
[M] You're Where I Belong



7 Years
03-28-2016, 01:59 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2016, 02:00 PM by Surreal.)

With sparring partners assigned for the season, and the Fight Training session over, Surreal had chosen to lead Falk off to the den. She led him, keeping her hip at his nose, her tail playfully draping over his head, the last five inches wiggling, to one of the furthest back chambers that branched off the tunnels. The lighting was dim, coming through a hole in the ceiling. Ferns and other lush greens grew wild, moss springy under paw. It was a perfect, secluded little get away.

The Archangel wasted no time in casting aside her leadership mantel and shifting to being simply Surreal; Surreal was in love, in heat, and her eyes were for the larger russet timber alone, even if he couldn't see to return the gooey eyed smile she was giving him. The spar had fired her blood, and she was itchy to play. To romp like two year olds again for a while before returning to her duties as the Alpha, and she made it known by the purring rumble as she turned, leaning her body into Falk's chest and nibbling along his jaw. " I missed you." He had kept to himself so much. He was always there, yet it felt like she never saw him enough.

When Regulus turned three, she would give the pack to him, she decided. She was more than satisfied with the start she had given the pack, more than ready to settle down into retirement, and a few more litters. Starting now. She would be ready to birth when Regulus stepped up.

"Falk..." Her nose was buried in her mate's ruff. His scent was intoxicating; a perfect compliment to her own. That fire in her belly sparked and roiled, threatening to become an inferno. And damned if she wasn't feeling a little... impatient.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



8 Years
Athena I
03-28-2016, 11:32 PM

Once their training was done of the day, Falk was more than happy to follow along behind his mate. A small grin played on his lips as they walked with her tail draping over him. He brushed his muzzle against her hip, even daring to nibble lightly at her thigh. It had been far too long since they had gotten to spend any time like this. He followed along as Surreal lead them farther and farther into the chambers till they finally reached a point that satisfied her. His ears perked at the sound of her purr and before he could do anything else he felt Surreal shift so that she was pressed to his chest. He grinned and let his head tip back a bit while she nibbled at his jaw.

When he and Surreal were alone like this it was the only moments when he forgot about his missing sight. All of his attention honed in on his mate and the feeling of her body against his. He missed seeing her beautiful form and her gorgeous eyes, but it was more than enough to just be surrounded by her scent and feel her leaning into him. "I've missed you too," he told her quietly, his voice a low rumble as he leaned his muzzle down to nuzzle her cheek before moving on to her neck as she buried her own face in his scruff. He nibbled and licked down the side of her neck and up into her scruff, a low rumble sounding in his chest in response to her saying his name. He understood without her saying anything at all. He was just as impatient himself.

One of the good things of relying almost entirely on touch was that it gave him all the more reason to have a little fun with her. The end of his muzzle traced along her spine, leaving light nibbles as he went, his side brushing against hers. He followed the line of her body even though he knew her inside and out so well that he didn't need to do so. He was quick to rest his larger form over hers, his legs brushing along her sides before tucking tightly against her. His teeth found her scruff and he shut out any thoughts of packs and blindness and fighting. So much had happened in their years together, but there was one thing that hadn't changed. He still loved her and wanted her more than anything else in this world.


Speech Thought Others



7 Years
04-02-2016, 06:12 PM

It was the sweetest of knowledge that he knew her every meaning without her having to say more than his name. His rumble went through her like fire; molten and wild, and she reveled in every touch, every breath, nip and lick, body shivering delightfully under the touches and caresses.

He was as impatient as she was, and she greeted his weight with a long trace of nibbles along his throat before he took her scruff. And then she let herself sink into that carnal bliss. It really had been, far... too.. long.



She lay with him, still floating on the blissful aftermath, ears planed to the sides and her chin between her paws. "I've been thinking." She started, pausing to yawn. "That When Regulus is three, and I'm about to birth, I will step down and make him Archangel. We're growing old, and I want all the time in the world to focus on us and are children. I'm happy with the start I've given Celestial. I trust our eldest to carry the legacy well."

She turned, snuggling her nose into his scruff and breathing him in.
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.