
☣ Toxic Voices



7 Years
08-17-2014, 07:58 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]



Golden optics remained forward, seemingly stuck on a never ending plane. Exhaustion plagued the brute, much as it did at all times for he would never be able to sleep so long as his mind kept him awake. The only thing keeping him from collapsing at that very moment was the constant forward movement he was presenting. His massive paws were flicked forward, landing with a thunderous landing against the dusted, weed driven terrain. Once in a while a sheet of cool sheet rock would capture he heat of the raw pads beneath his four feet, and he would sigh, seeming to slow a bit as to allow the sore padding some time of relief. As he walked, he weaved, his dial hanging low upon his blades, both rotating up and down next to one another, pushing the thick mass of ebony and chestnut mane of pelt that started at the base of his skull and ended at his withers. The earth would tremble beneath his steps, taking his time in shifting his heavy weight too and fro, the bar-coded bracelet at his right arm would shift and bounce though remain where it was upon his cannon.

With yet another sigh, the brute's ivories would only glimmer, lips pulling away for a moment as his rich, pink tongue would slowly curl across his maw. Moistening the golden bull ring between his nostrils, snot seemed to seep down it like a magnet to the nasty bull it belonged to. Unkept, and unswayed by opinion and social norm, this beast was on the page of his own book, keeping his grooming habits to himself, no matter just how revolting.

As the sheet rock passed him, he did his best to stick to where it was the most, stepping over short bluff's, and leaping as gracefully as a wolf his size and manner could, a crack of joints to follow suit. Auds would flick as he attempted to capture the sounds around him, low grumbles sounding loudly in his gut. Though he continued to think, and think, and think. His mind at a race with itself for what seemed like an eternity. The very reason his sleep would only last for minutes at a time before he was wide awake in thought.


08-17-2014, 08:36 PM

The breeze that whirled and twirled around the rather large silver toned temptress made the ends of her tail to twitch, a sign that meant something was very wrong. A stone cold look on her face, as if she was out to kill someone. Though, it wasn't like that at all, this goddess simply does not like life. Everywhere she went, everything she did held no emotion to it. Some say she is immune to pain, never knowing if she cut her leg off or not, nothing phases her which makes her deadly in battle. Some would call this, painless. That's the word. Emotionless. That's another. There's a lot of things she can describe her as, and those are two of them. But, judging by her looks other wolves mistake her as a masculine by the bolder-like build of a God, she is stacked with muscles and long legs that vibrate with each fragments. Yet, do not underestimate her, she is one that will attack without warning and not hesitate to snap your neck if need be. Over the years though, she had gotten better at controlling her anger, making her a tad bit conscious and patient; not don't get kinky, she still has her anger issues with this one. As a pup, she was tortured. Her parents never did accept her, and being the child of a brother whom was sought to be the next hire to the thrown was hard to accept. So the only righteous act she had proclaimed at a very young age was to murder her brother, her own kin. Her father didn't want a daughter, he wanted a son that could take the place of Alpha when he died, and yet that couldn't happen under Sinister's control. So she slaughtered him one day while they were playing, claiming that he got into a bad conflict with a predator. Though, her father knew better, and the blood masking her whole bodice concluded that she committed the crime, and this drove her father to go mad with rage. So with that, the women's father chased her off the land, and from then on out Sinister had to grow up quickly and adopt to the hazardous life as a young pup. And this is where she is now...

Climbing over tiny rocks, pebbles, twigs, and patches of grassy hills and steep undergrowth's, the fae rightfully known as Sinister carried herself across the open plain meadow and back into the safe haven of the shadows once again. She has been walking non-stop for over 5 hours and not knowing where she was going to end up and ready for anything as her muscles tensed with suspicion. There wasn't any rustles coming from under dead leaves, or rabbits zigzagging past her feet to escape from the outside world. The tips of her auricles shot up to hear the slightest sound of shuffling coming from the distance, alert and cautious, the feminine snow white colossal babe took her stance with power and envy. Letting her masculine frame relax to look calm and collective, though one with a more keener eye could detect she was armed and dangerous; ready for a fight.

Her cloudy, sparkling silver/steel tainted orbs narrowed into slits, tension rising inside of her as she listened to the brutes movements. Not liking this she didn't emerge from the darkness, awaiting for him to do that first. Though at the looming outline of his body, he seemed like a rather incredibly built male. So, she stalked him in silence, crouching lower to the ground, but not letting her coat touch the ground now almost like she was floating above the Earth surface like a feather. Hoping her eyes didn't give her away, pressing her enormous paws on the surface below her to feel the vibration with each step he took to feel if he was getting closer to her or not. Biting her tongue to hold back growls of pure rage that wanted to slip out and tear him to shreds. Yet, like always, her demons came flourishing out and a rupturing growl ravishing against her thorax, and give or take it's thundering spectrum she would have to reveal herself at any moment.




7 Years
08-18-2014, 07:53 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

A huff of breath forced itself from his lungs, exhaling powerfully through his nostrils as his maw wrinkled momentarily. Mucus and liquid dripped from the golden bull ring shining amidst both the darkness and the light. As he walked, the heat of the day was starting to fade into it's hottest moments. The evening coming over him in a wave of heat and exhaustion. Gaze became heavy as his form moved slowly amidst the grassy and dirt terrain. Canopy's above him reflected their shadows upon the ground below. Weaving in and out of the still shadows his massive Herculean form would disrupt the light and dark scattered patterns. Like a camouflage he remained within it, allowing the light to highlight his figure without hesitation.

A deep sound radiated from the depths of his throat, a brief shake of his thick, matted mane of ebony upon the back of his neck sent strands of black and brown to float gently towards the ground behind him, Dust and dirt would curl into the air, hindering it momentarily filthy and fluttering with a cloud of dust and earth. Golden orbs would fixate weakly upon the next step he had coming, but not before the weight of them caused his orbs to roll upwards and his lids met, at that moment his next few steps went unknown and uncontrolled. He stumbled forward, ever so painfully causing himself to hit his knee's against the earth, and his maw to dig with distain into the dirt, rolling it forward and spreading a thin layer over his maw. Immediately waking himself from his sudden fall, the brute felt his weight suddenly grow heavier, a sinking feeling hitting his empty stomach. Holding his breath he lifted himself akin to an elephant, a grunt escaping his throat as he stood where he was, dirt staining his maw and legs.

His mind suddenly felt empty, and from it popped the memory of when he was younger, maybe it was his exhaustion plaguing his tired mind like a virus, but suddenly he felt a memory forming that was rather puzzling. Like a dream it hit his nerve endings with a solid punch. A yelp occurred and suddenly his eyes shot open. The unknown noise he had produced made him look around curiously. Maybe it was a dream, though he managed to wake himself up quite forcefully. The seconds he was gone from the world felt like minutes in his mind, and the images that played within it seemed to last forever. Physical pain plagued his body, though he knew what the cause for that was, most likely a bout of arthritis forming in his joints. But the pain in his mind? It was a confusing one. The memory had been short but clear as day, and it's effect on him was strange, as though it was something he told himself long ago he would never reminisce again, yet somehow it had made it's way out of the secret archives, only to be experienced in an unwanted way.

His dial lifted as the sound of another caused him to pause mid-thought, awakening himself further he fixed his pained stance, the gold bracelet at his right leg clanging against a rock at his side, snot and dirt coating the ring in his wrinkled nose as it pulsated with scenting the air. Feeling the hackles at his back lifting, the sensation of nerve endings bouncing off of each other caused the beast of a male to tense himself, musculature enhancing to increase his size in only by a little bit, breaths growing heavy to catch the scent of a rigid fae somewhere near him. She smelled peculiar, though a hazardous smell seemed to follow it. Shaking lightly, the brute relaxed for a moment, his joints rickety against the earth. Shaking it off he focused his attention to his right, dial remaining forward but lowering still, and orbs of gold shined against the corner of his narrowed gaze in her direction, doing his best to focus his energy in this bitch's direction.

Like distant thunder, low and somewhat disrupted, the brute opened his maw to speak out barely above a mumble. Vocals like the bass of a cello, they captured the air easily melting it away in her direction. Short and too the point. "Why do you hide from me, fae?" Though exhaustion ran through his veins like a disease, he felt adrenaline continue to surface in his heart, allowing the tensity to return.