
Oh, stand by me



9 Years
04-14-2016, 11:46 PM

With the feel of Soleil's shoulder leaning into his still tingling in his body, Xephyris would request the presence of his new leader in a private meeting, after the wolves now known as Myriad dispersed to their new home land. He beckoned to Riv with an obvious flick of his tail, the gorgeous woman stuck to his side as though they were one being. Once he was sure they'd found a quiet place to talk, he would turn to face the Kotetsu, dipping his head in thanks for the young man's time. "Riv, this is Soleil," he began in a low rumble, looking from the duo-hued eyes of his leader, to the woman that had captivated him, silver eyes becoming locked onto her, "I met her when we were in the East. She can't speak English, yet. She speaks French. She... doesn't know this yet, but I intend to claim her as mine." He finally ripped his gaze away from the beauty, looking back to Riv. The young male must know what he meant, as he had just recently decided upon Zephyra as his own mate.

Xephyris was completely infatuated with Soleil. She was beautiful, she was foreign, exotic in a way. A mystery to be uncovered. He may have an appreciation for all women, but this one had completely captured him. "Please, allow her to stay here in Myriad," he asked gracefully with a dip of his head, "I will ensure that she learns the language, at least to a basic degree, and help her settle in and become an asset to the pack. I don't wish to be without her." Then he would look back to Soleil, his gaze seeking out her captivating turquoise eyes. He felt badly that she couldn't understand what he was saying. He didn't like talking about her right in front of her, without her knowing what he was saying. But in a way it was also exciting. There was still so much left for them to find out about each other. Now he would look back to Rivaxorus II, hoping the young man would grant her passage in Myriad.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years
04-25-2016, 09:28 AM

Soleil hadn't wanted Xeph to move away from her, but he did. Though they walked side by side, her shoulder felt cold now that it lacked the warmth of Xephyris's touch. She didnt know where he was taking her, not that she cared. But she did know that this language barrier was a pain in the ass. Thanks to said barrier she had no clue that when they stopped infront of the other male that it as because Xeph was asking if she could become part of the pack she didnt even know was a pack.

Her ears would perk forward as Xephyris looked right at her and spoke her name.  Though it looked like he was talking to her, she wasnt sure he was. When he looked away from her to turn his full attention on the other male she was sure he wasnt. The other thing she was sure of was that they were talking about her. She loved listening to Xeph's giberish, but didnt like that they were talking about her while she didnt understand. She wanted to know what he was saying now more than ever and she was sure it was showing through on her facial featues.

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-29-2016, 06:24 AM

Something about Rivaxorus probably could seem totally different. Observing the meeting he had seen this woman in the crowd. It only confirmed his suspicions that this woman had been following Xephyris. Yet his explanation of the woman was.... a little off to the new alpha. His ears twitched for a moment for the man's use of the term making her his. The male in front of him didn't seem like the type to show that behavior. Then again he bore witness to many personalities. Just because something offended him - didn't mean he could place a judgement on the other. It did make Rivaxorus smile for a moment, hiding a chuckle behind his jaw.

"I do hope you aren't treating her as a object." his tone kept civil. This man was a friend, but it did show a new side to Riv he possibly wouldn't have shown before. "While language does hold a barrier, bits and pieces are fine where she feels comfortable. Body language is a funny thing. However until then if she wishes to speak I'm guessing you'll be her translator?" Rivaxorus asked for a moment. "Soleil is welcome by your side, and by Myriads side." his head turned towards her. It felt odd to be talking about her when she didn't know. He dipped his head, hopefully knowing it'd be universal to a kind greeting towards her.

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
05-01-2016, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2016, 06:00 PM by Xephyris.)

Xephyris grinned as Riv made a comment. Perhaps the way he said he wished to 'claim' her sounded a little misleading, but it was just the way he spoke. "Of course not," he said in return, shaking his head as he then glanced to Soleil, "I would never treat her poorly." As he watched her expression, it was becoming obvious that she was getting frustrated not being able to understand them. She probably didn't like being talked about in a language she couldn't understand, and he couldn't blame her. It was frustrating all around - he wished he communicate better with her. For now, he would then go to stand at her side, allowing his shoulder to touch hers, right where she had originally planted herself. Warmth returned to him, and he took in a comfortable breath. Everything felt right when the beautiful lady was beside him.

The gray-coated man faced Riv again, listening intently as the Kosetsu gave his permission for Soleil to stay. Thrilled, he would turn to Soleil, lightly pressing his nose to her ear, before looking back to Riv. "Thank you," he said, dipping his head, "I will do my best to translate, although it will take time for us both to learn. But for her sake, I won't give up." Now he turned to her again. He didn't know how to tell her everything they'd said, but he did remember a few words he could speak to her. "Soleil, uh, nom est Rivaxorus II," he said to her, trying as best he could to use the words he had learned as he pointed in Riv's direction, trying to introduce him, "Vous appeler Riv. Riv is our Alpha, of Myriad." He knew his attempts were choppy, and there were just some things he couldn't say, but he was determined to one day get it right and help her understand as well.

He would nuzzle the back of her ear, hoping to comfort her, to let her know it would all be okay. It was frustrating and difficult for now, but things would get better. He'd be sure of it. Now Xeph waited, wondering if Soleil would try to say anything. Perhaps there was little to be said right now, but he was just happy that Riv had allowed Soleil to stay with them despite the language barrier.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



6 Years
06-01-2016, 12:16 PM

The woman had just begun ignoring the others conversation when Xeph finally spoke words she could understand. Before that everything the two had said was gibberish to her and she had taken to examining the male infront of her rather than next to her. Like Xhephyris, this male was handsome in his own way but his muscle tone did not strike her as if this man spent as much time working his frame to perfection. She couldnt help but smile inwardly to herself at remembering Xeph all worried about the way he looked when she first met him.

Now her attention was in him for a different reason all together. This man was an alpha and she had just traipsed all over his territory to follow the man at her side. Not only did she find herself wondering why he hadnt torn her to shreds...or at least tried to...but she also couldnt help but wonder how such a young wolf became alpha. She had never seen a wolf his age hold so much power, so much respect. It intrigued her and she wanted to know more. Wanted to know hiw he had found himself in this rank and if his pack would make it as long as some of the others she had heard of.

She didnt understand every word that Xheph spoke to her but she did understand the parts she needed to know. Rivaxorus II...Riv, was the alpha and he had just dipped his head in greating to her. Soleil couldnt help but stare at him for a few seconds before gathering all of her thoughts and dipping her head in return. "un plaisir de vous rencontrer Riv." she said as she silently wished she could tell him it was a pleasure to meet him in words he could understand.