
Keep Calm & Meow On


04-25-2016, 01:25 PM

For The first time since he'd been in Fiori, the boy found himself leaving pack lands to go explore somewhere else. He was always alone, his mother completely ignoring him the older he got, and he hadn't bothered to talk to anyone about it. Why was she so distant from him? Why didn't she care? He was almost a year old, and she hadn't taught him a goddamn thing! The usually calm boy was growing irritated, hating life the more he thought about it. He was behind on his development. He didn't really know how to hunt, or fight, or anything because his mom refused to do anything with him.

Lashing his tail, he stopped at the edge of a small stream near the delta, deep purple gaze staring at the water for a moment before he dipped his head to take a drink. He was almost full grown now, and next season he would be a year old. A whole year being ignored by his mother...he felt like shit because of it.




4 Years
Other species
04-25-2016, 04:11 PM
Where was the jingle lady? She had promised to acompany her, and yet she lost little Jaelle. It made her feel sad, because she truly enjoyed the sound of the soft tinkle the bells made. It was just... hypnotic, and she missed it dearly. She had seen many wolves since she lost Jaelle the traveller, though none so... interesting. She felt no desire to interact with them, and they had no desire to interact with her - which was fine and dandy with the black feline.

Amaranthe yawned, stepping gingerly across the soft grasses. There was water, though thankfully she did not mind water. It only dampened the edges of her toes ever so slightly; she would just have to make certain to give them a thorough cleaning while up in a tree where it was dry. It was then she heard a soft noise, and opening her mouth to breathe in the scents, she glanced around. She spotted a creature - a fox? - not far away. Something didn't look right, and it took only a moment to place it - this was no fox, this was a wolf! It was clear after she thought about it - what fox has white legs? What fox was that large? How silly of her; she should have known on first glance.

But it picqued her curiousity, this fox-wolf. She settled herself neatly several feet away; an easy distance away for close talking and yet far enough away to leap and run if it was needed. She silently observed him, a smirk on her face, wondering if he'd notice her.


04-25-2016, 06:40 PM

Violet eyes gazed ahead to the other side as he drank. When he finished, he licked his muzzle in an attempt to dry it a bit, yet small droplets still clung to his chin. Sighing, he turned to walk along the stream. At least, until something caught his attention from the corner of his eye. He stopped then, violet eyes wide as he stared at the little black thing. What on earth was it? Was it prey? He was puzzled, unsure if he should approach it.

Carefully, he took a step forward, one paw raised mid-step as he stretched his neck out to get a better scent of it. It didn't smell like he did, nor did it look like any wolf. But maybe it was a wolf? A very funny looking one at that. Maybe there were different kinds of wolves? "You're a funny lookin' wolf. Are you a pup like me?" It had to be. It was small! But then again, it also looked like something he could eat...provided he could get past those claws first.
