
Prayer Of The Refugee



2 Years
05-22-2016, 11:05 PM
The ebony man had come back after being gone for some time it seemed. The visit to his old pack was rather rewarding to say the least, but, he had been beaten to a bloody pulp. Blood dripped onto the ground as his crimson orbs stayed rather calm, but, he believed that it would happen if he were to fight his old alpha. Though his alpha's reign had ended, Shadow believed that there might be someone out there who might take revenge on him now for the alpha's death.

As he walked, pain coursed through his body. Every single step he took was torture, and would almost seem like the brute was close to death. His eyes tried to close, trying to get the man to collapse and succumb to his wounds. Though he believed that the wounds he had sustained would heal in time, the pain would probably take a while to go away. But, before he could continue any farther, he ended up collapsing onto the land with a loud thud. He panted heavily, closing his eyes to try and relax, despite every breath he took was like almost being sentenced to torture in the most horrible way possible.


05-22-2016, 11:32 PM
The female had been worried and lonely. She didn’t know where Shadow was, but she had been trying to track him with a small bundle of herbs carried in her maw. She hadn’t been resting much... She had dropped a few pounds and her coat wasn’t as clean and pristine as it should have been. But Maria was worried... She couldn’t help it. Could it be Shadow had went on without her? Or... Had something terrible befallen him?

The smell of blood entered her nose, mingling with Shadow’s scent. The smell of blood was so strong, she felt sick to her stomach as it filled her nostrils. But... That meant...!

The female quickened her pace, hurrying to find the brute. She had already taken a big step by leaving her forest to find him. Now it was up to her it seemed to keep him healthy... And what a poor job she was doing! Worry nagged at her, and the female gave a soft whine as her dark blue orbs fell on Shadow’s form.

He was bloody... Something had definitely happened. Immediately she knew she wouldn’t have enough herbs to treat everything with her... And what she did have back at the den wouldn’t last. She could only pray he stayed put after this, so that she could hopefully help him avoid infection and his wounds could heal.

Maria didn’t even ask permission this time, so focused on helping Shadow that she immediately set to work on the closest wound -- a cut on his flank. She would take set her herb bundle down before she lowered her head to the wound. She had to clean them before she applied a poultice onto the wound to help it. Oh why couldn’t he have been closer to her home den? Why did it have to be winter?



2 Years
05-23-2016, 04:59 PM
The brute sighed, his eyes closed as he took in as much as his body would allow. Blood would continue to ooze out from the opened wounds that he had sustained during his battle with the old alpha. Despite the alpha's age, he had managed to give the ebony man a good beating and a run for his money if that. A groan would escape from his mouth, indicating that he was alive; not well, but alive. His eyes shifted open rather slightly to see the tan colored woman adding some herbs to his wounds to try and stop the bleeding. He was rather happy to see the woman, giving a small hint of a smile. Shadow would soon close his eyes and go back into the world of slumber as his wounds continued to cause pain throughout his entire body.

As he breathed, he would continue to dream of the friends that he had once knew, knowing that they had been avenged for their deaths brought happiness into his heart. But, he knew that the gods would probably not be happy with the decision that he had made in the efforts of trying to make everything right again. A small tear fell upon the ground as sweat seemed to bead off his body, but Shadow continued to breath calmly and slowly.


05-23-2016, 08:48 PM
The groan was a sign, not exactly the best, but one that told Maria that Shadow still lived. She glanced towards Shadow, meeting his gaze momentarily. Her dark hues flashed with a gentle kindness; she would help him. She would do her hardest to save him. The golden femme turned back to her work, cleaning the deepest of the wounds {that she could get to} one by one. Shadow slipped into slumber while she worked, but still Maria did not falter. Did not leave him. She wondered what happened, but she managed to keep her mind calm about things. Panicking would not help the situation at all.

Maria returned to her bundle of herbs; Marigold and Meadowsweet, both herbs that grew in the Ancient Oaks where she had lived were two she was going to use. Lavender wouldn’t be needed with Shadow already sleeping, though perhaps if he awoke she’d have a need for it after he took some of the Meadowsweet.. She wished she had some yarrow with her... It would have been useful to apply to the wounds as well.

Maria picked up the marigold in her mouth carefully crushed some of the petals between her jaws before she started to apply them to the largest cuts. With the petals crushed the juices from them would seep out onto the wound easier. It was the best she could do for the moment; she was no master healer. She sighed, glancing at the lavender and meadowsweet. Was she cut out for this...?

Maria carefully laid beside Shadow, giving a soft whine as she sat her head upon her paws. She would wait for him to awake. No matter how long it took.



2 Years
05-23-2016, 10:56 PM
The ebony brute would sleep for what seemed like an eternity, but he woke rather slowly. The pain had subsided and he was thankful for that, knowing that Maria had helped him in more ways than one when she really did not have to. Shadow's crimson hues sparkled a bit with life as he slowly stood up, his legs trembling as if in protest for him to stay lying down. Though he wish he could lie down, he had wanted to go and grab a meal for himself and also for Maria as a thank you.

As he walked, he came across a half-eaten deer carcass that had obvious signs that a scavenger had picked at it. With a roll of his eyes in annoyance the male snapped onto the carcass and drug it back over to where Maria lay and he would lie down, taking a few bites of the kill to fill his hunger before turning to look at the dame. The male was confused for his heart began to race. What was it? Why was his heart racing when it was not doing so before. And...why was it that he appeared to be feeling heat on radiating from his cheeks? He quickly placed his head on his paws and turned his head away from her, closing his eyes once again.


05-27-2016, 09:26 PM
Maria remained faithfully by Shadow’s side even as he slumbered. She too had fallen into sleep eventually, too exhausted to keep her eyes open any longer. Maria was in a fitful sleep, dreaming about her parents. The dream particularly took a bad turn as the warmth at her side faded. Maria whined softly in her dreams, running deeper into the blankness she just couldn’t seem to get out of. She was searching for her father, her mother... But they didn’t seem to be anywhere within. She was young once more... Lost... So hopefully lost.

Maria woke with a start as Shadow laid next to her once more. She glanced towards him ass he looked away, her heart racing a mile a minute in her chest. ‘That dream...’ The young woman stared at Shadow for a long moment, but still her worry did not cease. Did the dream mean something? Was it a warning perhaps? She flicked her ears back. She didn’t want to think negatively like this...

She had yet to notice the kill, a soft whine leaving her throat. “S-Shadow?” She hadn’t imagined him moving, right? Everything was going to be okay?



2 Years
05-27-2016, 09:39 PM
The ebony brute would turn to Maria when she spoke his name, almost like she was scared to even do so. Why? Had she had a nightmare and was shaken up by it? The brute didn't even know as he glanced over at the kill he brought back and then back over to the golden colored maiden. His crimson eyes showed a bit of life when he met hers, and for some reason he was blushing underneath his fur more and more whenever he looked at her. Was his mind trying to play tricks on him? Did he really even have feelings for her? Shadow sighed and kept his head on his paws, closing his eyes in attempt to try and block out the emotions that were coursing through his body like prey running away from a predator.

"You should eat, Maria. You are getting thinner with each passing day that you do not eat." He spoke to her, his voice monotone but relaxed. "I am sorry if I have ever scared you. Just do something like move around and stretch your legs for you need not worry about someone like myself." He was never really good with talking to females for he never really hung around with any besides his mother, but she was dead now so what was the point? "Say you eat and we go on a hunting trip. Prey have a harder time running away in the snow, so we better go and hunt and save our prey for we never know when our next meal is going to be," he explained, eyes opening slightly and shifting his gaze to her own.


05-30-2016, 09:55 PM
Maria felt a bit of relief when Shadow looked at her. There was a bit of life to his gaze, thank goodness... Surely, she thought, the darkness from her dream had meant something else. She was surprised when he spoke to her about eating, frowning a little as she glanced towards the kill he had brought back. She didn’t reach for it immediately, instead speaking in a quiet tone. “It’s kind of funny how you’re the one telling me that now.” The she wolf said in a soft tone.

Maria looked back to Shadow, her blue gaze softening. “It’s alright... It... It was just a bad dream. Nothing more.” She gently booped his cheek with her nose, managing a small smile once again. “...and YOU’RE not going anywhere. You shouldn’t have even gotten this. You should be resting.” The female pulled the carcass towards herself after that, taking a bite before she spoke once more.

“Where did you go, Shadow?” Maria suddenly asked. “You... You worried me you know.” She looked back at him, saying no more about the hunting trip for right now. She wanted to know why he was in the state he was.



2 Years
05-30-2016, 10:08 PM
Shadow closed his eyes, seeing that she had taken a bite of the carcass. He could take care of himself, Maria should know that. The brute knew that he should have been more worried about her if anything else. Her crimson orbs focused deeply upon her blue eyes, almost as if he were staring right into her soul and could read her emotions to a tee. "Why would you even need to care about me, Maria? I understand I was hurt, but I am used to wounds like these." He would explain, keeping his eyes focused on her for a couple more moments before shifting his gaze to the sky and closed his eyes.

"It is nothing you have to worry about, Maria. I do, however, want to have my own pack someday, once my mind has been cleared." his voice was monotone but showed a hint of sadness rolled up in his emotions. Every time it seemed that if he were to get close to someone, they would either be killed or leave him one way or the other; angering the man to no end. Was he doing something wrong? No. It was his old alpha that made him this way, and that was for certain as he kept his eyes closed once again, not moving almost as if he were frozen in place.


06-01-2016, 07:21 PM
Maria frowned deeply at Shadow’s words. “Maybe you’re used to them... But my nature is to heal a wolf who I see is hurt... Particularly one I’d like to consider a friend.” The golden and white she wolf would take another bite of food, swallowing it down needily. Two bites in and her stomach was already starting to feel a little better after it’s lack of food. She took a couple more bites before nudging the carcass towards Shadow, laying her head on her paws before she spoke again.

“...and I can’t help but worry, Shadow. I want you to be safe and happy... To be able to go after your dreams without having to fret that I’ll find you like this again.” Maria kept her gaze focused on him, even if Shadow wasn’t looking at her. “I’m sure I’m probably just some annoying little femme to you but... You’re all I have, Shadow. I don’t want to lose you.” She adverted her gaze, letting out a soft sigh.

“It’s selfish I know...” She shook her head. “But I really want us to be friends too. I feel like you don’t trust me enough... Was that why you left on your own?” Her ears flicked backwards. “...or did you think I’d be too much of a burden? That I was too weak to help?”



2 Years
06-01-2016, 07:33 PM
Shadow was rather shocked at Maria's words. Why would he ever think that she was a burden? In fact, he thought of her as more of a friend deep down, but of course he would not tell her that until the time was right. His crimson orbs shown signs of frustration and shock, but he made sure to soften his words when he spoke to the femme. "Listen, you need to think of the more positive things in life. I, on the other hand, have had a hard time on doing that. My mind has been filled with worries and sadness, but I think of you as a friend that has helped me cope with my losses that I have not let go of for some time now." He watched her nudge the carcass over to him as he lied down, tearing away at the flesh of the carcass and gulping it down rather quickly before pushing the small scraps away for the scavengers that came through.

"As for the reason that I had left, was because I wanted to leave and find some place to relax for some time. I would never leave you on purpose, Maria. Believe me when I say these words: you are all I have in this world too. Sure I have met others while I was away, but some as more of acquaintances, nothing more. Maria, you need to keep smiling and keep on being optimistic. If you don't, others will take advantage of you and your emotions. I would know cause I never used to be like what you witnessed me when we first met; pent up and angry, a male taking revenge on the world." He closed his eyes, resting his voice momentarily before continuing. "You have made me happy, my friend." He gave a small smile, his eyes sparkling with kindness now as he gently placed his paw over her own.


06-12-2016, 08:08 PM
Maria was surprised by Shadow’s words. Think... More positively? She listened to him quietly, taking in all that he said. She felt glad that she had been able to help him cope, that he considered her a friend. She glanced down, letting out a soft sigh as she spoke once more. “Sorry... I know I should... I guess I’m a bit pessimistic when it comes down to it.” Maria felt guilty because of that. She didn’t mean to be pessimistic... It was just... She shook her head. Being alone for so long had done it’s damage to the young healer.

Shadow’s next words helped ease her mind even more. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze just as he set his paw gently over her own. She could feel her heart skip a beat, and for a long moment Maria just stared into those deep crimson eyes. “Shadow...” When she found the will to speak it was his name first. “I... I’m just glad you’re alright. I’m going to keep trying hard... For both of us.” Her smile had returned. “You’ve made me happy too. Just... Don’t do anything too reckless, okay? I only have so many herbs to treat you until spring comes!” Teasingly she leaned in, nudging his nose with her own.

Though it was a playful gesture, it was also a sign of just how much Maria had come to like Shadow in their short amount of time together. Some might have saw her as desperate, and in some respects Maria had been, but she was faithful to the male she now called a friend. She wouldn’t abandon him.



2 Years
06-13-2016, 09:09 PM

The ebony brute would give a small chuckle from the dame's teasing. Her calming blue gaze made him feel like blushing when his crimson optics lay upon them. That was when he blushed even more, turning his head after feeling her nose against his own, and his paw would soon release from her own. Perhaps he should go and hunt for the two of them? Well, he had been gone for some time, perhaps it would be best to provide company for the dame.

"I may seem reckless, Maria. But believe me, reckless is more my middle name than anything else," he grinned, trying to make Maria happy and in good spirits as the sound of some screeching happened to present itself. A few bats have followed him on occasion now, and he would shake his cranium at the thought. From crows to bats, what was he, a helper to scavengers to grab free food? Oh well, easy come easy go they all say. He stood up and gave a small sigh.

"Perhaps we should find a new place to call our home. If we only eat small rodents, we won't really have a sustainable source of food to keep our energy up," he explained. Though they were in a different area, he figured it would be best not to return to her old home until Spring had come to the lands when the larger prey animals happened to come back.

Speech Thought Others


06-22-2016, 04:15 PM
Maria wasn’t sure if reckless being Shadow’s “middle name” was necessarily a good thing. Though his words were upbeat and there was a grin on his face at least. Maria felt a little better seeing that grin, and knowing that Shadow was alright made her feel a bit better too. She didn’t want to lose anyone ever again. But at the thought of moving away from her home Maria hesitated. She frowned deeply, her ears tilting back. She had survived just fine on such meals... But then again she was smaller than he was. She shuffled a bit uneasily, leaning into Shadow in hopes of drawing comfort from him.

“I...” The she wolf paused. She had already left the safety of her home. She had expected to go back to the oaks but.. Maybe this was a good opportunity... A chance to see the world with the brute at her side. If she was going to truly follow him... She had to be ready to go outside her natural boundaries and test her own limits.

“Where should we go?” Maria decided to ask, her gaze curious as she watched Shadow. She didn’t know many other lands in Auster... Or even remembered the continent she had passed by to get here.