
fast and the furious (FESTIVAL RACES)

Katja the First


8 Years
08-17-2014, 05:45 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2014, 05:45 PM by Katja the First.)

The spars had gone well enough, if slowly. She had given them a few days to recover from the trial, long enough that anyone who had sparred could still participate but not so long that the crowds became bored and restless. Bored and restless at a festival could mean violence, and while violence was not wholly unwelcome to her the festival was under a banner of peace and she'd be forced to take action against them.


This morning Skoll had already chased Sol partway across the sky when she surveyed the lake region. She had already decided on and paced off the flat, dry area she planned for the races to take place across, now all that was left was to gather the wolves who were interested.

Stopping at the flat area, she tossed her head in the air to call out to the festival goers, urging all interested in racing, or watching the races, to join her there.

OOC: See the plotting thread HERE for your first round match ups. It isn't necessary to post here before starting your race thread but is cool. Each wolf pair will have their own thread, with one post each of them getting set, one post of an alpha sending them off (Katja probably unless I'm in the race) then each racer will basically run as fast as they can to the finish line, the alpha's player will flip a digital coin and the next post will be the alpha announcing the winner IC. Any questions? Please PM me! Deadline for all of the "get set" posts will be WEDNESDAY, if your wolf is supposed to be racing but isn't posted in their thread by then they will forfeit.