was with a white swirly pattern that intrigued her. He was simple yet the pattern on his coat made him look almost elegant. His eyes were what caught her attention the most as they were a shade of pink she'd never before seen on a wolf. In short she found them pretty.

"So what brings you all the way out here? Doesn't exactly seem like the best place to get caught in." She asked curiously. She didn't prefer to sit in silence and she would be quick to admit she was a little nosy.

Walk, "Talk"

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



3 Years
02-11-2016, 09:50 PM
A relaxing calm washed over Sei's body as the female accepted his offer to take shelter with him from the rain, he hadn't realized he'd been tense to begin with, but thus far, he was at least glad for the fact that she hadn't made a big deal out of it, nor did it instill any negative feelings in either of them. The last thing Sei wanted was a fight, though he wasn't out of the danger yet, he knew that by doing this, he subjected himself to small talk, and questioning. Ew. Supposing that's the price of being civil. He watched casually as she joined him under the tree, noticing a lot more now, how much water still clung to her fur, if he didn't know himself better, he'd almost feel sorry. Fortunately it was just water, they would both dry off, and be about their business afterwards. He wondered if they would ever even encounter each other again, the possibilities were definitely there but, would he want to?

Sei noticed immediately that he'd been scanned, even for such a brief time, but pretended to continue paying attention to the weather, offering a smile as his only reply to being thanked. He'd already done the extent of what he needed to, to gauge her appearance for himself, it shouldn't be a crime for her to do the same, no matter how unsettling, or uncomfortable. He wondered though, how many similarly colored wolves she'd encountered, the only bragging rights Sei would consider laying claim to were his eyes. He would probably admit, or even assume the color was unique to all but a few, granted the coloration of his pelt also drew a little attention, he was hardly a good judge of himself.

He turned his gaze towards her slightly as he'd been addressed a second time, being posed with a question that, not even he himself knew the answer to. What was he doing out here? The answer in itself was simple, he was simply here because that's where he'd let himself wander. But that seemed like too bland of an answer, so... elaborate?

"To be honest..." He started, shifting his gaze away from her momentarily, not particularly fond of the idea of admitting he was lost. "It wasn't my intention on being here in at all, but, i'm not familiar with the land around here. I suppose you would say i'm lost, though I don't know where my destination would've been if I wasn't" He finished quietly, returning his gaze once more on his company. He silently questioned why he'd even shared this much information with a complete stranger. Not that it was any fault of hers, so far she'd been incredibly polite, a little nosy as of now but, he couldn't blame her for wanting to pass the time.

Sei wondered if she was going to ask more personal information about him afterwards, or if it'd just be the generic name, age, interests, so on... But would any of this be relevant if they never saw each other again? He didn't imagine they'd become friends in this short amount of time, though the weather did oddly present a perfect opportunity. Stranger things have happened, perhaps, though having a friend in a land he was unfamiliar with would have its advantages, Sei couldn't help but want nothing more than to curl up with nobody but himself, and think the night away. Figuring he should also offer a sense of curiosity to the conversation, he added on.
"What about yourself? I can't imagine this to be a popular place to be, it almost seems dangerous." He offered, casting another friendly smile her way. At least if he appeared interested, it left no room for annoyance, right? At least that's what he would tell himself, a pang of genuine curiosity dissuaded these thoughts as he waited on her reply.



6 Years

02-15-2016, 04:53 PM

Faite was doing her best trying not to stare at him. So while she waited eagerly for his answer she'd occasionally look outside to check on the weather. Not that she expected anything to change, but it was still the ugly gloomy gray color outside every time she looked. The skies definitely seemed to have a lot of water to release so she could imagine this was going to take a little while. Oh well. This isn't too bad. Her company definitely could have been worse. He'd been polite so far, a little quiet, but not bad so she couldn't complain.

"To be honest..." Her gaze shifted back to him as he spoke. "It wasn't my intention on being here in at all, but, i'm not familiar with the land around here. I suppose you would say i'm lost, though I don't know where my destination would've been if I wasn't"

She stifled a grin at this. She understood the woes of being lost, and she could completely relate. After all she'd been stupid enough to set off on her own when she was younger to follow after her mother and brother when they'd left. Her tracking skills had been less than admirable and needless to say she hadn't had any luck. She'd gotten herself lost in the mountains and probably would have stayed that way if her uncle hadn't found her. Other than being alone it'd been a fun journey regardless.

"Sometimes the best adventures happen when you don't know where you're going."

"What about yourself? I can't imagine this to be a popular place to be, it almost seems dangerous."

She smiled at this. She always did enjoy those questions. While some would stray from dangerous adventures she sought them out. Perhaps it wasn't always the wisest decisions but she didn't like to be bored and she wanted adventure. Especially while she was so young and ready to explore. It wouldn't be long before she'd have to stay at home more and help out around the pack so she was going to enjoy herself while she could.

"I'm just exploring. The idea of dangerous places like this is exciting. Besides I've never seen an earthquake before, so I have to admit I'm a little hopeful about it." It didn't have to be a grand earthquake, something small would suffice. "I'm Faite by the way."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]