
The Perfect Outlet



5 Years
08-15-2014, 05:19 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was still amazing to believe that her family had ended up back where it had all began. The Range had been where her parents had met, where she and her siblings had been born, where nearly the first year of their lives had been spent blissfully happy and hopelessly content. It had never occurred to Anais that she might ever get a chance to return, especially after having put that life behind her when they had been exiled. They had not been welcomed back, not once since they had left, but now there was no one there to tell them no. There was no one there save Destruction and another young woman that her mother vouched for from those old days. And slowly, little by little, they were making it theirs again.

The young grey and gold girl had been ecstatic to be able to travel down those familiar paths, to see the familiar oddities that were sheltered here, and was constantly bombarded with random memories that even the tiniest things would suddenly cause to resurface. It brought out the child in her in full, her studies as a hunter temporarily abandoned as she familiarized herself again with the home she had once had. It all seemed so similar and yet so different, her growth and experience adding a new light to everything that she saw. The den her parents had sheltered their family in was much smaller than she remembered, the forests so much larger and vast, the red barn less intimidating than when she had stared at it as a child while wondering about the monster she had been told lived within. She had disproved that myth this time around, and the victory over finally setting foot inside the building had her full of energy and excitement.

So much so that she resorted to into funneling it toward the most fun outlet she could think of: adventuring. She stayed close, just in case her parents needed to find her quickly for anything, and thankfully there had been enough options available to her to satisfy her need. She had chosen to head north past the Range, wandering through woods and grinning happily over the turn in luck her family seemed to be currently having. Would that luck happen to spin directly her way? As the woods gave way to the plateau, she was about ready to believe it had. It as nothing immediately to see, a flat space devoid of any immediately eye catching formations or bits of greenery, but as her legs carried her slowly along, her lemon gold eyes observant and seeking, she could feel something special about this place, something significant and intriguing. If only she could put her paw on it.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



4 Years
08-16-2014, 02:59 AM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2014, 03:13 AM by Chord.)

Really it was only half a surprise that Chord Destruction was still on the move. The boy was still out looking for adventures and thrills that he could turn into wonderful stories of his own. Of course this was certainly the longest that he had ever been apart form his family, he had yet to meet most of them as well. He would have to pay Ludicael a visit at some point, meet the Aunts and Uncles, he had only ever heard of and the cousins that he apparently had. For now though Alacritia called to him, beckon him onwards.

It was into the West again it seemed, and the boy would take the opportunity to explore some lands he had been unable to on his first journey to the Western side of Alacritia. A pack had apparently left, he couldn't help but wonder how if he was entirely honest, his mind imagining some of the ideas. Had they simply got bored and left? It was a rather dull option but it existed all the same. Perhaps they had been challenged and lost their home, it seemed more likely though there had been no signs of news of such a big fight anywhere.

A slight wrong turn however, a little scenic route and the boy would first of all find himself in another area he hadn't previously travelled to. There were certainly still plenty of those places around right now though, so many more sights to see. The Range could wait for now, instead he planned on exploring this place, he might as well after all whilst he was here. It wasn't something about the land that would catch his attention immediately however, but the sight of another wolf. "Hello." He would call out a greeting so as not to startle her as he moved a little closer.



5 Years
08-17-2014, 03:28 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had thought to have another solo adventure day, leaving her siblings back at the Range so that they could do whatever it was that they wished to do without having to entertain her with a random trip somewhere new. And in fact she rather liked these sorts of days. There was no limit to the sorts of things the grey-gold could do, no limit to the number of places she could go in one day. She was free to find one location in particular and explore it until it was time to go home, free to spend the entire time on the move if she so wanted.

Or free to make friends with anyone that came across her.

The sound of his friendly greeting caused the girl to stop her progression and turn his way, not altogether startled to find someone else here but merely curious as to who it could be. It was no one she recognized, but that was alright. Maybe today could be a friend-making day after all.

"Hey," she greeted with one of her bright smiles, offering a wag of her tail to accompany it. "Are you exploring around here too?" Always friendly, never meeting a stranger who was not first and foremost a potential friend, Anais was quick to make conversation, unafraid and curious about her new company and their intention in being here.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



4 Years
08-25-2014, 03:11 AM

Every day seemed to be a solo adventure day for Chord. The young man's life had no plan at all to it, he would simply pick a direction and head that way as he pleased, only occasionally setting himself a particular purpose to find and visit his family. Whilst the pair may have been similar in their goals to explore the lands, their lives were perhaps a little opposite, the girl's time spent almost entirely with her family whilst Chord spent most of his alone.

That didn't mean to say he was unsociable, he was after all the one who had greeted Anais in the first place, he could have tried to slip past her if he wished but in a similar manner, the Destruction didn't mind making new friends at all and now perhaps was a time to do so. The other would turn around and greet him with a smile, proving that perhaps that truly could be the case.

"I guess so." He responded with a small smile of his own. It hadn't been his intention at first but it had quickly become the plan it seemed. "I'm Chord Destruction." He added, introducing himself to the other.



5 Years
08-28-2014, 04:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais was delighted to hear that the male thought he would be doing as she was and exploring this new location. Neither of them had made the suggestion yet, but it was already on her mind, the offer of having each of them accompany the other on their little adventure through this place. It suited the grey-gold girl considerably since she enjoyed company and doing things with others. And admittedly it was not that often, not enough certainly, that she had a chance to make friends trying something new. This was a perfect opportunity custom made for her.

"I'm Anais," she responded, politely inclining her head as she did so. "It's nice to meet you." Her yellow-gold gaze shifted momentarily away from Chord to glance at the Plateau for a brief second, and turning her attention back to him she wagged her tail. "Would you like to join me? I thought there might be something interesting here, so I was wandering out looking for it." It might not have been the most exciting thing she had so far done, but it was close to home and somewhere she had yet to adventure through and that was enough to keep her hopeful of future excitement.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



4 Years
09-01-2014, 09:12 AM

The company that Chord mostly found himself with was his family. He'd met others during his travels though it was his siblings that stayed in his mind the most. As for his exploring, that was typically done alone mostly for he had no one to join him in any adventures. The isolation didn't bother him too much, he could find his family when he got too lonely even so, it wasn't likely he'd turn down the opportunity for a bit of company, a potential new friend.

"Nice to meet you too." He responded to her polite manners. And then came that offer to join her in exploring. "Sure." He answered simply with a small nod of his head and a smile. He constantly was on the lookout for something interesting, just hadn't found too much so far. The lands themselves had been good to look at, though anyone could wander around them, he wanted something a little more noteworthy in life. Maybe this would be it, maybe it wouldn't, it didn't hurt to take a look though.



5 Years
09-07-2014, 11:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He agreed! Anais's tail began to wag more excitedly, her grin stretching wider upon her face as she openly reacted to the male's positive answer, not even thinking of how her enthusiasm might be taken by him. For the time being, she felt comfortable enough not to censor herself, and she had every hope that this little adventure that both she and this male Chord would go on would be fun and exciting in its own way, whatever ended up happening. "Great! I'm sure between the two of us we can find something interesting," the yearling girl answered with a decisive nod, convincing herself that it would be true. After all, two sets of eyes on the lookout would spot more things than just one.

Eager to get back to moving - neither of them were going to find anything worthwhile standing still - Anais turned, hesitated, and then proceeded to step forward, coaxing her newest companion to come along with her. "So what brings you out here?" she asked, her yellow-gold eyes glancing up and over at the male when they should have been staring off and around at the terrain around them. She was going to miss something if she kept this up. "Do you live close by?" Perhaps it was too personal a question, or too invasive, but Anais found it hard to shut off her curiosity once it got going. And it had really been too long since she had actually gotten a chance to make a friend who was not somehow related to her. "I live in the Range just across the way," she supplied, gesturing with a glance over one shoulder toward the border of the Plateau that bordered her home and hoping that her admission might encourage Chord to follow suit and do the same.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



4 Years
09-08-2014, 06:34 AM

She certainly seemed to be a rather excitable and energetic young thing. Chord wouldn't judge her and certainly not harshly anyway. She was friendly and cheerful and didn't seem to be bad company at all. He would simply smile and gift a soft chuckle in response to her assumption that they would find something. A little more realistic he wouldn't get his hopes up too high though there was no way that was going to stop him looking. Adventures weren't meant to be easy though the end result of a good one he was sure would be completely worth the effort.

Anais would begin to move now and it wouldn't take much persuasion to encourage Chord to follow. He would soon fall into step at her side. She would begin to question him on why he was here, whether he lived close and offer her own location. The range had been claimed by other rogues now it seemed, it seemed to attract a lot of attention, perhaps Anais could show him around another time. "I don't live anywhere." He stated simply. He wandered wherever he pleased and would simply stop anywhere he could when he needed to.



5 Years
09-12-2014, 11:09 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

To her great joy, the male began to follow along with her as she led the way, and her eager steps continued to lead them about. She tried to split her attention between her newest companion and their conversation while still trying to keep an eye out around her for anything that seemed to draw her gaze and keep it, anything worthwhile that this land could be hiding. Of course, it was proving difficult. The ability to multitask was not something she had managed, and while she tried to devote her attention to one thing the other seemed to fall to the wayside, in this instance it being the search for curious things.

But at least the conversation was not lacking. She was enjoying having a moment to speak with someone new, and likely made it evident by the smile upon her face as she moved about. And it was proving to be a bit eye opening as well. Her smile fell away in a look of surprise as her gaze fixed upon Chord again, a little pause preceding her puzzled statement. "Not anywhere?" It seemed so strange to her. Even when her family had no pack, they still had a territory that they claimed as their own and used as a home base. Living without anything like that seemed odd and...honestly kind of scary. She liked having a specific place to come home to at the end of her adventures, of knowing where she could find her family when she wished to seek them out. To have none of that stability, she was not sure how it worked at all.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.