
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?



5 Years
05-06-2016, 03:35 PM
Navigation - Redbud Nook

And my lover on my mind..

Slipping through the low hanging leaves of gold and orange Hárekr went on his merry way exploring yet another new land. It felt good to get away for awhile. He was now ranked as a Thegn and would have new responsibilities. He knew he probably wouldn’t be able to wander quite as freely as he used to but that was the price for rising in rank. The state of Yfir as a whole was another concern. With the plague making its way through the pack their numbers were down and he couldn’t help but worry over the little ones. Lyndvarr was working tirelessly to be of help when he was able. Hárekr half thought about bringing some plants back to the other man but he knew nothing of healing and couldn’t be sure if he’d bring back anything useful…. heck he might accidentally poison himself!

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



2 Years
05-06-2016, 04:06 PM

She ran away from her brother, squealing as he tried to bite down on her tail. They had been out exploring by themselves, when Pheonix had tried to reach up and grab a low hanging branch of one of the trees. He couldn't reach it, so Ashelynn had called him short. He blew up like a bomb and got all angry, and then he started to chase her! So she was fleeing, her heart pounding in her chest. "¿Por que eres tan malo conmigo?" she called behind her shoulder, duck and diving around the short trees. She could feel his breath on her tail, and let out another loud yelp. Ashe tucked her tail towards her belly, looking over her shoulder to see how close he was. Just as she was about to turn back around, she tripped over an exposed root and tumbled to the ground. Pheonix let out a battle cry as he launched at her, but she rolled on the ground and let out a growl of her own. Instead of running away she turned to face him, a sour look on her ashy features. "Soy más grande que usted, de poca monta! ¿Por qué estás tan pequeño, ¿eh? Supongo que la diosa del fuego era más amable conmigo cuando hi-" Ashelynn was cut off when he rammed his lowered head into her chest, knocking the wind out of her. Falling down on her back, she glared up at her litter mate as he glowered back at her. His jaws parted to bite her, but even though Ashe was gasping for air, she was quicker than him. She quickly kicked upwards with her hind legs, her paws digging into the underside of his belly. He coughed and backed off of her, wheezing slightly. She grinned, teeth showing as she drew in a deep breath. Standing on her paws she let out a guttural cry of her own, leaping over until she flopped her butt right on top of him. The smaller boy quickly folded under her, thus trapped under her butt. "¡Decir ah! ¿Tiene usted otra vez!" She called out, her chest puffing in pride. He squirmed under her, muttering something under his breath. She just stuck her tongue out at him, before it lolled out of her maw. Panting hard, Ashe refused to get up.

Little did she know, they had an audience.

"Talk" "You/Spanish" Think


05-06-2016, 04:25 PM

It had almost been in his grips. He stretched up on his toes to try and grasp the branch in his jaws, wanting to snap it between his sharp puppy teeth. But he couldn't get it, and his stupid sister was quick to call him small. He whipped around and growled at her, his ears folding against his head. "¿Que piden demasiado pequeño para hacer algo?" He yelled at her, before darting up to her. Her silver eyes grew wide as she spun and raced off, and he was hot on her heels. His jaws snapped shut on air again and again, trying to latch onto her pretty orange marked tail. Pheonix would bite that in half instead of that stick! She was pretty fast though, her long legs quickly eating up the ground. He was determined to get her and prove to her that he was big and strong! She asked him why he was so mean, and he just laughed, snapping down on a few hairs of her tail. Spitting out the few strands, he growled and picked up the pace.

When Ashelynn tripped, he knew that he had her. He jumped towards her, aiming his paws on top of her chest. She rolled out of his way, and he let out another growl. She stood up to face him, and he squared his shoulders. He parted his jaws to yell at her, but she spoke first. Her words sent shudders of anger through him, his hackles standing up. He didn't let her finish, letting out his scariest battle cry. He slammed his chest against hers, standing over her as she fell to the ground. A grin split his lips, and he bent down to latch on to her ear. She was gasping for air, and he knew that he had her now. That was before he felt her back legs kick into his belly, and he recoiled off of her. He nearly stumbled over his back legs, and it was his turn to try and catch his breath. He didn't have time to do that before she came over and sat on his back. Unable to support her weight, he buckled under her and landed on the ground with a thud. Ashe called out that he got her again, and his eyes closed as he tried to gather his breath. "Grasa a tope estúpida ..." he muttered. He too, was unaware of the man who was not too far off from them, panting as he wiggled under her. Why did she always need to sit on him?




5 Years
05-21-2016, 08:37 AM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2016, 08:48 AM by Hárekr.)
Navigation - Redbud Nook

And my lover on my mind..

Fog whispered along the ground but quickly began to disperse as the sun peered through the clouds.  Hárekr moved soundlessly through the nook, sliding past the bare redbud trees as he explored the new terra, testing for scents of prey.  A large gray cloud moved across the sun, casting the world in shadow for a moment and Hárekr looked skyward, eyes narrowed as if search for portents from the gods.  Yet, he’d never been a terribly spiritual man and he could not guess or interpret their will like so many of his compatriots.  He hoped that Skadi and Ullr were looking favorably upon him as he explored.  Yet, all seemed quiet here.  Nothing much-

Hárekr instinctively crouched down, legs tense and ready to spring as he heard a ruckus up ahead.  He saw a female pup trip and fall and a male pounce at her.  His eyes widened as he recognized the language of his lover spilling from their young lips.  It took him back to younger days… brighter days.  The great cloud slipped farther across the sky as sunlight spilled fully down onto the cool earth as the viking man stepped from the fog toward the young wolves before him.  He chuckled.

"¿Que es esto? Dos jóvenes encerrados en la batalla? Al parecer, la victoria ha sonreído a la doncella . Pero debo decir , no son ustedes dos un poco joven para estar vagando solo ? Hay osos que se preparan para hibernar . No hay duda de que sería disfrutar de unos buenos… bocadillos"  He grinned down at them, tail waving languidly back and forth.

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



2 Years
06-13-2016, 10:05 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2016, 10:12 AM by Evelyn.)

No matter what they were doing, her bother always seemed to say something mean about her butt. She thought that she had a really nice butt! Her tail was pretty and it was attached to her butt, so that made it look good. She wiggled her rump on him more, pushing him further into the dirt. She was about to lean down and nibble on his ear when a voice called out from the fog. She let out a squeak, jumping off her brother and watching him raise himself to his paws. They both looked at him, and he called out in their language. Ashelynn grinned, hoping from paw to paw in a little dance. It was exciting to hear someone use the same language as them! Only mother and aunty spoke Spanish, but now this stranger did too! But then she listened to his words, talking about bears and them being snacks. Her ears flicked back slightly as a worried look crossed her face, her silver eyes darting around the young forest. The cloud moved and cast longer shadows everywhere. The pup quivered slightly, her lower lip pouting out slightly. She tried to put on her brave face though, looking at the white and black male. "Si un oso viene entonces ... voy a morder en la nariz! ¡Voy a! No voy a estar sin merienda," She said, trying not to show the cracks in her voice. She didn't really know what a bear was, but it didn't sound very nice if it wanted to eat her for a snack.

Ignoring her brother now, she trotted a little closer to the stranger, her moves hesitant. "No he conocido a alguien que puede hablar como podemos. ¿Cómo es que se puede hacer eso? ¿Está la magia?" She asked, looking him up and down. She had thought that only their family could speak this language, and it was like a secret code to her. No one could ever understand them, it was kind of special to her in a way. But she could understand just what he was saying, it wasn't like the other confusing language that most wolves here seemed to speak. It was like a big breath of fresh air, she didn't have to try to piece things together. It took too much time! Now the words could just flow off her tongue. But this stranger, why could he speak like them? It had to be magic! How else would be learn their secret language?

"Talk" "You/Spanish" Think


06-13-2016, 10:18 AM

He grumbled when Ashe wiggled on top of him, his jaws parting as he tried to bite into one of her legs. But he didn't have enough time, hearing the paw steps of a stranger coming towards them. He seemed to hear it before his sister, who took a few moments to let out a squeak and get off of him. He quickly scrambled to his paws, shaking the dirt that clung to his fiery coat. Pheonix's yellow eyes narrowed towards the stranger, only to open wide when he spoke and he could understand him perfectly. Never before had a stranger spoken like they did, he was so shocked that he almost missed the words that he said. The pup let out a little grumbly growl, moving to step in front of his sister. No bear was allowed to eat her up! Only he could beat her up. Wait, what was a bear? His brows pulled together in confusion, and it took a little more time for the smaller pup to work things out. Before he knew it Ashelynn was talking about biting it in the nose, and he nodded his head eagerly. He would beat it up too, there was no way he was going to get eaten. Not so soon in there life, he had a lot of crap to do! Glancing back at the white and black male, his eyes narrowed once more. Why was he talking about them being all alone and it being dangerous? Was he a bad guy? "Podemos cuidar de nosotros mismos, no tengo miedo," he mumbled. Did he think that they were just going to roll over and get eaten? No way. "Sin oso nos puede llevar en! Sea lo que sea..." He had no idea how big and scary a bear really was. It was hard to draw an image in his mind when they knew so little about this great big world.

As Ashe walked closer to the stranger, he stayed where he was standing. She went on to talk about magic and something, making the young boy roll his eyes. There was no such thing of magic! "¿Por que eres tan estúpido? Es sólo hablar ..." He called at her, sticking out his tongue as she turned around to glare at him. She was trying to ignore him though, and he eyed her as she looked back at the strange wolf. He sighed, it wasn't like he could just leave her here. He wouldn't get dinner if he went home without her, and he was hungry. He wasn't going to let her be the reason why he couldn't eat. Taking a seat, his gaze landed on the adult's face. He guessed it was kind of cool that he spoke like they did, that way he didn't have to try to talk that other way that most wolves did. It was hard and far too much effort for one stupid conversation. Now he didn't have to even try, he could just talk like he did every day.




5 Years
07-02-2016, 09:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2016, 10:21 PM by Hárekr.)

And my lover on my mind..

Hárekr found himself wondering how his siblings were doing.  Were any of them even still alive?  Had Askr cllimbed up the ranks as he’d desired to do all that time ago?  Had he put their petty squabbles aside… though really that didn’t matter much.  Ask would never forgive Hárekr’s crimes and that was something that he’d just have to live with but it was fun to think back to their more innocent days play fighting near the ocean side, tumbling over sandy beaches and chasing gulls and ravens in the moonlight with dreams of grandeur still throbbing in their hearts.  Aww… precious child.  He watched the girl dance excitedly at his prescience.  Very dangerous.  If he were less than an honorable man she would be in some serious danger… though she seemed to sober at the mention of bears.  Of course bears really weren’t the worst of it.  Wolves, especially wolves in sheep’s clothing, were far more dangerous.  The boy at least seemed to be more wary of Hárekr and he moved protectively in front of his sister.

He chuckled at her words. "Tales niños valientes ! ¿Quieres ser guerreros algún día?"  He remained still as she approached.  He didn’t want to spook them.  It had been so long since he’d spoken in his lover’s tongue he didn’t want to lose the moment.  Finding those that spoke the tongue were so rare any more. ”No, no soy la magia . Mi amante habla esta lengua y ella me lo enseñó . ¿Sus padres le enseñan esta lengua ? ¿Hablas alguna otra? Da la casualidad de hablar tres"

The boy muttered that they could take care of themselves and Hárekr felt an itch stirring in his belly to prove them wrong.  Teach them a lesson, for their own good of course.  A scar here, a scar there… but he swallowed the shadows as the clawed at his throat and tried to pry his jaws apart.  No, he would choke them down for Costanza.  It was so rare, so precious to speak in her tongue again and staring at the young ones made him wonder what it would’ve been like if they’d managed to have children.

”Oh , no tengo ninguna duda de que puede cuidar de sí mismos , pero uno nunca puede estar al cuidado , ¿verdad? Un oso es un gran bestia peluda con grandes dientes y garras largas . Son más alto que yo y mucho más pesado . Por cierto , mi nombre es Hárekr . ¿Cuales son tus nombres?"  He glanced at the boy as he muttered under his breath.  

"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."