



9 Years
03-29-2016, 05:43 PM
Arcus paced the border of the strange grasslands, staring across it intently. The pack sent had faded dramatically since the season's turn, but it was Dono land nonetheless, which meant that the siblings he actually liked where over there. He was reluctant to go and see them, reluctant to rebuild that bridge, but every day his anger grew to uncontrollable rates, and he could barely handle it. Life with only one eye made him more angry, made him long to tear the world down piece by piece in his destructive storms. And yet, he spent most of his days pacing the border and waiting intently for some sign of his family. But either he kept missing them, or they didn't come up to the grasslands much. Either way, it was making him even more mad.

Finally he huffed and stopped his pacing. The sun was descending over the ocean in the distance, and he was growing more and more angry. With a deep, gravely sigh he turned and deliberately stepped over the border. He didn't pause them, merely walked into the grasslands and searched for any sign of Glacier. He didn't care about any of the others, and certainly didn't want to see Voltage, but he felt a deep need to find Glacier. There was something growing inside of him, that must have always been there. It was deep and dark and all consuming, and in a rare moment of light he wanted to see Glacier, and make sure that bridge wasn't fully burned. Of all of them, he respected the giant wolf the most.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
03-29-2016, 05:52 PM

It was true that the brute didn't go the to Prairie as often as he had when the beach had been flooded. The black, obsidian sand and the lull of the blue waters where what called to his family, it was what they called home. The Prairie had only ever been a source of food to the wolves, and a sanctuary when the home they loved had betrayed them to the tides of nature.

Ray still loved the Prairie, and it was chasing her that brought him across it more often then his patrols did. It was Ray that ensured his presence here and now when Arcus needed him. He stalked her though the undergrowth, pretending at first not to see here where she crouched in the tall grass beside a berry bush. He caught the scent of his brother before he saw him, and the game was instantly cut short. He ducked his head into the grass, to the annoyance of his daughter. He kissed her pouting cheeks and nudged her gently with his paws. “Go back to the beach sweet heart. I believe Aurora planned to fish today, why don't you go join her?” he said gently, and waited until she was out of sight before he followed the trail.

The stormy brute was strolling through the Donostrea land like he owned it, and the sight didn't bring anger, instead it brought a smile. “Arcus?” he called out gently, uncertain why he was here, uncertain if he would stop at the beckons of his older brother.





9 Years
03-29-2016, 06:05 PM
Arcus had to admit his brothers had picked a good spot. He liked to think that it was Glacier that had seen the grasslands and decided to claim it. The lands were large enough, but seemed protected enough that the pack was still safe. Provided a good land border between the rest of the world and their slightly secluded beach. He hummed softly, looking around with his one good eye and sniffing around. Prey scent was distant but there was enough. He tilted his head slightly then, a smirk on his lips. Here he was tresspassing in his brother's land...why not go ahead and steal a meal while he was at it?

But before he could really get into it, hardly even getting a good scent trail, he was forced to stop. The gentle voice of his brother called out to him, calling his name, and he almost felt sick with the familiarity of it. Slowly he took a deep breath and lifted his head, steeling himself. Glacier hadn't seen him since he had left, since he was younger but just as foolish. He took a deep breath before turning towards him, his good eye narrowed. He waited for the look of disgust, or anger, or...well, any reaction. His lips spread in a slow, cruel, smirk as he felt his scars so clearly in that moment. Why had he come here? He sneered, feeling it pull at the cruel twisting of muscle and scar, the mishealed mess that was his face. He had refused to see a healer, and this was the result. His eye overrun with cruel scars, almost grotesque. "Glacier" He rumbled in his deep, seething voice, staring at his brother and just...waiting.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
03-29-2016, 06:19 PM

Perhaps this wasn't his brother, perhaps this was ghost, a vision of history past, an expression of Glacier's failer. For when the stormy brute turned his head, his eyes alighting upon the gentle giant, there was very little left on that grey face to remind him or Arcus. The curl of his lips formed a smirk, an expression of cruelty. Yet, even this was only secondary to the true dominant change in his brother. “Arcus” it was a whisper, a groan of pain in the form of a word.

There was pain in Arcus's voice too, when he uttered the name of the giant. It was a different sort of pain, a hateful, vengeful pain that was an entire world away to the cry that had been Glacier's. The larger, stronger brother's voice had been a whisper of an end, what tears would sound like if they had a voice. Arcus's, the smaller, once spirited creature full of life, his voice... well, there was no whole pieces left in Glacier's heart once the sound of it had finished tearing through his chest.

He wanted to take a step towards the young man, the familiar stranger, if only his legs would obey him. They where rooted in place, as immobile as the icy mountains he was named for. Yet, even the thickest ice can melt and slowly, slowly, the pure mask of silver in his eyes began to fade, and fire returned to the beast. As he found that strength inside of him, as he pulled free of the immobilization his body wanted to retain, his paws moved also. He took a step forward, then another. A slow gait, a cautious one, as through he was afraid that if he took any more Arcus would turn from him, and he would lose his brother.

His breath returned next, a ragged intake shook his body, and his teeth slowly, reluctantly unclenched part way, enough to hiss a word through his fangs, “Who did this to you.”




9 Years
03-29-2016, 06:44 PM
Ah, there it was. Had it been anyone else, he might have grinned, might have laughed, like he had with Gale. But instead, he felt his smirk slowly fall, his lone eye to squint in confusion. He felt the soft winds in his chest, stirring up something so uncomfortable he couldn't stand it. He was used to the flickering of his emotion, used to feel the cruelty he held inside of him, but here, now, watching Glacier seemed to shatter...he couldn't take it. He heard the cry on his voice, the soft sound that speared deep down into Arcus' chest. It was a sound he would hear until his dying day, he knew that the moment he heard it. Slowly his gaze dropped to the grass beneath his paws, not liking this. Not liking this at all.

He wanted to turn away, to go back to his new home, or even away from it, so he wouldn't have to see the look in Glacier's eyes. So he wouldn't have to feel...guilty? He couldn't understand this guilt, it wasn't like he had gone out and asked someone to carve up his face just so that he could show Glacier and have his big brother feel...sad. No, but that didn't lessen that guilt at all. So instead, he took a deep breath, and lifted his gaze once more. But this time, there was a white hot anger he had never seen, a protectiveness that Arcus felt disentitled too. He had left Glacier, and the Elementas, there was no reason for his brother to want to tear into the face that carved into his. He felt his own anger rise, feeling again like a child looked down upon. Perhaps that was his own lack of confidence, but he couldn't help the deep growl in his chest. "No one you need to concern yourself with, brother." He hissed, the sound crawling from deep in his throat as his good eye narrowed. Instead he huffed and looked around, feeling less proud of this stupid grassland by the moment. "You've done well for yourself, Glacier. Got yourself some good land, a little wifey, some puny little brats. Life's good around here, huh?" He said, his words perhaps more biting and cruel than he wanted them too be. He hadn't come here to try and hurt his brother, no. He had come to rebuild a bridge that he suddenly wanted to burn, his eye alight in the flames. "But then again, you've always been lucky, haven't you." He said with a cold snicker, turning away then. He didn't want to talk anymore, didn't want to see his brother or the good life he had....not anymore.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
03-29-2016, 06:56 PM (This post was last modified: 03-29-2016, 06:56 PM by Glacier.)

Lost in a sea of emotion, the stoic brute didn't know how to save himself. There was no Voltage beside him in that moment, to ground him through it. Perhaps it would be inevitable that he would turn then to anger, and vengeance. He wanted to carve up the face of the beast that had done this to his flesh and blood. He wanted to tear out their heart and stuff it down their throat. He vibrated with that anger, he felt it with a strength the likes of which he had never recalled feeling in his life. How dare they. How dare he. Glacier was suppose to protect his kin, his siblings. This was a mark of the ultimate failure. He hadn't saved Arcus in the moment he needed him the most – he hadn't even known Arcus needed saving.

The anger threatened to give way to that despair and guilt, it threatened again to drown him. He tried to turn it back to anger, but Arcus's words destroyed that self-righteous flame. He staggered in his final step towards his brother, feeling the gap between grow ever longer as Arcus's words turned to anger. Yes, his brother had every right to feel that rage towards Glacier, to the older brother that had never managed to save him. Glacier hung his head, the last traces of anger deserting him. “Your right. I have more then I ever asked of life or expected of it. You have less then what I wanted to give you, and none of the happiness you deserved.” his voice was low, and soft. “But you've never let me fight your battles for you. I would tear the face of the beast that did this to you, if any part of you wanted me too. But that's not what you came here for, is it?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He didn't know where the word where coming from. Certainly not the pool of guilt eating away at the heart. They came from somewhere else, some desperation not to lose his brother again, not to fail him for the thousandth time. “I wont pretend I have the right to ask it of you, but don't leave, brother. At least, not entirely. Even if you don't want to be here, in our lands, at least don't be gone from my life, from theirs.”
