
Mortar Siblings



4 Years
Extra large
02-08-2016, 01:19 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2016, 05:07 PM by Mortar.)
-Waves- hey guys! I have my character Mortar here who needs some siblings adopted out and I'd love to see them played on site <3 I'll try to keep things simple and sweet.

--Most key points are listed on Mortar's history, like what happened to their parents.
--They must have Armistice as their last name.
--They must take a Normal first name (even if they don't go by this) example being Isaac, Alex, Elizabeth, ect.
--Most, if not all, of the Armistice go by a nickname. Examples being Vengeance, Mortar, Shrapnel, Splinter, ect. All nicknames are related to war-ish terms.
--A good majority of the family have darker coats. The siblings for adopt here both had dark coated parents, though Felicity (Vengeance's mate) had a brown coat so if you're really pining for a different color I might accept one brown/lighter colored wolf. Darker coats can range from different shades of black/gray with hints of blue/purple tint to the coat (see Mortar, Valentine, Angelus for examples).
--Any eye color is allowed (which is why I didn't change the eye color of the adopts) so you may choose your own. The most common eye colors though were red, blue, and gold. Mortar got the orange from their mother so that is also acceptable, though feel free to choose another if this doesn't suit you. Heterochromia was also common so feel free to choose that as well.
--Shrapnel is a descendant of a long line of dire wolves. Now I know 50 dollars is a lot to donate to the site and not everyone has money for that so the height range for nearly all the family is anywhere from 38-45 inches. If you cannot afford this I will make an exception (though I personally would like to see more taller wolves than shorter ones.)
--Mortar is roughly 6 months old so a pup pass would have to be purchased to be able to play the pup. I don't mind if you have to wait to save up for the pup so a time period will be given for you to earn the gems. Mortar is a year old now so no rogue pup pass is needed.
--Feel free to ask me about Mortar's other family members. There will be Aunts, Uncles, and cousins available to play. (I'd suggest the cousins, as Shrapnel previously had a litter before the second one so it can be presumed those kids had children that would be roughly anywhere between 1-4 years old)
--I'd prefer that the siblings meet up with Mortar in Dono, though this isn't exactly required, however I do at least demand them to reunited at some point! Even if they won't live together. Sea said they are welcome in Dono so long as they are good natured! Since Dono has been disbanded Mortar is on his own once again though I think he's going to Abaven. I'd like for the siblings to still meet up with him, though what you do with them is up to you.
--If you do not like any of the designs I've provided feel free to make your own so long as you follow the basic guidelines!
--I do reserve the right to take them back if they fall inactive or if you haven't posted with the character in over a month. If you have an absence up or message me about it beforehand I'll give some leeway.
--With that being said there will be roughly 3-5 siblings up for adoption depending on how much interest there is! Remember, if you can't afford a sibling you can always play another family member except for the parents c:

Please right click on the following images and open in a new tab if you'd like to see these englarged. Also if you don't like the blue tint to some of these feel free to say so and you can change it. Also once adopted, if you want, I can make a new ref sheet with a better lineart. These were just simple bases that I used.

Adopt 1

Adopt 2

Adopt 3

Adopt 4

Adopt 5

Adopt 6

If you're having issues with names these might help: Renegade, Havoc, Blitzkrieg, Arsenal, Shrapnel, Vengeance, Rampart, Torpedo, Turret, Crusade, Ricochet, Riot, Gunner, ect. I looked up war synonyms to help me find names.

Name: Character's Name
Gender: You may pick.
Age: 1 Year
Pack/Parents: Which pack will you be sending them to/who will be adopting them?
Alignment: Any alignment is fine, though please note these are pups so while you can make them evil in the long run, I suggest you find someone on site who could teach them that.
Design: Either re-post the design, use your own, or tell me which number you are using.
Appearance: Must meet site minimum.
Personality: Must meet site minimum.
History: What happened to the sibling after Mortar and the rest of them were separated. Feel free to collaborate with someone else if you wish for some of them to have stayed together.
Plans: What do you intend to do with this character if you're able to adopt them?

[b]Age:[/b] 1 year
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02-09-2016, 12:02 AM
Name: Sam "Renegade" Armistice
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Height: 38"
Pack/Parents: Rogue for now because pack indecision 8(
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Design: #1




5 Years
02-15-2016, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 03-06-2016, 01:32 PM by Locha.)
Name: Timothy Ricochet Armistice
Gender: Male
Age: 6 Months
Height: 38"
Pack/Parents: Splinter and Aven
Alignment: Neutral Good
Design: 4
Appearance: As a pup Timothy will be a massive fluffball. He’s not the tallest in his family, but he’s not the shortest either. As all pups are, Ricochet will be a little chubby, but as he grows a little older, his puppy fat turns to muscle. Even as he grows older, most of Ricochet’s puppy fluff will stay, especially around the chest, scruff and tail. Although he will only grow to 38”, the mass of fur he’ll carry around on top of his muscle will make him seem a lot taller than he truly is.

His fur, like most of his family will consist of very dark tones and has a blue tint. He has two dominant shades, a light grey blue which coats each leg, the underside of his belly, his muzzle, the underneath of his fluffy tail and the tip of each ear. A slightly darker shade of grey is on top of his muzzle and under his eyes trailing down until his chest. The same shade swirls over his torso and over his thigh, as well as a strip over his tail. Another blue grey, slightly darker again, covers Ricochet's chest and torso, above the lighter swirls, continuing onto the tail. Finally a deep grey sits on his head and along his scruff and at the tip of his tail. Last but not least, Ricochet's left eye, like his brother's, is a blood red and his right is sky blue.
Personality: wip
History: wip



4 Years
Extra large
03-02-2016, 02:49 PM
Thought I'd bump this as a reminder for people that have WIP apps.
[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
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4 Years
Extra large
04-21-2016, 05:06 PM
Bumping this. I've updated some of the information. All the pups would be a year now so no rogue pup pass needed.
[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



4 Years
05-01-2016, 02:26 AM
Name: Gavin "Caliber" Armistice  
Gender: Male            
Age: 1 year
Height: 38 inches
Pack/Parents: Yfir
Alignment: Chaotic neutral leaning to the evil spectrum
Design: 3
[38 inches - 160 pounds]
Though he may be large, Caliber is no giant, nor does his appearance strike such intimidation. He is taller than many of his species, settling at a subtle 38 inches. This height has been inherited from the Armistice lineage, passed down by his ancestors. Every limb and muscle are crafted to a proportioned size, giving a natural look to his appearance. Slender legs support a large torso and an open though not overly broad chest. A layer of lean muscle wraps snugly around his bones, being more toned on his limbs. Weighing 160 pounds at his healthiest, Caliber's frame leans nor to strength or agility. He sits in between, sharing qualities and strengths in both.

[Monochrome fur - long-haired coat]
Four shades of black swath the male's pelt, and these four separate shades can only be distinguished in the light. In the dark he is like a shadow. An ebony, lighter than a black, covers the majority of his body. A rich black, as dark as the night, paints a large saddle-like shape on his back. An ash gray winds like a ribbon around the ebony, curving on his lower flanks and wrapping around his knees. It also curves underneath his eyes and smudges a spot on his brows, providing the male with quaint facial markings. The rest of his fur is a lighter gray, more of a stardust shade, swallowing his paws, underside, chest, neck and lower half of his muzzle. The lower half of his tail is also dipped in this delicate, shimmering tone, including the very tip of his tail.

[Heterochromia - blue and red orbs]
Caliber boasts the uncommon mutation of heterochromia, being born with two different eye colours. This is also an inheritance of this family. His left optic is a brilliant azure, bright like a cloudless sky. His right optic is a dark scarlet, a bloody ruby. If one is to look closely they may notice the faint flecks of amber in his left eye, blending with the red. A reflection of the two sides to his personality - fire and ice, if one is to be whimsical.

[Detached] - It is evident in his upbringing that Caliber desires no interaction, no contact, with others. He loathes company and deems friendship unnecessary - a mere obstacle in his way. All people appear to be the same to him - no individuality, all determined to harm him. He is most content on his own, preferably away from the hustle of society, left to dawdle in his own thoughts. If around others, perhaps by force, he will most likely shut them out, ever so rudely, and return to his own, cold world.

[Nonchalant] - Accompanying his secluded self, Caliber lacks enthusiasm or concern towards himself and others. That's not to say he has no feelings. He prefers to remain calm at most times, suppressing his true emotions inside of him. This is because he has deceived himself into thinking that he mustn't show what he is truly like. Instead he has cut himself out of the world with an apathetic attitude.

[Awkward] - Just as he tries to avoid others at all costs, he tries to avoid their problems. He has enough of his own troubles to deal with; why should he put up with the troubles of others? When faced with challenging situations, specifically when it involves others, he can be a little...awkward. He rarely utters a word, let alone help someone. He finds it difficult to feel empathy and to relate to others. It's all too awkward for him, too stressful to handle.

[Headstrong] - Though he appears placid and weak in the form of his trauma and hearing impairment, Caliber carries an immense amount of courage and confidence somewhere inside. When pushed to his limits, he isn't afraid to stand up for himself and fight back, though his anger can get the best of him. Having a strong will, he isn't one to willingly allow others to push him around and sway his thoughts. He can rise to be a leader when the time calls, though for the moment he prefers to remain as a follower, sitting in the backdrop.

[Loyal] - Yes, Caliber can be loyal when his mundane exterior is miraculously broken. How this can be done remains a mystery. Rarely does he open up to people, though that's not to say forming some sort of bond is impossible. He is rumoured to have the heart of a lion, ready to stand alongside those he trusts, a friend or pack. Whether he follows the good or evil, it does not matter; they're all the same to him. Nonetheless, he is capable of showing his firm support and unwavering allegiance.

[0 - 1 year]:
⁃ born offsite to Splinter and Aven during the dawn of autumn into the prestigious Armistice lineage; born partially deaf
⁃ both parents died in the pack's siege, thus scattering Caliber and his siblings
⁃ snatched by an enemy deserter amidst the battle, however his packmates soon rescued him by killing his kidnapper
⁃ followed his remaining packmates to a safer place where the pack was rebuilt
⁃ developed signs of Early Childhood Trauma after losing his parents and siblings; healers tried healing his trauma, though it worsened over the seasons
⁃ teased by other pups and yearlings over his impaired hearing
⁃ trauma and bullying began to be too much for him to control until he lashed out at another older boy and took his life
⁃ exiled and chased from the pack
⁃ met a rogue traveller by the name of Gavin; decides to take on the name Gavin to forget his past
⁃ discovered Boreas
Plans: I plan on sending to him to Yfir, perhaps unwillingly, to darken his alignment, maybe be manipulated by some of his packmates and become more war/battle driven. Eventually I plan on him finding his brother and having all these memories come back and deciding where his loyalty lies. Plenty of drama :P



9 Years
05-01-2016, 03:54 PM
Millie, you get Caliber c: Go ahead and set up his profile and stuff! I can't wait to plot with you!
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8 Years
06-14-2016, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2016, 09:32 PM by Solveiga.)
Name: Abigail "Ricochet" Armistice - shortened nickname could be "Ricky"
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Height: 40 inches
Pack/Parents: will probably stay rogue for a while, may eventually join a pack if one manages to catch her interest
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Design: I made my own, she too will have bicolored eyes so here is her left side and here is her right side!

Appearance: There is almost nothing about Ricochet to suggest she is female. At first glance, she looks just like her brothers. Like them, she is a large creature, carrying all of 40 inches in her stride. This is a height she is proud of, because it gives her the ability to hold herself above most other wolves, looking down on them in the way she just loves to do. However, where some tall wolves are thin and willowy, Ricochet is nearly the opposite. Her body is strong and solid, wrapped thickly with muscle and cloaked in layers of dense fur. This fur is thickest about her neck and shoulders, giving her an even larger appearance when her hackles are raised during a fight. Her fur is not silky or beautiful, nor does it fall gently over feminine curves. It is only dense and rugged, serving its purpose of guarding her body and keeping her warm. It does not fall over any feminine curves because Ricochet has no feminine curves to speak of. In many ways she is built like a male, and in many ways she behaves like one.

This bulky, masculine frame is wrapped in fur the color of shadow. Like others in her family, Ricochet has a dark and monochromatic coat. However, her coloring does not truly fit with the blacks and grays that some of her brothers possess. Her fur is, rather, a sort of dark and unsaturated navy blue. This color moves across her entire coat in a few different shades, the base color being the darkest of all, a color that in low light could be mistaken for black. Her markings are a lighter shade, starting with the three pointed mask that covers the majority of her face. The lighter color then wraps around the tips of her ears and picks up again between her shoulder blades, covering most of her back and traveling all the way to the tip of her tail. The last place this lighter shade is found is on the lower halves of her hind legs. There are some parts of her coat that are lighter still, these being accents of fur which are scattered throughout, giving her dark fur a more brindled look.

Ricochet may have a fairly bland and colorless coat, but her eyes are another story entirely. They pierce through the shadowy darkness of her fur like two bright stars, mismatched in color. Her left eye is a vibrant orange and her right eye is green, tinged very lightly with yellow.

         Confident - Ricochet is the kind of woman who is unacquainted with fear and doubt. She walks into every situation feeling sure of herself, never shying away from unknown territory and never backing down from a fight. In fact, she often seeks such things just to feel alive. However, some say there is a fine line between brave and foolish, and Ricochet may indeed cross that line from time to time just to get her kick of adrenaline.

         Impulsive - Some wolves like to take a moment to think before they act, or weigh their options when making decisions. With Ricochet, this is never the case, because she prefers to trust her instincts. She hates to think about anything too much, and would much rather just make a decision to get it over with and avoid wasting time. The decision made could turn out to be the wrong one, but so be it. Such things have never bothered her all that much, and she has no problem rolling with the punches.

         Selfish - More than anything else, Ricochet values herself. Most of the time she can't be bothered to worry about another living soul, as long as she has what she wants and what she needs. Put simply, she doesn't have a generous bone in her body. She comes first, every time.

         Vulgar - This is just another trait that drags Ricochet further away from femininity. She has a dirty tongue and swears as if she has years of experience in the craft. Her lack of tact and restraint could very well get her in trouble someday. But, frankly, she doesn't give a shit.

- born offsite to Splinter and Aven
- parents killed in siege, got kidnapped shortly after
- rescued by pack members and brought back home
- grew up, got bored with everything and often came across as annoyed
- secretly enjoyed the drama that circulated around Caliber but became concerned when he was exiled
- decided to follow along after Arsenal, but not to find her brother
- found Boreas and ventured onward, hoping for some excitement

Plans: Right now she's following the rest of the family here to Boreas, mostly to see what new adventures await her. She was bored with her old life and wanted a little excitement, and if she can't find any right away she'll certainly have no problem stirring up a little drama herself, just to feel entertained. Ricochet will definitely want to find her brothers and see what they've been up to, but she'll never admit that it's because she cares about them. I mean, that would be pathetic, right?



2 Years
06-15-2016, 02:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2016, 02:00 PM by Raizen.)
Name: Lewis "Arsenal" Armistice
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year
Height: 36 inches
Pack/Parents: Myriad
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Design:  #4
Arsenal is a tall wolf, but he is small compared to his siblings, shorter than some more than others. He's not taller than others of his species, around the same height around as them. Despite appearing short next his siblings, Arsenal is no tiny thing, build wise. He has a stockier build, most likely weighing more than one would believe. His fur is thick, and if he were to be drenched in water, Arsenal would not appear to be as big as he is now. He's still muscular, and he weighs about 170 pounds. Arsenal isn't the most agile creature, or the fastest, having to rely more on his strength and size to win whatever he's doing. He has his strength in both hunting and fighting, but he leans more towards being able to fight.

Arsenal is a dark creature, his grays tinted with blues. The main fur color he has is a dark blue-gray, covering most of him with the exception of his markings. A darker gray tints his fur around his head, going back to his back. Ebony can be found there as well. A marking in the same dark gray appears on his front legs, almost completely symmetrical. Lighter grays can be found around his face, back, and stomach. It wraps around the rest of his fur, making its mark. The tips of his ears are covered in the color, along with the underside of his tail and the inside of his ears. Another gray, not quite as light, can be seen around his palest markings. Ebony can be found near the tip of his tail as well.

Arsenal's eyes are like mismatched gems, both a different color. One eye, his left eye, is a deep sky blue. Flecks of different shades of blues can be found here and there, but only if one looks close enough. Arsenal's right eye is a vibrant golden. The boy's eyes are strange together, but, in the same way, they complete each other.

Arsenal is envious of his siblings, to say the least. To him, he is the smallest, the weakest, the one they need to protect. He resents them, really, for being so tall. And he even resents himself for being the smallest of the family. He's angry towards them most of the time, and tends to snap at them even when they try to interact with him. Arsenal also doesn't like talking about them, and the bitterness in his voice when he does is obvious. Being around smaller wolves make him feel a little stronger, but he still holds lingering feelings of resentment and uselessness.

Arsenal doesn't really care for the company of others, but he will tolerate it if he is forced to. Even if he does such a thing, the annoyance will be obvious. Pups, older wolves, it doesn't matter. If they stay too long, the more annoyed Arsenal will become. Very rarely will the canine not be annoyed by anyone. The one talking to him has to be pretty special to him.

Trust doesn't come easy to Arsenal. Easier than it should, but it will still take a few conversations for him to finally trust one. Even if he trusts him, he still won't particularly like them, and he'll have no problem in telling them such a thing. Arsenal doesn't really care for having friends, after all, as he would have to pretend to not be annoyed by their talking.

Arsenal is a loyal creature to those that don't annoy him. It's a hard goal to reach, but it still may be possible. He isn't going to risk his life for them. It's his mindset that if they get into trouble that bad, he should just leave them to their fate as it will only happen again.

Relationships with Arsenal would reveal a slightly different side of him. He would be more gentle, not minding how much they talked. Really, he would crave whoever it was to talk more. Staying with them would make him happy.

-Born offsite into the Armistice line
-Both parents were killed in the siege
-Snatched by an enemy deserter
-Pack killed the kidnapper and Arsenal rejoined the pack
-Stayed with pack but soon grew annoyed with the other pups
-After Caliber was exiled, Arsenal grew angry and left
-Tried to follow his brother but got lost
-Ended up in a new land

Maybe he gets into some sort of fight with his brother(s)? And leaves after, staying by himself for a while before joining a pack. Whatever happens then is up to what happens Icly

Vadim I


3 Years

06-16-2016, 11:42 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2016, 02:51 PM by Vadim I.)
Ummm nevermind, sorry, ahhh
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6 Years
06-16-2016, 12:00 PM
I just wanted to specify, when I asked for which pack/parents it was originally intended for when they were still under a year. So basically whomever would be adopting them and/or what pack they were going to if you had an idea.
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Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



5 Years
06-16-2016, 02:17 PM
Okay Blueberry! You get Arsenal c: Go ahead and make his profile!
Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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