
The hottest girl in heels


03-20-2016, 07:08 PM

ooc: just gonna go ahead and mark this mature xD

Gethin shook out his fur irritably as he paused to look around the rocky landscape he found himself in. His constant wondering had landed him in what was possibly one of the hottest places he had ever visited. So far he hadn't found a reason to visit here again. Or stay for more than a few minutes for that matter. He trudged onward, sticking close to anything that might cast a shadow and give him a little reprieve from the sun. He noticed though that the sun didn't seem to be the source for the worst of the heat. The rocks under his feet were surprisingly warm and were the most unexpected source of heat at as well.

He spotted a cave up ahead and moved toward it, figuring that if nothing else he could duck out of the sun and head back down this mountain of sorts once night had fallen. It was pretty late in the afternoon now so it wouldn't be more than a couple of hours anyway. However, as he got closer to the cave a woman's scent caught his attention and he paused, sniffing the air curiously. Well, perhaps there was a reason for him to stick around here after all. He began padding toward the stranger's scent, keeping an eye out for its owner all the while.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-20-2016, 08:12 PM

She knew this volcano better than any other wolf. She spent most of her time here as well, when she wasn't lingering around her family's borders. She sat on a high ledge, peeking down over the stone at the man who dared enter her lands. While her claims held no real meaning, she believed it to be true. So she watched the monotone man, able to take in his handsome form from her hiding spot. He seemed rather irritated at the heat, which made her chuckle slightly to herself. It wasn't until he caught a whiff of her scent that he looked towards her, making her duck back behind the rock. Oh shit, did he see her? Curling her black and flame coloured body tighter, she dared another glance over the ledge. Her ember eyes caught sight of him coming towards her, causing her head to snap back down quickly. Crap. He had her scent, but it looked like he was still looking for her. She wondered if she would be able to duck away, but she glanced up quickly and knew that wasn't possible. She was on one of the last shelves big enough to hold her body. Cursing quietly under her breath she just hoped he would pass her by, she wasn't in the mood for entertaining today.



03-20-2016, 08:41 PM

As he padded forward his ruby eyes scanned his surroundings. There was no mistaking the scent that he was following and he could certainly tell that it was fresh. So the only question was where was this woman? He was starting to think perhaps he had been imagining things until he saw a red-marked face peek out over one of the shelves of rock up a head of him. He blinked and a brow arched for a moment with confusion. What could she be doing? Curiosity mixed itself into his general lust and he continued toward her slowing as he got to the edge of the shelf. He paused for a moment before making his way up onto the shelf she was on. His eyes landed on a woman that looked like she could have possibly been pulled right out of a fire, ashes and all. His deep red gaze found her similarly colored eyes and a soft chuckle left him. "If you were trying to hide, you failed," he commented as he took in her intriguing markings and coloring. These lands seemed to be filled with interesting women of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-20-2016, 10:49 PM

Serefina didn't dare to peek out again, by his scent he was coming closer and closer. She tried to make herself as small as possible, but soon his grey form appeared. She frowned, looking up and meeting his blood red gaze. Damn it, she had been found. He made a comment about her failing to hide, and she snorted. Now that she had been found, there was no use in crouching down. So she stood up, shaking the dirt from her coat as she openly inspected the stranger. "Perhaps next time I just need to hide better," she muttered, gaze coming back to his. "So, what brings you to my volcano? You don't seem to be very fond of it." She said, a smirk touching her lips. It wasn't often that she got strangers here, after all. Usually she was here all by herself, and she had started to like it that way. She had always been a bit of a loner in her family, drawn away from most of her siblings while everyone else was really close. Not that she minded, she actually rather liked it. Plus, no one else had been as fond as the volcano as she had been. Humming thoughtfully, her head tilted to the side as she inspected him. He was rather pretty to look at.



03-20-2016, 11:06 PM

He watched as she stood, tracing the lines of her body while she shook out her fur and it settled back against her form again. When she spoke his eyes were pulled back to hers again and he chuckled at her comment about needing to improve her hiding the next time. Her eyes met his and asked about what brought him here and a small grin would touch his lips. "Oh, your volcano, hm?" He teased with a soft chuckle before he moved on to give her a real answer. "Nothing in particular brings me here really. I've just been wandering and this is where I landed." He looked over her again in a quick glance, a smirk touching his muzzle again. "I'm starting to like your volcano more already," he added. "Meeting someone as hot as the volcano certainly brightens things up a bit." His tail flicked lightly behind him and his ears were focused on her to listen to each word she said, his gaze drifting over her occasionally before always coming back to her gaze. She was quite eye catching after all. Not quite as colorful as that woman he had met in the caves, but he thought he prefered it that way. The purple woman might have been a bit out of the box for his usual tastes. But miss volcano was just different enough to be intriguing.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-20-2016, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2016, 10:49 AM by Evelyn.)

Her gaze narrowed as he laughed at her, huffing once more at his comment. "Yes, my volcano," she said with a slight growl. She was quite the moody woman, really. Her tempermental very much matched her flame coloured bodice. He moved on to give her a real answer, to which she just continued to stare at him. She did not miss the glances he gave her, and her hackles raised slightly. It wasn't like she had been doing the same... okay maybe a bit. But while she was flattered, she was still a bit off from having been discovered. Summer was her season to really relax in the heat, before the dreaded, stupid damn winter came again. She blinked her ember gaze slightly as he spoke again, a loud snort erupting from her. A smirk touched her lips then head shaking back and forth. "You've got to work on your lines, that was pretty bad. You new at this or something?" she asked in a teasing manner. Thst had somewhat brightened up her mood, her smirk growing into more of a true smile. "You've got to come up with something much better to impress me." Was that a challenge in her tone? Perhaps it was.



03-20-2016, 11:55 PM

Her slight annoyance from his teasing didn't go unnoticed, but he didn't pay it much mind either since she seemed to quickly move past it to have a laugh at his cheesy comment about her appearance. He wasn't particularly used to receiving laughter as a response to anything, but when he saw her smile he supposed it wasn't a bad response. He grinned in return at her challenging tone and he chuckled. If there was one thing he liked more than women it was a challenge. Two in one? Even better. "Is that so?" he commented with another soft laugh, a sly smirk touching his lips. "I'm afraid I've always been a little more skilled in... actions, rather than words," he added as he slowly took a couple steps closer to her, his eyes lingering on hers. His tone was low and smooth as he spoke. She was his new goal and he didn't much care if he got burned in the process. "So excuse me if my pickup lines are a bit rusty, fireball."

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-21-2016, 12:08 AM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2016, 10:51 AM by Evelyn.)

She kept her eye on him as he spoke again, saying that he was more a man of action. Her brows rose at that, tail flickering behind her as he took a step closer. His voice gorgeous all low and silky, and she had to bite her lips to keep herself from laughing again. He seemed to be the average lady's man, although she had to applaud him for trying. She was unfazed by his actions, although she was touched that he was still trying. Was she a challenge now that him? Her smile only grew at that thought, oh how she loved to challenge others. She was worth the work anyways, and this way she could have a little fun with it too. If he really wanted to woo her, he was going to have to work at it.

Serefina did laugh when he called her fireball. Now there was one she hadn't heard before. "Mmm, fireball. Nice one. You should teach a class on cheesy pickup lines and even cheesier nicknames," she teased. Offering him a wink, she sat down and curled her red marked tail around herself. "Okay okay wait, it's my turn," she said, clearing her throat as she tried to think of one. "I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on." Laughing at herself, her smile grew even bigger. Oh yeah, this was going to be tons of fun.



03-21-2016, 12:34 AM

Gethin's brows raised slightly as he watched her obviously holding back laughter, that was until she really did bust out laughing when he called her "fireball". He was taken aback a bit, but her teasing and laughter brought a grin to his muzzle all the same. She certainly had more personality than most women he bumped into. Most of the time he tended to rush to the finish line, but she seemed insistent on playing this little game. Fine, he'd play along. He smirked as she winked and settled herself on her haunches and after a moment he'd do the same with a flick of his tail. He scoffed and chuckled at her "pickup line" and gave a shake of his head. "I think you're reaching new levels of cheesy with that one," he said with a grin. "If I'm going to teach the class then you must be running the school." He chuckled as he looked at her thoughtfully. "What's your name, fireball?"

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-21-2016, 12:46 AM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2016, 10:52 AM by Evelyn.)

He seemed amused at her line, but he was far too quick to move on. Her eyed grew wide slightly as she quickly shook her head. "Wait! I didn't get to say my favorite one!" she stated, once more clearing her throat and putting on her best sexy face. "I bit my lip, would you kiss it better?" she whispered, leaning forward to softly brush her nose with his. Pulling back, she let out another giggle, tail tapping against her paws. She was having far too much fun, and it wasn't often that she did this. The grey brute asked for her name, once more calling her fireball. Mm, it was actually starting to grow on her. "Serefina," she answered. "And yourself, mister tall dark and handsome." Was that actually a flirting tone to her voice? Indeed it was, she was in a rather good mood now.

Sere shifted her weight a bit as she looked over the monotone male once more. He was taller than she was, but she wasn't the tallest female around. It was hard to impress her with height, after all her brother was a giant. She had to admit, he was rather nice on the eyes. His coat pattern was nothing as complex as her family members, but it was pleasant enough. Plus, all those colours were kind of an eyesore after awhile, it was kind of nice to see a more normal looking beast. Realizing that she was very much staring, she shook her head a touch and looked back up to his fiery gaze.



03-21-2016, 03:01 AM

He smirked and chuckled as she insisted that she had one more terrible pickup line to tell. He'd watch her expectantly as she cleared her throat to prepare for this line of the century and as she spoke his smirk widened into a grin both at the ridiculous nature of her joke and how her muzzle brushed his. At least she seemed to be enjoying herself if nothing else. His ears twitched with interest as she told him her name. Serefina. Somehow he had expected something more... spunky for a girl with so much attitude. Serefina was a lovely name, but it seemed a bit to sweet for someone so firey.

He chuckled at the flirtatious tone of her voice as she asked his name in return, punctuated with compliment for him. He'd flash his teeth breifly in a grin at that before he replied. "I'm Gethin. It's nice to meet you Serefina... although I still think I prefer fireball for you." He chuckled softly mostly at himself while he watched her gaze drifting over him. So he wasn't the only one enjoying the view, hm? He chuckled softly again as she shook her head and pulled her gaze back to his. "It's alright, you can stare all you want, fireball. As long as you don't mind me staring back."

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-21-2016, 12:01 PM

He seemed pleased with her next line, letting out a giggle of her own. Ah, this was far too fun. It wasn't often that she found someone who was willing to play her games with her, her siblings often got tired of her silly antics. Except for Voltage. Her ears twitched at the thought of him, but mentally shook him out of her head. This was no time to be thinking things that would make her upset or angry, it was time to have a little fun. The way that he was acting she had a feeling where this was going. The male flashed her a toothy grin, drawing her attention back to him. Her brow rose at his words, it would seem that she would be stuck with the nickname Fireball. She smirked, so be it. It would look like she couldn't shake it, so she just accepted it with a shrug of her shoulders. He had caught her staring too, although it would have been hard not too. Looked like it was an eye for an eye type of situation. "Do you like what you see?" she muttered, head lowering so that she could peek at him from under her lashes. Batting them at him, she couldn't help but grin. It had been awhile since she had flirted like this, last time it was with the tall woman with red markings.

Serefina stood up, her tail swishing behind her as she stretched out. Lowering her upper half, her paws dig in at the heels. Muscles flared beneath her coat, back legs quivering as her muscles pulled beneath her. Humming, she pulled herself up and tossed a playful wink in his direction. Had she done that on purpose? Maybe... "By the way, tall dark and handsome, we can get out of this heat if it bothers you. That cave you were headed towards will provide a bit of relief from the sun, but the rocks will still be hot." She offered, walking passed him and running her tail under his chin.



03-21-2016, 12:37 PM

Gethin couldn't help the grin that continually tugged at his lips as their conversation turned more and more toward a flirtatious tone. This was much more what he had been hoping for. He chuckled at her question about his current view and her delicate eyelashes batting over her warm gaze. "Oh certainly." He felt no shame in staring as she stood and stretched out her body, his eyes tracing her form from her head, down her back, all the way to the tip of her tail as it arched over her. It seemed she had more games in store for him than just an exchange of terrible pick up lines. These were games he was much more familiar with and much more willing to play. He'd offer her another toothy grin as she mentioned the cave he had seen before, stepping past him with a flick of her tail under his chin. A chuckle rumbled in his chest and he stood to follow her, adding, "That's a risk I'm willing to take." He wasn't paying much attention to the heat at this point, but he was more than willing to join her. A little relief from the sun would be nice either way. He'd walk along side her, close enough that his shoulder or tail would brush against her occasionally. She wasn't the only one that could flirt around here.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-21-2016, 01:28 PM

A rumbling purr vibrated in her throat as his shoulder brushed against her own, the contact sending little shock waves down her spine. It had been awhile since she had had the chance to act out one of her many fiery passions, and it would seem that that is where this meeting was headed. Since it wasn't her season, she wa free to do what she wanted. Serefina did not wish to be a mother, she would be terrible at it anyways. But no, it was summer, her favorite season. Why not divulge in a little horseplay? Chuckling at herself, she stepped into the cave in front of her. Her tail flicked behind her again, strutting into the hollow part of the volcano. It was quite warm here, a bit of heat thrumming off of the walls around them. It was nice, the heat of the flowing lava warmed her very soul.

Serefina turned around, glancing at Gethin. Her brows rose as she turned herself around, sitting on the ground as she faced him. "Do you believe in fate, Gethin?" she questioned, tossing him her own toothy grin. Perhaps it was fate that he had roamed up to her volcano, besides, he didn't seem to much care for the heat anyways. Was it something greater that brought them together?



03-21-2016, 01:49 PM

He smirked at the purr he received from his slight touch. Now he was certainly back in his element. The cave wasn't far and within moments they stepped into the shadowy cavern. It was still warm, but it wasn't the same harsh heat that the sun delivered. It was a more subtle, warming heat. He could handle this just fine. He watched Serefina step ahead of him a bit, turning around to face him and sitting down once again before tossing him another question and a grin. He hummed thoughtfully as he padded toward her, returning her grin with a smaller one of his own. "Considering I just happened to walk past you on the side of a huge volcano... Yeah, I'd say I have reason to believe in fate." He chuckled as he leaned forward across the small distance he had left between them, wanting to brush the side of his muzzle against hers. "What do you think, Fireball? Do you believe in fate?" he asked, his voice lowering to a quiet rumble as he lifted his muzzle a bit to brush against her cheek and up to her ear, parting his lips just enough to let his teeth lightly skim the edge of her ear.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-21-2016, 04:39 PM

Her ember eyes stayed trained on him as he stepped towards her, tilting her head upwards slightly as she watched him. His words made her smirk, a snort pushing its way out of her nose. >"Not exactly, although it seems too coincidental otherwise. Maybe I'm finally getting a gift for being on such good behavior," she mused softly. His heat radiated towards her, making her feel a little too warm. That was rare for the fiery woman to feel that way, which put her slightly on edge. She shouldn't help but shake her head back and forth at her given nickname, pulling herself to her paws as he got closer. His muzzle brushed across her own, making her hackles raise slightly at the contact. She wasn't used to a male being so forward, but she was sure that she could warm up to the idea. Serefina stayed still as he brushed against her again, her muscles relaxing as he nibbled on her ear. A breathy sigh left her mouth at the feeling, relaxing into him. Her head lowered as she tried to tug at his cheek, her damp nose pushing into his face. For whatever reason it was hard to relax into this, the fact that he was so forward sat strangely with her. Humming gently, she rose a single brow at him. He would have to take the lead here, she was a bit thrown off.



03-21-2016, 05:01 PM

Gethin chuckled when she commented on being rewarded for good behavior. He had a hard time believing that someone so spirited had stayed out of trouble, but he wouldn't question it. He was more focused on doing what he did best now to bother. She still seemed a tad on edge, but her sigh at his small teasing made him sure that it wouldn't be too difficult to get her to relax a bit more. He liked the little dance that always preceded these things. It was part of the fun. He felt her nose press to his cheek and his dark red gaze found hers once again to see her raise a brow at him. A low rumble of a chuckle vibrated in his chest. He was more than happy to lead in their little dance. "You seem a little tense there, fireball," he rumbled softly as he shifted a little closer, bringing his muzzle back to her ear to place another light nibble along it before leaning his neck around hers to continue the trail of gentle nibbles and licks down the back of her neck. "You should just relax... Like you said, a little reward for good behavior, right?" He'd pull back just enough for their gazes to meet again, a grin lingering on his muzzle. He was in his element. This was what he enjoyed. He had a little fireball all to himself, at least for a little while.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-21-2016, 05:29 PM

Serefina wasn't good at giving up control, not at all. But when Gethin tossed more licks and nibbles down her form, a gentle shutter ran through her. She sighed, eyeing him with the spark of fire in her gaze. "Yeah, except I don't like not being in charge," she tried to sound strong, but her body was betraying her. Her voice quivered, and she was starting to lean into his touches. She was generally the one to do the dancing, to warm the other wolf up to her. But at this point, with this kind of man, she was utterly lost. She could easily walk away now, but... she wanted to stay. She wanted to carry this out all the way, and there was no doubt to where it was leading. Her limbs trembled slightly, and she growled softly to herself. Damn her stupid body for giving in so easily. Usually she liked to fight it, to play against it. But no, Gethin was too well versed in it. Narrowing her eyes slightly, she didn't protest as he looked up at her, even though her mind was fighting. It was the classic war of mind and body.



03-21-2016, 06:06 PM

Gethin watched with a little amusement at the internal fight that Serefina was obviously having. Her words contradicted what her body was screaming at him. "Well, no one here is stopping you from being in charge," he told her with a chuckle. He tipped his head so he could nibble along her jaw as he added, "But if you listen to your body you may just enjoy it." He watched for any sign that she may disagree with him, but if he didn't receive any he'd go on with his tempting and teasing. He parted his jaws enough to hold the edge of her ear between his teeth, lightly dragging his fangs along the delicate skin before going back to showering her neck and scruff in small licks and nibbles. He had always thought that working women up and making sure that they were enjoying this as much as he was made the whole experience all the better. And more of a challenge. Any brute could tear a woman apart and have their way with them. It was more fun and more rewarding when they wanted it too. He continued his light teasing down her body, tracing the red that was smeared over her back with his nips and licks. Gethin came around behind her and, after glancing up to see if there were any objections, he settled himself over her, holding her body tight to his. A soft growl of anticipation rumbled in his chest as he finally had her, savoring all of his fireball.


"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
03-21-2016, 06:41 PM

She couldn't even find words as he continued to trace her flame markings with her teeth, a breathy moan leaving her maw at his constant licks and nips. It was like fire and ice all over her body, making her shiver under every touch. He continued down her body, and there was no objections from the smaller woman. She just looked over her shoulder, a smirk lifting on her black lips. This was it, a final release that she had been looking for.


The fiery woman wobbled slightly, her tail thumping Gethin in the face. A smooth chuckle left her lips, and she turned to face him. Panting, she took a few slow steps forward until she softly bumped her chest against his, leaning to nip just behind his jawline. "Mm, looks like I was right to let my body win that one, Gethin," she said a bit breathlessly, pulling back to meet his gaze. Tossing him a wink, she started towards the opening of the cave, feeling like she needed some fresh air after it all. Taking in a deep breath, she sat near the edge of the volcano, her toes dangling in open air. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing if Gethin would join her.
