


08-14-2014, 06:14 PM

Enough was enough. A child ruled this pack and it was being to show. Battle training and been a complete and utter failure. Only two measly wolves had arrived. Irritation shot through her veins, amplified by the fact that Kylar had been missing for some time now. Hackles bristled as she stalked along the borders. It was then that she noted the stale scent of the child. She was gone. Left the pack without a word. The silver woman could hardly say anything about that, she had done the same. However, her pack was thriving, not a useless gathering of idiots. She would stalk towards the heart of the plains, her legs carrying her at an easy lope. Slowly her posture would begin to change. Her crown would lift high, chin tucking loosely against her throat. Her thick plume would curl around her hips, as audits swiveled to attention. Coral pools remained bright with the impending change.

She was ready. Ready to resume her place as Queen, on a new throne. Once she reached the heart, she would bring her behemoth form to a halt. Crown would tip back, a booming call echoing across the lands. Her summons would reach far and wide, claiming this place as her own and beckoning anyone who dared to challenge her. Power rippled through her frame as adrenaline flooded her system. When her call came to an end, her chin to return to its loosely tucked position. Hackles bristled before relaxing as anticipation swelled in her chest.

Would anyone answer her call? Would anyone flock to her borders in search of a home? She doubted her old pack would return, but it didn?t matter, most of them where useless anyways. Shoulders would roll and stretch in preparation. Defenses settled in loosely, waiting to see who would join her or who dared challenge her for her self proclaimed throne. A wicked grin curled her features, tips of daggers peaking out beneath her lips as she waited with deadly patience.

Talk like this


08-14-2014, 07:49 PM

Just as predicted -- the kingdom of children had crumbled to the ground. Little was a fresh yearling prepared for what came of ruling a kingdom. Never would he put so much trust into a queen again, nor in any of their blood -- the Finnvi. The old bitch and her daughter had left the kingdom fallen in it's wake -- much to his surprise. No one stepped up to rule, so the maimed warrior would begin to meander about the newly freed lands. In his path stood a silver siren, one he knew as Cataleya. "A far more qualified leader you are than the children who failed to rule over those far more superior." He chortled, the Raven's figure slithering toward the silver queen, smoothed and relaxed. A rigorous purr of loyalty would slip from inky lips, as his single eye would settle upon the newly proclaimed queen. "I pledge my loyalty to the kingdom you will build. Any who challenge you is a fool." Once more he gave a chortle, but his harsh glare of his single eye was given to the surrounding area, to see if any challenged the new queen. He would quietly settle himself about fifteen feet from the silver maiden, plush tail curling about obsidian paws.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-14-2014, 10:46 PM

He had been gone for far too long.

Her familiar call roused Basilisk from sleep. It shook him to the core, forcing him to remember. He had never forgotten her -- truly forgetting her wasn't even within the realm of possibility. The brute had promised his life to her.. not just his heart and his mind, but his body too. He had been intimately seduced by her promise of salvation and her desire to train him. Cataleya's power was what had forced him to stay, but it was the fear of what he had become that had taken him away from her. His heart had grown cold during his time spent with her. The void had begun to fill with malice and rage. There had been no familiarity left there, but rather than embracing the change he had vanished completely.

Basilisk had promised his life to her, and though he was not the noblest of beasts, he was not necessarily a liar. Slowly he would make his way to her call, his gait strong and his face unreadable. He had left a boy, but he would return a man. A huff left his lips as he trailed after her voice, minutes fading into what felt like hours as he found his way toward her.

Perhaps she would try to kill him, but he would not simply take the punishment he had offered her in the case of his betrayal. Cowardice was no longer an option for him. Basilisk fixated his purple gaze on her as she appeared in the distance, tail hanging limply behind his over-sized frame. "My Queen..." he would hiss, tail flicking once as he closed the distance between them warily. There was little emotion written on his features, but strength was evident in his stony gaze, a slight smirk threatening to tug at the corners of his lips. She looked well, and silently he appreciated that the world had not been harsh to her. "I wasn't sure we would ever meet again..." The distance between them was safe, but he would slowly creep forward, testing the waters, wondering if she might simply move to strike him instantly.


08-14-2014, 11:08 PM

It would not take long for a face to arrive. He not one that was familiar, but as the first to answer her face, his face would be remembered. He would approach, pledging his loyalty to her with silky words shortly after attempting to sway her with flattery. A smirk would curl her features. She was no fool, only time would tell how loyal he truly was. No words could ever flatter the woman, sway her opinion of someone, only action did that. "We will see about that." She would coo to the boy, her words flowing like silk and honey. Her coral gaze would leave his as a strikingly familiar scent filled her nose. Her crown would lift, gaze immediately darkening just as he came into her line of vision.

Lips would curl into a wicked grin, fangs peeking out from beneath her lips. Hackles would bristle as he crept closer, a hiss leaving his lips. "Such a brave little bird, aren't you?" The silver Queen would purr, allowing him to close the distance between them. So much time had passed since she had last seen him and if she remember correctly, she had only given him one last chance during their last meeting. One last chance to stay and remain a King, otherwise he would fall at her feet, dead. And now he stood before her, so bold and daring, yet something was different about him. He stood strong, now longer cowering in fear of punishment. A familiar smirk curled his lips, but he wasn't out of the dark yet. Anger curled in her chest and spread like fire through her veins, though he was lucky, this was not the time or place to seek retribution for his foolishness. For now, he could rest easily. "Do you plan on staying?"




08-14-2014, 11:21 PM

The world had proven to be a fairly boring place for him. After all, all this drama of the packs made him wiggle with the thought of excitement to gain into the battle. While of course, he didn't enjoy the thought of serving under someone, it was a quaint sacrifice to make for the blood-shed. Rentaro had a grin plastered on his face for a moment, before becoming emotionless as he usually was to approach the small group. So this was the queen? Interesting lass, pretty as well.
?Pardon my intrusion, I seek to join the ranks of this pack.? he said. The pale eyes of his looking over Cataleya. She was a dangerous one, he could yell. Women generally made stronger leaders than men and he knew that to be a fact no matter how much he hated women as times. He waited patiently though. This was the path he would take, and where it would take him he didn't know, nor did he care.

?I speak?


08-14-2014, 11:36 PM

Silence... He was beginning to enjoy it more and more as his daughter got older. He was content to wrap his massive body around her, keeping her close and keeping her safe while Cataleya did whatever it was she wanted. He had been scarce, staying near their new den, hunting on is own rather then relentlessly stalking his wife as he normally did. But as her call streatched upwards he would lift his skull, ears swivelling and twitching to discipher the call. A claim... Had the child queen left? He would groan, pushing forepaws up and touching his nose to the top of his daughters skull in a motion to tell her to stay put. This might not be the place for her, he didn't want her tainted by the darkness of the world just yet... Behemoth of a male pushed himself up and out, sliding out of the den and pausing as he tried to catch the falling echoes of the sound. He pinpointed the location and for a moment he would wait, head swivelled towards the direction of the call, simply standing and considering his options. He hated responsibility, hated packs and people and politics... Yet he would start off after a moment, toes flexing and nails digging into the dirt to propel him forward as quickly as possibly without changing his pace from a long legged walk.

The scene he came upon was not a strange one, only two males and one was a familiar face. Black... The other male Kylar vaguely recognized from the meeting Schon had called but didn't care enough to remember. The larger male was stalking towards Cat though and immediatly the beast bristled, hackles raising though his face would remain slack and emotionless. Paws would pull him to his wife's side, skull lowered so nose almost dragged on the ground but verdant gaze would crane in their sockets to study the once king. Would their be a problem here? But he supposed better the devil you know... Right? Gaze would slip to the one eyes heathen and for a moment upper lip would twitch, a snarl flashing, a silent threat. The young brute would learn his place soon enough...




7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-15-2014, 07:20 PM

She had joined a pack on her own accord, a pretty big deal for the freedom-loving, authority-denouncing anarchist flower child that she was. She'd received a rank, even if it had been merely that of a messenger. She had even attended a meeting called with the intention of fight training, though it had never gotten off the ground since only she and one other guy showed up. Everything had gone steadily downhill from there. Both the wolves she'd known as leaders of the pack - the elder who'd passed it to the younger at her first meeting - had seemed to simply vanish. The pack had sat and stagnated and it was boring and exemplified one of the reasons she so disliked authority. To put so much effort and trust into something that so easily let you down... criminal, really. But when she'd cut her losses and returned to where her brother had left them, and where she'd escaped before her sister could turn on her, it was to find no trace of either of them or her brother's slave. Nowhere she'd hunted had she found them.

Cascade's whole reason for being here was in turmoil.

So when the call came from the pack lands she'd recently vacated, she'd gone to investigate for a lack of any other option presenting itself. Mismatched eyes had slipped calmly over the group as she approached, seeing at first little of interest. There, the woman who called, that was the one who'd been lead warrior. She must have decided to claim the pack after the Finnvi woman's disappearance, and why not? It wasn't like the Finnvis were using it anymore, and she couldn't be any worse than any other possible claimants. Speaking of, it would be interesting to see if anyone tried to deny her that claim. It could be a real blood bath if enough tried for it, and a delicate smile graced her muzzle at the thought. That brown-and-white male she didn't know, but nothing about him really caught her attention either. There, that wolf was the black male who had been at the meeting, now with a fresh scar where his eye had been. Wonder what had happened there? And there, that was the big, big male who had spoken up so boldly during the meeting about the would-be co-alpha. Who was he approaching so angrily this time?

Her eyes followed his to Cataleya, and the wolf before her, and Cascade's breath caught in a joyful yelp as she bounded forward. "Brotherrrrr!" came her sing-song call. She stopped her breakneck motion a bit away and crept forward submissively, her gold-and-purple eyes gleaming gleefully. "Oh brother I missed you!" She made to lick his muzzle but then froze, tongue still poking out, as his appearance truly registered for the first time. She stared at him in confusion for a moment before sucking her tongue back in and straightening. "You are not Neios," she stated the obvious, her posture and tone stiff.

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-17-2014, 07:29 PM

Perhaps fearless was not the best word to describe him. Careless would've been a much better adjective. He no longer had anything to care about. The man had nothing left to lose but his life -- and he had everything to gain. Basilisk's gaze was fixated unblinkingly on her, a fire ignited in those purple orbs. Her call had awoken the beast that lived inside the chest that had felt lifeless for so long, and he stood without wavering before her. Cataleya's anger was written plainly across her flawless features, and yet something else lurked there too. Amusement? Was she proud that he had returned to her? Or simply fixing to tear him limb from limb?

"I am only brave because you taught me to be," he spoke, his voice even, though his bass tones were laced with the softest hint of amusement. The smirk continued to pull at his lips, though he found his hackles raising slightly, mirroring her own visible aggression. The beast would slowly dip his head to the ground as though submitting, offering the unprotected nape of his neck to her. Basilisk slunk closer to her, aiming to touch his nose to one of her paws, shivering at the contact between them. "I will stay."

It took him a moment to notice the man beside Cataleya. His own teeth would bare as he pulled away from her, muzzle twitching in a silent snarl. His jaws would part as though he were to speak, but he found himself flinching as a stranger grew in proximity to him. She did not touch him, but moved as though she had been ready to. 'Oh brother I missed you!' the girl squealed, and a growl bubbled from deep within his chest. Slowly he turned toward her, eying the girl with a mixture of confusion and irritation. "I am not Neios," he confirmed with a chuckle. "Though Neios is my younger brother..." It seemed this girl was one of his siblings, then? How entertaining... "It is a pleasure to meet you, sister." Still he kept his submissive posture, despite the sneer that lingered on his lips, and his eyes held a manic sort of gleam as he watched her.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
08-17-2014, 07:53 PM
Taking purposeful strides across the terra, Valentine entered the newly claimed lands. His face was smooth and devoid of emotion; a careful mask to cover the turmoil within. At present, the yearling was solidly numb, the familiar howl that had rung out to claim the discarded pack having chilled him to the core. The boy was at a loss for how to feel and so with his emotions warring for dominance, he approached the gathering of wolves.

Nearing them, his pace slowed and he raked his gaze across each form until they rested on the only one that interested him. Cataleya. He moved closer, each step panther soft, until he stood just beyond the reach of the group. There he sank to his haunches. Perhaps this was not the time or place for a reunion, but he was determined to have one. He had to speak to her, this woman who had birthed him. He had so much to ask, so much to say.

He picked an emotion and let it course through him, felt the power of it set him on fire. Fury. Blindingly hot, it singed the wound in his heart, burning away the scab that had let him live for all those months, had kept him from bleeding out into a puddle of heartbreak. He felt sick and exhilarated all at once; both ready to do battle and spill tears of anger. His lips curled in the only display of emotion that managed to crack his visage. In an instant the expression was gone, his features blanking once more.

All at once, Valentine realized he couldn't do it. Not here, not in front of her wolves. No, he wished for a more intimate setting and so, once he was sure his mother was aware of his presence, the yearling turned and walked away coldly. If she wanted anything to do with him at all, she would come when she could.

-exit Valentine-

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


08-17-2014, 08:49 PM

For a while now, Senka had heard nothing from her family. Valentine was gone and Zaria dead, and her mother? Missing in action, it would seem. Though faintly concerned with the wellbeing of the female who had brought her into the world, Senka was not worried enough to seek her out. She had only recently rediscovered Alacritia, and Senka was not in a rush to leave it. Her mother was gone, at any rate, and presumably never coming back. Which meant Senka had other things to worry about. No sense crying over spilled milk, that was for sure.

And yet, when Senka heard the familiar howl, she found herself reacting almost on instinct, her ashen paws carrying her easily across the ground towards unfamiliar lands. Wherever her mother was, she was claiming a pack, and perhaps in a place where Cataleya was queen once more, Senka could find a home.

The gray and white girl made her approach shortly after Valentine left, and though her nostrils flared at the familiar scent, a swift survey assured her that her brother was not be found. Just like that, he was gone from her thoughts and the girl was clearing her throat just slightly. "Mother." The greeting was low and solemn, just loud enough that it would reach Cataleya's ears. It was not particularly warm, but then, Senka had never been a loving creature, and Cataleya was no exception.
