
Coming Back Down


02-15-2016, 04:59 PM

There had been no fanfare. No great warmth or happiness as Sin’s life ebbed away. There had been a sick feeling deep within Cypress. There was no satisfaction. He had taken a life. Where he had thought there to be joy, to be relief, there was none. He had left the battleground in silence. He had done what he had set out to do... And for what? To stoop to a level no better than that of his wife’s killer and accomplice. It wasn’t until Sin lay lifeless in his jaws that Cypress even realized that he had made a terrible mistake. Anger was a dangerous thing.

Cypress moved back towards Borealis. Towards the scent of the place he’d come to know as home. It was not Sonticus, had lacked his wife’s warmth. But it was alright. Things would be fine. He would breathe in slowly, crossing the borders of Borealis as he tried his best to withstand the pain from his wounds. His belly and gut had suffered the most damage, but by far not as horrid a fate as his opponent had met. Cypress didn’t understand. Why didn’t he feel better that Sin was gone?

A grunt would pass his lips as he forced himself onward. Forced himself towards the den that he slept in alone. He would slip inside, the icy feeling not leaving him. Shield had become sword... He had sought out vengeance. But had it really been won? Would it really, ever, be over? Cypress would collapse onto the dirt floor of the den, a cry of pain passing his lips. If anything he just wanted to lay in this den and sleep. Perhaps in his dreams he would see Arian again. How would she feel about his deed?

Cy would close his eyes, giving a shuddering sigh. Soon he would need to seek out his children, but for now he would do his best to recover from his hurts. He couldn’t imagine how they would feel... And Cypress would ask himself for the umpteenth time that day; Have I done the right thing?




2 Years
02-15-2016, 06:29 PM

Alna had been coming back to the south sneaking away from abaven lands. Something didn't sit right with her to just have gone and left behind her friend and Mr. Cypress. Fern Gully the scent of Borelis was still thick here which was a good sign for her though it was going to be slightly dangerous for her to cross the border this time. Would Marina be upset if she was coming to visit those she deemed family? the thought didn't seem to stick long as she would creep into the land slowly but surely to first to check in on Cypress's den. He would be the first Alna would want to check in on surely with the loss of his mate it was taking its toll on him and the news of his son. With patience Alna made her way to the entrance of the den and would peer in to see the man she sought. What had happened to him? he was injured but from what? no matter Alna had to get in there and check up on the older gentleman, "Mr. Cypress I hope you don't mind my intrusion its me Alna... I was coming to Borelis to check up on you and Holly... if you don't mind me asking but what happened?"

The young girl was prepared to wait if Cypress didn't speak right away. Something clearly happened but what she didn't know. Hopefully Holly would get here to take care of him but Alna was prepared to do what she could to help him too. Alna understood the risk of being here but again it didn't sit well with her that she never got to say goodbye to them. Sure her folks and uncle might be upset with Alna for sneaking off but there was good reason for it this time. Once again Alna spoke softly, "If there is anything I can do for you to help I will... I don't have Holly's knowledge in herbs but surely I can do something". Allen would be proud if he seen and understood why Alna had slipped away to here but probably upset that she did. This seemed to be a commonly occurring thing for the girl all in the name of doing what Alna believed was right.
