
Somebody catch my breath



9 Years
Athena I
05-10-2016, 07:23 PM

This place was so disorienting for the blind, peach-marked woman. She felt pants brushing past on all sides of her as she walked, the fragrant herbs blocking out most other scents. There didn't seem to be many trees so it was hard to find any kind of landmark to base her movement off of. Her tail flicked behind her and she frowned. This was almost as bad as that desert she had been in recently. At least here it was cool and the sun wasn't beating down on her. She could feel the mist collecting in small droplets on the hairs around her muzzle. She gave herself a quick shake with a sigh. "Can't just find a place that's blind wolf friendly can I?" she muttered to herself under her breath.

Suddenly she felt her forepaw brush against a stone and she jerked to a halt to keep herself from running into the rock face first. Finally, something solid. She lifted her paw and rested it on the rock in front of her, reaching up to see if she could feel the top of it. Her brows lifted with surprise as she lifted her paw as high as it could go without getting onto her hind legs and still didn't feel the top of this bolder. Interesting. She carefully padded past the rock, her side brushing lightly against it. Several steps away she bumped into another similarly large stone. How many of these were there? She chuckled lightly to herself, muttering, "Well, Kalli, you wanted a landmark. Now you got one."

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
05-10-2016, 09:11 PM

Tine was what Castiel decided he needed. With his new nieces and nephew born into the world the man actually felt at a loss. He had not been there to watch the older two litters grow. Had felt almost like a stranger to his own family at times, sad as that was. He knew Surreal was his sister, but he felt like so many of the faces of Celestial were strangers. Kin... Yet... Castiel sighed. When had things come to be this way? He didn’t know what to make of it anymore. He knew it would need to try to right this feeling eventually, but first a quick trip out of Celestial to ease his mind was needed. This time though, he vowed, he would be returning home.

Castiel was on guard, traveling towards the familiar Druid’s Moor. It had been so long since he set foot in the territory... Much of Boreas felt strange to him now. Cas was sure these feelings of uncertainty, of unease, would pass with time.

At least, he thought, the mists were comforting as he pressed along the territory. They had a calming effect over the white male, and he found his ears perked forward, becoming more at ease the farther he traveled from his pack. Celestial’s scent still clung to him clear as day, however. He saw no reason to hide who he was. The brute paused however, catching a faint scent among the herbs and mist. So faint he thought his mind was playing tricks on him at first; who could catch a good scent in such a place? Still Castiel was curious.

Sure enough, as he neared the stones, he made out a form among the mist. At first Castiel was ready to pass her off as an illusion, a figment of his mind. But as he got closer he saw her form seem to take more solid shape and fascinated Castiel approached. His ears remained perked, golden eyes shining with a slight curiosity as he called to the female.

“The stones are strange, are they not?”


Castiel's current avatar is by Caltics on DeviantArt.



9 Years
Athena I
05-11-2016, 03:44 PM

Kalliope's peach colored ears perked from surprise when a male's voice reached them, her head turning toward him to listen. It wasn't till then that she caught his scent. She silently cursed the heavy scent of the herbs around her and the mist that dampened the sound of his paws. This definitely wasn't a safe place for someone that was blind like her. She was just glad that he sounded fairly friendly. If it had been a wolf like that brute she had run into outside of her old pack's territory she could have been in trouble. She turned around to face the stranger in question, focusing in on his scent. Was that a pack she smelled on his fur? There was something about a pack that created such a distinctive scent.

"They are," she agreed, using his voice and his scent to find where he was and face him. "Am I crazy or are they really tall?" One good thing about a stranger bumping into her is that he could be her eyes for a moment. She didn't know how many of these rocks there were or how tall they really were or even if they were all taller than her or if it was just the first one she had run into. She was always so curious about the world around her even though she had never seen any of it. Perhaps that's why she was so curious.

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
05-11-2016, 04:09 PM

Castiel chuckled softly, gazing upon the femme as she turned towards him. His brow furrowed then, however, noticing the blind gaze of the she-wolf. But he would not point out her disability. Falk too was blind, but the man seemed to get around alright. It was just a matter of learning to live with your disability. He breathed in, deciding to answer her question rather than make a fool of himself. She was just a wolf, he thought, and she would be treated as any other stranger might be.

“No, not crazy at all. They’re quite tall and a number of them around here. I’m not sure what formed them... But they’ve been here in the moor for as long as I could remember.” Castiel shook his head in wonder as he looked at the stones. “I’m not really sure what I believe about them myself... But I find this place peaceful. A good place for solitude... Or to be in small company.” He allowed his golden gaze to return to the female. “I am Castiel, an Adravendi. Might I ask for your name, miss?”




9 Years
Athena I
05-11-2016, 09:01 PM

Kalliope listened with interest as the man began to describe the stones and their uncertain origin. She appreciated that he didn't comment on her blindness. She didn't mind talking about it at all, but she hated when that was the first thing someone commented on when they met her. She chuckled softly when he described this place as peaceful and good for solitude. The solitude she would agree to, but she wasn't sure how much peace this place brought her. "It's a bit more unsettling for me than it is you I guess," she commented as she settled onto her haunches. "These rocks are the only real landmarks I've found and what I'm guessing is a fog or mist makes everything harder to hear. Not to mention these darn herbs blocking scents." She supposed all of those things could be relaxing for someone that was trying to get away from the world, but for someone like her that relied on those things to look out for predators it was a bit stressful.

"“I am Castiel, an Adravendi. Might I ask for your name, miss?” She wasn't quite sure why he separated his last name like that. Was that a name she should know? Perhaps it was some kind of signifier that she wasn't familiar with. She didn't know many wolves from around here. Most of the wolves in her old pack had been Destructions. Perhaps it was that same sort of thing. She was quick to reply with her own greeting none of the less. "I'm Kalliope, an Arevalo," she replied, copying his introduction with a smirk. "I usually go by Kalli, but just use whatever you like best. I'll respond to just about anything. As long as you don't call me 'that weird blind wolf' we'll be golden."

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
05-18-2016, 11:01 PM

Castiel gave a small nod, frowning some. “Perhaps so.” Her blindness had to make it hard to trek through lands such as this. It seemed, judging by her words, that she relied more on landmarks, not to mention her hearing, to get through places. This certainly was not a good place for a blind wolfess, he realized. What if another tried to sneak up on her out here? She could potentially end up hurt because she wouldn’t be able to tell where they were coming from...

The thought brought a sense of frustration to Cas. The thought of others taking advantage of the weak, of the helpless, made him sick. But her introduction brought him back down from his anger. Kalliope. He found his smile again, tipping his head forward. “Kalli... It’s a nice name. Pretty for a pretty woman like yourself, if you don’t mind the compliment.” Cas tilted his head to the side.

“I do wonder though, might you need a guide through these lands? I don’t want to impose or anything, but from what I’m gathering you’re having a bit of a time traveling through here.” Castiel wondered; would she accept the offer?




9 Years
Athena I
05-23-2016, 11:24 PM

Kalliope had received compliments on her looks several times before, but no matter how many times she had been told how pretty she was she still did not believe it and wasn't sure how to respond. It wasn't so much that she didn't think that she was attractive, but she had no way to confirm it and no frame of reference. Either way, she was sure he had meant it to be a kind comment and she appreciated the sentiment. She smiled at his words all the same, her tail wagging slowly behind her. "Well, thank you."

Her brows lifted with mild surprise as he continued on to offer his assistance to help her as she continued her journey through this foggy area. It seemed to be a constant theme with the men she met in these lands. They seemed to be very nice and genuinely concerned and offering their assistance as a guide. There had only been a few exceptions to that theme, only one of them actually being a threat of any kind. It wasn't really a problem, especially since learning her way around this seemingly massive land had become much more difficult than she had imagined it would be. She just had to wonder how many wolves she would have to meet and end up parting ways with before she actually found one that would actually want to stick around. Although, was it really their fault? She could have made more of an effort to stay with them as well... She brushed that thought away, focusing back on Castiel. "I would appreciate that," she replied simply with a small nod.

She got to her paws, giving her form a quick shake. "If you can just get me back to a wooded area or even just somewhere not so foggy I'll be fine." Deep down she wanted someone to stay with her for longer than just a moment, but she couldn't voice that thought. At least not right now. She felt like she had to give him an out, a reason for him to not feel like he needed to stay with her. Her tail flicked and she took a couple steps closer to him and waited for him to begin walking so she could follow the sound of his movement and his scent. She noticed the pack scent on his fur and as they walked she asked, "So you live in a pack? Is it near here?" It was some kind of conversation starter at least.

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
05-31-2016, 12:04 PM

There was something about the tone of her voice that seemed... Off. Lonely perhaps? Castiel frowned even more deeply than before, furrowing his brow. He didn’t know what to say. He felt like he had just taken the first step out onto a field full of landmines. “Right...” He turned, starting to walk, though he glanced over his shoulder to make sure that Kalliope was going to follow him. She was truly beautiful... It seemed a shame she was on her own... But Cas kept those thoughts to himself, focusing instead on the question she posed.

“Yes I do. It’s called Celestial... Originally run by my sister and now it is run by my nephew. The pack rests in Vericona Plains and Wolfpaw Lake. Not far from here at all.” The man uttered a soft sigh at this. “I feel ashamed to admit this but... I am lonely there. My sister has her mate and children. I barely know the little ones... I feel like a stranger to my own family.” Cas shook his head, glancing forward with his golden eyes.

“I keep... Losing them... Different reasons come up... I won’t bore you with them. But bottom line is I guess... Well...” Castiel paused, glancing back at Kalliope as he spoke in a soft tone. “Perhaps you wouldn’t mind if I accompanied you for a little while? ...If you stayed around the west I’d be happy to come visit again... If you’d like the company.” Was he being selfish in asking? He hoped not!




9 Years
Athena I
05-31-2016, 01:33 PM

As they walked she still kept using her forepaws to feel in front of her even though she was sure Castiel wouldn't let her go running into anything. It was purely habit at this point. Kalliope listened while Castiel spoke about his pack. Celestial. It made sense that he was around this area then if it was that close by. She completely understood what he meant when he said he was lonely even among his family. Even though she had been really close with her father and adopted siblings, she still felt separated from them at times with her blindness holding her back from some of the stuff they did together. Perhaps that was why she was so touchy about being able to do everything herself now.

Kalliope kept one ear turned toward him, growing more curious and even a little concerned when he spoke of loosing them for various reasons. She assumed that he didn't mean actually misplacing them, but she had heard stranger things before. What did he mean then if not that? She wanted to insist that he wouldn't be boring her if he gave her details, but before she could he surprised her with his request. Her brows raised and her ears perked, her head turning toward him like a glance. She had never had someone want to stay around her like that... She had asked others if she could hang around them for a while before, but she had never had it reversed like this. "Yeah... Yeah, I'd like if you spent time with me. I mean, as long as I'm not taking you away from anything important. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble."

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
06-12-2016, 07:40 PM
Castiel actually allowed himself to smile as Kalliope spoke, answering his request positively. Thank goodness! His golden eyes sparkled somewhat, and a light laugh left his maw. “I do not think that you will be. I’ve a student to mentor, but I’m fairly confident I can balance time to spend with you and time spent with my pack.” Castiel began to walk once more, though he kept his gaze, for the most part, on Kalliope as he kept talking.

“Right now I think I can afford a little extra time away. Sometime in winter I might need to step my game up a little, but I’ve only just returned to them... I’m going to take things a bit easier until I get into the swing of things.” Castiel explained. “I don’t know how you feel about packs, but if you were ever potentially interested in joining one I could at least give you info on Celestial.” Castiel’s golden eyes shown a bit more.

“Though I certainly won’t force you to give up your freedoms. Ha, guess I’m rambling a bit now. Excited to have made a new friend I suppose.” He almost felt like he was young again... No less awkward with a wolf of the opposite sex despite years passing and learning how to interact with others.




9 Years
Athena I
06-14-2016, 11:12 PM

Kalliope nodded as he explained that time shouldn't be a problem. She was happy to have someone to visit and spend time with, but she'd feel awful if she became a problem for him. She continued to move in step with him, following the sound of his movement closely and his scent to make sure she was still on track. When he brought up telling her about his back her ears flicked uncertainly. Her one experience with a pack hadn't exactly been a positive one. It hadn't been bad by any means, but it didn't leave her with the impression that packs were really for her either. She did appreciate that he kept her freedoms in mind though. That was one thing she always had a sore spot about. Kalli chuckled a little and gave a small shake of her head, saying, "It's fine, you can ramble if you'd like. I like listening to you talk." She was a bit excited to have a new friend as well if she was honest with herself. "You can tell me some about your pack if you'd like. I've only ever been in a pack once and it ended up dissolving so it's possible that I just had a bad experience with them."

"Talk" "You" Think



11 Years
06-29-2016, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2016, 08:29 PM by Castiel.)

Castiel felt a bit of happiness swell at the mere thought that someone appreciated listening to him speak. He was a bit curious about the pack she spoke of though... A pack that had dissolved? Why, he wondered? Brow furrowed, though Castiel didn’t press the matter much further. “I’m sorry to hear that. It’s quite unusual for a pack to randomly dissolve... All of the ones I’ve heard of or been in were much more steady than that.” Perhaps it was time to shift the subject a little.

“As for Celestial well... To put it simply everything within Celestial works as a unit. Wolves are expected first and foremost to interact with each other. Bonds are quite important.” He let out a soft chuckle. “Wolves don’t specify in one thing either, technically... They work at all different skills. We want everyone to know not only how to defend themselves but how to fix up wounds if need be.”

Castiel paused before he continued. “Mainly we want everyone to be able to look after not just themselves but each other. Our pack is a family... The young our future.” His golden eyes shown a little more as he spoke. “As I mentioned before my nephew is the ruler of Celestial now. His name is Regulus.” Cas let out a soft chuckle. “Truth be told I need to spar the lad for my rank... But I’m not in a huge hurry to go against him.”
