
El Dorado (Pack Idea)



4 Years
04-28-2016, 05:11 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2016, 06:56 PM by Julius.)

[Image: cm4aMSFl.jpg]


"King of kings, Devil of Devils"

Overview: A soul once oppressed by the heavy weight of war crawls out from the darkness into blinding light. Born from the blood of the strong and virtuous one beast shook off the chains of slavery to build life among the smoldering embers. This being took on the mantle of responsibility to become a shepherd among the lost and downtrodden. Shining down upon the licentious they scattered the sinful like maggots and took on the burden that became the rebirth of a worthless nation.

That being was known as The Sovereign and with their glorious fortitude they banished the darkness to make way for cleansing light, carving out a place among traitorous garbage for Their precious children. El Dorado Home to a vicious collection of disciplined and well-mannered monsters.

Known as The Golden Empire their goal is to expand their reach to every corner of the land via alliances, bargains, deceit or war. Under the command of the Sovereign Family, the denizens are put to work for the good of the Empire; bonds of respect and trust are forged to unite their subjects under one banner. However, corruption festers in the background, providing a gamble of opportunity for those who wish to take it; for better or worse. Your survival depends on those you rub your shoulder on and who you affiliate yourself with. Having friends in high places will benefit you in this house of cards.

Hard work is highly valued in this society, providing a backbone for the inner workings in order to reach their ultimate goals. Potential candidates are thoroughly tested prior to entry; the unworthy have no place but the Abyss. Children are monitored closely, watched for potential or weakness, before being cast out into the dangerous wilderness as a test of endurance, strength and loyalty. There are no right or wrong personalities that are accepted into El Dorado, only the hard working, loyal and useful will be rewarded greatly. Members must pledge their loyalty and provide their skills, knowledge and lives to the benefit of the Empire. Welcome to the new monarchy.


The Sovereign

King & Queen The King & Queen rule this empire side by side. Unlike other packs, there doesn't need to be a King and a Queen at the same time though it is advised. The King is tasked with running every aspect of the Kingdom with the help of the trusted members under him. Typically he is advised by the Council on all matters concerning Military, Wealth, Information, ect. Though he may not interact with lower levels directly he will use those directly beneath him to handle his affairs. In return, The Queen normally manages the faith and loyalty within the pack. While the king represents the pack from the outside, the Queen represents the pack from within through her connection to the subjects who have pledged their intelligence.

The Heirs The offspring of the Emperor & Empress. While they hold no true authority beyond their title, they do hold merit and often are known simply for their blood relation to the monarchs. Given special privileges and benefits because of their names.

Remnant The Queen Mother/Father is the rank given to the previous King and/or Queen when the Heir takes over as King or Queen. They still have a degree of power though not the same as the King/Queen. They are considered Royalty still and higher than a Noble, but still lower than the Royal Court. They are still to be respected and can still accept members into the Kingdom. Known for their wisdom and previous feats as once powerful rulers of the golden empire.

Regent The Regent serves as acting King or Queen whenever they are away. They are a secondary alpha and takes over all jobs the King/Queen controls when they are away. While the King/Queen are in the Kingdom they serve as a Beta and do any tasks the King/Queen are unable to attend to. They may also accept members into the pack.

The Council

Vizier The Vizier is the head of the Council and the most important at the table other than the King or Queen. They are the Sovereign Families most trusted adviser and give advice on very important matters ranging from war, wealth, information, strategies, the kingdom, and anything else that one could think of. Viziers may also be a Remnant, putting their previous knowledge as Emperor or Empress to further service their empire.

Maester of Herb The Grand Alchemist who sits on the council next to the Vizier. They typically are older and more experienced. They are knowledgeable on all matters concerning herbs, toxins, potions, injuries, ailments, illnesses, and anything else concerning the well-being of any of the subjects. This is the character who does their best to treat any ailments in the Kingdom with the help of any maids or stewards in their service.

Maester of Crows The listener of whispers is a master of Secrets. Much like a spy, they're able to manipulate others into doing what they want. They have networks everywhere and are very good at getting information and relaying it back to the Council. They are also tasked with helping form decisions on the Council. By collecting information from all corners of the land and keeping it all cataloged for a moment when it may be useful. Wolves they meet and their weaknesses, their strengths. Locations and their benefits. Packs and their structures.

Maester of Gold The Maester of Gold is in charge of keeping an eye on the treasury in stead of the King and Queen. Funds are important to the Kingdom as it helps form alliances, is good for bartering, and important to run festivals and the like. When not running the royal bank they are tasked with helping form decisions with the Council.

Maester of Arms The Maester of Arms is the overseers of all things Military. They're tasked with accepting new Vanguard into the Militia, assigning Valet's, and working closely with the Generals for war efforts. They may accept new members into the Kingdom if they deem them fit. They are the only wolves who can Knight a Vanguard member save for Royalty.

Crimson Guard The Crimson Guard is the special unit tasked with keeping The Sovereign Family safe. They act as the King/Queen's guard and follow them literally wherever they go. They stand outside the Royal families chambers when they sleep, follow them to their hunts, protect them as they roam the land, and are devoted to keeping the Royal Family safe. They cannot accept members into the Kingdom nor can they take mates or bare children without permission from the King or Queen. These wolves are almost always of Noble descent and the most respected of the working class. It is the highest honor to be deemed a member of this unit.


Lords & LadysAny males born to Nobility are placed here. These wolves typically own a small portion of land, and while not important in rank, stand high in society and are wealthy. They aren't tasked with the menial jobs of commoners and laborers and are waited on hand and foot by Stewards.

Vassals Vassals are characters who weren't born of nobility but have either earned land from the King or Queen or are important ambassadors. They're held in high regard by the Royal Family and should be respected by the rest of the Kingdom.

Cleric Religion is always a thing to be feared in the Kingdom. The Priest will often work closely with the Queen (and sometimes the King) and will give opinions on matters in times of war and distress. While they are not on the council their wisdom is respected and sought out by all in the Kingdom. They're also charged with sacrifices, marriages, and other religious ceremonies. Charismatic, faithful, and possessing a large influence. These members are certainly valued members of the community.

The Regiment

Grand Templar The head of the military specialization of The Arms. They recruit, demote, and promote within The Ranks. It’s a position often envied due to it’s connection to the military, that particular bulk of ranks devoted to those who want to protect the land and country. The Grand Templar are the clans best warriors and their frontal force. The Templar act as the enforcers of the pack as well as it's first line of defense. While the Templar mainly serve The Sovereign & The Council, they also serve as the sword and shield of the pack. It is this rank that most aspire to become, known as the fang and claw of the empire the Templar are tasked with defending the land, guarding it's secrets and way of life, as well as teaching the younger generation of knights. Templars are often trusted with highly sensitive missions that lower ranked members are not qualified for taking on. They also serve as advisers to The Council and are hand picked by The Sovereign. They are often enlisted by them to do whatever job they deem fit. Be is a assassination, a errand. The apprentice of a Templar is known as a knight.

Commandant The head of the Outriders. It’s an important position reserved for a member who isn’t afraid to work long hard hours. Their duty is to recruit, demote, and promote within the Outrider class. While protecting what’s on the inside and combating other packs during times of war might be what the Knights and Grand Templars do, but the Outriders keep trash, spies, and unfit beings from slipping past the border. They are the only ones outside of others recruiters with the power to reject or accept those who find themselves stumbling upon the borders. As such it is also the Commandant’s job to keep others from messing around at the borders and hindering the acceptance process.

Viscount The head of the Forerunners and Paladin rank. This is the basic executioner of The Inquisition. the big bad wolf that comes to visit prisoners, treasonous members, and dishonored individuals. Their task is to promote, demote, and recruit for said ranks but also to make sure the particular brainwashing procedures utilized by the Forerunner and Paladin squadron are effective and out of sight. They assist in gauging public mood and often alert The Sovereign or Council to any particular anger large masses of people might be feeling.

Isangoma The head of the alchemist, a mixture of which doctor and assassin. They are in charge of promoting, demoting, and recruiting for the alchemist rank. Their major duty is to make sure that The Sovereign and Regiment remain healthy. In a way this is a figure who has the right to reserve healing for certain members. Being blacklisted from the Alchemist Guild would be a horrible thing to accomplish, all things considered. The Surgeon reserves the right to sit in on interrogation or torture sessions to make sure that the target cannot be killed, injured excessively, or slip into unconsciousness.

Working Class

Cleaners Though they are not apart of the esteemed military career track their job is just as important and their position regarded with the respect they demand through fear and intimidation. A Cleaner is a secret service of individuals who keep to a code of morals regulated by the Viscount. As if they crafting their own society their sole purpose is to assist in the rehabilitation of dishonored, treasonous, and confused individuals by capturing them. They call such tactics Collecting and the Transition from worthless scum to honorable citizen of The Empire is an important task that keeps the pack running smoothly. They are trained in the act of stealth, capture, and mental manipulation. Through utilizing taught torture, interrogation, and brainwashing techniques they recycle mouthy citizens into the Herald and general soldier. They have the responsibility of patrolling the lands seeking those who seem less than stellar about their position and if that particular member is pointed out to them by the forerunner (Herald) they have permission to capture and retain that individual for analysis by the Forerunner. They can also punish law breakers. If one is caught doing naughty things one should hope to be killed before they are Recycled, it would be a better experience overall. Cleaners are Authorized to handle drugs aside from Alchemist & Viscounts.

Knight What a wonderful day to be apart of the working class, especially if that class is apart of the military career track. It’s a great honor to be apart of the Knights, which utilizes a collection of athletic and healthy well-minded individuals to keep the pack safe from invading forces and those that would attempt it’s destruction. They are the pride of the clan, the force that comes to the call of those who cry out for blood. Mostly known for tearing apart those who would threaten their ideals & society apart they also double as the first line sent out to destroy and scout when threats are identified. Though not allowed to leave without permission they do often go on missions beyond the metaphorical walls of the clan. if need be and can roam the borders in order to assist Outriders that need help. And in special cases, assist Templars as apprentices on ridding the world of corrupt filth.

Forerunner The meat of the Propaganda Project, their importance lies along the lines of retainment and assimilation assistance. They spread newly made laws and information from The Sovereign around the clan and also make announcements when asked for The Council before court is held. They tally up votes and keep historical records so that new wolves who wonder about the culture and overall structure of the pack they inhabit can be properly educated and get the answers to questions they seek. Often extremely charismatic and devoted they’re a loyal set of wolves who obey without question or hesitance. Blessed, perhaps, with the knowledge of how mentality and instinct work within wolves they may often preach or tutor others about the greatness of The Empire, spreading manipulated speech across the landscape to keep wolves blissfully unaware of the inner workings of El Dorado. They’re spies in that respect, seeking out dissenters and people less than pleased with their current situation (though most wolves will only see them as chatty happy citizens). Yet, beyond their surface job of teaching is the frightening assignment of pointing out wolves that aren’t adhering well to the clan for kidnapping and Recycling. Wolves that seem mouthy tend to disappear around them and when they do return they have an entirely new set of values and ideals that are more monarch friendly, sometimes… to friendly. Despite being in the middle class there is something rather frightening about their smiles and way with tongue. Respect is often granted automatically as disrespect might end in something worse than death. They happily work with and chat up the Cleaners and are allowed to sit in and assist with  sanctioned conditioning and rehabilitation.

Outrider No pack can run without a good sentry. So much of El Dorado relies on this small force of intelligent yet athletically fit and capable citizens. This is a dangerous job with often very little reward, but the power over acceptance is a powerful addiction for some. The Outrider is the sole force with absolute permission and authority to reject or accept beyond The Sovereign. Being the first point of contact for anyone seeking entrance into the clan. they are pressed to put on a good face and make sure the soul coming in has a good idea of what they are in for. They are responsible for the ones they accept and often, if a new member screws up or is a spy the Outrider is questioned for the misstep. Strong, swift, and capable the Outrider patrols the border, often living there as well, seeking new meat to be assimilated. Though they can handle themselves they are also able to call on the power of the Knights for assistance should a newcomer get to rowdy. They are the absolute authority on the border and should be treated as such. A small band of kings holding a culture all their own they aren’t afraid to get down and dirty with the filth outside the walls. Don’t misstep in their kingdom, they have permission to maim if they’re disrespected or hindered from doing their job on the border…. However, an Outrider should take great care not to get too cocky about their duties, beyond the border there are other wolves with much more pull than they.

Alchemist They claim they have a guild! A union of sorts that unites them all under the banner of El Dorado. Despite not being one of the more heavily physical forces they still hold a certain power over life and death and they won’t tolerate being messed with due to their lack of obvious muscle. Their brain is their powerful weapon and they use it well to heal the sick and poison the intolerable. Masters of herbs and the body their duty is to keep the overall pack healthy and assist in keeping prisoners alive--even if its against their will. Beyond the eye of the public however their main task is to create drugs and poisons used by Cleaners for interrogation, manipulation, and forcing those they torture to remain conscious and alert. They help teach Cleaners how to utilize the drugs they craft and if one isn’t careful anyone could end up the precious testing toy of the Alchemist Guild. Don’t piss them off, there’s a mysterious strength in their craft and they won’t hesitate to use it. The only wolves who have the authority to put their paws on herbs and ‘sell’ medicines or treatment if they so desire. They’ve been given a garden to work in, their own private space, and trespassing might not be tolerated depending on who you are...

Lower Class

Citizen The basic starting class for newly recruited citizens. It’s where a member can prove they want to remain in the clan and give it their all. They can be drafted into Working Class ranks or attend recruiting for ranks. They have no voice, no privilege and cannot vote. Just nameless worthless faces until proven otherwise.

Prisoners & Slaves The worthless maggots who have proven themselves unloyal or untrustworthy to El Dorado. Either prisoners from other packs or slaves captured from the borders and beyond. Members of the empire may be demoted to this rank if they commit crimes worthy of such a punishment.


Trials of Osiris The Trials of Osiris, a friendly competition between packmates held once a year in the summer and a overall good time for everyone. The judges, obviously are the council and members of the pack may participate in several activities that have been planned. The Games take the span of about a week to fully complete, and teams are often entered into the games. These games start off as simple contest elimination rounds. For example, the great hunt, capture the flag, duels, and ect. As the task go on the challenges become harder and harder until only two teams are remaining, and the final game is held. The winner, depending on the rank, may get an automatic rank up. If not, prizes and spoils for the winners of the trials! The winners often have bragging rights for the year! Invitations my be lent out to allied packs and perhaps even participation passes if El Dorado has enough alliances. Each team representing their home packs. Come, test your skill...prove your worth.

The Culling A long time tradition where the first litter of all are entered into a pit. The pups are forced to fight to the death in order to keep the gene pool pure and clean, weeding out the weaklings and ensuring only the strong survive. While not many may understand the philosophy of it, it is the Clerics job to make it abundantly clear why this happens. The only litters exempt from this purging are Nobility & The Sovereign Family.

The Treasury A newly formed custom of the pack is the use of items as a form of currency. Using shiny gems, stones and other colorful accessories in order to prove the wealth and authority of one within the pack. So some should keep a careful eye out for those who carry scars and accessories. Higher ranked wolves will be highlighted with many accessories to signal their status within the pack. Accessories are almost always made by the Crafters and Artists as a gift to those they favour or, most commonly, by payment. Newly accepted members should have their accessories handed over to the Cleric for safekeeping until they find a rank in the empire. Scars may either mean strength or weakness, depending on their location. Limbs will be removed if you disrespect someone of a high authority, most commonly the tail, though this can also lead to loss of ears and eyes.

So, this was created due to me being bored and having a lot of say hi to my Chaotic Neutral/Evil pack idea that can perhaps stir up a LOT of site drama and mix things up. It might take off, it might not. Just thought it would be fun. I made a butt ton of ranks to suit almost anyons play style or character. I know what its like to enter a pack and feel like there is no where you belong. So hopefully the versatile selection catches some interest xD.

Cheers lads. Let me know what you think ^^



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
04-28-2016, 07:11 PM
I love this idea and am all for it :0


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Rœkia T


4 Years
04-28-2016, 07:19 PM
Sounds interesting! My gal Rœkia might be interested if this pack comes to pass.



4 Years
04-30-2016, 10:12 PM
I could definitely see skulley joining this pack o:



8 Years
05-03-2016, 07:06 PM
This looks interesting. Maybe, Abel or a character I decide to bring in/come up with.