
Real Ambitions

Rune I


5 Years
08-13-2014, 04:25 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

They had settled nicely within the Fern Gulley. Rune was proud that his daughter had been so willing to voice her opinions on where they could end up going with the fall of Covari, even more pleased that the location had been as bountiful as she had described it to be. She had always struck him as being a little too adventurous for her own good, far too willing to poke her nose into things and places that she should likely have stayed away from, but that same curiosity which had worried him so often had been what saved them now. They had a sheltered home, plenty of game to chase and hunt, and each other to fill all the little gaps.

And it had got him to thinking.

He had never truly been the very ambitious type. Of his siblings, he had been the quietest, the most reserved, the one liable to watch, observe, and assess before even thinking about making a move of his own in whatever endeavor he had his sights on. Before it had been easy enough to take direction, to follow those in charge and let their orders guide him in what he should do. But what did one do when those in charge were no longer there? What happened when one noticed those around them beginning to flounder, beginning to struggle, because of the absence of a leader, particularly one who was capable and devoted enough not to abandon their post? It had been crossing his mind an awful lot since he had learned of Covari's abandonment, had dredged up old feelings that he had once had over Tortuga. He had been willing then to fight and claim the pack as his own if it meant salvaging what had once been his home. Those same sentiments, it seemed, still lingered.

But it was hardly the type of endeavor he could simply strike out on all on his own. He was responsible for many, a growing little horde composed of family members he had willingly taken responsibility for. He needed to let them know, let them all know, what exactly was on his mind. But before he addressed the group there was only one in particular he wanted to speak with first.

He had walked a ways through the Gulley, scouting its edges and learning the terrain, all the while distracted by the thoughts that had become an incessant buzz within his mind. They could live here, easily. They could make it work by working together, by devoting themselves to each other, to the betterment of the whole. They could be successful and live comfortable lives within a small piece of safety and warmth. As his dark paws brought him out over the edge of the Gulley, to the top of the rise and into the open of the prairie sporting a multitude of spring blossoms, he knew it within his heart. And with a softness, a hope, within his frosty blue eyes, contentment for once smoothing out the planes of his face, the burly grey wolf tilted his head back and called for the little white woman whose council he so longed to have, to share with her the challenging but wonderful idea that had very suddenly taken root within his head.



6 Years
08-13-2014, 06:34 PM

The trip had been rough upon the woman, her still weak limbs threatening to give out many times and yet in retrospect it had been the right choice. Warja, as it had turned out, had been right and the lands were shaping up to be a good place to settle in; for how long though she did not know. The prospect of once more building her life up here seemed hard, how many times had she been forced to uproot?
Still the land proved promising and the woman wanted to be optimistic. Before anything could really happen though she needed to make sure her children were all right. Her son seemed his usual self, indignant perhaps but fine all the same, Warja had suggested the move which left only Keiki. The poor girl had been wavering in and out of consciousness since they had started walking and more than once Alamea had been fearful that they might push too hard, now though the grey and white girl slept soundly and the white woman prayed for a swift recovery.
Alamea was resting beyond her daughter?s makeshift den when Rune called for her and immediately she rose to her paws. Giving her daughter on last glance she went off in search of her mate. The thick flora made her going slow, not that she was in much hurry, her condition might have improved but she wasn?t exactly in top shape right now. Finally rose optics landed upon the familiar grey and black shape.
A small yip rose from her lips as she pushed her way towards him. The small woman pressed herself into the bigger male, pressing her face into his chest fur. ?You called?? Her voice was soft, a smile tugging slightly at the edges of her mouth as she looked up at Rune.

Talk like this

Rune I


5 Years
08-14-2014, 12:11 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Surprisingly content with himself, with what he had somehow decided he would do, the grey male reclined into a seated position there amid the grasses, staring out across the prairie thoughtfully and seeing not only what was right before his eyes but what could be there too. Wolves, all close knit and working together, lounging in the wide plain, racing each other, hunting the large game that surely would make their way through. It was going to be difficult - he had seen enough examples to know that it did not always work out the way the leader planned it to - but with so much at stake, and really nothing much to lose considering they had no pack, no stability to their lives as it was, why not?

His ears turned when the yip sounded from the direction of the Gulley, and Rune's head followed just a moment after to glance at Alamea as she approached. She looked better than she had on the day they had arrived here, but rest would not have hurt. He knew as a mother her attention was being focused upon their children, in particular their sick daughter, and until she was better there would be little rest to be had. But the fact that she had managed to work up a smile for him, when so much surely weighed upon her mind, was more than enough for him. Not exactly one prone to smiles himself, Rune's gaze softened, the outer edges of his lips curving the smallest bit as he watched the woman walk up to him and press against his chest.

Instinctively, he curved around her, hunching forward to rest his neck across the back of her own and tuck her close. His frosty blue eyes closed in a rare moment of indulgence, a liberty he did not seem to have enough of lately, and only when she began to lift her head to stare upward at him did he begin to draw back enough to do the same to her. "I did," he answered simply, biding his time a moment as he considered the best way to broach the subject. It was too bad he had not thought ahead like that before she had arrived. "I had a question for you." Perhaps not the best way to lead into it - and he doubted she would have guessed right on a first try what exactly he had been thinking. Deciding not to jump straight into it, wishing instead to gauge her own opinion about their current location and setup, he chose a different inquiry to pose. "Are you settling in well? Do you like it here?"



6 Years
08-14-2014, 11:40 AM

Rune managed a slight smile in return and Alamea felt a familiar fluttering in her stomach. Rune had always seemed more reserved, more calm; he had been a rock. Here pressed against him she felt safer than she had in a long while, not for the first time she knew that no matter what happened she would stay by his side; she?d fight to if it came to that. His form shifted slightly, curling over her and though her face was now hidden another smile rose upon her lips. They both pulled back slightly, icy blues meeting vibrant rose.
The snowy woman waited patiently as Rune seemed to mull over whatever it was he was going to say. In fact Alamea took it as a chance to get a good look at him; it had felt like a lifetime ago that she had had an excuse to admire him. I had a question for you.? She nodded, curiosity building as she wondered what it was that so clearly rested upon his mind. After another pause he spoke again and it was Alamea?s turn to ponder for a moment.
?I am.? Came the simple response. ?I do. It?s just? different from what I am used to.? There was no denying how the lands were no doubt a good place to seriously consider building anew, daunting as that was for the woman.

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Rune I


5 Years
08-14-2014, 12:40 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

His little mate was thoughtful for a moment, considering, before she answered his question positively. She was settling in well, did like it there within the Gulley where they had taken refuge, but of course adjusting was still a whole different matter. Rune could understand. The first time he had been turned out of his pack, his family gone and separated, left to his own devices, had been a time of confusion and indecision. Each time after had been something like the same, though by now he was more familiar with what his course of action needed to be in the aftermath of such a drastic change - a fact he realized then might have been somewhat saddening. "Me too," he responded softly, leaning his head down to nuzzle the top of Alamea's head reassuringly. At least they were doing a pretty decent job at adjusting this time.

The not-so-little gnawing thought was at it again, and though he was entirely unsure what Alamea would think of it - she had always been supportive of him, even when they had only begun their relationship and he had still had his sights on Tortuga - he worried she might not be prepared to take the same risk that he did. But there was no way of knowing for certain without actually asking the question first. "Is it good enough to make this temporary home...a permanent one?" He could not yet bring himself right out to say it, and hoped it was implied enough in his words that she might catch on. As if to sell his point, he went on, "Warja was right about is place, it's well sheltered, there's plenty of game here and in the prairie next to us. I've seen the way she looks at the plants here, it's practically a healer's paradise. We'd have everything we could want."

His typically stony expression was hopeful, searching, as Rune stared down at Alamea. Did she understand now? Did she see what he had been seeing these past couple days? Could see envision that as their future just as well as he could? He did not press for an answer, choosing instead to let his words sink in, to create those images he already had. Maybe, if she could get to the place he was, she would agree.



6 Years
08-27-2014, 01:06 AM

The reassurance of the man was enough, to know that he was there. She felt a slight lift in her confidence as he brushed his nose along the top of her head. A contented sigh escaped her lips and the closed her eyes, pressing once more into his chest. It seemed he still had something on his mind and she would wait patiently.
His question reached her and she rolled it over in her mind for a moment, and he added onto it making a few points in favor of what was clearly an idea he had been forming. She pulled back to watch him talk, she could see the enthusiasm crossing his usually stoic face. She was a bit more hesitant, and while all of his points were true a part of her didn?t want to let go. How many times had they started over? How many more times could they be uprooted before something broke? Still she had seen the way Warja had reacted upon reaching their destination?
With a sigh she nodded, slowly, hesitantly but nodded all the same. ?I don?t see why not.? Which was true, despite her reservations she could not find any real reason to not stay here.

Talk like this

Rune I


5 Years
09-06-2014, 12:41 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The same brightness, the same internal hope that he felt over the suggestion he was making, did not appear so readily grasped by his mate. She was attentive to everything he said, watching him with her spring pink eyes and an expression that appeared searching and thoughtful, but there was a visible hesitation there as well. It was not the most encouraging reaction by far - it would have been so much easier if she had jumped on board with him from the very beginning, but he knew she would not be having misgivings if there was not some sound reasons for concern. After all, her life had been fraught with enough change like his own to warrant her own precautions when delving into new, unfamiliar waters. And the thought of striking on with their own pack, however small and familial-based it might be, was just that.

Her answer was short, simple, and though it did not reflect the same level of enthusiasm that he felt Rune was willing to take it. Maybe just a little more convincing would do it. Maybe she just needed to know that he really meant what he was saying, that he had all but officially made up his mind on it already despite wanting her blessing, her support. "I really think we can do this, Alamea," he stated softly, moving in to nuzzle her before he continued. "I really think...I can do this." And perhaps that was more the necessary thing to say, considering he had no plans of placing his precious little mate into any positions that might compromise her safety. "I want all of you to be safe. To be happy. And I can't trust anyone else to provide that," he practically whispered, hearing the worry and protectiveness he felt color his words. "And, honestly, I'm tired of waiting for it." How many times had everything crumbled around them? Was that not enough for them to take matters into their own hands?

The burly male paused, giving Alamea another moment to consider his explanations. Still a little piece of him worried that she might not be ready for what he was proposing, that her reluctance might get in the way of them starting a pack with their family and his sister's. It was a big endeavor, he understood it. But he could not shake the sense that it might also help alleviate all their fears and troubles all at once. "Will you let me do this? Will you let me rule a pack for us?" he asked gently, nosing at her muzzle encouragingly so she might say her piece.