
Prepare for trouble, and make it double! {AW}



2 Years
06-13-2016, 05:52 PM

"To protect the world from devastation!"

She eyed her brother as he marched in front of her, sure of where he was going. Ashe didn't like that she was so far away from home, not in the falling snow. What if they got lost and Mother or Aunty couldn't find them? She let out a soft whine, but tried to swallow most of the sound. She didn't want her smaller brother to think that she was a baby or anything. This had been kind of her idea anyways. She wanted to go exploring, but this was not what she had in mind. She had meant the caves and rock shelves around the volcano, but Pheonix told her that he was tired of home. He dared her to follow him, and she wasn't about to turn down a dare! Not when it came from him, he would tease her to no end if she said no. Well, he already teased her as well as making fun of her all the time. It would just be a lot worse. Seeing that she was falling behind, she picked up the pace until she felt Pheonix's tail brushing against her nose.

The ashen pup turned around to see that there was a small layer of snow, but enough snow was falling to cover up their tracks. Some of the flakes melted before they found a spot, but if she wanted to follow their tracks home she was out of luck now. Her ears pinned to her skull, and she whipped around to face her brother, only to get a mouthful of tail fur. Ashelynn recoiled, sticking out her tongue that had some of her brother's hairs clinging to it. Why had he stopped so suddenly! She was about to call him out for it when she saw what he saw. A massive lake. Her jaw hung open a bit, and she left her siblings side to go look at it closer. It was just cold enough that a thin layer of ice coated the top of the body of water, making it look shinier than it was. Reaching out with a single paw, she pressed down on the cold substance. It didn't hold up to her weight at all, quickly cracking below her toes. Leaping back, she narrowed her silver eyes at it. It was far too thin to walk on, they would fall right through into the icy depths. Raising her head to look for her fiery brother, she realized that he too was sticking out a paw to touch the ice. Only it wasn't one, he had reared up and was about to slam both paws down. His back legs were right on the edge, and he started to lower himself to the lake. Letting out a cry of surprise, she raced towards him and slammed her head into his side. Pheonix toppled over to the ground with her on top. He let out a battle cry, and went to go tackle her back. Yet again, the puppies were locked in battle.



06-13-2016, 06:06 PM

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

He was bored of the volcano. Bored of all the caves, he had explored them time and time again. When his sister suggested that they explore, he double dared her to leave the warm mountain and follow him. He was so going to make fun of her if she didn't come. The usual things, being a baby and having a big butt. Those were his favorite apparently. So he led the way, not really knowing where they were going. On and on he marched, the snow crunching under his paws with each step. The snowfall was gentle, but he didn't pay it any mind. He wanted to find something big and wonderful, something new and exciting. When he saw the lake he froze, feeling his sisters damp tongue on his tail. He whipped around to scold her for licking him, when he saw that she was already making her way towards the lake. Following after her, he picked his own spot and eyed the thin layer of ice that coated the lake. What the... was it even strong enough to hold him? He reared up on his back legs, and was about to slam down to test it when he hit the ground with a solid thump. The air rushed from his lungs, and he looked up to see his sister on top of him. Pheonix didn't give her enough time to explain, launching himself at her with his best battle cry. The two pups rolled over and over one another, dangerously close to the edge of the lake.

It was Pheonix who felt the first cold caress of the water, the ice crushing under his back as Ashelynn pushed him back. He yelped at the icy embrace along his spine, half sinking into the lake before his sisters teeth caught one of his paws. He let out a cry of pain as her teeth bit into her paw, feeling like his shoulder was going to dislocate as she pulled him upward. He flopped forward on to his back, breathing hard as the pain rushed up and down his right limb. Without missing a beat he stood up, careful not to step on his bleeding paw. The fresh snow was splashed with his blood, and he shot daggers at his sister. She tried to apologize, but he wasn't hearing it. Not even saying a word he limped forward, lashing out and sinking his teeth into her right shoulder blade. It was Ashelynn's turn to cry out, blood instantly pooling to the surface. He refused to let go, even when he felt his sisters teeth in his ear. This was payback at it's finest. When he was satisfied with the damage he had done, he let go and flopped to his rump. Ashe did the same, and they sat there panting and staring hard at each other. Pheonix was bleeding from his left front paw and his right ear, right around the base of it. His sisters shoulder was dripping blood down her front, further covering her with markings. Spent, they just glared at one another and bled into the fresh snow.




8 Years
Athena I
06-13-2016, 07:24 PM

Solaris was in such a thick fog that he didn't know which way was up and down. Ever since his family disappeared and Serefina's death he had been wondering aimlessly and still hadn't figured out how to cope. His older sister's last words still rung in his head and days seemed to pass as often as he blinked. He ate only out of instinct and survival even though he wasn't entirely sure why he was still trying. He went to the volcano every once in a while, telling himself that he should look for Sere's children and spend time with them, but every time he got close and smelled their scents and the scent of the woman that had adopted them he felt like his emotions were going to strangle him. All he could see was Sere laying in a pool of blood every time he got close to that volcano. He padded through the falling snow, not really paying much attention to his surroundings or caring where he was going.

That was until the scent of blood in the air pulled him back to the present and he blinked, his orange gaze searching for its source. A moment later he realized what scent was attached to that blood and his heart started to race. He hurried forward, frantically looking for the pups. A few moments later he finally found them sitting at the edge of the lake. They were bloody, but they seemed to be in one piece. And they were... glaring at each other? A heavy sigh passed his lips and his shoulders relaxed a bit. They'd need to be patched up, but at least they weren't in serious danger. He padded over toward them slowly, realizing that they would have no idea who he was. That made him sad and disappointed in himself. "Are you two alright?"

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