
Summer breeze



2 Years
Extra large

02-22-2016, 10:33 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2016, 10:41 PM by Seraphiel.)

It was the start of a wonderful day. It was summer, and she was now nearly two months old. She was big enough that her parents allowed her a little more freedom, and just in time too! With the beach open to the wolves of Donostrea again for the first time in a season, she was more then ready to make the most of her summer.

The clean up was well underway, and the beach was everything she had dreamed of it being. Her father had told her she could pick out a den on the beach to use for play purposes (she still had to sleep in the family den with her parents – their trust only went so far) and she wanted to convince Mortar to move out of his den and into a new one on the beach, that's where all the exciting things happened. It also meant, that the two of them could search for their dens together! It was something entertaining, that didn't involve trouble, Mortar was sure to agree! Of course, she would surely be able to find them both trouble after a little while of searching, she had to keep things interesting.

With this in mind she searching along the Prairie for Tar, keeping an eye out on the path to his den. She wasn't surprised to find him there at home, as she strolled on through the entryway and peeked inside. “Tar! Come on, the beach awaits us!” she called triumphantly.




4 Years
Extra large
02-25-2016, 09:29 PM

Mortar had already begun to recognize the easy footfalls of Ray's paws. He wasn't asleep when he heard her approaching his den and his head perked up as he watched the mouth of his den. Sure enough the girl strolled right in. He offered her a bright smile and thump of his tail against the ground. He knew they'd both been yelled at by Glacier for getting into trouble, he'd made sure to memorize the rules this time, so maybe that was why she hadn't come around until now.

“Tar! Come on, the beach awaits us!”

His ears pricked forward curiously and his eyes took on a bright interested look at the mention of the beach. Mortar flung himself to his paws excitedly. At least with the beach open it was something in the territory they could do together and it wouldn't get them in trouble! There'd be no cliff to climb and they could explore just like they wanted.

"Alright! Lead the way." He said with a grin.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

02-25-2016, 11:30 PM
Ray hadn't been certain what reception to expect from Tae after her father's separate warnings to them both. The smile and tail thump where all great and positive signs and she was instantly radiant in response, turning on her full charm with a brilliant smile and a flash of her sapphire eyes. She twirled on the spot in an agile little twist as tar gave an affirmative response to her words. With that, she pranced out of the den and into the outside world again, the picture of sunny and puppish innocence.

As they started the walk to the beach she kept to tars side. The possibility of losing him only made him all that more important to her and she was thrilled he was still willing to be here beside her. She might manage to curb her adventurous side for a short time, just to make sure he wasn't having any doubts about their friendship.
For once, she didn't entertain him with a story on their wall and instead would turn their attentions to what to expect on the beach. "Daddy said you can have a den on the beach and he said I can have a play den... I was thinking we could find them together? Apparently there's lots of caves along the base of the cliff to explore and there cleaned out and safe" she promised. She pulled a face as she mentioned 'safe' so he could rest assured that she actually spoke the truth about this.

They reached the beach in a short time and she pranced on the spot the moment her feet touched the sand. "Wanna pick a direction?" She asked him, nudging his shoulder with a grey one of her own. He could perhaps see that she was reigning herself in, for the time being, and finding a measure of control over her normally unpredictable personality.



4 Years
Extra large
02-29-2016, 01:07 AM

Mortar watched as she twirled where she was and padded out of her den and the boy eagerly followed his blue coated friend. As they walked he kept expecting there to be some grand tale to go along with their stroll but none came. This confused him though he didn't say anything about it. Instead he just followed her quietly, yet excitedly, as they made their way to the beach. This time they wouldn't have to clean anything up and he was more than eager to explore. Now that all the water had receded he was absolutely certain that there would be plenty for them to see and do.

"Daddy said you can have a den on the beach and he said I can have a play den... I was thinking we could find them together? Apparently there's lots of caves along the base of the cliff to explore and there cleaned out and safe"

Mortar was a bit surprised by this. It'd never occurred to him to switch dens before, much less move to the beach, so he didn't know what to think of it. Then it brought on the question: why could Ray only have a play den and he could completely move into one? Did he really want to move to the beach? The prospect was exciting, and it wouldn't be any lonelier than his den now, but he finally decided he'd figure it out when he got there.

"Sounds great! We can find the best ones together." He said with a soft grin.

It wasn't long before their paws hit sand and he relished in the warmth it brought to his paw pads. It was amazing how different sand was compared to dirt and grass. "Wanna pick a direction?" Well he hadn't expected that. Normally it was Ray leading the way. He wouldn't waste his opportunity though. He nodded eagerly and then glanced around for a moment before deciding to take off at a lope to the left. It looked like a good place to start!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

03-02-2016, 04:32 PM

It was hard to keep herself tamed, and apart from mischief. In her efforts to reign herself in she was almost bouncing as she walked. It became only more difficult as they reached the beach and she eyes the epic expanse unrolling before her. "You bet!" She agreed with tar and quickly jumped into place beside him as he took off left across the beach. As she pranced along beside him she found she really, truly, couldn't help herself. She grinned wide as she let her eyes wonder across the beach. “Did I ever tell you about Voltage's rock collection? Well, according to my uncle, there are pirates that roam beaches! That like to steal things valuable and pretty... like Voltage's rock collection. If you see anything shiny, you should snatch it up before the pirates can!” she concluded, grinning wide as she puffed up her chest like she was more then ready to take on some pirates.

They where still walking along in Tar's chosen direction, moving away from the main cliffs. She would see a little crevice in one of the smaller cliffs that dotted the beach side. “Wanna explore in there?” she wondered.

Walk, "Talk" Think



4 Years
Extra large
03-07-2016, 09:09 PM

Ray seemed more than excited as she kept up with him with their lope across the beach. His eyes flicked towards his friend and his grin grew to match hers as he temporarily eyed her. She had such an exuberant personality that it resonated within him and he couldn't help but mimic it. It was a contagious feeling really. She was so radiant in her joy that it leaked out with those around her that they couldn't help but feel the same feelings as she. It was a wonderful thing really. It made his life all the better.

“Did I ever tell you about Voltage's rock collection? Well, according to my uncle, there are pirates that roam beaches! That like to steal things valuable and pretty... like Voltage's rock collection. If you see anything shiny, you should snatch it up before the pirates can!”

An ear flicked in her direction as they crossed the sandy terrain. His pace slowed slightly, enough to be easily able to hear her properly, as she told him of Voltage's rock collection. He found humor in the fact that the yellow marked Alpha had such a thing as a collection like that. A soft chuckle escaped him at first before she went on about pirates. The chuckle fell short as he eyed her again with a bit of surprise in his gaze. Did pirates really roam these beaches? His gaze turned from Ray to the sea as if he could actually be able to spot one but he saw nothing. He remained silent this time though and instead turned his gaze to the ground. Maybe he could find something shiny? It was a shame Voltage had lost his pretty collection. He hadn't seen it but he could only assume it had been grand.

Ray slowed and headed towards a different spot and Mortar let her take the lead following her with interest written on his face. He noted the crevice she led him to and studied it for a moment before turning his head towards Ray again. “Wanna explore in there?” He didn't need to be asked twice.

"Yeah sure! You can lead the way since I chose the direction."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]