
Don't trust a pretty girl



6 Years
Extra large
02-15-2016, 07:17 PM

Knowing Mortar had finally come out of his den and started to really explore had been a great relief for Glacier. Knowing Ray was dragging him into every kind of trouble imaginable... not so much. He wasn't certain what to do with the pair, he knew that Ray was good for the kid, that she had dragged him out of his shell and really started the process of recovery. He knew also that there had bene punishment work already assigned to them from Voltage, preparing the den for Gaia and his brother's newest litter.

It was a problem he hadn't found a solution to yet – this new duo. Mortar walked blindly into trouble with Ray, and Ray dreamed up bigger and bigger trouble, no doubt to show off to the boy. Perhaps it was time he and Mortar had a word about his daughter...

when the boy wasn't off causing trouble with Ray, he was often in his den, and it would be here that the Alpha searched for him. He walked quietly to the entrance and scratched a paw against the wall outside to announce his presence. “Mortar?” he asked softly, not disturbing the boys sanctuary by entering.





4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2016, 07:30 PM

Mortar definitely had gotten out of his den more. Every day Ray helped him recover just a little bit more and the young male found himself feeling just a little bit better. Ray wouldn't replace his siblings but she sure did make a good best friend. Other than getting him into massive amounts of trouble every single time they went out to play. Hell, his very first trip out with her had landed them into trouble with Voltage and they'd helped dig out his den for his mate and the children they were about to have. Not that that had been bad, had someone asked he would have done it anyways, but it was still a punishment nonetheless and he didn't like the idea of being in trouble. He'd never gotten into this much trouble in the entirety of his life. Still he'd trusted every word Ray ever said when she reassured him they weren't going to get into trouble and he believed her every single time.

Today there were no grand adventures to be had though. Instead he lay in his den with his head on his paws as he napped the morning away. Well he was asleep until a paw scratching against his den caught his attention. He slowly opened his eyes thinking it was Ray, but then he remembered she just waltzed right in whenever she wanted to see him. It didn't take him long to realize it was Glacier instead. Mortar quickly shifted into a sitting position feeling a bit more awake now.

"Come in." He said politely, eager to see what the giant Alpha wanted.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



6 Years
Extra large
02-15-2016, 07:38 PM

The answering voice would beckon from inside, and Glacier moved into the den. He already had a smile for the young man Anais had rescued. “Hello” Glacier said, and although it warm it was slightly hesitant. He was after all about to lecture the man on trusting Glacier's own daughter. It was likely to be an awkward conversation. “I have a few things I would like to talk about – and no, your not in any trouble” he said gently, his eyes flashing lightly with amusement. Yes, news on all the mischief the two had gotten into had reached Glacier's ears, the full extent of, Mortar was about to realize.

He took a seat on the ground opposite the young man, through his towering height didn't give him much of an eye level to work with. “I'm not mad about what you've been getting into, but its clear that I have been lax on helping you understand the rules of our pack. Sadly, I have to say that Ray is fully aware of the rules. I need you to understand – every last moment of trouble she has landed in, she has been fully aware of the situation she would land in. from my understanding, you haven't had this same awareness.” he would start the lecture, through he was in no way finished yet.




4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2016, 07:46 PM

Glacier greeted him and Mortar smiled back at him, but the boy could sense something was up so his smile was a small one and quickly faded as Glacier got straight to business. “I have a few things I would like to talk about – and no, your not in any trouble” Mortar Cringed slightly at this. Judging from his choice of words he already knew about all the "adventures" Ray had drug him to. Surely Voltage told him of their first encounter, and from there... well Ray had a knack for getting him to do things he wouldn't do by himself.

“I'm not mad about what you've been getting into, but its clear that I have been lax on helping you understand the rules of our pack. Sadly, I have to say that Ray is fully aware of the rules. I need you to understand – every last moment of trouble she has landed in, she has been fully aware of the situation she would land in. from my understanding, you haven't had this same awareness.”

Mortar tried his best to hold eye contact, but he had to crane his neck up to do so and by the end of it he was feeling quite guilty as it was. His ears began to flick backward at the lecture, though he tried his best not to stare at his paws like he normally did knowing it was rude. He'd already begun to understand Ray knew the rules way better than he did and ended up lying or misguiding him, not saying anything until it was too late. Still, he feared saying anything, not really wanting to get his friend into more trouble.

"My old pack... worked a bit different than yours. Ray doesn't often tell me what we're doing until we're already there..." He trailed off, still feeling guilty about the whole situation.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



6 Years
Extra large
02-15-2016, 08:02 PM

The young man tried to keep eye contact, Glacier could see the way he craned his neck up towards the Alpha. He could also see the embarrassment in his eyes, the folded ears Mortar did not like to get into trouble. It made Glacier wonder exactly how Ray managed, so skillfully, to drag him into trouble time and time again. He contemplated for a moment, he didn't want to upset Mortar, didn't want him to crawl back into his own space again. He did like the way he was finally out and about, exploring and living life. But if things carried on as they did, he and Ray where both going to get hurt. After all, the rules where there for a reason; to protect them.

Glacier nodded his head in understanding as Mortar spoke up. “Yes, I assumed as much. So i'm going to make things a little easier, i'm going to explain some of the rules to you. Ray is not allowed to leave the pack lands – I want to enforce the same rule on you, but I am also more willing to be flexible with you. I know you might have family out there, if you ever want to leave the pack to search for them I would appreciate it if you came to me first. I ask that purely to ensure your safety and well being – I consider you a part of our family” he said gently. “The cliffs are off bounds without an adult until you are one year of age, they can be treturous if your not paying attention. The beach is off bounds until the flooding is over, there are hidden riptides, and the ground is uneven and unpredictable in the ocean as it is currently. I trust only a strong swimmer to navigate them, and that is Locha, not two young pups. Voltage's pups are off limits without an adult's permission. They will be very small and fragile once their born. No entertaining unknown wolves at our borders, call for a high ranking wolf and keep away until they arrive, in case the stranger is hostile. Do nothing to create hostility between our pack and others. We have accepted you into our pack, your actions and the actions of any in this pack could be seen as the actions of Donostrea as a whole. I hope you can see how these rules are about safety, not restrictions.”

He completed the lecture there, but wasn't yet finished with Mortar. “I also advise you take everything Ray says with a grain of salt. Your her firsr none sibling young wolf for her to play with and I do believe she is showing off. I believe she doesn't mean you ill, only to impress you – but that doesn't excuse her actions. Now, with that unpleasantness over... I would also like to ask you about what you want your future in Donostrea to look like. Have you considered a role to apprentice in?”





4 Years
Extra large
02-15-2016, 08:26 PM

Glacier didn't seem to be too upset with him which made him feel slightly better. He couldn't help but wonder how much trouble Ray was going to be in since she did know all the rules. He was a bit worried about her, she was his friend after all, but then again he knew they had to stop getting into trouble every other day so they did deserve some punishments. His ears flicked forward and he listened more intently as Glacier continued speaking. The mention of rules being explained to him definitely made him feel a lot better. At least now Ray couldn't say they wouldn't get in trouble.

He did his best to keep up. It made him happy that Glacier was willing to let him go look for his family, but now that he was here Mortar was reluctant to leave. He had no knowledge of the lands around him and he had no earthly clue as to where his siblings could be so it was simple just to tell himself anything outside the pack borders were off limits. He now already knew the cliffs were off limits, courtesy of their first expedition, and with the beach flooded he'd had no intentions of going anywhere near the beach. He could swim decently but he certainly wasn't the best at it and he was well aware the ocean was much different than a stream or a river. He was a bit sad Voltage's new children were off limits but he understood that. It was obvious they were too young and he was too big to play with them so he could easily wait until they were older. Until then he was content to wait to babysit. As for entertaining strangers or doing anything to compromise the pack's well-being Mortar couldn't imagine doing anything of the sort.

With those rules out of the way he nodded. It was a lot to remember but he was sure he could do it. He was surprised when Glacier mentioned Ray. He'd already begun to realized not to trust everything she said, but he didn't understand when he said she was trying to show off. Still he nodded at that too, putting it off in the back of his head to remember later the next time she wanted to do something questionable. The conversation took a better turn when Glacier asked him what he wanted to do in the pack. His brows knit together as he thought about it, but it didn't take him long to figure it out either.

"Well... I wanna learn how to fight and protect myself... and others..." He said softly, though excitedly at the same time. "But is it bad that I wanna learn healing as well?" He didn't know if learning two things at once was allowed, but he wanted to try.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



6 Years
Extra large
02-15-2016, 11:29 PM
Mortar seemed like a pretty quiet kid. He was clearly taking it all in, and rather then speaking he sat there quietly and contemplated and remembered all he had been told. It was a refreshing change to Ray who couldn't sit still for two seconds and he couldn't say more then a sentence without her butting in with intiruptions and questions. Glacier could respect that we'll mortar wasn't actually much older then Ray, he was much more mature and acted above his age (other then being gullible to rays ways) and he had to assume that his experiences in the world had aged him prematurely. He was sad that mortar had any reason to grow up early, but it was definitely refreshing for the harassed parent. He could just be mistaking quiet for mature, but he didn't think so.

Glacier had done a decent amount of speaking in explaining things to mortar and it was his time to fall silent now. Mortar would say his part and glacier studied him thoughtfully for speaking. "I see nothing wrong with learning anything you want to and I will encourage and help you along the way. But when you come of age you will have to choice a rank dedicated to one aspect. There is nothing saying you can't exercise both talents but your chosen rank will have to be prioritized. In fighting I will speak to my brother voltage. He would be our strongest fighter. In healing, I will speak to Terrae. On top of this would you be in learning hunting with me?" Here he winked the boy. "Perhaps keeping you busy is in my best interest. Less time for trouble. "