
Lost time



2 Years
04-25-2016, 12:04 PM
OOC: Okay, really bad post, but hey ho.

So dark and so lost, the large black, grey and tan frame of the midnight wolf stood aimlessly amongst undefinable silver objects. He had walked for days, just like he had been doing for the past 2 years of his life. His long legs had grown used to seemingly endless journeys, finding it hard  for the muscles to grow tired from overuse and therefore allowing him to walk for as long as the male's mind desires. Time and distance was no nuisance to the young adult, after parents had stopped for a few months when he was born so that he could grow used to having legs, walking around and the way they ate, they would just travel and only stop every few days for a rest. Food came whenever they could get it and water would arrive only at a time when a river lay in their sights. He had not known anything else other than the life of a traveller with his two parents, who had just left him one night under a rock a year back. Even though his parent's had left, Scorpio had not stopped wondering the planet, never finding it easy to settle down and never really wanting too.  After never finding anyplace, these lands seemed to catch his eye as soon as he wriggled through their borders.

Not stopping to gaze around such a place, he was choosing to just walk right through and continue on his way. He couldn't. The sun glinting off the unusual silver objects had him frozen in spot due to a curious nature that he had always despised with a burning passion. After the initial surprise of such things being in existence, since he had never seen anything like them before, Scorpio would wander towards one and pick up his right paws, dragging it along the near rusted and ancient surface. Ears reacting to the high pitched screech that ended up escaping from his act.