
Tragedy of Perfection


02-29-2016, 05:40 PM

It'd taken him what felt like ages. Years even!

Well okay, not years, but for him it had taken far too long. All the stories of Valhalla, Erani, Surreal, and the rest of his family was what had driven him here. Though he'd never met Surreal he heard so much about her and her ideas to recreate Valhalla and it excited him. Granted he had a vague idea of what Surreal looked like, but other than that he wasn't quite sure what he was doing. He had had no idea of the location of Celestial so it'd taken some asking around to get here. It wasn't long though before he was sent in the right direction and here he was!

The territories were definitely a good choice.

He mused to himself. He was aware of the lake and then the very famous Vericona Plains where the old Valhalla had resided. Where the rest of the west seemed... well very barren the plains boasted of life. It wasn't all desert-y like the majority of the territories in this area of Alacritia and Dagger certainly approved. The darkness of his pelt didn't exactly make the heat comfortable, but his fur was short so it wasn't unbearable. If he was lucky he'd be well on his way towards the lake to cool off in no time.

Assuming their meeting went well of course. He could only hope. The large male shifted on antsy paws as he realized he couldn't procrastinate forever. So he raised his head letting out a loud enough howl to echo across the two territories Celestial had claimed. It was a rather excited howl, but he could hardly help it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

ooc: If something needs to be fixed just skype me



12 Years
Extra large
03-04-2016, 10:21 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

With spar training pairs given, Regulus was feeling just a bit bouncy. Hehehe, he'd be sparring Faite. That should be fun. His youngest litter mate was a spitfire, he knew, and she'd be sure to make it interesting. He was laying his mark thickly on a large stone on the border when the excited howl rippled to his ears. The vibrant red male turned to listen, leg still cocked, before he kicked off at a run, necklace jingling softly in his fur.

Whoa. This guy was the same height as he and his brother. Same age as Tornach, too, by the scent. Fathomless sapphires regarded the younger male carefully as Regulus slowed, tail raised just above his hips; a sign that he was of high rank, but not the alpha. He'd even beaten his mother there. No doubt she'd be along soon enough, but in the meantime...

Regulus coasted to a stop, tail wagging stiffly in regal greeting as he spoke to the male, taking in his looks and size... Something in the build, maybe the face, niggled at his mind. The cool heterochromia this guy had going on wasn't something he'd encountered personally, so he had no idea that his own aunt had something similar. No matter. To business. "Good day. I'm Regulus Anatolii Adravendi, Future of Celestial. How can I help you?" Formal, friendly, his baritone, accented voice authoritative. Just as he should always greet a wolf at the borders. His eyes continued to rove over the other's face, on a level with his that didn't often occur. This guy was a bruiser of a wolf, no denying that.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]


03-04-2016, 02:37 PM

Ears flicked towards the sound of something rather large heading towards him. Multi-colored eyes shifted as the wolf came into view and he was more than a bit surprised by the sight that greeted him. Red. Bright vibrant red, basically a giant red flower in wolf form, was all he saw. He should have been surprised by the size of the male, it wasn't often he saw wolves as large as he was, but in all honesty it was the color that left him shocked. He couldn't help but wonder how on earth this guy inherited such a bright color.

He sniffed the air, the male smelled oddly familiar yet different, and took in the scent so he'd remember it for the rest of his life. Not that he'd ever forget what he looked like. It was hard to forget someone with such a color on their pelt. The other looked about a year older than him, which was a pretty interesting thought for him, but it wasn't just the age he noticed. He also took note of the slightly raised tail. It didn't say he was an Alpha, but a Beta maybe? Heir? He'd never seen Surreal before but it was hard to believe she'd birthed a completely red child.... not unless the father was brightly colored. It was quite the conundrum and one he'd be eager to figure out as soon as possible. He'd probably spend quite a bit of time thinking about it.

"Good day. I'm Regulus Anatolii Adravendi, Future of Celestial. How can I help you?"

He noted the tail wag and gave a soft wag of his own, a smile creeping along his face. Nice to see he was friendly. He noted the last name Adravendi which only piqued his interest further. He'd have to give a full questionnaire later to figure out a bit more about Regulus.

"I'm Dagger Cathán. I was looking for Surreal Adravendi?" They both shared the same last name, he had no doubt he'd be helpful.

Walk, "Talk" Think



8 Years
03-04-2016, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 03-07-2016, 08:00 PM by Acapella.)
Smooth movements carried the large female forward, senses alert as she took in the new territories. She had felt like she had been moving for days and in fact she hadn't taken a break the past couple of days. She was hot on the trail and had all the intentions of hunting down it's owner. This particular scent trail she knew too well, it was her younger brother Dagger. It wasn't her original idea to fallow her brother, but how could she resist? She was missing her family since she had parted from them and who knew where her brother would lead her. Eventually though she would have to find her second cousin Surreal, she had heard so much about Surreal that she had to meet her.

The further she went the more she was realizing that she was growing weary. She should have been taking those breaks, now tonight she would be forced to take a break so that she didn't completely wear herself out. She hated to break from the trail, but she would pick it back up. The trail was getting stronger, did this mean he was slowing down? Huffing she picked up her pace. Ears pricked and she paused as her brothers howl rippled through the air. It wasn't that far away and he was calling to the alpha of the territory. There was a pack here? She must not be close to the boarders yet. Wagging her tail she picked up her pace curious to see what his brother was getting himself into.

It wasn't long before her vary large young brother came into view, but in front of him was another large wolf though she was vary surprised at the bright red fur this other male had. Approaching the female gently bumped her younger brother before taking a seat at his side. She had caught the last bit of their conversation, the other male's name. Dipping her head she smiled lightly and gave a gentle wag of her tail.

"I'm Acapella Dáirine, What may I ask are you getting into Dagger," she said looking to her larger brother. She tried to lightly bump her younger brother with a slight smile her tail wagging, she was glad to see him.



7 Years
03-07-2016, 05:58 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She was on the southern edge of the Plains, checking the river border for any signs of flooding, and for sharp stones for Kavdaya, who'd found a fascination with skinning kills, when the rather exciteable howl reached her ears. She took her time in answering the call, however. Regulus was on the northwestern edge of the Plains, and no doubt would be there before her. She trusted her eldest to know precisely how to conduct himself.

Nonetheless, she picked up her pace when the wind shifted, bringing two scents to her nose along with her son's. They carried a familial familiarity that intrigued her. Regulus might not have picked up on the similarities, but she could. They were family. She arrived at a trot, tail raising to the position that announced her supreme dominance, waving well over her hips in a fluffy plume that was no less friendly than her son's greeting.

Her mismatched eyes took in the two before them as she slowed to a halt beside her son. Family, definitely. Not only by their scents, but by the similarities she could spot in their bodies, and details in their faces. The shape of the eyes on the boy, was that Caerul's stamp? It seemed like it. The heterochromia evident in both something that ran from Cormalin, though Lyric - where was her little sister now? - had something similar to the boy's, but with red and gold instead of the colors he sported.

She smiled gently at them both as she spoke easily. "Dia Duit. I'm Surreal Adravendi, Archangel of Celestial. Welcome to our border." The Old Tongue greeting of hello came easily from her tongue; often it felt simpler to speak in that language instead of the common tongue.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



12 Years
Extra large
03-07-2016, 07:54 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

This one was notably surprised. It was something Regulus had grown used to, though now that he knew Mithras, and that Mothras had others in Argead that were similar to his coloring, Regulus was glad he wasn't the only wolf that must get shocked looks because of his coloring - or size, for that matter.

Despite his surprise, this guy was quite friendly wagging back and smiling. Some of the stiffness left the heavily furred, vibrant red tail, and the wag became more fluid as the fellow introduced himself as Dagger. The second name was in the Old tongue, another delight. "You're looking for my mother? She should be here soo-" Another wold arriving made him pause to study her. She was his age, but clearly Dagger's sister. She introduced herself in much the same way an older sibling might, giving her name then jumping straight to that bossy older sister tone as she turned to Dagger.

Regulus dipped his head lightly in greeting, tail still waving amiably behind him. "Nice to meet you both." It was then that his mother arrived on the scene and he gave her the stage, watching closely to learn anything he could of the conduct regarding possible new members.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]


03-07-2016, 09:55 PM

"You're looking for my mother? She should be here soo-"

He'd been focused pretty intently on Regulus that he hadn't heard another wolf approaching. Of course he'd been expecting another wolf from Celestial to come but he was surprised when the sound of paw steps came from behind him instead of from in front of him. He turned his gaze with Regulus to stare at the wolf for a moment and his smile lifted further, his tail waving wildly, as he gazed upon the smaller form of his older sister. He bumped shoulders with her, keeping it light so as not to unbalance her, before he flicked a lazy ear at her as she voiced a question.

"Beating the rest of the family here, that's what." He said with mock competitiveness. He grinned broadly at her with a happy glint in his eyes. It was nice to see at least one of his siblings had followed in pursuit after him.

It was the third wolf arriving that swiftly averted his attention from his smaller older sibling. A gray wolf appeared carrying herself with an elegant yet powerful poise that silently screamed that she was an Alpha and that she ruled these lands. He knew immediately who this must be. It was Surreal... it just had to be.

"Dia Duit. I'm Surreal Adravendi, Archangel of Celestial. Welcome to our border."

He smiled softly at her, dipping his head in a semi-formal greeting, while still offering her the same friendly tail wag he'd given Regulus. He would be no less amiable towards Surreal as his excitement was perhaps just a bit too much to contain at the moment.

"Dia duit, Surreal. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dagger Cathán, son of Caerul and Arianna." He glanced towards his sister with a grin deciding to let her do the honors of introducing herself again. Didn't want to take away all the glory from his older sibling.

Walk, "Talk" Think



8 Years
03-13-2016, 12:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2016, 10:50 AM by Acapella.)
Her brother's seemed happy that she was here which made her feel glad that she had followed his trail in the first place. So these lands must have been claimed by the relative they have heard so much about. Dagger had indeed beat the rest of the family here and she was the second of the family to arrive. This was good because neither of them would be joining this pack alone. She would also feel a bit more comfortable considering there would be at least one familiar face she can come to, that it wouldn't be all new faces she had to see all day. Wagging her tail her attention was drawn to the powerful yet elegant form that had arrived. She noticed that upon the appearance of this female Regulus settled back rather obediently and watched as if absorbing all he could on the way the female would handle herself. She was older yet still seemed to be in the prime point of her life. Whether she tried it or not the presence of the female demanded attention.

Her greeting started with the familiar old tongue that her and her siblings were raised on. It brought comfort to hear it and made Ella feel more at home. It made the slight tension she felt disappear and it just made her relax more. The female said it with such ease that she knew this alpha was raised with it. The name that came with the introduction made Ella's ears perk in delight, her tail gently wagging back and forth. She was able to keep her excitement in check having enough age on her to have learned this skill. Her brother spoke next introducing himself and then looking to her and giving her the chance for introduction. She smiled wagging her tail and looking back to Surreal.

"Dia duit, I'm Acapella Dáirine. Daughter from the second litter of Caerul and Arianna. We have heard so much about you Surreal," she said with a smile and a friendly wag of her tail.



7 Years
03-14-2016, 04:38 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Regulus had taken a back seat to her, and she was well aware that he was watching to learn from her. Her eyes didn't stray to him however, intent upon the two wolves before them. Dagger and Acapella. Son and Daughter of Caerul. She'd been right. Did that mean more would come to Celestial? A warm smile spread further across her jaws, her tail flowing through the air in an elegant wag. It was good to hear that the family was still alive, even if they weren't present save for these two.

"Is iontach bualadh libh beirt, Dagger, Acapella. An bhfuil tú anseo isteach, nó a thabhairt ar nuacht an teaghlaigh?" She switched easily to the Old Tongue, the syllables rolling and lilting over her tongue with a long practiced grace. While the Common tongue had been just as solidly taught, the Old Tongue held a special place in her heart. It was one thing that linked her to her mother.

Her mismatched eyes studied both wolves, taking in their builds, mentally deciding what they might be best for in the pack. Dagger was a yearling, he would be an Apprentice by default, but his size and build screamed fighter to her. Acapella was smaller, leaner. Her build was that of a runner, a hunter. And it brought a small spark of hope that their single hunter would have a partner soon.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


04-15-2016, 11:28 PM

The bright red male seemed to have stepped back and was just observing the meeting. Dagger noted this, but didn't think much of it. It was probably normal for him since he was the heir and all. He could only imagine the things Regulus had to learn as he prepared to take over Celestial after Surreal was ready for him to. His thoughts didn't dwell on the heir long though as his sister introduced herself. He was more than excited about this. They were meeting more of their family! If they were lucky they could even be a part of his pack.

"Is iontach bualadh libh beirt, Dagger, Acapella. An bhfuil tú anseo isteach, nó a thabhairt ar nuacht an teaghlaigh?"

Surreal switched fully to the old tongue and it was easy for him to understand. He understood the comfort that came from talking in the language. It was a part of their family and their heritage after all. The large male shifted eagerly as he glanced at his sister before speaking first. He wouldn't speak for her, but he could imagine she was here for the same reason he was.

"Tá beagán de araon i ndáiríre , cé go mbeadh ár gcéad tosaíocht ag teacht isteach . Dá mba mhaith leat a bheith linn?"

Walk, "Talk" Think



8 Years
04-24-2016, 02:16 PM
Acapella was happy and relieved to have finally found family. She was also happy that Dagger was here also. She was excited to learn as much as she could about her extended family and to meet all the new faces. It would be a new chapter in her life and she was more then ready to start it. Smiling the girl took in what Surreal had to say and momentarily thought it over. She wanted to be sure she was making the right decision here and not something she would want to back out of down the road. She had to consider that she had never experienced pack life and had no clue what kind of role she should play in a pack. She also had to realize that being a pack member meant more responsibility. In the same sense if she didn't try it out now how would she ever know if she could be a good pack member or not?

Looking to her brother she wondered if he would be up for such a big change in lifestyle. She wondered if he had even thought it through. He seemed eager enough that he was indeed ready and really why should she be worrying so much. After all this was family and she was sure they would help her every step of the way. Listening to her brother she turned her attention back to Surreal smiling once more and suppressing her worries. Her tail gently wagged as she waited for him to finish, glad to be back to the old tongue. It made her truly feel at home.

"Ba bhreá liom a bheith páirteach, tá mé díreach tar éis buíoch go raibh mé in ann a fháil do phacáiste," she said with a smile. "Bhí sé i ndáiríre turas fada gur bhraith mé go raibh dearmad déanta agam cá háit le dul."



7 Years
04-29-2016, 09:38 AM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal listened as they spoke, enjoying the sounds of her family language. Both spoke it fluently, and as they finished, she nodded. It took no thought. They would be allowed to join, though they, like all others, would go through a test to see if they could uphold the requirements for their hoped for ranks. For now, she would let them in, let them rest, and then she would discuss the pack, and the ranks, what they entailed, and what she hoped for from everyone involved.

Rising, she stepped back, tail waving high, a banner of acceptance as she spoke simply. "Do bheatha 'bhaile, Dagger, Acapella. Pléifimid oibríochtaí an phacáiste, agus cad a bheith ag súil agam ar gach céim. Beidh tú tástálacha a mheas do ullmhacht le haghaidh céim ar mian leat a fháil. Dagger, tá gach shearraigh bliana sa phacáiste Printíseach de réir réamhshocraithe. Ní chiallaíonn sé seo go bhfuil mé amhras i do chumas. Nuair a shroicheann tú dhá bhliain, beidh tú a thástáil arís cibé céim is mian leat." Her mismatched eyes held his for a long moment, her firm look assuring that she expected and would accept no argument from the male.

Finally, she smiled to each of them. "Aithne do theach nua, tú dhá. Tá mé nithe is gá dom a bheith i láthair go." Grinning, she turned and trotted back into her patrol.

-Exit Surreal.-

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.