
Lost and Found


04-24-2016, 10:32 PM
The woman was at a loss. She couldn’t remember much at all; save for her name. Akemi Miu Shinonome...but luckily she was not alone. Though she could not remember her small companion could, and thank the Gods for him. Tiny had been a blessing in these times of darkness, where the woman wandered without her memory. The little creature was doing his best to direct her, but his memory wasn’t the greatest. He knew one thing though; they had to get home. Home to Ravine and their pack. Even if Akemi couldn’t remember right now she could always make new memories, right?

Though Akemi could not place her paw on why, this beach felt familiar to her. She breathed in, the scent of salt water invading her nares and making her head spin. Tiny road atop Akemi’s head, knowing that his “mother” as he called her was not doing so well. She couldn’t remember some of the crucial details of her past and sadly the little one wasn’t sure what more he could do for her. Tiny figured the best chance they had was finding Ravine. Perhaps then Akemi’s memory might be sparked back to life.

Akemi would pause, scenting the air. It seemed there were a number of scents around here that were, for the most part, faded. Her single red orb shown with concern as she addressed Tiny. “Keep a careful eye out, Tiny. Something feels off about this place.” She growled in warning.


04-25-2016, 06:42 AM
Hunger. That was all she knew, at the moment - she tried, tried so hard to hunt, and yet there was nothing. She tried fishing, but all attempts failed. She tried going to the prairie, but it was hard when she did not know the techniques. All attempts ended in failure. She was bumbling, slow; at one point she face-planted a tree tracking a mouse. That had been the end of that. Now, she was just curled into a ball, a soft whine leaving her. At least there was water, but at times that seemed to only heighten her hunger. She felt so empty. So alone. Why had they all left? Why was she left behind? She didn't... she didn't understand. Why didn't Daddy come back for her? He took Wisper and Ember, but she wanted to stay and now Donostrea was gone... why didn't he come back? Did he leave forever?

A sob shook her tiny frame even as she curled further in upon herself, sightless eyes closed to the world. If only she wasn't blind; if only she wasn't so clumsy! Then she wouldn't be like this. It hurt so much.




04-26-2016, 03:41 PM
A sob, so small, so helpless, rose into the air. The remains of Akemi’s ears twitched and the female gave pause, looking around. Something in her heart stirred, memories or no memories. The cry sounded as though it belonged to a child, and Akemi’s motherly instincts were kicking in. She shifted her head this way and that as she pressed on until finally there was a little shape made out on the sand. There. Akemi furrowed her brow, feeling Tiny shift upon her head as he scurried up between where her ears should have been.

Slowly the scarred woman approached, dropping down in the sand slightly to look upon the little babe. She looked thin, so terribly thin. Akemi gave a soft whine, hoping she wouldn’t startle the little creature. “Are you lost, little one?” Akemi asked, her voice softer than what her scarred appearance might make others expect. The single red orb of the femme shown softly. “I can try and help you find some food. Looks like you haven’t eaten well in quite some time.”