
Live Like you are diying.


08-13-2014, 02:14 PM
The light radiated off the snowy grounds, the site was marvelous to see. Tain gently made his way across the ground, each paws softly landed on the ground with each step.The snow felt soft, and chilled upon the pads of his paws.It almost felt like he was walking on a fluffy cloud that you see above you. Tain knew that walking on clouds was unrealistic, yet he enjoyed thinking about something like that being a reality. He slowly made his way to a higher elevated area, Tain took a seat upon the show, his tail slowly curled up around his paws as he looked off in the distance.

His dark blue eyes scanned the land, nothing but snow and a few prints from other animals. It was nice here, very peaceful at that, the ideal place to just sit and relax the day away. Tain closed his eyes, he listened to the sounds around him, the smells the land filled his nose. He smiled as he slowly opened his eyes to come to stand. His hind end was starting to get a bit cold, shaking off the loose snow; Tain walked slowly again. His tail swayed gently as he could not help but think to him self 'It is strange, this place is so cold. Yet full of life.'


08-13-2014, 07:03 PM

A land frozen for eternity, a land in which the god's blessed with an eternal blanket of white. The substance reflected the heaven's light beautifully. The ground itself seemed to be its own heaven, or it strove to become it's own heaven. Pleading and praying to become something more beautiful - though, it was far more beautiful than it seemed to know. The land need not to wish to be a heaven for it was already a heaven of it's own even though it was ignorant of that fact. Though, that is how all creatures were. Beautiful themselves, however, envied those they perceived to be all the more gorgeous.

It was mid-day. The fiery orb in which we all know as the sun painted the blue canvas with citrine luminescence. This land was brimming with small heartbeats. Hares, squirrels, you know - the typical rodents. Though, that was insignificant. Hunger did not yet claim her body with its torturing pains of overwhelming desire of flesh. Instead, something else brought her here. Though, that herself did not know. Perhaps another break from her Abaven brothers and sisters? Or maybe, simply a change in scenery. . .

The motley dyed nomad (at heart) folded her flesh upon the frosted loam with each limb constricted to her abdomen. The frozen blanket would drape across her - chilling her temperature and forcing her vital life support to beat more rapidly than normal to ignite her flesh with liquid life. Perhaps she pleaded for Death to claim her soul. To add it to the collection in which he protected so dearly. Life, so delicate, in which at this moment she cared not if it were to end. For why embrace life if there was simply nothing or nobody to live for.

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08-13-2014, 07:45 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2014, 07:45 PM by Tain.)
A slight snow fall had begun with every passing second. It was not a huge snow storm at this moment, Yet Tain hoped that it would not get to such. He walked easily across the snow covered grounds. His eyes landed upon a figure not to far in front of him,Pulling scents in he pulled the information. Wolf, female, pack orientated. He approached her cautiously eyes looking from one part of her to another. She was just laying on the snow filled ground, allowing the fresh snow to fall and gather on her. What was this dame thinking, Tain was confused on the actions of the one that laid before him. He came to a stop with in a few steps, with a soft, yet deep voice he spoke to the female that rested there."Hello, are you alright?"

Tain was concerned about the one that was here, he wanted to make sure that she was alright. His deep blue eyes scanned her for a response,He could see that she was still breathing. His tail swayed gently as he stood there, moving in place a few minutes apart, to keep him warmed up."My names Tain, i don't mean to bother you." He spoke once again. He could tell something was wrong, for some reason Tain could always tell when someone was not alright. He took a deep breath, his eyes spotted the snow starting to accumulate on her, he slowly brushed it off so that she would not get colder."You look cold my lady."


08-13-2014, 10:54 PM

Darkness had begun to consume her mind - taking over it as if possessed by a demon. Perhaps, it was her prior demonic master's way of controlling her. But no, it was simply sleep. Sleep in which was Death's cousin. A temporary death in which offered a momentary alleviation from all of life's malignant spirits. Spirits - demons - of her horrid past in which had, forever, altered her once innocent mind, tricking it into becoming a monster. A monster in which desired the touch of man and craved the kiss of a woman's blood upon her own lips as if it were the finest of wines.

A voice, a masculine timbre, disturbed the silence in which consumed her entire mind. Though, at first, the sound was mistaken as a dream. Words in which blurred delicately into the silence, unable to make sense of the syllables that sung out to her.

Though, a compassionate contact upon her flesh would awaken her from her slumber. A delicate brush upon her pelt that would wipe away the frozen substance in which consumed her body. Only words in which her brain could understand would be the last to follow the embraces upon her frame. Indeed she was cold. Her body and at heart.

Her mind, still drugged from intense cold and deep slumber, would give her enough control of her life to lazily look up at the figure in which stood near. Head was still placed upon the frozen ground, kaleidoscopic eyes fluttering in a strain to remain alert. She half hoped the beast would take her life and end her dark prison, though, did she not enjoy it? Did she not enjoy being the devil's puppet? Lips would attempt to form words in which was directed toward the stranger. My body. . . so numb. Her body shivered slightly as it was exposed to the northern air. Perhaps it was not her time to enter eternal slumber or was this an angel?

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08-14-2014, 06:23 AM
Tain gazed at this female that rested in front of him. She did not move an inch, she just laid there. The next things that came across her lips were words of being cold. His eyes saw a slight shiver of the dame, he lowered his head and placed his muzzle on her head. She was cold to the touch, very cold at that. Tain could not leave her here, he knew she needed a place to hide from the cold elements. He looked at her and started to nuzzle her on to his back. He could tell that from how cold she was it would be to hard for her to try to walk at this point. "you need to get to a warm place. Let me assist you."

His words gently rolled off his tongue as he inched her body on top of him. His legs were at a stance so that he could stand and keep her on his pack. He took his muzzle and pushed the rest of her upon his back. Once he knew that she was on his back, Tain started to rise from the ground. His muscles rippled under is skin as he came to a standing position. His back was getting colder, this female's body was taking the advantage of a heat source. Tain did not mind it at all, he would be glad to help her in any way he can. Now standing he looked around the area, his eyes scanning all around him for a shelter.

He did not see any here, he would need to walk farther to find a shelter, or a ground that was not as frozen so he could make one. He started to move, he walked slowly so that the female would not fall, of course he looked back to position her on his back once more. "you will be alright my lady" H spoke once more. The trip was a longer one then Tain expected, but non the less he came to a den, it smelled like no one has been there in ages. Tain lowered himself to the ground, legs curled up under him as he helped the female off of him. He was not sure if she was able to walk yet but he still assisted her in to the den. Once in there he laid down next to her, offering her the heat of his body.


08-14-2014, 07:42 AM

Awareness would come and go as the scene before her played out in its inevitable destiny. Body and mind to frozen to turn away from the man's succor and so she would offer assistance as best as her body would allow - doing what she could to remain balanced upon the stranger's spine. The creature's muscled rippled beneath his flesh as he tread to whatever chamber he had placed her in. The bed and the male's body offered warmth and that was all her subconscious mind could grasp.

Motley chassis, now lying down in the shelter, inched toward the warmth of the two-toned male in which would become her temporary heater - her life support. Tucking her head into the male's abdomen and snaking her legs beneath his flank, she could feel her vital organs revitalizing from the much needed warmth that radiated from the stranger's body.

Though, she was grateful for the assistance the man offered, she could not help but feel slightly bitter toward his efforts. Had she not wished that Death would claim her soul? Perhaps her journey was not meant to end in such a way. A warriors death should end in battle and not by mother nature's grasp. In a way, she owed this man a favor.

As her flesh and organs thawed from frigid temperatures, her mind was able to understand the situation more clearly. Bi-colored eyes could now fully make out the appearance of the male that saved her life. No longer was he just a blur of two light toned hues.

Thank you. Those were the only two words to whisper between onyx lips. Ah, polite to a stranger? Unlike the gal in which desired no more than to be a whorish, blood thirsty tramp. Though, she owed this fiend for saving her from a death no warrior pleads for. Perhaps, she could seduce the man as a thank-you once her body was capable. Though, the compassionate male may not consider her offering and if he did decline, another way she would seek to repay him.

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08-14-2014, 05:06 PM
Gazing down at the female that buried her face in to his chest, and her legs in his flanks.His deep blue eyes looked at her, he saw that her shaking has slightly subsided. His body heat was helping this female very well,Tain was glad about that . He did not move, he just laid there in the den that he found on the run. The snow outside had begun to fall a lot heavier now, it almost looked like a full out blizzard. His eyes came back to the Female who spoke for the second time since they had meet. She thanked him, that was it, just a simple thank you. Tain smiled at her, his tail swayed gently as he watched her.

She seemed to be getting much better as of now, Tain spoke to her, his maw curled into a smile. "It is quite alright my lady, there is no need to thank me.I saw someone in need and i helped." He could not help bu think that his words might not be in what she wanted to hear, so he added to his statement."But i do appreciate it." His ears laid upon his head as he placed it gently on the ground of the den. "So miss, what shall i call you. I am sure you have a name." Tain wanted to know her name, after all it is quite nice to know the name of those you meet. Regardless of how they meet in the first place.


08-14-2014, 09:15 PM

It was a whirling storm outside. Snow twisted and danced about with Alacritis's breath in which, too, was white. The temperature would inevitably plummet as the frozen liquid painted the air around the chambers. Now she half-wished that she rested upon the lands of Abaven. Spring warmed her new-found abode and painted it in a welcoming emerald hue. This land was isolated - barren and empty as her soul. Perhaps it was the gods' sense of humor toying with her, mocking her cold, cold heart.

Shallow breaths would become normal, but ice still gnawed at her lungs causing each breath to become complete agony. Though, agony was a familiar feeling and so would go ignored, allowing no signs of discomfort to show upon her being. Audits captured each syllable the stranger spoke - it was a strain to hear his words with the howling wind outside. Nevertheless, the words were understood.

Venus. My name is Venus. I do not believe I remember gathering your name? Though, his name was unimportant to her. The two of them would probably cross paths again, or would they? Either way, she felt it was polite to address the male properly since he saved her from the frozen north. Without him - the winter would have consumed her.

Although far away from Abaven's warmth, her mind traveled there. Maybe the recent promotions had driven her away to seek another adventure. Perhaps she felt her chances of becoming more than Mruni had slimmed since her encounter on the borders. To be honest, Venus had no idea what drove her to these wastelands. Her body had seemingly carried her here against her will.

Turning her attention back to her situation, she looked at the male with a sense of wonder. Why did he carry himself to these parts? But the wintry weather did not seem to phase him as it did her. Maybe he had a home here. The weather outside did not show signs of releasing it's cold grasp upon the atmosphere. The two of them would probably be kept prison in this dungeon for some time - overnight, even. Looks like we may be stuck here a while. So, why don't ya tell me a little about yourself? Her final words were wrapped in her usual flirtatious purr.

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08-15-2014, 01:18 PM
The snow looked wonderful falling from the sky, It reminded him of a childhood memory. He did grow up in a cold area, he loved the cold, it was not that bothersome to the male. Tain's ears caught the words of the female that he helped out of the cold. She asked him his name, Tain guessed that she did not hear him when he spoke it the first time. He did not mind it at all, telling her his name once more. Tain smiled as he sat up on his haunches, he could tell that her body was warmer now."My name is Tain,lady Venus." His eyes floated from the entrance to look at her as he spoke to her. Tain could not help but wonder why he did help her.

He was not a bad guy, he saw she needed help, yet he did not second guess his decision. Tain usually was the type to think about things before he makes a move, yet this time he did not. Something had to be different then most, yet what was that difference. He shrugged it off when another statement filled his ears from Venus. He took a glance at the outside and he agreed mentally that they were going to be here for some deal of time. Her tone of voice he noticed the little flirtation."Well you know my name already, i do spend a lot of time in colder climates. Loaner as of now, not sure if i will ever join a pack.And you how about you." He asked. Tain knew he did not say much but in his mind it was enough for two strangers.


08-15-2014, 07:16 PM

The sun fell behind the eastern-facing chamber. The warmth of the fiery rock would no longer ignite their inn with it's kiss of calefaction. The stinging temperatures would only reduce more once onyx skies claimed all the world. Surely the orb of night would be kept prisoner by the wintry elements creating a land that seemed all the more somber. It would suit her current mood entirely. Though, where to once dawn radiated across the terrain with it's newborn light? Back to Abaven, maybe. . . or maybe not. At least, not right away. Adventure beckoned to her - pleading for her to welcome it with an open heart. If she tread so far away from her abode, did it not mean she was not satisfied? Of course she was not, at least not yet. She wanted to become so much more than what she was now. A queen, perhaps? Or maybe a king's whore?

The savior would address himself as Tain. It was good to have his name, though, it would probably all be forgotten in days to come. This man was merely another passerby, leaving no permanent trace upon her soul. Just pawprints painted upon the ocean's sands. Temporary - only there until the abyssal waters erased them away with a delicate sweep of it's massive arm.

Only apathy was felt toward the guardian's words - they meant nothing to her. Nevertheless, Venus would listen, pretending to be interested in his sentences. After all, did she not ask for them? She had little patience for small talk with strangers, or anyone really. It just did not taste well upon her tongue. Words in which spoke nothing of war or desire just did not fancy her.

Well, perhaps there is bliss in ignorance, Tain. Though, do know my life was no drudgery. Most would have felt different. But I guess I can be rather sadistic. I am no nomad, for I belong to a pack titles Abaven. The time being, anyway. I cannot say that is my permanent home. Adventure settles well with me and I suppose that is what drew me elsewhere. The same painting gets dull after some time.

Her weight shifted causing the tramp to now lie with her abdomen pressing upon the stone floor. Forelimbs stretched out before her and hind-limbs were carefully tucked against her flank. Tail was carefully draped across the savior's own tail. Now, the last part of their bodies in which connected connected. Alien cranium tilted only slightly as she watched for the creature's next response with pastel eyes. Expressions meant far more than words ever could.

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08-16-2014, 12:18 PM
The night had begun to consume the land, the ball of fire that once struggled to warm this chilled land had rested. The snow had let up slightly, but with no sun it would be an unwise decision to adventure out. Tain listened to Venus's words, she was apart of a pack, that he knew, yet it was nice to know which one she was apart. He heard of Abaven before, it seemed like a decent pack. His ears moved on top of his head, some sounds of night creatures from this parts echoed. Venus positioned her self in to a more comfortable one, he assumed. Their tails were the only thing that was remain with in contact. He could tell by the look on her face as to what she was doing.

Tain as a respectable individual would not take up such a offer, he relies on higher morals. He soon replied to her statement"Yes their can be bliss in ignorance, but would that be considered a false bliss. Only happy for as long as that ignorance remains, once it is gone one can find the world to be extremely harsh. To those who never really seen it that way, it can be rather frightening." He spoke as he placed his tail on top of hers, he did find this female interesting, very. His deep blue eyes meet her duel colored ones, he would like to get to know this one a little more.

"The world is a sadistic place, we all have a fraction of that. Some more then others, yet even the kindest individual will have sadistic thoughts some time in there life. That is how things are." He did not take his eyes off of her, a slight smile pulled up from his lips. He did not speak words, yet it was obvious that he wanted to know her some more. Not in any sexual ways, more as a individual first. As to where it goes after that, well Tain will have to wait and see when it gets there."I find the nomadic life to be quite peaceful. Not worrying about a pack law. Yet it is very risky, with out the protection of a pack one must rely upon thy self. Well having a few allies here and there is very helpful in a long run. The scenery can get old fast, and seeing new things are always a great way to live."


08-17-2014, 11:10 PM

ooc; will be on vacation for two days starting tomorrow, so may not be able to get any posts in until Thursday.

Ah, if she were to escape these barren lands of eternal winter, she would be sure to not return to this place anytime soon. The blizzard consumed the land as if it were a starving lion. Surely such a storm could not last forever and then she would return to her temporary abode. The temperature plummeted rapidly as darkness enveloped the surrounding world. Tolerating it for the night would be pure agony.

Tain's words kissed his lips once more - discussing the subject of ignorance. Ah, but herself loathed not knowing - not being knowledgeable of whatever crossed her path. Yet, why did she speak of blissful ignorance? Because of her past life - it would frighten the typical wolf due to her sadistic nature and she needed this wolf's warmth to survive the night. It was not a wise decision to risk running the man off into the blizzard. Though, he would not dare be foolish enough to make such a move - he seemed rather intelligent.

After speaking of ignorance, the man continued discussing whatever that seemed to enter his mind. She desired darkness, sleep, to consume her mind so that time would pass all the more quickly. But, nevertheless, Venus listened to such uninteresting words that seemed to be never-ending and would respond to them. Tain seemed to wish for her to elaborate on herself - trading small, insignificant facts about each other. She would humor the man, although giving him her time was not on the top her bucket list.

The creature would smile and it would not be returned. Warm expressions rarely ever crossed her face. Instead, it remained static as she responded to his words. Living life as a nomad would, indeed, allow one to do as they please. But I desire much more than roaming the lands forever alone. I want a powerful army beneath me. Whether it is a high rank in a pack or a pack of my own. Ah, one of my own would be ideal! A fantastic queen I would make. My infinite amount of intelligence would carry my followers a long way, but I would only allow the strongest and bravest amongst my ranks. The innocent would not be allowed to taint my borders. . .

Her final sentence had trailed off to a whisper. She caught herself revealing a darker side to the male and that simply would not do. Not yet anyway. Though, since the man seemed intelligent, he had probably already picked up on her darkened heart. My favorite color is purple, yours? She would raise her left eyebrow - changing the subject to the small talk in which she so despised. Ah, how she hated getting caught up in discussing such dreams.

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08-19-2014, 04:35 PM
He listened to her talk, her words filled his ears. So she wanted to become a queen of a pack, or commander of an army. This was interesting, he too enjoy power but he dose not desire such thing.His eyes focused on her as she spoke to him, her idea of a pack seemed like one that could work. He enjoyed pacts that were strong, not only by them selves, yet by a group.He positioned him self so he was laying down upon the den floor, he nodded at what she had to say. "Well I see you being a great queen my lady. One that will go down in history."

Hsi ears would prick up as she spoke of her favorite color, Tain was unsure as to why she was speaking of this. It seemed like something that she could care less about talking about.HE smiled and spoke once more to her, his tail curled around his hind paws. "I did not think that was something to interest you about. Well since you told me yours mine has to be white."He spoke with a smile upon his maw. HE closed his eyes, a slight yawn exscaped his lips. "well i suppose it is time to go to sleep, hope to see you in the morning miss Venus." HE said as she curled up and went to bed.


08-21-2014, 05:07 PM

Starlit face now directed itself toward the opening of their chamber. Light long had died and nothing buy an onyx canvas painted the outside view. Though, soon sleep would consume her mind and the darkness that invaded reality would no longer matter. The male commented on her desire to become queen as she was so destined to be. Indeed, she would be legendary. She would not settle for anything less.
Tain's next words were simply - answering her random question. White was more than a simple shade. It was all colors combined into one. A rainbow that had yet to be discovered and a special radiance would have to separate the magnificent beauty that white hid inside. Perhaps her heart was not blackened, but white. White as if there were some hidden good waiting to be pulled out by the right wolf. Though, this wolf was probably not the one to do it.

A slight nod would answer his words and then she, too, would curl her limbs beneath her frame and allow temporary death take over her body. Morning would soon come and she would return to Abaven or continue her quest to become the leader she as destined to be.

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08-25-2014, 07:14 PM
As the night ended the day started,with that came a bright sun that lit up the lands around them. The heavy snow fall is now something of the past, and the bright sun was all that was left to greet them. Tain arose to greet the day, he let out a yawn and stretched his once resting limbs. He glanced at Venus as he made his way out of the den, the sun felt delightful as he took a seat just out of the den. He tried his best not to wake the dame that was resting not to far from where he was. His eyes looked up at the sky, it was a nice day out. Still a bit chilled in the air, yet much warmer then it was last night.

The sounds of the daytime Creachers Filled the air, it sorta sounded like music. The sound of life, and a waltz of their souls. It was beautiful to hear in the morning, very relaxing, After all Tain like the simple things when waking up in the morning. To take it slowly, and ease into the day is how Tain prefers to wake up. He would wake up full force and in the work mood if needed, but he dose not prefer that method at all. His tail swayed gently as he lowered his gaze from the sky to scanning the grounds.The freshly fallen snow of last night sent a nice blanket across the land, it made it look new and wonderful.


08-27-2014, 06:14 PM

The sound of movements had awoken her. She remained lying lazily upon the stone floor of their chamber. Marbled eyes watched the stranger greet the world with his appearance. Dawn shed its light upon all the world around them. Painting the snow in a brilliant golden shimmer. Snow had ceases and that was welcoming. Cold had never been her ally and probably never would be. Northern animals had begun to awaken with the newborn sun. Northern birds sung their usual songs of love whilst occasionally other unknown creatures would join their chorus. It was beautiful - something she rarely took time to admire.

Venus lifted herself and took time to stretch. Forelimbs reaching out as far as ligaments would allow while rump remained static. A yawn escaped her maw along with a soft noise upon its ending. She retreated to her normal posture and shook the loose dirt from her pelt before going to Tain's side. Soon her adventure with him would end and she would be on her way to whatever came next. Beautiful morning.

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08-30-2014, 04:23 PM
Tain soon was greeted by Venus, she seemed to have sleep very nicely through out the night. His tail flicked gently as he listened to her Compliment the morning. He did agree with her this was a nice morning indeed.He turned his gaze to meet her, he smiled lightly as he spoke in response of her statement."Yes it is a beautiful Morning. How did you sleep Venus, i hope it was not to bad." He said as he smiled at her. His gaze soon went back to the skies, it was simply lovely, just a joy to see.

His deep blue eyes scanned the grounds, they soon landed on a snow fox running across the lands. He did not say anything, or move, his eyes just focused upon the small critter. His ears soon raised up as his stomach felt like it was empty. After all it was, they just awoken from a hard night. He turned back to Venus, in hopes that she would like to join him on a hunt. If she did not want to, he would not complain, he would just go get his own food. Bid her a nice day, yet he hoped that it would not have to come to that too soon.

Tain soon spoke to her,"Would you care to join me in a hunt?"IT was out, and said now, all that was left for him to think about was if she would join him or not. His tail swayed gently as he shifted his gaze from Venus to the lands around them. In search of a good prey to go after, or a good way to start looking. Tain really dose enjoy the hunt, it was fun, and challenging at that.