
The Other Side Of The Rainbow


05-25-2016, 03:43 PM

He'd had enough of being alone. The man had gone to the battlefield to try and find out about the different packs, sure that the Alpha's would be interested in trying to recruit, but none had shown. Perhaps it was due to the sickness going around? He could only wonder. So instead, he would go to them and find out more. But if they seemed uninterested in his inquiries then he'd move on to the next, though he wasn't sure why a pack wouldn't want more members to begin with.

The titan lumbered with head and tail high to the nearest pack, which happened to be the one in the west. He didn't know what it was called, or who ran it, but it wouldn't hurt to find out would it? The brightly colored man would make it to the borders, nostrils flaring as he took in the different scents around him. Steel-blue gaze watched with interest, picking out a figure or two in the distance, so surely someone would hear him. The man tilted his head back, a powerful song reaching to the heavens as he called for whomever could give him some insight to this nameless pack.

"What I Say" "What I Heard" What I Think