
Myriad Ranks!

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

04-22-2016, 04:55 AM
Okay... I figured it'd be fun to let myriad members have a say in the ranks. I'm not sure what to do with them but I know I wanna change em a bit! Basically what I wanna do is have levels 1 2 and 3 of each rank probably. Like a level 1 healer, level 2 healer ect. Giving members more initiative and a variety of ranks. How this game works is your basically going to make new ranks (include the tier it would be in) and the description of that rank. THE THEME OF THE NAMES HAS TO STAY THE SAME all of Myriad's ranks are in japanese. Basically if you translated them, many are just another word for warrior, leader, ect.

for each rank that is added, the person who posted the rank will get an avatar drawn or manipped by me - or a signature/pixel.



9 Years
04-22-2016, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2016, 06:39 PM by Creed.)
Kay so all the other ranks look fine to me. I just messed around with the warrior, healer, hunter ranks. You're gonna have a few more tiers now (assuming you use any of these) and I totally suck with the whole Japanese thing so I apologize in advance xD I'm also really bad with descriptions so by all means, if you use these, edit the hell out of them. I just jotted down notes really.

Tier Three

Ronin - A Master in the art of fighting, the Ronin show complete expertise in their chosen skill.

Shinko - A master healer. They've proven that there isn't a disease, wound, or ailment they can't fix.

Kariudo - Master hunter/spy. And I'm really too lazy to fill the rest of this out as it's all really redundant right now lol

Saishi - Saishi are spiritual leaders, or teachers. These wolves are in the few but are just as important as any other. Wise and intelligent their job is to make sure the pack remains calm. They also often hold lessons for those who want to listen about the gods. But like many things - it is a choice. The snowlit religion does not dictate a wolf’s life. In some cases, some Saishi are not religious at all - they are also known as peacekeepers. (I vote that these be moved here because there isn't really too much of a skill thing for them and I highly doubt that there will be many of them. Obviously a wolf would have to prove that they are wise and intelligent and can remain calm in times of tragedy and help keep the peace. I think this would have to be a more earned rank since more wolves would be needed to help hunt and patrol the borders.)

Tier Four

Samurai - Medium level warrior. Trustworthy wolves take up this mantle as they've proven their skills in battle and have shown they can protect the borders. They still have something left to prove but they are no greenhorn either.

Naosu - Medium level healer. Not completely an expert in their craft but they are able to heal most wounds and have proven helpful in curing most ailments and diseases.

Hanta - Medium level hunter/spy. They've proven that they can take initiative to feed the pack. In the case of spies they've proven that they are trustworthy and can be trusted to send messages to other packs and do scouting.

Tier Five

Tatakai - Entry level/beginner warrior. They're not an apprentice but they're not master either.

Doku - Entry level/beginner healer. Proven that they have a basic knowledge of healing but still have a lot of learning left to do.

Suta - Entry level/beginner hunter and/or spy.
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5 Years
04-24-2016, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2016, 08:53 PM by Jackson.)
Tier 3
Ishi (*number of positions available*) - Considered the highest rank you can achieve in the healing field. Most often considered the "doctors" of the pack. They have the most information in the field of healing and are also the best teachers in their field. They are in charge of their branch of expertise and are often the ones organizing teaching time, drills, and herb hunting parties. They will be in charge of the stock of supplies needed for treatment and will oversee any patient being treated.
Ippantekina (*number of positions available*) - The Generals, highest rank of worrier that can be achieved in the pack. Like the other higher ranks they are vary knowledgeable in their trade. They are teachers and the organizers of events for their trade. They also may be highly considered in situations of war and raids where the higher ranks would need some aid.
Hantā (*number of positions available*) - The hunters the highest level in the pack. They are knowledgeable in hunting, tracking, and movements of the packs prey. They also are vary good at judging territory that would be bountiful in prey. They are in charge of keeping the pack well fed and making sure their numbers for prey are high and in times where prey is low they are in charge of seeking a prey enriched territory that is not claimed. They are also in charge of getting events set up to train the lower levels.
Saishi (∞) - Saishi are spiritual leaders, or teachers. These wolves are in the few but are just as important as any other. Wise and intelligent their job is to make sure the pack remains calm. They also often hold lessons for those who want to listen about the gods. But like many things - it is a choice. The snowlit religion does not dictate a wolf’s life. In some cases, some Saishi are not religious at all - they are also known as peacekeepers.

Tier 4
Gijutsu-sha (*number of positions available*) - Considered the technician in the branch of healers. This is level two that can be achieved with the healers. They work extremely close with the Ishi and are even getting to the point they are treating patients on their own. They handle the more minor cases of the pack and assist the Ishi with the major cases.
Heishi (*number of positions available*) - The soldiers are a level 2 rank within the pack. The work closely with the Ippantekina and are ready for action if it is needed. They will spar and they will be the wolves who will patrol the borders. Their shifts will be set up by the Ippantekina and they will also be a major key in training the lower levels.
Tsuiseki-sha (*number of positions available*) - The trackers of the pack. They keep tabs on the prey traveling in and out of the territory and are the wolves to do most of the hunting, big or small. They work closely with the Hantā to keep the pack fed and to keep an eye on the prey numbers, They may either hunt smaller game alone or work in pairs and small groups to bring down larger prey.

Tier 5
Nāsu (*number of positions available*) - The Nurse of the healers. These wolves are beginner level and tend to know vary little in the trade. Their job is to mostly carry around the supplies and fallow around the level 2 and level 3 healers. Their main goals is to watch and to learn.
Shinpei (*number of positions available*) - The recruited worriers that are new to their line of expertise. The main goal of these wolves are much like that in a boot camp (train, train, train). They are trained and taught the skills they will need for attack and defense.
Daba (*number of positions available*) - The lowest rank of hunter. These wolves need to learn and most often will be watching and learning. If they are taken out on a hunt they must be paired with the Tsuiseki-sha to be sure no harm comes to them.
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Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

05-04-2016, 01:48 AM


each of you get 2 avatar's or pixels ^^ Let me know what you want by pming Riv.