
Disasters Abroad



7 Years

04-04-2016, 10:03 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2016, 02:55 PM by Lillianna.)

The meeting had been a disaster.

No matter how you looked at it... it ended awfully. Wren's appearance had... ruined everything. The calm, the quiet, the tranquility that was finally settling over Abaven. No, the shit-pot got stirred again. This time, those she cared about got hurt again. Except this time, it was emotionally, not physically. Finch - Finch she left, left with Sparrow. No - she was after Lark, who had left as rapidly as possible.

What was going through his mind? She could only wonder, as she did not quite understand what was happening. She knew only that the entirety of the Destruction family in Abaven had been wounded by this, and that Lark was no exception.

Tracking him was quite simple - he wasn't too interested in covering his trail, it seemed, and Lillianna would run lightly, nose to the ground. Only minutes would pass when she spotted Lark, and she slowed a bit, gauging his speed. He was going slow, so she sped up just a bit, enough to catch her up. Upon approaching ever closer, she dropped back, walking a but fast to catch up, walking next to him. She said nothing, merely walked beside him; she offered a conversation partner, if he desired, and just some company that wouldn't cause pain, hopefully.

speech"Italian" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



7 Years
Extra large

04-08-2016, 02:01 PM
Lark didn't know what to think of the meeting. It had all gone bad relatively quickly - but should he expect anything less from Abaven? It seemed like every other time that Bass called them together, something went wrong. This time, his mother had decided to show up. He hadn't yelled, hadn't cried, hadn't thrown a fit.. at least, only internally. His exterior had been stoic and serious, attempting to remain calm amidst all the angst of his siblings and packmates, knowing if he lost his cool that things would not end well. When Lark got upset, he got really upset, and today wasn't the day for that.

He wasn't in the mood to talk to his family right now. Surely Bass had a lot to talk to Wren about. Finch was likely still quite upset, but she was capable of taking care of herself - or finding someone that could help her. Lark made a mental note to check in with her later. His posture was stiff, and slightly dejected as he headed away from the meeting, unsure where he was headed.

He was partially surprised when he heard approaching pawsteps, and his head tilted to the side as his gaze sought out the source of the sound. Why had Lillie followed him?   "Hey," he'd say quietly, drearily, not feeling particularly enthused - though her company wouldn't hurt, which was funny because it would have once infuriated him.



7 Years

04-10-2016, 06:03 PM

She wasn't quite sure how Lark would react to her presence - welcoming? apprehensive? with clear words or 'go away'? literally anything was a possibility at this point, especially since she was utterly uncertain to how he was feeling. No doubt upset, and unhappy - why else would he go off alone? Why else would he develop that characteristically stoic face, and yet also offer a measure of comfort to his sisters? Something was happening inside that head of his, and the officer was quite interested and determined to figure out what it was.

Her greeting, wordless, just a presence... would be greeted simply. A soft, quite hey. In it held a plethora of tones that she felt she could discern, and top would be a weariness, and a bleakness. It seemed to confirm her thoughts, on his thoughts. She couldn't imagine what he was going through; she never experienced that. She was raised by an older couple, with pretty loose ideas on family with her mother leaving her with the older couple. She could only vaguely remember her mother, and was never close. Though she would be interested in meeting her mother and discovering the origins of her birth, as well as why she left, it was not a pressing matter for the officer.

"Hey," she returned, voice just as soft, with a gentle tone to it. It held no sympathy, no pity; no, that wasn't what she wanted him to have, to see. She aimed to bump her shoulder against his legs (since she was way too short to bump his shoulder except with her head). She wasn't quite sure why she did it, it just seemed... oh, she didn't know. The right thing to do, perhaps? Just felt like it? Something along those lines. Now, though, she wasn't sure what to do, ask how he felt? Suggest they do something? "So, what's going through your head right now?" she asked, tone still solemn and quiet, and not at all joking, just letting herself talk without thinking. Okay, maybe that wasn't so bright an idea - but it worked. She knew - or thought she knew - his feelings; she wasn't sure if he wanted to do something so... why not ask what he was thinking?

speech"Italian" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



7 Years
Extra large

04-12-2016, 08:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2016, 08:11 PM by Lark.)
Why did things have to be so damn difficult? It seemed like his family couldn't catch a break. There was always something causing problems, no matter who or what the scenario. Nothing had turned out like he had expected. Lark had always imagined that he and his siblings would grow to be an unstoppable force, a family to be respected and feared throughout the lands - surely some wolves respected them, but not as many as he wished. His sister had been poisoned, and he was no closer to being the ruler his father envisioned him to be. He sighed as he considered these things, his heart heavy with each step he took forward.

Lark, not expecting her touch, flinched slightly as she bumped into him. As soon as he realized it was her, his posture relaxed slightly as he turned and aimed to look at her. Her question took him a bit by surprise. Lark wasn't one to talk about his feelings. It wasn't something they spent a lot of time discussing. Hell, even he didn't always know what was going on in his head. Feeling a bit agitated, only slightly, his brow furrowed and his mouth tightened as he glanced away. "I'm pissed off," he offered finally, plainly, though his deep voice was laced with frustration he couldn't deny. "I can't believe my mom thinks it's okay to leave and come back whenever she wants, and act like nothing has changed. She's so fucking selfish." His pace slowed, but only a bit, and his gaze fixed on the ground at his forepaws as he sighed. He didn't know if that was what Lillie was expecting to hear, but it was how he felt, and she'd asked for it.



7 Years

04-12-2016, 09:20 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2016, 09:22 PM by Lillianna.)

Oh! He... flinched. Blinking, a troubled look crossed her face - why had he flinched? She snuck a look at him, but he wasn't looking at her. Instead, he was gazing ahead of him, almost a glare in his eyes. Was he truly that tense? It appeared so, something that was odd. Lark was usually not this tense; at least, not so tense that he physically flinched when touched. At the same time, she couldn't blame him, not with what happened and the fact she believed he was suppressing his feelings. That amount of suppression would most certainly cause a tenseness.

It would only be a few minutes more before he spoke, and when he did.. Lillianna was not surprised by what came out of his mouth. She nodded slowly, though he wasn't looking. The frustration, the anger - it was all clear, and in her mind, it was justified. When he elaborated further, she felt a spark of anger herself - some that she had pushed down. It was selfish. It was awful, after Wren not being there for them. "You're right," she replied, shaking her head. "I... it's just so awful. It shouldn't have happened." She didn't know what exactly to say in response - she hadn't really planned that far ahead? She wasn't going to offer pity, but she wasn't about to go off on his mother either - that... wasn't her place. "She should have been there for you, for Finch. For Bass, and the rest of your family." Sorrow tinged her voice, as well as a bare hint of anger. Wren should have been, but she hadn't been - and what do you do then? How do you do that then? It was just... so fucked up Lillianna didn't even know what to say or think about it.

speech"Italian" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.