
Where do you find peace



6 Years
Extra large
03-16-2016, 07:40 PM

The Titan of Donostrea hadn't strayed far from his pack lands of recent days. He had left to attend the burial of his friend, and the father of his most recent ward, but little else had called him from the lands of his family. As the days since passed, the Dire Wolf couldn't deny the restlessness in his veins,. A sensation that grew as night turned into day. The Alpha and Father would let his steps guide him, taking him from their beach and into their prairie, and inevitably into unclaimed lands as he followed the sunrise.

He didn't have a destination, and there was no urgency in his steps. As he walked, he watched the morning unfold in the actions of the world around him. Critters, too small to snack upon poked heads from their holes and the birds in the tallest tree tops took up the melody of song. He walked until he found the Rio Grande, one of the largest rivers he knew of in the Alacritis lands. There was the crisp scent of wind over water and the gurgling sound of the stream as it ran across the rocks that littered the sidelines. He would make his way to the largest stone that overlooked the water and seated himself upon it. From here he could trace the water from as far as the eye could see as it ran towards him, under him, and escaped again. He could see the silver scales of fish beneath the water, and feel the morning sun on his coat. For once, their wasn't a worry in the world.



03-18-2016, 04:27 AM
He was never anything but silent these days; his petite frame making it not that difficult. His steps were light, leaving hardly a trace until he found himself near the edge of a river. His body craved water, but in such an open area, he waited until he found the exact right place to reveal himself. No one was around, that he could see anyway, and so the young man scurried to the rivers edge for a quick drink, his guard through the roof. He lowered and lapped at the water, eyes darting back and forth, waiting for danger. He'd been running for what, weeks now? Certainly they didn't follow him all the way here. But Caspian couldn't be too sure. He always felt watched...

Moments later, there was a sound that caught his attention and he nearly broke his neck he turned so fast! He cowered and watched as the other hadn't noticed him quite yet, or at least didn't acknowledge him, as he sat on a large rock and looked down at his reflection or something in the water. Caspian stared at him much like a deer in headlights for a few moments before scurrying back, but stopping behind a large rock first. His escape had made some noise in the pebbles, so he paused behind the rock, hoping the other hadn't seen him. What if this male was after him? He could never be too sure, but he had to look around the rock now, hoping he hadn't been caught.

Ever so slowly, he poked his head out from behind the rock and looked towards the other male, hoping he couldn't be seen and hadn't been heard moments before.
