
Save Me A Spark



4 Years
Extra large
03-09-2016, 03:45 PM

It was rather early in the morning when he woke. Sunlight didn't stream into the den yet something had woken him up anyways. Eyes slowly fluttered open and he raised his head slowly to look around in his den. His heart hammered in his chest for a moment before it took him a minute to remember where he was. His new den was not the same as the one on the prairie and it was confusing for a little bit. He was still getting used to the idea of being on the beach. Him and Ray had picked out their own respective dens, hers not a permanent sleeping place for the moment, but that didn't change his. Here was where he slept now and he was still getting used to it.

The unfamiliarity wasn't the thing that had woken him up though. Instead it was the soft sound of something scuttling across his den. Had the floor been made of sand he probably wouldn't have heard it but the floor was stone and whatever made the scraping noise was loud enough for him to hear it. He stared at the thing for a moment, his brows furrowing in confusion as he stared at it, but he couldn't figure out what it was. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before. It had an oval-ish shaped body and two large hand things poking out from the front of it. It had three other legs on each side and the two front hand things had two claws, asymmetrical, and absolutely all of it looked like it had a hard armor shell.

Curiosity got the better of him and he inched forward as he brought his head closer to sniff it. The thing reared back, claws raising up in the air, as he regarded it. He dared move closer aiming to get a really good look at it and the next thing he knew it latched onto his nose! A yelp escaped his jowls and eyes watered as he realized that this thing hurt. He immediately raced from his den and out onto the beach as he flung his head around trying to get this thing off of his nose. It was to no avail though and he flung himself to the ground trying to pry it off of his snout with a paw. It needed to come off right now!

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: EFgwoJd.png]
[Image: OLU8WZY.png]



6 Years
03-14-2016, 03:27 PM

Voltage Elementas

Voltage was being oddly lazy, lounging on his favorite rock and enjoying the sun on his face. It was nice to be back home to the Beach. He had missed his den, he had missed his rock, he had missed the feeling of sand between his toes and the soft spray of ocean as it splashed upon the shore. It had been their first real home since the island, and it had become everything they could ever dream it. There were enough dens for each of them to spread out, and the large one for when they all needed each other. It was a lovely place to call a home, and he wouldn't train it for anything in the world. He laid with his head on his paws and stared out at the ocean, sighing in contentment and wondering where Illie was in this moment.

Suddenly, he jolted up, hearing the high pitched screech of a child, and he turned his head to watch Mortar streak across the beach. When he saw exactly what had the pup racing, he couldn't help but burst out laughing before shaking his head. Oh Mortar. He picked himself up from his rock and trotted towards him as he began to try tugging off the crab. "Met the crabs?" He said with a chuckle, shaking his head. "You tug like that and you'll rip your nose off. Here, lift your head." He said softly. He knew how these things worked, he had been on the claw end of one once as a child. That had been fun, and he knew exactly how Mortar was feeling.
