
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better


04-25-2016, 12:46 PM

Silver eyes watched the waters, the red dame watching the flickering bodies of the delicacies swimming beneath the surface. She wasn't terribly hungry, far from starving at that. But she figured a quick stop at the river for a little snack wouldn't hurt. Ears perked at the sight of a small trout lingering by the shore as it nibbled on the algae. She pressed herself against the ground, careful to keep her shadow off the waters surface. One paw raised slightly as she focused on it, waiting for what felt like ages until it got a little closer. Finally, once it was within her reach, her paw darted forward and slapped the fish out, scooping it from beneath in one quick motion. The fish sailed through the air, landing at her side. Quickly, she put a paw over the flopping fish to keep it from wiggling back into the water.

With a satisfied smile, she picked it up with her teeth and carried it a short distance away from the running water. Little by little, the fish stopped flopping as much as it was before. Holding it between her paws, she began to chew into it. It was definitely a good day for fishing.




2 Years
04-25-2016, 01:06 PM
The day was bright, the sun glaring down on the fur built for the night, it was his least favourite time of the day. He couldn't hide, hunting was difficult and he was prone to standing out against the colourful earth that basked in the light the bright ball of fire offered them. No. He much preferred the sliver orb casting a majestic glow across anything it could touch, it's children following in it's footsteps. His fur was far more suited to the dark illumination of the night than that of the bright glare of the day. Unfortunately, it was down to no one whether it was the sun or moon that gave it's welcome.  

These lands were an unknown to him, only arriving that day, the midnight wolf had not yet been acquainted to his surroundings. Due to this he found himself wondering wherever his large paws would decide to take him. Never once complaining. Forcing himself to a stop after bi-coloured eyes would lay rest on a female laying eating some sort of food that she had grasped in her paws. Maybe if he just carried on walking, acting like she hadn't been there in the firstplace than his mind would soon realize that it had made a mistake with showing him the figure of someone else when he never wanted to see one.


04-25-2016, 02:20 PM

The fish was a plump tasty thing, and she didn't think she would finish the thing. Truth be told, she wasn't super hungry. She had just caught it for a snack. As she chewed on her snack, her attention was fixed on her surroundings, ears perked and listening for any approach of strays in the area. She would be damned if someone tried to sneak up on her while she was eating. A while passed without disturbance, that is until she heard the light steps of someone not too far away. Turning around, she spotted the form of another, his appearance not too impressive save for the unusual swirl on his back.

She contemplated ignoring him and let him be on his way, but she wouldn't risk the chance that he might be lurking nearby, waiting for the chance to take her prey. Silver eyes locked on his unusually colored red and green eyes. Letting him know that he'd been spotted. She yawned as if she was bored or tired, but the hidden message behind was a slight warning, obvious with her teeth showing before she closed her mouth again. "Are you lost or something?" Her tone was non threatening, a casual hint of sarcasm and curiosity laced with her foreign accent.



2 Years
04-26-2016, 11:07 AM
He was contempt with his legs continuing to move, take him further away so that he would never have to turn around and lay his eyes upon this wretched place that would most likely be swarming with others of his kind. He had nothing completely against wolves, he just wasn't the best around them. They lie, cheat and betray others, so who were they to be trusted? He couldn't say much however as he was of the same species, it was unfortunate but noting he could control.

He would let out an almost surprised yelp, though would change it into a snarl before it could of been recognised. He had not expected for the girl to have spoken to him, thinking she was too indulged in her meal to have noticed his near passing figure. He thought wrong. Her words entered through his ear, and it would be rude to have ignored it. "Or something" He would almost spit out, he couldn't be lost if he wasn't heading anywhere particular. Even though he had forced himself to reply, it didn't exactly mean he had to say it kindly, after all, if others don't believe him to be nice than they wouldn't try and wriggle their way into his life.