
Dangerous woman


06-07-2016, 12:12 AM

Now this was a scent she was all too familiar with. Everywhere she looked in this empty stretch of land were the telltale dark splotches where blood had long since dried. The air held a distinctive iron twinge among the many, many scents of wolves that had passed through here. Of all the spaces she had explored since she found these lands this one felt the most like home. She padded through the battlefield calmly, her tail swaying behind her with each step while her periwinkle gaze glanced around her curiously. She had never seen a place so specifically dedicated to fighting before and she was incredibly interested to see what sort of wolves hung around this area. She had a strong feeling that they might be likeminded to her and that alone interested her more than the bloodstains and scuffs across the dirt. She paused breifly by a particularly large splash of darkness across the soil, her eyes tracing the long scratches in the dirt where someone had dug in their claws. Memories from the deadly raids she had participated in ran through her head, her tail flicking at the thought. She didn't regret a single moment of it all, not even the raid that had ended several of her family members lives. It was all part of the game. She lifted her gaze from the ground again to refocus on the world around her, again searching for anyone that might be sharing this space with her.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2016, 02:47 AM
She had ventured to this barren land before; the scent and sights were too familiar. Green paws gracefully treaded upon the bloodstained surface, taking in the landscape and allowing the memories to flood back to her young mind. So much violence, so much bloodshed, so much death, and yet she couldn't help but to feel a strange calmness overcome her. Though she walked with an unusual confidence and feminine sashay, she wasn't particularly searching for a spar. She wouldn't turn down the offer if the opportunity arose, but something else entertained her thoughts.

Scanning scarlet eyes caught sight of a wandering figure in the distance, piquing her interest. Was this soul looking for a fight, or something...else? Changing her direction, the queen swiftly approached the other female, letting out a short bark. She was older, of a smaller stature, painted in a creamy caramel hue, and if her nose didn't deceive her, she seemed to be a loner. Could the alphess entice her with Myriad? "Looking for anything, miss?" she asked with a tilt of her head.



7 Years

06-12-2016, 02:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2016, 02:28 PM by Bass.)

Bass knew that this area was full of two things; wolves looking for packs, and those looking to fight. To him, either would be a nice distraction at this point. He wandered across the bloodstained land, his pale tail slowly wagging behind him. Abaven had grown quiet again, but he knew that he was to blame for that as well. He had no commanding ranks, and because of that all the training fell to himself. He had really been thinking on Tinaro's challenge, and he really thought he was going to do it now. No one else had stepped up to challenge for the position, and the young man had guts to ask for a rank that high. He shook his head to scatter the thoughts, seeing two woman gathered close by. One was black and a bright green, and she smelled of Myraid. The other was a brown woman with bright blue eyes, smelling of no pack at all. Ah, a recruitment? It wasn't like Bass to butt in, but there wasn't anyone else hanging out right now. Trotting over to the two of them, he nodded his head to both ladies. "Good afternoon, were you two looking for a battle, or does the lady need a pack?" he asked, his gaze resting on the stranger. He glanced back to the odd coloured one, if she had been here first and this was a pack thing, he would allow her to speak first. But the chocolate woman was allowed to have options, and he too would tell her about his own pack. But if this was a fight, well maybe he should test his paws in a two against one battle.

"Speech" -- "Italian"


06-12-2016, 11:59 PM

A short time after she began to look around for someone else that might be around, her lilac gaze landed on an oddly colored woman. It almost seemed as though she had been a black and white wolf at one point and had an unfortunate accident with some sort of dye. The coloring was far too vivid and even in coloration for that to be the case though so it seemed this was truly the coloring this woman was born with. How peculiar. Once she looked past the woman's colors though she noticed the stance and walk that Liviana herself carried in this blood-stained place and she grew a bit more curious about the woman. It didn't seem like she'd have to wait long for her curiosities to be fulfilled since the woman soon spotted her as well and started making her way toward her. Before Liviana could answer the question her ear twitched at the sound of approaching paws and her gaze turned to land on a pale, creamy colored male with simple markings across his face. Her gaze breifly swept across him curiously and she realized after a moment that the two of them both carried the a pack scent on them, but from very different places it seemed. How curious.

His words only made her more curious and she glanced between the two of them, a chuckle forming in her chest and a small smirk touching her lips. "So is this how packs find new members around here? Interesting." She settled back on her haunches and curled her tail around herself neatly as she assessed both of them with curiosity. "Well to answer your question, miss, I wasn't really looking for anything in particular besides maybe some other living being. And to answer your question," she looked to the man in question as she spoke, "I never turn down a fight, but now that you mention needing a pack... perhaps I do." She hadn't truly considered joining another pack since she left her father's but if she was going to stay around these lands for any longer she might as well consider her options. Living alone was clearly not her style. "Why don't you two tell me a bit about your packs since we're on the subject? Oh, and I'm Liviana by the way. Liviana Lupei."

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
Extra large
06-19-2016, 01:23 AM
As she approached the woman, another canine stepped into the scene. A smaller, alabaster male also had his eyes on the mocha female, though something told her he wasn't just looking for a casual spar. Gritting her teeth, she closed the distance between them, deciding that she may as well have a crack at recruitment. Worth attempting anyway. If it didn't work out, tough luck. Scarlet eyes bore over the man as he asked if the woman was looking for a fight or pack. Damn, he had to be an alpha as well. And it just so happened to turn out that the female was indeed searching for a pack. So she just had to somehow persuade her into Myriad. Easier said than done.

"I am Zephyra Agatsuma, queen of Myriad," she introduced first, somehow letting her family name slip into her greeting. She never really used her surname, though as an alpha it was kind of required, she supposed. "Myriad is a relatively new pack in the south, led by myself and Rivaxorus. As the name suggests, Myriad is many things. It is a home where you can feel belonged and a part of the pack community, though it is also a place for you to strive in your field of interest, be around wolves of similar interest, and help strengthen the pack." For once, her voice rang out clear with confidence welling in her chest. She had to stop herself from rattling on about Myriad. Less was more, right? "A lot of our higher-ranking positions are vacant, so we are searching for wolves who can take on the extra responsibilities and show their commitment and leadership."



7 Years

06-26-2016, 01:20 PM

The chocolate woman was the first to speak, commenting on the way the both of them were trying to find pack members. He smirked at her, simply shrugging his shoulders in response. There were many ways to get pack members, but sometimes instead of coming to you, you needed to go to them. After addressing the other female, she turned her cyan eyes towards her. He flashed her a grin when she spoke of fighting, it had been some time he had sparred against anyone besides a pack member. "Well, once the talk of politics is over perhaps I will take you up on that spar. That is, if you feel like you can beat up an old man," he teased. Compared to these spring chickens, he really was the old man in the group. In fact, he was pretty sure his first set of kids were older than these two. She introduced herself, but Bass stayed silent and inclined his head to the green marked girl. She was here first, and therefor should say what she had to say before him. Bass was anything but rude, and felt a bit bad for trodding on her toes here. Although, he perked up when she mentioned that she was queen of Myraid. Had young Riv taken a mate already? Oh boy, they were just tiny little whelplings! He blinked his golden eyes though, giving her his full attention as she spoke of her pack.

When she came to an end, he waited several more moments just to make sure that there was nothing else she wanted to add. Once he was sure he was good to go, his maw parted. "Abaven is not your typical pack. We have all the ranks you would expect though, like hunters, healers and fighters. We also have a scout rank, but my pack is more geared towards well skilled, or those who are still learning, about fighting and healing. Our wolves can be lent out to other packs for assistance, all in trade for a favor. If you are part of the pack and another one needs help with a battle, or even with training their member, you will be expected to go with them and follow their specific pack rules. Our scouts are our own, but if they are really needed I will send them out to run an errand myself, they are not to go with another pack." Was that all? He nodded to affirm his own thoughts, falling silent to allow Livi to think over her options.

"Speech" -- "Italian"


06-26-2016, 06:34 PM
She gave the pale man a grin when he offered her a spar after their chat was all said and done - as long as she didn't mind fighting an "old man." She couldn't imagine that he was that old, but who knew, maybe he just looked really good for his age. "Age is only a number, darling," she replied with a chuckle, quietly sizing him up as she spoke. "As long as you have the bite to go with your bark that is." Her attention got pulled back to the two-toned woman again as she introduced herself and Myriad. There was nothing wrong with the pack she woman was describing she supposed. It was so unlike the pack she was used to though, with its constant wars and raids. It sounded so... Peaceful. She was starting to wonder if she'd ever find somewhere like her home - or if she even really wanted to. She could tell the woman was still young and fresh to this whole leadership thing as well, which wasn't really a problem per say, just something I consider. She had been around her parents and grandparents long enough to know what seasoned leaders looked like. She hummed thoughtfully, considering her options.

Her lilac gaze drifted back to the man as he began to speak, describing the unique structure that Abaven had. She had never heard of such a system, but it was intriguing none of the less. She wondered if Abaven would be different enough from her family's pack structure that she might be able to stop comparing the two. It almost seemed like comparing her father's pack to his was like comparing deer and buffalo. They were both mammals and they both walked on four legs, but that was about as far as the similarities went. She knew it was possible that there might be another pack in these lands that would suit her even better, but she didn't particularly want to search forever. "Well, nothing against you, dear, but I think his pack will suit me a bit better," she said after a few moments, glancing toward the black and green woman. "I do wish you the best with you new pack and all." She figured she better be on her best behavior in front of who she supposed would be her new alpha. She looked back toward the ivory man again then with a small grin, saying, "I guess you can lead the way then. Or would you like that spar first?"



3 Years
Extra large
07-02-2016, 02:40 AM
When she had finished explaining the gist of Myriad, a preach or brag if she was to be whimsical, the ivory man took his turn of persuading the woman. She had almost forgotten that she was up against him in their battle to recruit the loner, and as he began to spoke, she clenched her jaw and bit her tongue. Perhaps neither pack would suit the woman's interests and take her fancy, though seeing that she had two potential options, she would probably choose one. Maybe the young alphess could take something from his pack, Abaven, and somehow mould it into Myriad. This lending out warriors system sounded intriguing, though a bit confusing for the young alphess. What else could she implement into the pack?

Abaven's strong focus on battle was what finally influenced the woman's decision. Ah, so she was more of the fighting type. Hmm, Myriad needed more fighters, and she just blew her chance of recruiting this one. At this rate, Myriad was truly going to be peaceful if all the warriors were lured to the more "action-packed" packs. What could she do to attract them? Could Myriad be more battle-driven, and still lean on the lawful side of the spectrum? That was something to discuss with Riv. After all, their pack had only recently been established. Along with their inexperience, what did they know? They were still building it up, deciding the path it should take, and for her, figuring out this whole alpha business. One day, it would be just like this Abaven. The greatest empire of all.

"Then I wish you all the best with your new pack," she said in a low voice, tone even as she dipped her head to both of them. No point in sticking around, right? She had a pack to improve. Scarlets met a gaze of lilac and amber, a weak smile upon her lips, before turning around and heading back towards the south. Was she disappointed? Maybe, but she treated it as an another experience.

-exit Zephyra-



7 Years

07-25-2016, 12:07 PM

He nearly snorted at her words, his head shaking back and forth. "I have kids older than you, there is more to me than you know," he said with a laugh. When Zephyra spoke again, he looked back and dipped his head in return. He felt bad, she had been the one to get here first. Bass didn't want to get the reputation of sneaking in and stealing members right from under other alpha's noses. But the chocolate woman had been the one to make the choice, he hadn't forced her paws.

When she mentioned the spar, he just shook his head with another chuckle. "I'll take you up on that later. Let's head back to Abaven, we can talk more there." He needed to know what rank she wanted, but assumed that something with fighting would be right in her ball field.

"Speech" -- "Italian"