
вeaυтy and тнe вeaѕт


08-17-2014, 08:05 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A silhouette stirred beneath the sheets of blanketing darkness, a beauty coiled with magnificent caramel hued tresses and little white patches to decorate her bodice, loomed out from underneath the shadows. Her paws caressed along the hard surface of a bolder she had laid herself down to sleep on. Easing her slim figure that was designed with thick layers of muscle fragments, her aching limbs crying out for remorse but there shall be no resting until she aided to the hunger that weakened her. Slumbering forward, lazily making heist up a slope, her crown hung low in agony of the betrayed sleep she had to so helplessly be woken from.

Upon reaching her destination, enveloped by the sweeping breeze current, she'd fully be drawn from her slumber to lay sharp retinas upon a specimen of hooves and antlers. The sweet tenderloin smell of its scent had her hind quarters rising up, hackles bristling along with the hairs on her shoulders. The goddess steadied her gaze onto the beast, the creature had not a clue that a colossal monster stalked it from behind; to dazed in the delicate greenery below it's hooves. Blythe released a smooth breath of relief, easing her way silently towards the specimen, hoping not to make a single peep to startle the organism. Yet, in the distance a twig snapped which the buck's instinct were to flee the scene upon hearing the silent snap of a stem. A low growl ruptured inside her vessel, irritation hovering over her like a dark cloud. With the huge gem stones of emerald green flowers the feminine made heist to where the source had come from.



7 Years
08-17-2014, 08:25 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]



Ebony mane rushing from the base of his skull furrowed thick and wild down the lining of his wide neck and landed lastly between his withers, blending neatly into the elongated and unkept coat that covered the rest of the herculean brute like a carpet over dunes it hung tight to his physique, yet had a strong and over powering effect to the physical abilities he possessed. Untidy, and filthy as he was it still fitted him perfectly. Stretching over muscle with such ferocity. Ebony and chestnut highlighted in color due to the rays of the sun bleaching the thick strands on his back. Dust, dirt, and debris would practically pull from his pelt whenever he would make a sudden movement. Twigs and various leaves would occasionally stick into the feathers and loose clumps of shedding fur.

The dirty male would slow himself ever so carefully, though his hackles were at a rise, the creature before him, both far, yet too distant to lay a move upon, would chew so quietly at it's grass possession, ruminating in silence as the predator watched intently in secret. Although, with such a lack of sleep as of late, and a lingering lack of success in capturing flesh between his ivories, the beast would set a flaw into the setting evening air, and it would rupture the atmosphere, ripping it in two, startling the creature ever so easily. He froze where he stood, concealed, yet feeling completely exposed at that moment. His pierced auds would lay back against his skull in frustration, optics flaming for a moment, and his throat would sing with a sharp snarl at himself. Lifting the paw that caused the disruption, the brute sighed yet again, taking it in stride as he normally did, not allowing his temper to over rule him as it usually did. He slowly lifted himself to a full stance, relaxing his powerfully figure, feeling a crack in the joints of his hocks he held his breath as they sounded out, giving a gentle shake to his thick, dirty pelt as if to shake it off.

He stared for a moment at the snapped twig, but in a moment his attention was captured, his auds tensing and flicking forth at the sound of another. Though he was unsure of what or who it was, his nostrils flared into the atmosphere, glistening golden ring in-between them leaked the mucus that clung to it so effortlessly. Dirt and dust spread over his unkept facade as well as he starred in the general direction of the sound. His optics at a stare, his massive figure frozen yet again.


08-21-2014, 04:28 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The portrait of a caramel painted empress maneuvered its way about a tree, rounding and leaping forward to make heist towards her target. She hadn't seen a single soul on these islands for half a life time, yet that was only the oblivion talking. You find yourself gazing, at what seems to appear as a colossal beast, one who was coiled with ebony locks, almost caught up into an entrancement by the bright vibrant rays of the glistening bull ring clanking quietly in the silent morning breeze. Yes, she was attracted, from the very moment, yet, did that technically mean the brute's persona would spark her interest about as much as his foundations had done. Possibly not, for you were not one to be so easily manipulated and sculptured into something someone wants her to be. She is a goddess of her own prevail, and to oppose her is like to claim war on the Devil himself -- that battle is never won, at least not for the likes of you.

At least you have the balls to approach someone rather than secluding yourself beneath the cloaking shadows, evaporating rapidly from the west and seizing across the terrain. It was than that the goddess slips out from behind a bush, reveal her magnificent swirled caramel pelt that was engraved with well defining splashes of white. All four of her paws stuck out against the velvet darkness orbiting around her, even her glowing emerald green gems shone brighter than the rising sun. You think to yourself.. could I pounce on this male and bring him to his knees in triumph for making my food flee? The lone she-wolf couldn't stop herself from engulfing a beautiful howl of quiet chuckles, once devouring his appearance by the gazes drilling into his soul you'd take gentle steps forward -- halting only a couple inches from the ivory tainted god. A smooth, honeysuckle Greek accent takes control -- one of which was one of the many dead languages spoken; which usually drew many forth by just the sound of her vocals vibrating angelic tunes in their wake.

"You scared off my meal brute, have you anything to say?"



7 Years
08-24-2014, 03:34 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]



Golden optics slowly allowed themselves to lift from staring endlessly at the large ebony paw of his that had a few twigs below it. With a sense of tired frustration the brute felt another low growl emit from the bowels of his throat, his thick neck shaking briefly, the matted and long-haired obsidian pelt like a mane wrapping about his great and wide shoulders and crest. Shaking momentarily with little effort in an attempt to rid the mosquito's buzzing about his dial. As he scented the caramel colored fae he noted she was nearing him closer and closer. Her steps echoed a sense of aggravation and impatience, and with a heavy sigh the brute straightened himself in order to look slightly acceptable for the dove, though that was close to impossible to achieve at the time.

Black mats fell from about his face as he shook wildly, this time his whole herculean figure following suit. Dust and dirt floated into the atmosphere about him, mat's and obsidian hair fell from his freshly fluffed, yet ratchet pelt. As she struck into the air before him, the brute kept his golden gaze upon her. Shining out against his obsidian figure that practically melted into the shadows. His maw lifted, his expression flat and uncaring in many ways as he watched her move rigidly. Golden bull ring would shimmer and shine with clear mucus and dirt layering it lightly. Moving gently as his nostrils flared to take in the goddesses scent still, wrinkling the scared skin along his thick maw. Great auds, one and a half more realistically pulled forward slowly to face her, two thick golden studs punctured into his left ears outer base seemed to glimmer straight at the dove. A small smirk crossed his maw as he watched her approach with rapid fire on her lips.

Her accent drew his attention as he eyed her figure, optics straying up and down her top line, then glancing at her ivory paws that blended ever so neatly into her caramel colored pelt. The thick brute huffed quietly before speaking out calmly. Auds laid gently against his skull in slight annoyance. A chuckle fell from his throat, deep and thunderous though barely clear it rumbled over his tongue hardly above a mumble.

"Your meal? Funny, dove, I saw no written word on it's hide." With that the brute turned to face the fae, glowing gold capturing her emeralds, at least in an attempt to. Her accent and curious appearance captured his undivided attention. His vocals were not light, but not low in direct meaning of the joke, and so he wanted to play with her serious self for as long as it was warranted.