
One Helluva View



4 Years

06-05-2016, 11:44 AM

Peregrine... had probably made a mistake. Climbing the ridge line had been awesome when all she'd wanted was a view of the ocean far on the horizon, but the fjord had drastically steepened and that did not look like a fun fall to the bottom. She sighed and cursed her lack of foresight. She should probably just turn around but she needed to push back into the heart of Boreas to prepare for the spring growth and turning back to travel along the coast for another path due north would cost her a week of travel time at least. The gravel below her right hind paw fell out from under her and plunged down the steep mountainside, clattering into hundreds of even smaller fragments as it went. She gulped and Tsiry reach up to tweak her ear. "What the hell have you gotten us into?" Pere could feel the tension in her voice.

She'd already tried explaining on more than one occasion that they were almost to safe ground, but unfortunately Tsiry stopped believing her two hours ago. What could she say, it was slow going when you had to meticulously watch your every step! Tsiry had stopped caring about that too. "We're-" she began, but was cut off. "If you say we're almost there one more time I'm going to topple us both down to our deaths." Pere paused to look back over her shoulder and gave the lemur a sly glance. She was met with a most stubborn opposition. After a moment's consideration she decided not to test to crazy prosimian. The sun was setting, which meant she needed to give one last push. Her limbs were shaking by the time her upward ascent drew to a close and she pulled herself at last to the crest of the ravine. Panting, she collapsed in a satisfied pile while Tsiry sprung away to sulk for a while. Peregrine caught her breath as the first starts began to twinkle overhead.

"Talk" "You" Think

Oleander I


4 Years
06-05-2016, 12:08 PM

They sat near the ledge, right where the earth gave away and dropped far down below into the ocean. Ollie was being brave, his paws dangling over the edge with his head resting on his legs. Dark teal eyes peeked down at the water below, listening to the faint sound of the tides hitting the rocks. Cedar was not so bold, and he paced behind his brother. Occasionally he let out a few high pitched yips, his black and tan tail whipping behind him ferociously. If Oleander fell and didn't die from that, he would kill him for scaring him. The wolf's ears flickered at each sound the jackal made, until he finally lifted his head and looked over his shoulder. "Cessant, aut os questus mole rigent." He said somewhat awkwardly. Even in his more common tongue, he was not the best speaker. Sometimes he felt like words weren't enough to convey the things he was feeling, and he often just stuck with being silent. He could learn so much more that way, from being the quiet observer. He would let Cedar do most of the talking, he had a larger mouth anyways. He heard his brother grumble behind him, but he just smiled as he rested his head back down again.

The jackal did not stop pacing, not until he heard the sound of someone coming up. Perking, he looked over and saw a wolf flop to the earth, only for some strange looking creature to jump off of her and run away. The smaller canine tilted his head to the side, it would seem that she hadn't realized that him and his wolf brother were off to the side. She lay on the very peak of the fjord, panting from exertion. Ollie had heard the noise as well, his head turning from where it was resting on his legs. He only lifted his head when he saw her in the dim light, a few pinpricks of stars shining above them. She was a beautiful wolf, he could tell that from where he was laying. Her chocolate coat was marred only by lighter tones, much like his own fur. He blinked softly, his ears fully alert. He heard Cedar scoff from behind him, and he turned and shot him a glare. Was it so wrong that he was just enjoying looking at her? It wasn't like he was picturing himself on top of her or anything. He was analyzing her, the way he would do to one of his plants or herbs. The female was a pretty specimen, and he liked that. He did not see what was so bad in that.

Oleander realized that they were both being rather silent, just sitting off to the side and staring. Well, he was staring, he was pretty sure that Cedar was making funny faces at him. Not really knowing what to say, or where to start with these native wolves, his ears pinned tightly against his skull. Cedar rolled his eyes, knowing that once again it was up to him to get the ball rolling. "Salutem, stranger," barked the jackal, trying to speak softly. He didn't want to startle her, not when they were so close to the edge of the cliff. Oleander just kept looking, lowering his head once again.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



4 Years

06-08-2016, 12:51 PM

She hadn't expected the voice of a stranger to break in on her rest. Peregrine wearily picked her head up, praying to anyone listening that the voice was friendly and she didn't need to bolt because she barely had the energy to continue breathing. She found a wolf and another small canine staring at her with the utmost surprise. She drew her strength together to give the male and his friend a grin. "Evenin'," she panted out, letting her head fall back down onto her paws. She had no intention of moving even an inch from that spot for a good long while. "Helluva view, huh?" she asked to fill what could potentially become an incredibly awkward silence, especially if this fellow was too stubborn to move should her presence disturb him.

She looked sideways across the gulping expanse that separated her from the fjord's opposite side. It was bathed in a rich late-evening light, illuminated in rubys and golds. It might have been very pretty but her head was spinning and all she really want to do was close her eyes. Tsiry came back from the tree line with a handful of moss soaked with water, dropped it in front of her, and then sprang off again. Surprised, Peregrine lifted her head to watch the prosimian go before dripping down to lap at the cool liquid saturating the fuzzy green clump. It was a much needed refreshment, and once her strength returned to her she would need to find herself a meal as well. For now though, rest, she thought wearily.

"Talk" "You" Think

Oleander I


4 Years
06-13-2016, 11:09 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2016, 11:10 AM by Evelyn.)

The female seemed to be very tired from her trek up here, still panting as she got a simple greeting out. Oleander grinned softly, and Cedar's tail swished behind him. She didn't move, so the gray wolf took it upon himself to raise to his paws. Oh wait, they had gathered a few herbs. He turned his head and eyed his pile, his dark teal eyes narrowing slightly as he tired to remember if anything helped with energy. There was a small bundle of nettles, he had planned to made it into a tea of sorts, but she needed it more. He grabbed the leaf that he had wrapped it up in, padding over to her and placing it near her. He still gave her space, not wishing to crowd her. Pointing his nose at the leaves, he looked up at her and smiled softly. "It will help with energy," he explained softly, looking over the cliff as she mentioned the view. The herb was a stinging nettle, and he hoped that she wouldn't mind the tingling it would cause on her tongue. It wouldn't last long though. Cedar padded up as well, sitting down a few feet away. Oleander wasn't quite sure what 'helluva' was, but it was a grand view. It was one that he hadn't seen anywhere else before, and he was glad that they had made the climb up here.

The two canine's watched as her strange friend came back with moss soaked with water, Cedar sniffed at it before it raced away. He perked up, used to chasing off pests that would bother the garden. But with a glance from Ollie he settled down again, fidgeting as he forced himself to stay still. Looking back to the pretty woman in front of him, he let out a thoughtful sigh as his tail curled around him. "I am Oleander, and this is my brother Cedar," he explained, thrusting his nose towards the jackal. He turned back to her, gesturing for her to introduce herself as well. It was perhaps a little rude, but Ollie didn't know what else to say. He had never been good with words before...


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



4 Years

06-24-2016, 10:13 PM
The man seemed well prepared to deal with random fatigued strangers, but Peregrine was hardly about to question the will of the most merciful gods. Before she knew it he was laying a bundle of herbs before her, and in her bleary haze she heard the words "Help" and "Energy". How could she refuse. Tsiry looked on, trying to mask her worry with an aloof frown, giving the jackal myriad wary glances. Peregrine peered at the plants, trying to focus her treacherous eyeballs. She recognized it eventually as nettle, and gingerly lapped it up. She was careful to nip what stems she could, a vain attempt to avoid their sting. Soon though its buzzing, rejuvenating effect began to work it's way into her blood. Her breath returned.

Shaking, she sat upright. Oleander introduced himself and his brother, and she nodded to each. "Thank you for the help," she said with a small smile. "I'm Peregrine, and this is Tsiry. We have a habit of getting in over our head." Her grin widened to a wry grimace. It was the truth as much as anything, and the best introduction she could probably afford a stranger. Trouble seemed to follow her, it was only fair that he was warned. The herbs were helpful though, and she sniffed at their remains, trying to memorize their unique tag so she could find them again for herself. Within her thoughts she grumbled, knowing she was now indebted to the male and would have to find some way to pay him back.

Oleander I


4 Years
07-03-2016, 11:28 AM

She had done quite a number on herself, clearly pushing her physical realm to the very limits. He was glad that he had come here to gather the nettle. Who knows what might have happened if they had not been here. Surely she would have rested up before trying anything drastic, but how safe would she have been? Oleander didn't know these parts very well, and had no idea if there were larger beasts that haunted these cliffs. The lady would have been easy prey at that point. He couldn't imagine something that pretty being taken away from this world so soon. Blinking away his thoughts as she scarfed down the nettle, soon her energy came bounding back into her. When she stood up he backed up another step, giving her enough room to... well... to not be too close to her really. It was all in his head, but honestly he sucked at meeting new wolves. He was bad at talking and even worse at small talk. Ollie was happy when she kept the ball rolling, if she hadn't said anything he would probably have been standing there shuffling on his paws looking like an idiot. Glancing back at Cedar, he watched the jackal eye the strange looking creature, one that Peregrine called Tsiry. He looked at her as well, a single brow raising. "I don't mean to be rude... but what is your friend? I have never seen a critter like that before," he asked softly, glancing between the two unlikely friends. When she said that she had a habit of getting into trouble, a small chuckle left his lips. "Well, I'm good at staying out of it. Maybe we would make a good pair." He grew a little stiff at his own words, his dark teal eyes shifting off of her and looking back to the view. The suns last rays had died out, and the stars were taking over the sky above them. Ollie let himself be taken away by the sight of it all, he felt like they were close enough to the sky that they could brush their backs against the stars. Remembering they had company, he cleared his throat and looked back down, offering her a sheepish grin. Goodness, he was a real loser sometimes.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.



4 Years

07-11-2016, 08:33 PM

This male, like many, questioned after Tsiry. Peregrine almost missed his question above the pounding of blood in her ears. She liked to imagine that she already felt the herbs he'd provided doing their work within her body, giving her the energy she needed even for social interaction. It was better than wallowing in the truth, right? Peregrine blearily raised her head and blinked at him before swiveling her head to stare at the lemur. She appeared nonplussed, caring too little about the opinions of wolves to warrant being offended that he was not familiar with her species. It was 50/50 most days, whether she had a bone to pick or not. "She's a lemur," Peregrine said. "And quite bright, like most of her species. She teaches me, and I keep kind gentlemen such as yourselves from consuming her." She gave him a cheeky grin. Some wolves had no issue hunting and shortly there after eating even creature intelligent enough to have learned their tongue, and others found the notion concerning.

Whichever group this man found himself in, he hoped her would not take advantage of her obvious weakness. Tsiry seemed clearly concerned that he would. He claimed to stay out of trouble, to which Peregrine could only chuckle. That did not seem like much of a life, but she was not one to judge. Anyways, it was a presumption she was far too tired to address or consider at present. "Mayhaps. For now the only pair I'm fit to be a part of is dirt beneath pads." Another laugh, more genuine this time. "Are you familiar with this land?" she panted. Many males were easily side tracked by feigning interest in them, and despite the kindness he'd shown her she was not quick to trust. Still, didn't mean she had to be rude. Mayhaps he was from these parts! She would do her best to compensate any help he might offer... Though she thought briefly of her empty satchel with a wince. Despite how mild winter had been, she had spent more time roaming and learning than plying her craft. Well... Whatever, right?! No big deal. She'd find some other way to pay him back.

"Talk" "You" Think