
Wind and Water



9 Years
05-29-2016, 07:02 PM

The brackish water was far in the distance, leaving the wide, flat expanse of rocky beach exposed. A cold, blustery wind was coming in off the ocean, battering the branches of the sparse cypress trees. Even so, the trees held their ground, the ancient bases sturdy and unyielding. Xephyris wondered how the trees had ever survived and grown in such a place, but it appeared as though they had thrived for more seasons than he could count. The gray-coated man picked his way carefully along the beach, trying not to scratch up his pads on the barnacles and rough rocks. As he stepped through puddles and small pools, he felt a chill as the water seeped through his fur to the skin. There were no fish in the water at this time, which had him wondering if this territory held anything worthwhile. Perhaps it was merely the season, or the time of day that made it appear empty and lacking - certainly when the tide came in it would be teeming with life. Although he had noticed some strange creatures skittering around, taking shelter under rocks, he wasn't hungry enough to find out if the peculiar things were edible.

Xephyris made his way over to one of the bigger trees, clambering up onto the base of its very wide roots. The tree had grown large enough that it provided space for a wolf to roost and get comfortable. It was very interesting to him, as he'd never taken up residence in a tree before. He almost chuckled to himself, feeling like a wild cat of some sort. What a silly place for a wolf to be, but he'd have to admit that it was a good place to rest and get some fresh air, while being somewhat shielded from the wind. From here, he could watch the tide as it made its way in very slowly, and perhaps he'd check out the beach and the water later on when the waves would lap at the tree roots.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]



3 Years
07-15-2016, 04:35 AM


The sea's plains were never a tiring sight to Lourdes, it was serene in her opinion; something that provided contentment to her, she had no desire to stray from it, nor any of Myriad's lands for that matter. She was a devoted little gal, and although she was small in size- her determination was far greater than any could see.

Today on the beach there seemed to be a cold wind, the gust blowing Lourdes' thinner pelt and causing a small wince to splay on her face. Agh! She could of sworn the weather would of been better, but of course, luck was not always on this little female's side. A scent of a fellow pack member caught her attention, pulling her eyes from the ocean and flicking them to a tree not so far off- but Lourdes had to do a double take.

"A canine turned to feline! Now that's rare." Her voice mused as her small body had approached the tree, eyes gleaming with the internal happiness she felt, more so the bewilderment of seeing a wolf in a tree. An oddity indeed. "Pardon me, I am Lourdes!" She was quick to introduce herself, a slight dip of her head given. She knew the male only slightly from the pack training, but she had not spoken to him one on one.



9 Years
07-17-2016, 09:45 PM

His sharp senses caught sight of Lourdes the moment she made her presence known. At first he had heard her voice, and shortly after, his silver eyes had zoned in on her. As he looked upon her, he recognized her just slightly from previous pack meetings and training. Other than that, he'd not met her personally not seen her around. But now she had appeared, and it was never too late to get to know a pack mate. Of course, Xephyris was in a bit of a mood. Amused at himself for climbing a tree, intrigued with the new territory, but also with pent-up frustrations within. He wasn't necessarily feeling unfriendly, but he couldn't guarantee that he would come off as a perfect gentleman, either.

As she introduced herself, the gray-coated male leaped down from his perch on the odd, widely based tree, and strutted toward the small female. As he got closer, he realized that the word 'small' to describe her might be an understatement. She was truly petite in ever way. Adorable, in fact. Xephyris paused several feet in front of the tiny wolfess, his silver eyes focused upon her as a slight grin etched itself upon his maw. "Greetings, Lourdes," he rumbled in his baritone voice, "I'm Xephyris; I've seen you at the meetings here and there. T'is pleasure to have you join me today." His long, luscious tail would sway back and forth.

As his eyes moved away from her to the beach momentarily, he could see the wind clearly battering the sea, forming waves that were more vicious than normal. What a terribly blustery day. His silver gaze found its way back to the woman's petite frame. "You're not going to blow away, are you?" he asked in jest, although it certainly might offend her, "If you need cover from the wind, just come a little closer. I don't mind." He grinned toothily at her - he had no idea what her response would be, and it didn't really matter to him. He didn't need to get along with everyone on a personal level. He couldn't tolerate everyone, and not everyone could tolerate him, either.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]