
Second Chances

Shikoba I


3 Years
04-27-2016, 11:01 PM
Early morning found the beach cloaked in a foggy drizzle and black waters crashing the beach line. The air was thick with moisture and a cold that seeped right into your bones. It would be hard to shake off the cold in this weather if it kept up with the misty rain, if not raining harder later. It was slightly depressing to start the day in such weather. Not a very warm welcoming when you were set out to look for your family. But at least the white wolf wasn't alone. She turned her icy blue gaze to her brother Laoch. He knew this land better than her. All she had was vague memories from when she was very young pup. Other than that the life she had known was the land her father had grown up on. The land her parents brought her and her brothers to to grow up.
The thought of her parents dampened her mood, ears drooping down slightly. Cael had died first and the worst part was watching her mother suffer. Imena just couldn't go on without her mate. It came to the point Shikoba had asked Imena if she wished to join Cael. And with Imena pleading her daughter, Shikoba eased her mothers old, heartbroken body into the afterlife in an eternal sleep. She had never told Laoch what she had done. It was a burden she choose to keep to herself. There was no need to bring more grief and regret to her brother. Shikoba might not be strong like her brother, but there were other ways she could protect him.
With a soft sigh she shook her white fur out once again. She did not care for this kind of weather, but what was there to do? She padded along the shore, eyes keen for shelter if they chose to rest up and try and stay dry to the weather cleared. "Laoch...should we find shelter?" She called to him softly. Laoch was the only wolf now she talked to like a normal wolf. If someone else tried to talk to her, they'd be lucky if they got two words out of her. Laoch was special to her. He was her shield from the world, her supporter, and her confident. She could tell him anything without fear of judgment. She paused to wait for her brother's reply.



5 Years
05-04-2016, 10:01 PM

It wasn't the most pleasant weather to greet them on their return back to these lands, but he couldn't say that he wasn't happy to be back. Their old home had too much sadness around it now that both of their parents had passed away. A small frown tugged at his lips at the thought before he could shove it away. It was still hard to believe that they were really gone. Their father's death had been hard enough, but their mother's death felt so much more sudden. There was no changing it now though. Now all they could do was continue their search for the rest of their family and try to get through this dreary weather.

Laoch paused at Shi's question, her voice pulling his two-toned gaze over to her. She probably had a point. The weather wasn't getting any better. As much as he wanted to push on and try to find some of their family, it wouldn't do either of them any good if they got sick from this cool, wet weather. "Yeah, we probably should. That's a good idea." He started looking around for some kind of shelter as he started padding down the beach again, squinting to see through the drizzle falling around them. "Oh, how about that!" he said with a smile as he motioned with his head to a cave up ahead of them. He lead the way toward the cave as the rain started coming down harder. He stepped into the cave and shook out his fur to shake off some of the water that clung to his dark fur. He checked to make sure there wasn't any recent scents. The last thing he wanted was to intrude on someone's den. He didn't think there were any scents that were fresh though so he was sure they'd be alright.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
05-05-2016, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2016, 07:29 PM by Acapella.)
Exploring was one of her favorite things to do. Going to new places always had meant learning something new and sometimes even finding something or someone new. She enjoyed it and it was a great way to pass the time by. Having recently come to the lands of Ardent and finding her extended family in the territory of the Celestial. She had joined the pack with her brother and now she was taking a few days out of pack territory to explore the lands and become familiar with surrounding territories and packs. She had gained some knowledge from her pack about the neighboring packs and which packs were friendly. She had moved from the north and was now down in the south. She had to admit that today wasn't one of the best days to be exploring. This damp and wet weather was miserable and the more she traveled today the more her mood dampened. Swiftly the female moved through the wet sand, her eyes looking for some sort of shelter at least for a little bit. She had hoped it would clear up today, but it didn't seem that was happening anytime soon.

It didn't seem like there was much movement today which was a shame, she wouldn't mind meeting some new faces. Moving forward she spotted two forms up ahead and paused looking to where they were headed. She squinted as the harder, somewhat bigger drops of rain splashed on her face. They were heading into a cave, which looked plenty big to share. If they were friendly and didn't mind her company. Moving forward more until she was closer, but still had a decent distance between them she let out a gentle bark to make them aware of her presence.

"Excuse me, would you mind sharing the shelter you found?" she asked, her tail gently wagging in a friendly manner.

Shikoba I


3 Years
05-05-2016, 10:25 PM
She would not have to wait long for a response from her brother. His eyes turned towards her as she spoke and she couldn't help the relief she felt as he agreed. She knew he was happier here now, looking for family, to have something to do. She on the other paw felt apprehensive of meeting others. She knew she had a large family out there somewhere. Or so she was told. Honestly she could only vaguely remember Surreal and Castiel. She shook her head slightly, she couldn't wait to get out of this weather. At least they wouldn't be trekking through this weather for family much longer. Don't get her wrong, it be nice to be around family but she didn't know them, how would they react? Would Laoch and her fit in? Worry made her brows crease as she slowly followed Laoch. It took her a moment to respond to the cave he pointed out. Looking up her ice blue orbs spotted the cave and she hesitated a few steps.
Shikoba might not be much of a fighter, she was an okay hunter, but healing was her art. She hoped nothing dangerous was in the cave, or that it belonged to someone else. With a swish of her tail she raced to catch up. Hanging back to let Laoch inspect the cave her eyes roamed the outside of it for a few minutes. But she would soon follow in, shaking out her fur and walking forwards the back of the cave. She wondered if there could be anything useful to use as bedding to keep them warm, or any herbs or food. But she didn't get too far when a bark sounded outside followed by a voice. She jumped, spinning around with startled eyes. Head lowering and shuffled over to Laoch to hide behind him, eyes peering around him at the stranger. The other was taller than she herself but lean like a hunter kind of wolf. But Shikoba wouldn't underestimate anyone's abilities.
She glanced up at Laoch, letting him decide the answer if they would trust her to share their cave. Though she felt slightly bad letting the other stand out there in the rain. Shikoba wouldn't be surprised if someone got sick staying out in this weather.



5 Years
05-11-2016, 10:48 PM

Laoch knew his sister was much more apprehensive about most things than he was, but he didn't mind going her pace and protecting her. They had grown up together like this and it was in his nature to be protective and encouraging for her. He gave her a smile as she followed him into the cave once he was sure the coast was clear. His thoughts began to follow the same train of thought as his sisters, wondering to himself if there would be anything to use as bedding in here, but they were quickly interrupted by a bark that sounded from the entrance behind him. He turned around to see who it was, stepping in front of his sister as she ducked behind him without a second thought.

He looked to the woman in question curiously, quickly answering, "We wouldn't mind at all, would we?" He gave a quick glance back to Shi, knowing full well she probably would mind very much. He couldn't imagine letting the larger woman stand out in the rain though. He didn't have a mean or rude bone in his body, especially not toward anyone who didn't seem to mean them any harm. He let her come inside and get shaken off before he spoke again, his two-toned gaze curiously taking in the marking on the woman's forehead that was startlingly similar to his own. "I'm Laoch and this is Shikoba," he said to introduce them, giving a nod to his sister as he said her name. "Who might you be?"

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
05-17-2016, 10:46 AM
She instantly felt like a jerk, the lighter colored wolf jumped as if Ella had scared her. She felt vary bad if she had in fact scared the female. She watched as the female hid behind the darker furred wolf who had turned to look at her. She could instantly see his mismatched eyes and the diamond shaped marking on his head, strikingly similar to her own forehead marking.. When he spoke she smiled, her tail wagging again because she was glad that she wouldn't have to search for another type of shelter. Moving into the cave and respectfully giving the other two their space she shook herself off and then took a seat. Her bi-colored eyes looked back to the two as the male spoke again, introducing himself and his sister then asking about her.

"Pleasure to meet both of you. I'm Acapella Adravendi and thank you so much for the shelter. This weather has been quite ugly lately" she replied with another friendly wag of her tail.

She was curious to know more about these two, where they have come from and where they were traveling too. She liked to learn about others and make relationship with others still being new to these lands herself maybe they could show her around once things lightened up.