
I Need You [P]



7 Years
04-15-2016, 10:32 PM
Surreal Adravendi

She was pregnant. And she was sick. Again. And so was Regulus. Even Kavdaya had a sniffle as she worked with them. It was a mixed bag. Happiness at a new litter, frustration at being ill and confined to her den, and she knew Regulus was itchy to get out and work, as well. A sneeze sent her nose smacking into the floor, and she felt her brood wriggle and squirm inside her belly. A stuffy snort of laughter turned into another spree of sneezing, and with that, she came to a decision. She needed a Right Wing for times like this. Falk was already her Consort, and he was blind, which could be seen as weakness by outsiders who might think to challenge.

Regulus was her heir, and he was sick, too. Out of everyone, her mind returned to Creed. He had been with her since she'd bumped into him again after years of his being abroad. He was almost always among the first to arrive at the meetings, and he was level headed. So she sent Battlesong out with a missive for the male. She needed to see him.

The large hawk winged her way through the plains, keen eyes seeking the monochrome, fluffy male she'd been sent to find. When she spotted him, she stooped, giving a cry of greeting and floating in the air on a thermal above him, within ear shot. "Surreal wishes to see you in her den." With that, she tipped one wing, climbing into the sky to hunt a meal.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
04-15-2016, 11:09 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2016, 11:10 PM by Creed.)

Everything was so painfully quiet lately. Surreal was out of commission with her being pregnant and all. A sickness seemed to have swept in though and it'd kept their Alpha bedridden as well as Regulus. He'd even noticed their lead healer, Kavadaya, with the sniffles and it made him cringe. To him they seemed at a weakened state lately so he could only hope that at this point no other packs got any ideas. Maybe the sickness was going around everywhere, not that he wished any ill will on them, but his pack came first after all. To top off all the bad juju that seemed to be going around lately he'd noticed a lack of Miksa's scent on the borders. It was concerning but he figured he'd wait a couple weeks before actually becoming concerned. It wasn't the first time he'd seen a wolf get an itch for exploring. Sometimes travels often took longer than anticipated.

With the lack of activity lately Creed was doing his best to get out earlier and patrol just a little bit longer. At least if the borders were checked regularly it might seems as though they were busier than they appeared and not all bedridden. Today was no different, the same routine, although the routine would be broken. Familiar wing beats caught his attention and he paused as Surreal's companion came within earshot. Creed paused his trek and stared up at the bird as it spoke.

"Surreal wishes to see you in her den."

He merely nodded to Battlesong before the hawk left. With a swift turn it was easy for him to trot towards where Surreal's den was. Thankfully he hadn't been too far away so hopefully he hadn't kept her waiting too awfully long. He arrived at her den and peeked his head in with a curious look pulling across his visage.

"Ye called?" He asked politely, waiting at the entrance respectufully untilshe gave him permission to come in. He didn't want to intrude on her personal space.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



7 Years
04-15-2016, 11:35 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Another wave of sneezing nearly drowned out Creed's voice, but her eas flicked forward as she raised her head, shifting uncomfortably as the litter wriggled and kicked. "Creed. Thank you for coming." She blinked blearily at the male and mustered her best smile. It disappeared briefly as another sneeze bounced her nose off the moss. She snorted and set her chin between her paws as her mismatched eyes focused on himagain with a sheepish look.

"Both Regulus and I are sick, I'm sure you've noticed. And I've come to a decision. I need a Right Wing." She sniffled, grumbling as it did little to ease her breathing. "When I'm sick like this, I can't get out there and be a firm show of strength to the other packs and the loners." The brood within sent her belly into ripples and she paused to look back at her stomach with a faint smile, befoire she set her head back between her paws.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
04-15-2016, 11:49 PM

Just as he'd spoken he heard a bout of sneezing erupt from her and he winced sympathetically. Thankfully he hadn't caught whatever cold or bacteria that was going around. It was a good thing really as they needed at least a few of them healthy to help hunt and get things done. He did pity those that were sick though. It was unfair really and such awful timing. He smiled sympathetically at her from where he stood. It was probably best he didn't go in anyways with her being sick. He'd been fortunate enough not to catch it and he wanted to keep it that way.

She thanked him for coming and he nodded with a smile. Who was he to refuse a call from his alpha. She was quick to get to the point and he nodded absentmindedly as she mentioned that both her and Regulus were sick. It was a really awful situation but he knew it was only temporary. They'd bounce back before they knew it and everything would be as good as it ever was. Well that was his hopes anyways.

Creed happened to be a bit oblivious at first when she mentioned she needed a right wing. His mind shifted to the other pack members and who could fill in for her while she was pregnant. Her mate should have been her first choice but he was already her consort and him being blind didn't bode well for anyone who might want to challenge for Celestial. A lot of them were rather young, but as his mind went through the names of his pack members his mind stopped.

Oh. Oh!

She'd meant him! His white dotted browns knit together in confusion and mild surprise as he pieced the puzzle together.

"Are ye askin' me if Ah wanna be yer right wing?" Was he hallucinating? It was just hard for him to imagine. He'd never seen himself as a wolf who would ever be in a high ranking position. Sure when he was a kid he'd fancied the idea of becoming Chief of Glaciem but that was a long time ago. He'd always been more content with being a grunt. This though... this was definitely unexpected/

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



7 Years
04-15-2016, 11:56 PM
Surreal Adravendi

The metaphorical penny dropped and she smiled as she watched it fall into place after a few seconds of thought on his part. "I am. You've stuck with us since you got back, supported me through it all, and you are prompt to arrive at meetings. You've a level head, and are good at diplomacy. Plus you like traveling, so can visit the other packs and not be too tired. Plus, you aren't pregnant." Or sick. He seemed to have dodged the bull on that front.

She stretched out on her side, grinning drowsily up at the male. "So, yes, if you're willing to help me take up the slack, The job is yours." She hadn't made the decision lightly. It was a show of her trust in the male that she made this offer to him now.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
04-16-2016, 12:14 AM

"I am. You've stuck with us since you got back, supported me through it all, and you are prompt to arrive at meetings. You've a level head, and are good at diplomacy. Plus you like traveling, so can visit the other packs and not be too tired. Plus, you aren't pregnant."

"Well Ah'd hope Ah wouldn' be pregnant bein' ah male an all." He joked with a chuckle before turning serious again.

This was obviously well thought out and he knew she was an intelligent wolf that didn't make decisions lightly. Power would never go to his head so she'd never have to worry about that. It never would have been a rank he would have asked or challenged for on his own, but he wouldn't decline it if she thought it was a good choice. If he could help out then by all means he'd do it, especially with her having a litter on the way and the pack being sick. So after a bit of thinking he nodded slowly.

"Alrigh'. Ah'd love ta help ye out where Ah can." He paused for a moment before continuing. "With Baine's emissary trainin' would ye be opposed to her comin' along with me when ah go ta another pack. Ah wouldn' take her ta Yfir or anythin', jus' a friendly pack."

He felt like he'd been neglecting his apprentice a little bit too much lately. He wouldn't dare take her somewhere dangerous but taking her to a friendly pack to talk diplomacy would be good training for her. He didn't know any of the other Alpha's very well but it probably wouldn't be much to talk to one of them about helping him do a mock alliance set up so she could practice her manners, her intelligence, and how well she could be persuasive at the same time. At the very least the journey would be a nice experience for her.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



7 Years
04-16-2016, 12:30 AM
Surreal Adravendi

A smile crossed her features at his joke, and she answered "Now that would be bizarre. Where would they even come out?" A stuffy nosed chuckle left her before she let him think. It was a relief to hear him accept the position. His suggestion for Baine's training brought a smile more permanently to her face. "That is an excellent idea, Creed. I think she'd like that." Her albino daughter loved meeting new people, and loved exploring. Going along with Creed to visit other borders would be a treat instead of a chore.

Bit a final matter of business was at paw, now. Kavdaya had hinted that there were illnesses abroad. A bad one. It was possibly an epidemic, or a plague, and the though made her shudder. She didn't think she could survive having another illness like that last one. "I've been out of it for a while. What all is happening in the pack? It's sounded quieter than usual? I think I heard Varda calling a hunt? Did everyone show up?" So many questions, but she slowed town to let him answer the first few.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
04-16-2016, 12:47 AM

It was nice to know that she still had the energy to joke around. He could only imagine how exhausted she must be between her upcoming brood and her illness sapping her strength. He'd grinned at her comment but said nothing more on it. He couldn't think of where pups would come out if he were able to get pregnant and he certainly wouldn't ever wanna find out. Not that it'd happen ever, but it was amusing to think about.

What really excited him was the fact Baine would get to come along with him. He really believed that she'd enjoy it assuming she actually wanted to tag along. The topic shifted from Baine to other things and Surreal brought up the pack in particular as well as Varda and the hunt. He was silent for a moment longer as he thought of all the recent things that he knew of that had been happening.

"It has been pretty quiet so far. Varda called a pack hunt an only a couple of us showed up. Faite was punctual as usual. Ah've noticed Miksa's scent hasn't been around lately. Only a few days bu' Ah worry 'bout it. Outside tha borders it's pretty quiet. If Kavdaya is righ' then tha illness migh' be keepin' everyone occupied."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]



7 Years
04-16-2016, 06:42 AM
Surreal Adravendi

She listened with growing worry as Creed spoke. Miksa's scent was growing stale? That was unlike him. The first hunt had been hardly attended. And there was a strong possibility there was definitely an illness sweeping the land. Her eyes shifted to gaze at her rounded sides, and the life that squirmed persistently. Did she have the illness? Would it harm her unborn litter? Finally, she nodded and turned back to Creed. "One of the first orders of business is to seek out worthy wolves, but be careful. If they seem ill, have Kavdaya look them over. Despite myself, Regulus and Kavdaya, does it look like any of the others have this illness?"

She paused, then added, "Around the time I'm ready to welp, I will be Promoting Regulus to Archangel and stepping down. I'd like you to lead at his side until he feels he can lead alone or finds a Right Wing his age. I'm sure you'd like to retire at some point, eh?" She gave a tired grin to the male, rubbing her nose against the moss to stifle another set of sneezes.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
04-17-2016, 08:43 PM

Creed sat back and listened quietly as Surreal began to speak. He could feel the worry that she felt and he felt somewhat guilty for it. Stress wouldn't do her any good while she was pregnant and sick. Even if it was hard for her, he wanted her to be able to relax and take it easy while she got better and waited to birth her litter. He felt like he could handle things for a while until Regulus was feeling better and then ready to take over. He already had plans forming inside of his head as he thought about the packs he could go to to see if the illness was spreading. If he was able to recruit more that would be a bonus.

"Ah don' know much abou' it but Ah'm sure ye and tha rest of tha pack don' have it. Ye, Regulus, and Kavdaya seem ta be tha only one's tha' are sick though."

She'd mentioned retirement also and Regulus taking over. It was an interesting thought to think of them both being seven. It was hard to believe they'd already lived so long. She still seemed so healthy it was hard to imagine her stepping down. Of course he had no qualms with Regulus, he seemed to be an impressive young man, so him taking over wouldn't be a problem. Retirement was a whole new scary ball-field that he didn't want to think about. He'd be eight next year... That was terrifying. He hadn't settled down early like most wolves, hadn't had a mate, or children. It definitely wasn't that he didn't want any. He just hadn't found anyone to do it with. Traveling certainly hadn't allowed it.

"Aye.... S'pose retiremen' would be in mah future..." He finally said after a very delayed and thought out pause. "Hard ta believe we're gettin' old." He said with a joking grin.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: J44fjmu.png]
[Image: LqRCxUq.png]