
Between one breath and the next



6 Years
Extra large
03-08-2016, 06:04 PM

There was an unnatural feel to the mist that coiled against the earthy floor. Perhaps it was the very fact that he could feel it that added the unnatural element to its creation. He knew this wasn't real, the world looked hollow, like it frayed at the edges of his vision. More then that, he recognized this area, it was a place he had visited only a few times, but even his short collection of it knew things to be false. For one, the grave he knew to be here, expected to be here, already had a fresh layer of grass against the bumpy rise in the earth. When he had seen it last, barely a few days earlier, it had the look of freshly turned earth.

Regardless of his knowledge that this could only be a dream, he crept forward, lowering his head respectfully as he approached the grave. One paw gently touched the earth on the edge of the rising mound, bending a daffodil beneath his titanic paws. He closed his eyes, taking a moment, needing this moment to breath, and remember. The burial had not been an event he ever wanted to repeat. Silva had been distraught, he had not known if her tears would ever end. He had been dry eyed, if only because he hadn't been able to accept it. He had lost wolves in his life, he had lost his very parents. It was a true wonder, and a testimony to Voltage and his own determination that they had never lost a single sibling. Yet, Voltage had lost his litter, it had almost broken him, and still they mourned and hoped for Illume and Current both – they had no bodies to bury, no real knowledge of their life or death.

There had been no doubt with Sin, he had seen the killing blow with his own eyes, he had been there. Perhaps that was what made this so hard for the stoic protector. How had he let this happen, how had he been frozen in place, unable to prevent this moment from happening. His eyes where still closed, his breathing a frustrated rasp, but still the giant did not cry. Even here and now, with no Silva to comfort, no one he needed to stay strong for. Why could he not cry?




6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-09-2016, 06:08 PM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2016, 06:25 PM by Sin.)

The world here was...different. Unlike anything he'd ever seen before. It felt lonely here...that was a downside. But on the upside, he was perfect. He bore no injuries, no scars, no broken bones, even his eye was healed. The alabaster male walked quietly through the rolling Plains, the sky above a painting of oranges and pinks and purples. The clouds strewn across the sky were wisps, remnants of other souls he assumed, floating around in the sky above him. He wondered if one day, as time went on...he would fade away and become one of them. He hadn't been ready to leave in the first place...his children had needed him, and now he assumed they were left in the care of his mate.

Time didn't seem to be a thing here. It didn't exist. He felt like he could close his eyes, and when he opened them the world changed to however he wanted it. The male stopped in his endless journey, staring out over the open Plains as if he might see something familiar in the distance. Closing his eyes, he breathed in for a few moments before opening them again. When he did, a familiar sight greeted him. These were the caverns he'd been to before. And in front of it, a hulking figure stood near a mound that was unfamiliar to him. The wolf next to it, however, was a welcome sight.

Sin approached in silence, tendrils of mist coiling around his paws as it snaked over the ground. The scenery around him had changed, seemingly matching the atmosphere in this place. When he stopped by the mound opposite of Glacier, amber gaze stared at the ground. He knew what it was. The burial site was his. But why? He was sure that nobody liked him enough to do something like this, but throughout the events from the past year, things had changed. He had the suspicion that glacier had something to do with it, after all, hadn't he called him a friend? His only friend, at that. "Thank you." That single phrase came out as a whisper, eyes remaining fixated on the soil and the grass that grew over it.



6 Years
Extra large
03-09-2016, 06:36 PM

Even knowing this was a dream, he didn't expect the ghostly figure that strolled out from the cover of mist. He appeared within the fragmented world Glacier was able to see, hinting that there was more beyond the edges of his perception. A world, only open to the likes of Sin, perhaps? He noticed first the wisps of coiled smoke that moved in breaths across his paws. Gliding, either with a mind of their own, or an accordance to Sin's will. Who knew the control of ghosts over the dreams of the living?

Raising his eyes from the misty apparition, he would discover the unmarred skin of his friend. The scars where gone, old and new alike. The injuries he had sustained in his final moments, wiped clean like they had never existed. Somehow, the lack of them only made Glacier sadder, the 'what if's' of the world clouding his thoughts.

He inclined his head to the man as he recognized the appreciation. He still did not believe he had done enough, of course. He was the father of a child Glacier now wished to adopt, a sweet little girl who would never again hear the sound of her fathers voice, or know his protection. He was Glacier's friend, and as if by the whim of gods, he was taken from them between one breath and the next. “You will be remembered” Glacier's voice was soft, and husky. A fitting match to the wispy feel of the world around him. What else could he say to a man who could no longer know the world? A man who was but a dream apparition, the remembrance of a being, a ghost. "I would ask of you the right to adopt her" He would add, his voice gaining in strength. he did not believe he needed to add context to that statement, the father would know.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-09-2016, 06:58 PM

"You will be remembered." Remembered as what? The world of the living had hated him for the most part. The man had lived under the shadow of his father, and in turn Sin had taken after him. But when the births of his youngest litters came about, he had made a vow to change some of his habits. He had wanted to make a life for them, where they could live and be happy, and have a home. And while he had done just that, the repercussions of such a hope and dream had been too much. He followed the course of life, the way nature had intended with the rise and fall of packs. And because he had done what he'd done, his children were suffering. Their home had been torn away faster then expected, and they were cast out into the world. And he was not there to protect them, nor give them what he so desired.

It pained him. But there was nothing he could do now. Still, while he was sure the rest of the world rejoiced in his untimely death, Glacier was here mourning him. He was glad to know that he had at least one friend before he left. And for that, he was grateful. He would not look at the man, he would not respond to his words. He simply stared at his own grave as his heart clenched at the fate that might befall his beloved children.

"I would ask of you the right to adopt her." Slowly, amber gaze found the titans. He took a moment, although he knew who and what he was talking about. His daughter had taken a great liking to him, and he knew that Glacier was the only one she had come to trust. Who was he to deny that? Glacier had done so much for them in their time of need even when he could have refused and turned them down. Instead, he had welcomed them and offered to help them. Yes...he was a true being.

He closed his eyes, breathing deeply before nodding. When he opened them, he looked at Glacier with a mix of emotions that had never shown in his eyes before. Sadness...gratitude...mourning...happiness. It was a mixture of different things that he could not label. "I will not deny your request, Glacier. My baby has come to trust you, and i would have no one else care for her the way you do." He furrowed his brow for a moment, questions reeling in his mind. There was so much he wanted to ask. Though most if not all his questions revolved around his children. "How is she?"



6 Years
Extra large
03-09-2016, 07:14 PM

The eyes of the Giant strayed to the mound at his feet. It looked oddly peaceful, adged as it was in this dream world. It gave the impression that things could grow again, that something terrible could turn into something beautiful. Would that be the same of Silva one day? Would the sad little girl who had lost her father one day be a headstrong, and beautiful woman, in control of her destiny?

When he raised his eyes again, he would find Sin's gaze lingering on the grave, and Glacier did not speak again, giving him the moment he needed. It was true that the Titan, who was not a great believer in any faith, did not truly think this was real. And yet, some part of him craved an acceptance even from this ghost in a dream – some right to adopt Silva, to give her a better life then she would find on her own now.

At last, Sin's eyes would rise to meet him, and in that gaze he would find emotions unsuited to the Tyrant in life, and yet somehow right and onto the road of peace for him now. Glacier inclined his head low when he received the very words he had sought. “She is grieving, and reeling. But I believe she will be alright, in the end” he promised the father. Then, he took a breath, and spoke the words that had also lingered in his head for the past day or so. He had given them much consideration and knew it was the best offer he could make this man – not that he had known that he would get the chance to make any offer of any kind to Sin now.

“Your other children – I do not believe they would be a right match for Donostrea, I do not believe they could look upon it as a home, and so I can not offer it to them as such, but I will promise you that I will ensure they have a guardian. Be it your mate, or another, I will not see them alone in this world. I will ensure that they know that they can come to me for advice, and that I will look out for them however I can. As a father, not an Alpha – I can not offer them the aid of my pack, but I can promise you I will not leave them stranded”




6 Years
Dragon Mod
03-09-2016, 08:10 PM

Glacier's response to his question about his daughter brought a pang to his heart. Which was more than unusual for him, but when it came to his children, it seemed to happen more often then not. While he felt no remorse for the things he'd done in the past, he couldn't help but actually feel things for his family. Silva was grieving, which was expected. He was sure his other younger children were too, and perhaps his older ones too in their own way. He wanted to see them so badly. But he knew that time would allow him that the same way it had allowed Glacier.

"She will begin to accept it over time. She is strong, and in your care I believe she will only grow stronger." That much he believed. Glacier would go on to speak about his other children, amber gaze never leaving the male as he listened. It was true. Enigma wouldn't do well there, he was a mirror image of him in personality, but perhaps a bit more...understanding then he himself had. While Enigma followed in ambition, he was also more reserved and kept to himself. The others?  He did not think Enigma's Littermates would not have any trouble in finding their place in life. But his other four needed guidance.

He nodded to Glacier in understanding. "I do not expect your pack to take them all in, Enigma and his Littermates will find their place in the world. But my younger four need the guidance that someone they can trust can give them. I know not what is happening in your world now, but i ask that you find my eldest son. You'll find him in tall grass Plains, and hopefully Arietta and the others will be there." He wondered if it was alot to ask. And were he still alive he probably wouldn't bother asking such a thing. But as it was, he couldn't do anything for them here. He worried most for his son Obscuro. The boy had been born blind, and there was no doubt the boy was finding it hard to do things without him there to teach him. "Obscuro..." He missed his son. There was no denying that. He was different then the others, the lamb among wolves. And while he missed them all, he worried about him the most.