
It's a trap!



2 Years
Extra large

03-08-2016, 09:50 PM
Near giddy with nerves and excitement,it took a will the girl did not know she even possessed to walk away from that meeting. She decended the cliffs slowly, like she wasn't dying with energy inside. As she headed towards her family's den she really did have to stifle a yawn, she had been up most of the night now. Of course,her thoughts supplied her with plenty if energy even if her body seemed determined to show her otherwise. She slipped into the den, found her father's ear and whispered. "I saw Caeli. Back now. Its mroning. Gonna go play with mortar, bye" and with that she slipped back out if the den and cast her eyes both way to see if anyone was paying any attention to her before she dashed across the beach to tars den.

She was going full speed and didn't engage her breaks until she was inside the den she skidded in the sand and nearly banged her head on the opposite wall of tars den. She shook herself out and jumped back to her feet -the quick stop had toppled her. "Tar! Tar! We need to talk. Right. Now" she told him, her voice barely contained whisper and her eyes where as bright as any diamond.



4 Years
Extra large
03-09-2016, 07:11 PM

Mortar was still getting used to his new den. It was missing... something but the young male couldn't quite figure it out yet. He was sure he'd figure something out though but in the mean time that wasn't what Mortar was thinking about. No instead Mortar was off in dream land. Well he was in a dream land until something came crashing into his den. He hadn't heard her at first until she skid right into his den almost crashing right into the opposite wall. The boy was more than a bit alarmed by all the ruckus and he sprung upright jumping away from the intruder.

His heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute and it took him a few shaky breaths to realize that it wasn't anyone here to kill him or take him away. His eyes adjusted and he soon realized it was just Seraphiel and she was... well she was whispering to him. That was strange. She never whispered. Ears flicked forward as he slowly sat down to listen to her.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly, a worried look in his eyes.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

03-09-2016, 10:22 PM
Her tongue lolled out between her lips as she panted and caught her breath. Before she answered tars surprised question or his curious eyes, she cast a fugitive glance behind her. The entrance of his den remained clear and wolf free - she didn't think anyone had followed her. She lowered her voice and creeped closer to her friend, her pose indicated she was about to let him in on a secret. "Tar. Did i ever tell you how i through Beach swollowed up illume?" She asked, casting another glance behind herself. The way was still clearer, no wolves lingered outside. All the same, she lowered her voice another octave. "I think there's more to the story then just that she said, jumping right in without finding out if tar even knew the original story.

Her words became so quiet that if mortar didn't lean it he would miss them. "I think the adults are hiding something from us" she hissed. "Don't you think it's strange tha-" there was the soft pad of steps behind her and she broke off mid word and turned around suspiciously. She would see the yellow form of volt stroll past the den, and her tail swished judgingly behind her. Volt smiled at the pups, his signature toothy grin and said hello before he went on his way. She waited until his footfall had faded into the distance before casting weary eyes at mortar. Have you ever heard of the story of Andromeda?" She questioned him, and this time she did jump in to tell him. Poor tar, he would be lucky to get a word in edge ways.

"It was about an alpha who had a daughter who was beautiful and vain. She offended the children of the sea good and the sea god rose up and started to drown the alphas kingdom, demanding that he sacrifice his daughter" her voice rose and lowered, shifting like the sea itself as she told the tale with every bit of creativity she possessed. "Doesn't that sound familiar to you? the beach was flooded. Illume was taken by the sea. I know that illume was taken first and it was a couple seasons after that the beach flooded.... but what if they are connected somehow? What are the adults covering up? What if the sea gods where angry? The beach flooded shortly after I was born. What if they demand me next!?" Her voice rose almost to a shout and she smothered it and cast a look about them, making sure she hadn't drawn any attention to their den.



4 Years
Extra large
03-10-2016, 12:16 AM

Ray was acting very strange this morning. Tar settled down to listen to her watching as she looked behind her as though she expected someone to have followed her. What kind of trouble was she in now? What on earth did she want to tell him? "Tar. Did i ever tell you how i through Beach swollowed up illume?" He shook his head softly. He'd heard vaguely of Illume but no one had ever told him what had happened to her and why she wasn't here now. Was that what she was here for? And why couldn't it have waited until later on in the morning? "I think there's more to the story then just that."

Tar realized that he wouldn't be getting in any words for a little while so he just sat and listened to his friend. He leaned in closer to listen to her as she was so quiet. His friend was almost never this quiet. What had her so spooked? She was about ready to explain when he heard footfalls of someone outside and he looked up to see Voltage outside. The Alpha smiled at them and Mortar offered a soft smile in return before ducking his head back down to listen to Ray. He had to know what was up.

She asked him if he'd heard the story of Andromeda. He hadn't but he got the feeling he was about to find out. She told him the story, probably the short version, and his eyes widened. Even though he was about a season older than her he was still quite gullible, especially when it came to her, so he hung on to her every word. He instantly became fearful for his friend. Surely Glacier and Anais wouldn't sacrifice Ray to the Sea God, would they? They couldn't! He wouldn't let them!

"What are we gonna do? You can't be sacrificed to the sea god. You're my best friend." He said with a frown.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



2 Years
Extra large

03-10-2016, 12:34 AM
Even as she told her story she watched tar for any signs of betrayal. she felt very certain he was not a part of any plots and that he simply couldn't know what was going on. There was no way the adults would have told him. She smiled grimly after taking in his expressions. She liked to think she knew her best friend very well by now, and his expression was innocent of any wrong doing. She nodded her head slowly as she considered her option, she had decided from the start to trust him and that hadn't changes.

"I don't know. What if he didn't have a trouble? He's crazy about protecting my aunties and uncles. Would volt strike you as someone who would sacrifice his daughter? And yet illume is gone she thought her argument was pretty rock solid. She settled in beside him, half snuggled into his side (despite her dislike for space invasion) and began to scratch in the sand in from of them both. "This is the beach" she said, pointing to the squiggly line. It curved like the beach they knew did and trailed off into the whispering caverns. "We need to find out where illume exactly vanished and work our way from there. Maybe we can find clues. We can't let the adults know what where doing - but if we are really sneaky maybe we can get some answers out of them without them knowing what we are doing. Not caeli. I think I made her suspicious..."she said thoughtfully, before shifting her gaze to the side, where mortar was, fully pausing and letting him speak if he wished to.