
adjustments to be made



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-08-2016, 05:08 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

It was hard to believe her brother was leading a pack now. He had children, he was a ruler of his own domain, and she was part of it. Border patrols were something she'd begun to make a habit of, since her desire to wander made her itch to be moving more often than she rested. Her hulking form paced the borders with the sullen expression of a psychopath painted over her features. If someone had been thinking of invading, her expression might very well have stopped them cold. Her massive paws made little to no sound as she walked, feminine form sashaying across the lands she would now be calling home. The celestial titan sniffed at the markers, and decided to refresh them when she felt they were getting old.

The emerald valley was such an open space, the sky seemed to go on forever and swallow the land at its horizons. Then, the willows were so close knit and claustrophobic. She liked them both equally, because they were polar opposites and she could visit either depending on her mood that day. Kohl rimmed eyes surveyed the landscape all around, searching for anything out of the ordinary. Her brother had gone out to meet all of the leaders of various packs, without taking her along. It was disappointing, she wanted to attend these meetings as well, to draw her own conclusions. After all, he had given her the title of advisor. Which was probably a good idea, her brother was the most reckless wolf she'd ever encountered.

With a sigh, she ended her patrol route and sprawled herself out in the fresh grass spring had brought. The sun wasn't quite at its highest point in the sky, and she wanted to enjoy the warmth. Her winter pelt was falling out, leaving her with a silky and easy to maintain coat for summer. Not that she wasn't still a little shaggy when the heat took over the lands. Her family was from a rather cool locale, and it was in her genes. Resting her cheek against the ground, she let her lids flutter shut. It was a pleasant day, with a light breeze and the smell of renewal in the air. Maybe later on she would pay a visit to the little ones, or go for a hunt. The possibilities were endless, i she thought about it.



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-12-2016, 08:18 AM

Mithras had spent the better part of the morning looking for his sister. She had been everything he could have dreamed as far as her rank went in the pack, and further more as a sister. He had been busy getting things back together after the flood, and now these newcomers and refugees, well they had more young mouths to feed. That was partially what he'd come to tell her about but mostly he just wanted to catch up. Unfortunately, Caia was far too good at her job, and it was hard to catch her between patrols and hunts. Always on the move, that one! Well, he could understand that at least. It was probably genetic!

He finally found her sprawled out in the grass. She looked comfortable, peaceful. He smiled. In their native tongue he said, "Slacking on the job, huh?" Mithras laughed. "I'm kidding, before you try to disembowel me... Gods, but it is a beautiful day." It was nice to have those old words tickle his tongue once more. He was using the Old Language so infrequently now, and he hadn't even realized it. Filled with a sudden wave of nostalgia, he flopped down beside her with a sigh. "What a life," he mumbled. They had already gone through so much, and personally he was starting to feel a lot older than his two years.

- Mithras

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-17-2016, 08:37 PM

Her brother interrupted her lazing about, daring to comment on the singular occasion so far that day where she'd let herself relax. A low growl rumbled in her chest, tail flicking irritably in his general direction. He retracted it, naturally, knowing full well she could kick his ass- king or not. He joined her in sprawling in the grass, sighing heavily. Gods above, he sounded like he'd been a king for decades, not weeks. He commented on the nature of their existence, as though it were some sort of mystery to him. She snorted, curling one forelimb over his flank in a vaguely affectionate gesture. She used their mother tongue, as she always did with her family. Her sarcasm and eloquence simply couldn't carry in the common one. Not to mention, who could be bothered to use a language that wasn't naturally theirs when with their family? "Brother mine, you chose this- dug your own grave." Husky vocals retorted in an amused tone, nipping at the section of furred skin that happened to be closest to her. Mith sounded just like their father after a long day, weary of the world and somewhat philosophical.

"But yes, it is quite the life you built for us here." She indulged him, grinning. "How are you enjoying leadership? Everything you thought it would be? Or have you made a huge mistake, as you so often do?" She teased, thumping his ribs with her paw. He had done so much in the short time they'd been in Alacritia, carved out a section of land to be his own, started a family- sort of. Yet, here Caia was, the same as ever. Perhaps a little greyer, but that was a consequence of being related to Mithras. Sure, she was doing her part to make sure her brother didn't do something stupid, but that was her job as sister. A soft sigh shuddered from her nostrils, gaze drifting up to the sky.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-22-2016, 11:25 AM
Caia joked with him, cranky but in good spirits all that same. Cranky was just standard he supposed, and he loved her no less. She said he'd dug his own grave and he threw his head back with a laugh. She was right, if he was being honest, but he wouldn't admit it. Eventually she gave in, admitting that perhaps it wasn't so terrible here after all. She asked how he was enjoying things, and he pondered for a moment. "It's... Very different. I guess I just kind of jumped ahead to where everything comes together, but living it is a lot more work. Not that it makes me any less excited, just perhaps a bit daunted." He looked at her and scrunched up his face to show his displeasure.

Mithras knew he could be honest with Caia, perhaps even more honest than he was with himself. Still, no matter how much work this pack would take, he was willing to give every ounce of effort he could. Tomorrow Him would be grateful, and hopefully so would his daughters. He owed it to the future, didn't he? And if nothing else, he wanted to make his time on the planet worthwhile while he had the chance.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years
Dire wolf
02-27-2016, 05:25 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

Her brother seemed amused by her pointing out that he'd done this to himself. Well, as long as he didn't start crying hysterically, that was fine with her. He later admitted that he was a little bit strange, and a little bit scary. She snorted, rolling her eyes. He may be king, but he was still her clueless little brother. "You say this like it was supposed to be any different." She retorted, grinning. If they still had parents, they would have been the first to tell him not to expect any less. However, it was left to them to figure it out on their own. "I'm glad you're happy, though I wouldn't have expected you to do this in a millennia. I thought we'd be loners forever, just our band of misfits until death knocked on our doors." She sighed, gazing at the clouds overhead. She had yet to decide if that would be favourable. She did like the ability to roam, though not knowing where she'd be sleeping that night was a constant concern.

"But now look at us, taking care of a bunch of other wolves like we actually give a shit." She snorted, thumping him lightly in the side. Sure, it wasn't her ideal role, but she was with Mithras until the end, and Faria was her sister by now. Leaving them behind to pursue a life of adventure simply wouldn't be as entertaining. Not to mention they might add to their new family if she left them alone again. Silence would fall again, and she would listen to the rise and fall of her brother's breath. It brought her back to when they were young, and she would fall asleep at night surrounded by all those warm bodies, with their breathing coaxing her into the nights rest.



3 Years
Dire wolf
02-29-2016, 09:31 AM
Caia took this a lot more seriously than he'd expected of her, but that did nothing to dull the sharpness of her tongue. He could only roll his eyes at her. He really needed to get her to work that steam off, or eventually she'd take it out on him. What she said next sent a pang of nostalgia through his chest, and he sighed. "Me too, to be honest with with you." He looked skyward. "But the girls changed everything. They've changed me, or at least their starting too. I don't know, but I like where things are headed. We could do a lot of good here, Caia. Maybe make up for some of the bad being done back home right now." He knew it wasn't their burden to bear, but somehow knowing that such evil existed only made him want to grow stronger. He also figured Caia would just laugh it off but whatever. He still loved her, and he knew she would support him no matter what it came down to, and he would do that same for her. That was what kin was for right? He was starting to grow worried about Cerse though, she hadn't be around much since they first reconciled. He told himself that she was always more prepared than he could dream of, and he'd survived. She would be just fine.

Caia on the other hand was growing into more and more of a sour old maid by the day. He was getting worried about her happiness, and he frowned. "Caia, you are not bound here. I would love for you to stay and do this with me, but if you feel you need to be elsewhere, I want you to be happy." It was a hard thing to say, but Caia's happiness meant more to him than his own, and he knew that he could trust her to stay safe too. They were all made of tougher stuff than most. They just had a little extra star dust. He leaned over and bumped her cheek with the top of his head, an affectionate nudge. "Or maybe I just need to give you some younglings to beat around, huh?" He'd love to see Caia take on Artemis and Leto, and maybe Iskra could even hold on to her tail. That'd be a sporting event for the whole pack! Hmm, maybe he was on to something here...

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-14-2016, 06:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-14-2016, 06:22 PM by Caia.)

Her brother was such an earnest creature, full of wonder and love. It was both glorious and horribly irritating, depending on the day. She snorted, smirking at the sky above them. Mith was a father, and he was pretty good at it, all things considered. The celestial femme hummed her acknowledgement to his speech, pressing her paw into his flank reassuringly. "I understand, brother mine. I can almost guarantee that father was not who he used to be once we were born, just as you are no longer quite the same." She murmured, tugging his ear between her teeth lightly. It took her a moment to gather her train of thought, and put it back on the rails. Her grip on his ear was lost, and she resumed her musings. "We will never be able to forget the traumas of our past, unfortunately. Perhaps, indeed, what we are working toward here, while it may never redeem the horrors of home, can redeem us within the eyes of ourselves." She sighed, resting her chin atop his head.

He continued to speak, insisting that she was welcome to leave. A rumbling laugh burst from her throat, and she thumped him roughly in the ribs. "You will never be rid of me, brother mine! If I left you again, you might flood this poor continent with your spawn, and where would the world be then?" She chuckled, shaking her head. What a concept! He offered another solution, and her approval rumbled from her chest in a thoughtful hum. "That does sound like a good idea, doesn't it?" She giggled, taking the opportunity to press a slobbery kiss to his cheek and bound to her feet.

"Now, enough of this boring talk! Last one to the river gets pushed in!" She laughed, practically dancing in place. She gave her brother what she thought to be ample time to get up, and was off like a bullet from a gun. It had been so long since they'd played their games! Even a king needed to let loose sometimes, right? The feeling of her paws pounding the earth was wondrous, and jubilation bubbled in Caia's veins.

"Talk" "You" Think