
I Spy


02-11-2016, 05:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Though the adventure bug was strong in her, it seemed temporarily sated by the single expedition beyond Donostrea's borders Rory had been able to get away with most recently. It had been a fluke - she had realized that fairly quickly after returning and finding herself unable to make the same escape again - but that was okay. Her success still filled her with a strong sense of accomplishment and her grin was still smug whenever it crossed her mind. She would try again sometime - obviously the grown ups could not corral her all the time - but there would be time enough for that later.

She had spotted one of the grown ups crossing the prairie, and the second her golden eyes had sighted his mottled brown coat her attention had been fixed. On bumbling paws, she ran after him, daring to get close before she suddenly fell into an awkward crouch. With her front end low and her hind end still up, tail wagging a few excited beats, Aurora crawled forward with a serious, concentrated expression. What's he up to? It would have been easier to ask, certainly...but sneaking and spying were so much more fun!



5 Years
02-12-2016, 04:10 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2016, 03:23 AM by Terrae.)

The earthen healer was completely absorbed in his task. He and his hedgehog companion had brought back a hefty bundle of alfalfa, meadowsweet and yarrow. Whilst they carried their findings in their jaws, they held their heads high, feeling quite satisfied with how their morning exploration had turned out. All that was left was for them to plant the herbs and bathe in their success...until tomorrow, when they would set off in search for more.

They laid down their herbs on a clear space of soil by their shared den, careful not to damage the roots. He began to sift through his knowledge and extract the procedure of planting and maintaining a healthy garden. First they'd need to collect some water from the narrow stream he had found - the one that lead to the ocean, then they'd have to dig small holes to plant the herbs in...his thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitched squeal from his companion. "What is it, Silvius?" he asked, watching as the spiked creature sniffed the air. Terrae did the same and found the scent of a pup drifting towards them, growing stronger. Ah ha! Was one of his nieces sneaking up on him? In that case, he decided to keep quiet and pretend he hadn't noticed. "Shh," he whispered to his companion, a sly smile tugging at his lips.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*


02-13-2016, 03:49 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Stealthy as an unschooled pup could be, Aurora slunk across the ground toward her uncle, intent upon watching and waiting to see what he was up to. She rather liked sneaking like this - it made her feel so smart and...well, stealthy. And there was something exciting about knowing no one could see you, about possibly being able to get to places that otherwise would be off limits. Not that Uncle Terrae's den was off limits, but it was much more fun to think that it might be. That is, if he knew she was following him.

The young girl was so intent upon her game that, as she neared where the healer had stopped, she jumped when she saw her uncle turn his head. Oh no! Thinking her cover was blown, Rory held perfectly still, even going so far as to hold her breath in case that would help too. But even though Terrae looked around, his gaze did not linger in her direction, nor did he seem to be aware that she was there. Yes! She grinned, her tail wagging and unknowingly rustling grass, and feeling successful she began to sneak forward again.

As her not-so-stealthy paws brought her closer, she finally realized what it was that had so consumed her uncle's attention before. Her golden eyes shifted away from the hedgehog - stamping down the urge to poke at it - and instead fixed on what he had been carrying across the prairie. Finally dropping her stealthy guise, Rory strode the last few feet forward boldly, her soft, round features thoughtful as she tilted her head to the side and stared at the plants before glancing up at Terrae curiously. What was he doing?



5 Years
02-14-2016, 03:21 AM

The girl's scent grew stronger, though he didn't need to analyse her scent to know that. The rustling of the grass was fairly obvious, though he pretended not to notice that either. He could barely contain his laughter; he just wanted to turn around and cuddle the little detective. Biting his tongue until he could taste a little blood, he fidgeted on his haunches as he awaited the girl's arrival impatiently. With earthen paws he poked and rummaged through his herbs and hummed a little tune - not the best acting though hopefully enough to fool his niece. After all, he didn't want to ruin her fun.

He was almost disappointed to hear the change in the pup's steps from a slow creep to a normal walk. No surprise scare or attack? Oh well, at least he would save himself a few grey hairs. In the corner of his eye he found the girl quietly yet curiously standing beside him. He swivelled his head around to rest his warm, welcoming gaze on her blue and tan form. Ah, this one he hadn't yet spent time with. Aurora, wasn't it? "Hello," he greeted with a broad smile, bronze eyes twinkling. "I'm your uncle Terrae." Did she know who he was? Probably not, unless she had seen him out and about around the pack. Gesturing to his companion, who was staring up at the pup wide-eyed, he added, "That's my friend, Silvius." He couldn't forget about his herbs - perhaps he could interest the child in healing. All he wanted was someone he could teach and bore with his endless yakking on herbs. He wouldn't be surprised if she thought of him as a complete nut-head. After all, who else obsessed over something as silly as plants? "Would you like to know what I'm doing?"

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*


03-03-2016, 12:10 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rory watched closely as the earth-colored wolf gave her his full attention and moved his mouth funny the same way that Mommy and Daddy did. She watched the way his lips moved, how they worked to form the words that she still struggled to hear. Even this close, they were nothing more than sounds, soft, muffled noises that were incoherent and pointless to her. If she had even a tiny inclination of what the words meant, she might have been able to pick them out of the messy mumble that she heard, but lacking the practice or the knowledge it all went right over her head.

But gestures, on the other hand...those she understood perfectly. Her ears perked and her head turned so she could stare at the little hedgehog Terrae motioned towards, and again that innate urge to poke at the creature reared its mean head. Instinct and logic warred - she wanted very much to the poke the animal and see what it would do, but Terrae seemed to pal around with it a lot. Would it make him mad? She did not want to make him mad. He smiled a lot and carried around a bunch of plants like they meant something, and she doubted he would let her linger nearby to watch him work if she upset him or his little friend. Safe for now, Aurora thought, and fidgeted her feet.

More muffled sounds, garbled noises, drew her golden gaze back to her uncle, and though she had not understood his question she still tilted her head to the side again with curious intent.



5 Years
03-05-2016, 04:14 AM

She didn't say much, as he had observed. She didn't say anything at all, in fact. He wasn't sure if her lack of speech was something to worry over. Pups were usually loud and spunky, though that didn't mean every child behaved in such a way. He had been quiet as a child; perhaps it was nothing out of the ordinary. Though what if she had speech difficulties or damaged vocal cords? What if she hadn't heard properly? He was certain he had spoken clear enough...well, he'd just have to keep an eye on her.

At least she responded to his gestures, flickering her gaze between him and his companion. She appeared intrigued and fascinated by the spiked creature, and he couldn't help the broad smile beaming upon his ebony features. Then she tilted her head to the side curiously, an indication for him to continue. Perhaps she had understood. He would keep his sentences short and gestures large, however, in case the girl was feeling a bit shy and intimidated by him speaking.

"I'm planting my herbs," he explained, gesturing to his herbs and the soil. Slowly, he dug a small hole in the ground, giving her plenty of room in case she wanted to observe. "First I dig a hole." Picking up one of his herbs - a small bunch of alfalfa - between his teeth, he dangled the roots above the hole and carefully placed the roots inside. "Then I plant my herb," he continued, the bitter taste from the leaves still on his tongue. "Then I fill it up." Supporting the herb upright with one paw, he filled the hole with more soil and patted around it nicely. They still had to water it, but he didn't want to overwhelm the girl with too much information. Learning was better taken with small steps.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*


03-16-2016, 01:18 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Aurora watched closely as her Uncle Terrae again moved his lips to the accompaniment of more mumbled noises, and followed the gesture he made toward the plants that sat beside him. Her golden eyes surveyed the pile of alfalfa from the spindly roots all the way up the stems, but just a glance was not enough to enlighten her to the medicinal properties it carried. That information, valuable as it was, meant nothing to the young girl, though she did recognize that the plant itself had a purpose. He must have gotten it for something, she reasoned, and returned her attention to the earth-colored wolf as the lesson went on.

She got to her feet as the healer began to dig a small hole in the ground. Wishing to better observe, the blue pup shifted around until she stood almost across from him, watching his large paws draw dirt away and clear out a shallow space in the earth. Rory's head tilted as she examined the hole, but even as she wondered why it had been dug Terrae was already on his way to answering the question. Attention back on him, the young girl saw him gingerly take one of his plants and set it, roots down, into the hole and begin packing the earth at its base. Oh! That seemed simple enough. He was just moving the plants.

Feeling as if she understood, her golden eyes lit up and sparkled as the delighting sense of comprehension settled in. A smile slowly spread across her soft features as she glanced between Terrae and the plants with a few excited wags of her tail. If she knew what it was he was doing now, did that mean she could help? She wanted to, very much, and began searching the ground around her until she found a decent looking spot just to the side of where she stood. Grinning, she hopped over to it on bouncing, bubbly steps, stopped, and proceeded to begin over-exuberantly digging a hole, kicking up dirt messily as she worked.



5 Years
03-26-2016, 03:23 AM

Still no word from the girl. He couldn't help but to briefly frown at this. He had been hoping for more chattery company, at least a few words here and there if she was so shy. Sometimes he forgot she was even there. It wasn't until his bronze eyes would stray from his planting to realise the girl was still standing there, an inquisitive look upon her blue features. At least she was looking at him and seemingly taking an interest in what he was doing, even if she didn't respond to his queries or raise any of her own. Did she understand what he was saying? Well, even if she didn't, he was providing her with a visual aid. Surely she was getting something out of it?

As he finished meticulously patting the dirt around his alfalfa, loose soil began to rain on his pelt. Swivelling his head in surprise, he found no other than the blue girl herself exuberantly digging a hole alongside him. A few chuckles shook his body at the heartwarming sight, his beaming grin broadening. He didn't expect the silent girl to be so eager to help out. Perhaps he had underestimated her from the beginning. "Very good," he praised. "Not too deep though." He then nosed the alfalfa, hoping the girl would finish her digging and begin planting. If she needed any help, he would be there to assist in any way possible, not that he thought she would say anything.

"Terrae speech" "Silvius speech"

*Family are allowed to enter any of Terrae's threads whether they're private or not*