
That which you seek

Katja the First


8 Years
05-02-2016, 02:55 PM

Whisperer's Gorge... it had been quite some time since she'd set paw here. Once, it was Yfir's home, as the Gale Gorge now was. Here in the caverns had her cousin Jaeger come upon them, and she had attacked him, maiming his sight. Yet she had not returned him to her family for justice as she had sworn to do, and so the gods had seen fit to punish her for her weakness, and she had lost Yfir. Her time abiding here had taught her that these fertile lands bred indolence in the wolves who lived upon them, and so when she had risen Yfir once more from Ebony's ruins she had instead brought them north into the harsh environment she thrived in.

She had considered bringing Naudir with her on this journey, to introduce her child to this part of Yfir's history, but ultimate she had decided to come alone. There was still illness in these southern lands, and with Taufr and Raesa already ill and Eisleif missing she did not wish to risk another Finnvi child. The scent of illness was beginning to fade, though, and she did not doubt that the turn of the season and the coming of the snow would help to lay it dormant. Naudir would get her chance to come with her on her journeys soon, and Asvor. And, if they survived, Taufr and Raesa as well.

She did not duck aside into any of the caverns that twisted through the walls of the ravine, choosing instead to continue through the wide gap of the former river at a brisk trot. She would make her way further south and begin to scout the southern packs, seeing which had survived the plague and which... had not. Or would not. Packs that still had the illness would not be safe to raid when the time came, though any that had just begun to recover from it would be weak and easy prey. Packs untouched would be more difficult, but also not at risk of passing the plague to Yfir. She saw little need to actively engage the alphas in conversation this time, and rather doubted she would have any better reception than she would have given them in return, except from ever-trusting Bass, so there was little point to bothering. But her would-be spy Harekr had vanished, and with him the possibility of sending anyone to spy in her stead, so she would have to do her scouting on her own.




8 Years
05-07-2016, 11:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2016, 03:42 PM by Solveiga.)
teach me gently how to breathe
It had taken a long time for Solveiga to forget her past and look ahead to her future. An entire year had passed since her brother had left her behind, continuing on alone to find a life for himself, one that apparently did not involve his little sister. That could be forgiven, she supposed. Solveiga was not the type to hold a grudge. However, she was the type to cling tightly to the past and fear any kind of change. All through her childhood she had thought that change was bad. After all, she had been content with her life the way it was: following her big brother, obeying his every word when he said where they were going to go or what they were going to hunt or who they were going to talk to. Independence was so... new. But she was getting used to it, even enjoying it now. Feeling responsible for your own life could be exhilarating when you weren't used to it.

Solveiga was moving on now. It was difficult, but she had come to accept the fact that her brother was not returning for her. He really was gone. Perhaps he had already met someone with whom he could start a family. Maybe he had already joined a pack. Why shouldn't she do the same? She had no reason to stop her life because of him. On the contrary; her life was only beginning. Solveiga wanted to find a pack to call her own, and meet new wolves. She had already met a few that struck her interest, Jendai most of all. The two of them had spoken of traveling together. Maybe she wouldn't have to explore this land alone anymore.

However, for today, she was going to do just that. She was going to see what else this diverse land had to offer, with nothing but the wind as company as she padded her way through a deep trench pitted with caves and tunnels of various sizes. This place was amazing, and she couldn't help but smile a bit as she paused at the entrance to a couple of caves, scenting the air a bit before moving on. Everything seemed pretty empty. Perhaps she should be happy about that, though. Empty meant no strangers, and no potential danger to her.

No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than an unfamiliar scent met her nose. She paused, furrowing her brow slightly. She scanned the area, her baby blue eyes hopping here and there to make sure she wasn't caught unawares. She hoped to see the stranger before the stranger saw her.

Katja the First


8 Years
05-16-2016, 06:09 PM
Her progress down the familiar canyon was abruptly arrested as she became suddenly aware that she was not alone in her explorations. It was not a scent that alerted her, but a faint sound that struck a premonition and caution within the viking. She automatically froze, lowering herself into a hunting crouch as she ghosted forward. Her paws carefully felt for the footing of each step so that she would not dislodge so much as a pebble, nor a scrape of claw to reveal herself further. She was hardly a popular leader in these lands, nor was Yfir a pack well thought of, and few enough here would welcome her presence. She feared none, but she would be a fool to careen into danger without her head on straight.

She paused, ears and nose quivering, unknowingly a mere turn of the canyon away from the very wolf she stalked.



8 Years
05-20-2016, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2016, 03:55 PM by Solveiga.)
teach me gently how to breathe
Paranoia crept through her veins, quickening her heart and making her feel edgy. She smelled the stranger, not far away. But when she paused and took in her surroundings, there was no sight or sound to tell her where the smell was coming from. Was she being watched? Solveiga took a deep breath and shook herself a bit to push the thought from her mind, and she walked on. Keep moving, she told herself. This canyon couldn't last forever. This place with its many caves and hiding places, which had once seemed so fascinating, now seemed menacing. The small woman quickened her pace.

Then, as she rounded the next turn, her eyes landed on the other wolf. Darkly colored, female, caught in a crouch that Solveiga could only interpret as aggressive. She paused and her eyes widened, and she quickly took a few steps back. Her tail instinctively slipped between her legs and she made herself even smaller. "I'm... I'm not looking for trouble..." she called out meekly, watching the other female with caution.

Katja the First


8 Years
05-30-2016, 06:02 PM
She'd paused for a beat when unexpectedly her quarry rounded the corner immediately before her, startling a growl of surprise out of the viking warrior. A smaller, delicate little female of sand and ivory coloration, she had instantly assumed a submissive stance that stayed Katja's instinctive aggressive snap before it could occur. She watched the girl, cautiously but calmly now that the initial surprise had worn off, she slowly levered herself out of her crouch. "We rarely seek the trouble that dogs us," she returned. "It would be wiser for you to seek shelter with a pack if you cannot protect yourself. Or at least," she added with a raised brow and a glance around the steep walls that surrounded them, "avoid places you cannot escape an enemy."



8 Years
06-02-2016, 08:53 AM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2016, 08:55 AM by Solveiga.)
teach me gently how to breathe
The growl caused Solveiga to tense a bit, but then it seemed as time went on the other woman relaxed and took on a less aggressive position, for which the smaller girl was grateful. What kind of life must one lead to instantly turn to aggression when facing a complete stranger? Solveiga frowned at the words which greeted her. She was indeed hoping to find a pack, because she was not one for fighting. However, something about the woman giving voice to these thoughts, that she could not protect herself, set her off a little, and the usually mild mannered girl furrowed her brow in a slightly offended way.

At the suggestion that she should avoid places where she could not escape an enemy, Solveiga sighed softly. "Forgive me for not expecting every passerby to be my enemy," she said, her voice still gentle despite the fact that she had become a bit irritated. "I do not, by nature, expect the worst of people. I was simply exploring." She said to defend herself, raising her head just a little and forcing her tucked tail to relax so she could at least claim some dignity in the presence of this self righteous woman.

Katja the First


8 Years
06-08-2016, 08:22 PM

A faintly displeased sound rumbled deep in Katja's chest as she regarded the soft pale female before her. "Such bravado for a child who was cowering and whimpering at the very sight of another, liten kanin. And naivety, if you truly do not expect to find enemies." She flicked her ink-streaked tail in irritated dismissal. It had naught to do with her if this delicate creature was eaten up by the world. She could not say why the girl's behavior annoyed her so, except that perhaps it was just another reminder of how very different was the society she now moved through. Even among her own people there were those who would always be dependent upon others - her own daughter who stood always with one paw in another world and would never be able to hunt for herself would never be able to live without a pack to care for her - but to flaunt their weakness so casually, as though it were a virtue, would be shameful. Ah well, some were born predators, and others prey, and perhaps the epithet she had tacked upon this golden-haired child - liten kanin, little rabbit - was simply more apt than any other. Sharp features formed themselves into a coolly neutral cast as she stared down at the girl. She could not imagine her own children displaying such naivety. "There are far more enemies in this world than allies. Those who would seek to harm a soft thing such as you, or to violate you. You may live longer if you remember that. You are surely not completely fool ignorant of what horrors wolves are capable of visiting upon you?" she added the contemptuous question callously. Rape was hardly unheard of even in these soft lands, and there would be many a sickened creature who would find this child's form pleasing. She would not allow her wolves to indulge such urges, but others were not so disciplined.

"Talk" "You" Think



8 Years
06-11-2016, 04:24 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2016, 04:25 PM by Solveiga.)
teach me gently how to breathe
This woman was not friendly at all. And frankly, Solveiga did not know how to handle the situation. She had been fortunate enough to encounter relatively nice individuals thus far. But she supposed such a streak could not have continued forever, and she was bound to run into one of the more aggressive types sooner or later. But she really wished it weren't in this canyon, because the dark woman before her did have a point, and she was trapped. Unless she wished to run, of course. And she would run, if for some reason it came to that, but for now she would try her best to see this conversation through. So the girl swallowed hard and struggled to keep her head high and her tail out from between her legs as the stranger basically insulted her. She took a deep breath and tried to keep the any tremor from entering her voice as she replied. "It isn't that," she said. "I know there is darkness in this world, but what kind of life would one be living if they hardened their heart to every stranger they met? No, I think..." Oh, she knew she would be ridiculed for this opinion of hers. But for once in her life she was going to really speak for herself. "I think I would rather live a shorter more optimistic life than a life filled with pessimistic and distrustful years. I know you do not agree with me, but that is your choice and this is mine. I choose compassion over aggression and will always do so."

With that she let out a bit of a sigh, like it was a weight of some kind being lifted from her shoulders. Yet, at the same time, she internally braced herself for the reaction that would surely come from the woman before her. And her words were not exactly welcome ones. Words of horrors, of violence and violation. "No, I'm... I'm not a fool. I know of those things." Solveiga said softly, her mouth twisting just slightly in distaste before she composed herself.

Katja the First


8 Years
07-11-2016, 06:52 PM
The little rabbit's words drew a snort of disgust from the alpha. "Far be it from me to stand in the way of your suicide," she said dryly. She shook her head once, sharply, before simply brushing past the girl to continue on her way. She would not waste her time on yet another of Ardent's meek little innocents. It was tempting to take her as a thrall, as a lesson to the fool... but she had had quite enough of weak, whining thralls who were too useless for the work she required of them. "If you insist upon your continued naivety, I hope for your sake that you know how to run," she called over her shoulder, determinedly lengthening her pace to a long trot to leave the whole nonsense behind.

-exit Katja-