
{ ♄/♀ } ɢᴀʟᴀᴄᴛɪᴄ


08-15-2014, 09:18 PM

in the canyon beneath the trees.

Such a galactic beaut was little apt to be traveling along the precarious Crystallum Cliffs, though her more adventurous vantage seemed to lull her onward. Geometric forelegs would dart in and out of view between various rocks and a multitude of sharp crystals sprouting from the loamy soil. A gorgeous crown would reflect in the facets of each gem, her bodice being materialized all about -- her personal hall of mirrors. Occasionally the maiden could bide her time viewing the rising lunar satellite by pausing her journey to gaze upon her glorious bodice -- of simple and plain beauty. Any who could ignore the brilliantly shining satellite in the light of a full moon was fool. Moss-grey gems sparkled in the light of the reflection she held to herself, as a noise would bring her from her dreams of sugarplums and fairies. "Who stays within the shadows?"


08-15-2014, 09:38 PM

Shadows - her dominantly onyx pelt would allow her to blend in so easily. Ecru hued markings could be easily mistaken as the surrounding soil. Whilst diamonds sparkled brilliantly upon her face would be the feature to give her away. Kaleidoscopic eyes seemingly glowed an even more dramatic shade of pink and blue in the shadowed places of Alacritis. Ah, she was a goddess.

Motley pools peered at the lady who danced nearby. She was seemingly unaware of her presence. She considered leaving the gal to marvel at herself in harmony, though, that just would not do. No. This lady seemed to think to highly of her appearance and Venus wanted to flaunt her extraterrestrial pelt. To make this woman envy her and so she would answer the stranger's question.

Stilts carried her to the cream colored wolf. Unrecognizable shapes swirled upon her forelegs. Hmm, she was pretty. . . perhaps she should scar her pretty face. Though, Venus would decide to mind her manners at first. To give the gal a chance to be jealous. Venus lurks within these shadows. I paint the darkest corners of Alacritis with my otherworldly beauty. My starlit face ignites the shadows in pure elegance. Who might you be - the one who lurks within the jewels?

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08-16-2014, 08:59 AM

And so she would speak -- revealing her envious cloak to the tempest hiding within the maze of mirrors. A kaleidoscope of gems she paid mind to most, curious as to how the motley of colors appeared in the same gem, portrayed on both as well. From the isolation of the crystals, came the celestial beaut, her movements standard and not as flaunting as she would do so normally. "Venus, darling, the gods have blessed you with an envious pelt of stars. Such a gorgeous galactic formation your pelt is inspired by." At the end of her verse came the galactic female, fully revealing herself to the motley eyes of the celestial beaut. "Such a galactic and perfect queen -- you could be." Gently she crooned, her lips in a coy smile, moss-grey gems still yet eying the gorgeous pelt she held.

A question she had yet to answer was whom she was herself, and for a moment of creating a stable image of the envious siren, she remained silent. Her greek-accented lyrics would sound from inky lips parted to release a stream of voice. "Dear Venus, I am named after a galactic formation just as you have been, Saturn -- though rather your name is more beautiful for such a gorgeous planet. Even the stars are represented in your visage. How has one not had children yet -- even by accident? With such beauty -- I cannot expect you to be a virgin." Gently she could croon after her introduction, but she kept it simple and without her surname -- for now. She liked this female, very much for her beauty and personality. Perhaps she was an queen rising. "Does one so beautiful wish to rule the world -- just as I dream to?" Within herself, she wanted to rule a kingdom, just as she was destined to. "Each galactic creation of the gods should have the right to rule a kingdom in their choosing."


08-17-2014, 07:40 PM

Solemn gaze surveyed the lady's expressions all the while listening to every lyric in which poured from her lips. Indeed, her pelt was what most would dream of owning. One in which made men fall to their knees at first glance. Ah, how all creatures should be envious of such beauty! Even goddesses should envy such a otherworldly appearance. A queen indeed she deserved to be. Finally another could see her worth as Bass had not. Mruni, simple knight, was not enough. She should own an empire - or rather, the universe. What a magnificent royal she would be. In time, all would bow down to her kingdom's power and envy the beauties that would reside there. A dark alignment it would be made of. One in which would not only be envied for its beauty, but feared for its sheer power! Only the strongest moons would orbit her planet and the others would be turned away, for they would not meet her standards. The innocents' blood would spill upon her borders for even contemplating of showing their tender hearts to such a vicious, determined ruler!

Finally a creature other than myself sees my worth. A galactic queen I desire to be! Only the strongest would be allowed to rule beside me, only the bravest knights would fight by my side, and only the most fierce healers would dare cross my borders. Ah, such a dream! Though, that is all it is. A dream in which is lost in our abyssal galaxy. For now my abode resides in Abaven. Though, I want so much more. You - Saturn - have gathered my interest. Pups are more of an interference with my current desire of glory and power. The spawn would only hold me back from my near impossible goals. A virgin. . . hah. . . that I am not. Wooing the men is, perhaps, a hobby of mine. And I desire nothing more than to rule my own kingdom - shall we discuss plans?

Maybe it was fate that allowed these two galactic bodies to cross orbiting paths. The girl seemed to have every intention that she had to start a kingdom and dominate all the lands in which were possible of possessing. In order to start such a creation - one needed followers. . . Followers and strong leaders that would assist in creating such a dream. Ah, maybe this is one female she would be able to tolerate.

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08-17-2014, 09:06 PM

Fate was what allowed two powerful queens to cross galactic paths. In every way did this gorgeous siren deserve a kingdom of power and wealth -- as did herself. For far too long had the galactic goddess remained a simple rogue. From the beaut spewed visions of grace and power -- visions of a kingdom of wealth and strength -- one that would refuse to crumble at the hands of one simple mortal. The two galactic bodies crossing paths was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, a rare occasion to celebrate -- with perhaps a conquered kingdom. Both deserved the title of sovereign in the ranks of a castle they called their own.

"Venus, galactic goddess, we are destined to rule, for such a rare opportunity of galactic bodies to cross paths in our orbits must be one to kindle the beginnings of a legacy -- an odyssey foretold in only legends of our predecessors. Our blood will be legendary, for only those who will be able to taste it, our foes to fall to the depths of hell. No mortal will be able to stand in our way once we begin. How many kingdoms would you like to rule? One for each of us, so we might share a mighty empire we were destined to rule for -- for it is in our galactic blood -- and our souls. No spawn will appear in our conquest, for they will only postpone the world's cremation. Do not fear, for I will stand by your side throughout each and all of your brilliant plans to conquer the world itself, if you give me your honor to do the same, goddess." Moss-grey gems shimmered in her offerings, as if she were giving her soul to the Grim Reaper for immortality -- for her immortal beauty to blossom from the darkness. No kingdom underneath such powerful and determined leaders would even have the tiniest will to crumble beneath them, but the rest of the world would -- and that was a promise. "And what pack do you plan to slaughter to gain control of first?"


08-21-2014, 09:32 PM

Her newly found companion shared such similar interests. Ah, just imagine the empire the two of them could build together. Both consisting of only the strongest of followers would allow the two of them to combine into a force that was unknown to all wolf-kind. Such a vision! Yet, together, this vision was a possibility.

Saturn and Venus - two minds once placed together could conquer all of the universe. The two partners could become the colossal sun in which all others would orbit around, be it in fear or loyalty. The two of them could create a government so powerful that non others would dare question their law! Two bodies in which would create history that Alacritis had never witnesses. Legends of darkness and power.

And I will stand by your side as well, Saturn. Together, we can accomplish things that others merely dream of. Together, two goddesses, can create our own heaven or hell on our on planet. Our law will be the world's law - not simply pack law. No. We shall become far more than that. An empire, a kingdom, we shall build. Together we will be unstoppable.

For two to meet in such a way and to discuss such plans so rapidly was certainly meant to be. This was fate. Purely a happening that had been predetermined. Surely the gods themselves realized the power that the two of them would become together. The pack I shall bleed for is yet to be determined. The weakest pack is the one that surely must face my teeth and claws upon it's flesh. I wish to see the weak fall out of our orbit. Only the most brilliant and powerful are to be our allies - to orbit our newly created sun. Our vision. Those who are weak will fall to their knees and those who refuse to follow will bleed their liquid life upon or blazing empire. Those who refuse to listen to our law will be cast out into the abyssal universe or their lives shall be ours. . . by death or by slave. Let us discuss laws and future visions of our empire!

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